Distance (Aruani - SNK/AOT) ✔

By WonderingAuthor

259K 10.5K 4.7K

"Mummy? Where's my daddy, mummy? Where is daddy?" For three years, Annie Leonhardt of the Military Police, h... More

Part Two: Seventeen
Part Two: Eighteen
Part Two: Nineteen
Part Two: Twenty One
Part Two: Twenty Two
Part Two: Twenty Three
Part Two: Twenty Four
Part Two: Twenty Five
Part Two: Twenty Six
Part Two: Twenty Seven
Part Two: Twenty Eight
Part Two: Twenty Nine
Part Two: Thirty
Part Two: Thirty One
Part Two: Thirty Two
Part Three: Thirty Three
Part Three: Thirty Four
Part Three: Thirty Five
Part Three: Thirty Six
Part Three: Thirty Seven
Part Three: Thirty Eight
Part Three: Thirty Nine
Part Three: Forty
Part Three: Forty One
Part Three: Forty Two
Part Three: Forty Three
Part Three: Forty Four
Part Three: Forty Five
The Last Part
Authors Note

Part Two: Twenty

5.2K 221 284
By WonderingAuthor

I arrived in Stohess the next day, making my way through the streets, with smiling faces and waves passing as I rode slowly on towards the courtyard. It was the city's market day, and so, after putting my horse in the visitor stables, I took a walk towards it.

I almost forgot about my prosthetic leg until a child pointed at it, nudging his friend to look. I had made so much changes to the structure that it felt like any normal leg by now. Of course, everyone in Stohess knew me as that wounded one from the three-year expedition, that came back, barely alive, without a leg. No wonder there were so many surprised looks and sympathetic smiles.

I found a fruit and vegetable stand, buying a bag of apples, before proceeding back to the stables to feed some to my horse. I sat out on a bench outside the stables, eating an apple and watching everybody go by. Each head turned to look at me. I wasn't surprised. This was common, for any member of the Scouts.

"Look!" I heard a child say to his little sister. "He's in the Scouts. They're rebuilding Wall Maria as we speak! That means we can go home!" He beamed. I smiled. The little sister noticed me watching them, and she blushed and giggled. I smiled brighter.

I'd love to have children.

Sometimes, while I dazed off to think about Annie, I'd imagine having children. A little girl to hold my hand as I walked her by the river, a boy to run around with. I'd tell them stories and read to them, I'd spoil them rotten.

I was forced back into brutal reality when a ball came flying my way. It hit the wall next to me, and bounced back. I laughed, standing up and getting it, kicking it back to the group of friends, who were playing football innocently.

This was always my favourite time of day. Midday, when the market was alive and bustling, the children out playing. It was such a sweet and friendly time. I have so much memories of Annie and I dancing in this very square, at a party a few years ago. I smiled at the memory.

Annie. Should I go and visit her? No, she's still in Karanese, surely. Or is she? She could be in the MP base right now, I could be missing an opportunity to finally talk to her. I grabbed my bag, leaving the wrapped up ODM in the stables where they were safe, and started to make my way over to the base.

Commander Zita wasn't arriving in the city until tonight. I had plenty of time. I found a small alleyway, that lead out onto the riverside. I turned, and walked. Stohess was big and rich, protected by the tall and string Wall Sina. I remember exactly where the MP base is.

After a few minutes, I finally arrived at that same riverfront we would always sit by, that same gate we'd stand in front of to say our goodbyes. It was all as I had remembered it; exactly the same as it was.

I stood, staring out at the clear river. It was so overwhelming to be back, my brain lingered to the sweet, distant memories of this place.

The courtyard was quite empty. This part had always been the quietest. A few MP members were out stretching their legs or eating in the sun. A few looked up at me and nodded politely. I did the same.

I heard a gate open behind me. I turned to see who it was, hoping it was Annie.

It wasn't. Coming from the MP building, with a woman I seemed to recognise from somewhere, came a smiling blond-haired girl. She looked about three or four. I marvelled at her bright blue eyes and her huge smile, as she skipped through the gate.

I turned back around to look at the river, waiting for them to walk through so that I could go in, when:

"Oh, Emilee, where are you going?" The woman, who I presumed was her mother, laughed. I didn't bother turning, but then suddenly, I felt something touch my leg.

I whirled around, and looked down. The little girl stood staring at me, curious and wondering.

"Hello," I smiled. She laughed, and jumped up and down.

"Picture! Picture!" She cried, pointing at me.

"Oh, Emilee, come back here... Wait? Oh my god! Armin? Is that you?"

I looked over to see the woman running over. I smiled, a bit unsurely. She laughed.

"Its me, Dana! Your neighbour!"

My head clicked. Of course, she lived next door to me when I lived here with Annie.

"Hello! Its been so long!"

"What are you doing here?! Finally! You were away three years, came back  only to disappear again! I heard what happened as well! How is that leg?"

"It's just fine, actually. I made it myself! And yes, I know. It all happened so suddenly as well! Well, I'm in town actually to deliver some ODM hear to my commander, who's meeting me halfway to collect it, as she's in the north with half of the Scouts."

"Ahh! Okay. Wow, well, it's great to see you Armin! The Scouts have done a remarkable job these past few years. You should be very proud!"

"Thank you!" I smiled. The little girl, Emilee, still had her arms around me. She lifter them up, giggling again.

"Up! Up!" She demanded. I looked over at Dana for approval. She nodded.

I grinned, and picked up Emilee.

"Look Emilee! Look how tall you are!" Dana laughed. I held her up high, and she spread her arms out like she was flying.

"Aww, she's adorable! Is she yours?" I asked her.

She laughed. "Oh Armin, I'm far too old! She's Annie's actually. She's out in Karanese at the moment, so I look after her."

That was far too much information to handle. I put the child down, and frowned.

"I suppose she looks just like Annie," I breathed.

"Armin, is there something the matter?" She asked, concerned at my breaking voice. I shook my head, my head looking up at the window Annie used to look out of. I tried to hold back tears.

"No, no. Nothing. Umm, I, didn't know she had a child."

"Well, I guess she had her after you left. She hasn't had the chance to tell you I suppose.

I averted my gaze, watching the child.

"W-who's the father?" I whispered.

Dana bit her lip. "Umm, I don't really know. I heard he was in the Garrison. He died in a titan attack. Annie doesn't speak about him. His name isn't even on her birth certificate, so he must have died early on.

I nodded.

So, I suppose she found her prince after all. Poor Annie. Even he was taken away from her.

I sighed, throwing on a fake smile. "Well, it was lovely to see you Dana. I wanted to see Annie, but she isn't here, so I'll see you soon."

"Of course Armin! You're welcome anytime!"

I started to walk away, when Dana called over:

"Hey, you did finish things with Annie, didn't you? You seem a bit, upset."

I sighed, nodding. "Biggest regret of my life," I said. Dana's face fell.

"Oh Armin..."

"I'll see you soon Dana."

"Bye, Armin."

And so I walked away, down the alleyway, away from it all.

Annie moved on.

Its time that I stopped living in the past. Its time for me to do the same.

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