Unbelievable (Smosh/Tobuscus)...

By _Brownie_Official_

2.7K 78 15

Emerald Tanner. She's just a normal girl graduating from high school. Well I guess you could say shes normal... More

Chapter 1 - The Video That Started It All
Chapter 2 - After the Shoot
Chapter 3 - The Receiving End
Chapter 4 - Awkward Calls
Chapter 5 - Ian's Outburst
Chapter 6 - Ian's Past
Chapter 7 - Surprise Brendan.....
Chapter 8 - Getting Stuff and Talking to Tobuscus
Chapter 9 - Welcome to Sunny California
Chapter 10 - Meeting Kalel
Chapter 11 - Finding Her Room
Chapter 13 - Admitting Truths
Chapter 14 - The Surprise!
Chapter 15 - The News
Chapter 16 - More Encounters
Chapter 17 - Arguments
Chapter 18 - Fancy Places
Chapter 19 - I Don't Wanna
Chapter 20 - Ex Problems...
Chapter 21 - Why is Life so Crazy?
Chapter 22 - Dad? What the Hell?!
Chapter 23 - What is Wrong With Life
Chapter 24 - Well Damn...
Chapter 25 - Life's Rough, and the Smoshers Don't Understand
Very Important Update!!

Chapter 12 - What the Hell Emerald?

103 4 0
By _Brownie_Official_

Emeralds Pov

I laid there sprawled out on the bed Ian had put me in yesterday after I had another one of my famous mental break downs. I couldn’t cut myself after I finished because my wrist was already numb from the ones I had already. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I moaned and the door opened. 

"Emerald? Are you up?" I heard Ian say. I grunted at him. He laughed.

"Just five more minutes" I grumbled.

"Its ten o' clock." He stated.

I rolled onto my back and said "Your point?" My head massively hurt from my breakdown. 

"Just get up" he laughed.

"Fine" I growled. I sat up and instantly felt dizzy I grabbed my head to steady it and when the spinning sensation went away I grabbed my glasses off the nightstand. 

Ian’s eyes went wide when he saw me with glasses as I walked into the kitchen. "Don’t. Say. Anything.” I said grabbing some bread to pop into the toaster. 

"About yesterday..." Ian started. 

"Don’t.I’m okay I just have mental breakdowns every so often. I knew you said it was fine but I was having a breakdown then." I explained to him.

"That's what that was?" He exclaimed. 

"Yeah. They started when I was ten when my dad started to tell me I was acting like my dip shit, as he said, of a brother." I said looking down at my feet. I was surprised when he hugged me.

"Well you now away from that son of a bitch for at least two weeks." he said putting his chin on my head. I sighed.

"Where's Anthony?" I asked so desperately trying to get off this topic before relapsing. 

Ian pulled out of the hug and sighed. "He went to go try and fix things with Kalel. And by fix things I mean yell and scream at each other."

"Oh wow. Wait he was the calm one when the fight happened." I said confused.

"Haha yeah. Did you see the holes and patches in his walls in his room?"

"Yeah? Soo?" I said slowly.

"He does that when he gets home after he fights with Kalel. She's really getting on her nerves. She's jealous with every girl Anthony's around. You're the first one to stand up to her." he explained. And as if on cue the door opened loudly and was slammed shut. 

"I'll be right back." Anthony growled through gritted teeth. when I say growled I literally mean it, he sounded like a ravenous wild dog. He slammed his door shut and soon we heard a loud crash. 

"Thats what he does." Ian said sighing and continuing to eat his cereal that was probably gross and soggy now.

Anthony's POV

"God damn her. Jesus Christ." I mumbled angrily to myself. I slammed the door shut to my room and found an empty space on the wall and swung at it putting all of my anger into it. I pulled back and immediately put my hand in my brace. Just because I do stupid shit when I'm mad doesn’t mean I want to ruin my hand for good. I ran my not smashed hand through my hair, and walked back out of my room much calmer then I was when I came in.

When I walked into the living room Ian was eating his cereal clearly use to this, but the look on Emerald's face made me sad. He eyes were wide and terrified. "Hey yeeeah... Sorry you had to see that." I told her. She just nodded her head. "Oh hey you wanna do MailTime with us today?"

If it was possible her eyes got wider, this time with excitement then exclaimed "Firetruck YES!"


Ian's POV

"woooahh" I yelled "Trippy!! I'm trippin' balls bro!!!" someone had sent us beer googles.

"Lemme see um!" Emerald said attacking me.

"Nnnniiio!" I yelled and tried to push her off. I finally succeeded and she pouted.

"I wanna trip balls." she mumbled in a toddler voice.

"I'm sure you already do." Anthony said turning the camera to face him. She gave him and I'm-going-to-kill-you-later look. We all laughed our asses off. "Hey Ian look at this box." Anthony said grabbing a box that looked like a poke-ball

"Oh snap look it opens like a poke ball" I said crab walking over to Anthony.

"Snap that’s awso-" Anthony started to say. "Woah dude look at this!" he said pulling out a crochet Smosh symbol pillow some hand made Pokemon key chains and little crocheted box-man plushie. They were so cool.

"LOOKY LOOKY!! A letter!" I said I looked behind me to see Emerald just smiling, I couldn’t tell if she was sad or not, she looked happy but her body language seemed sad. Anthony pulled out the piece of paper and read it while I went over to hug Emerald again. 'why did her dad have to be such a dick to her?' I thought.

"Emerald come here! Its a number. You should confuse the person on the other end by talking in your accent. She frowned a frowny face frown, and scooted over to us. Anthony dialed the number and soon Toby's song I Can Swing My Sword started playing.

"I'll be back." she said going into the hall way. I pushed the button on Anthony's phone to make it speaker.

"Ello?" a familiar voice said.

"EMERALD?!" we both said in unison. Emerald came out of the hallway laughing. 

"What the hell? Did you know that was yours?" I said pretending to be mad.

"Hahaha. Yeah I sent it a year or two ago." she smiled. She was hiding something behind her back. 

"Wha-what d-do you got there?" Anthony asked.

"Oh this?" she said pulling out the gag gun we got. "Oh nothing. but DIE BITCH!!!" she said "shooting" us with it. Anthony and I poorly pretended to die. Emerald came over to Anthony and picked up the camera. "Well that’s it for today. Leave anymore suggestions for Ian is bored and they might just do it....IF THEY LIVE!! Bye.......BITCH!!" she turned off  the camera, and tossed it to me. "I gotta go call some people. I'll see you later." she told us and left the house, most likely going to the park, she liked it there for some reason.....

AN: two chapters in one day!! WHAAAAT?? haha i was bored so i typed up another. basically a filler, i think its pretty short at least. but yeah. did i mention i bought heelys? well i did and i cant wait for them to come so i can heely down the halls of school going WHEEEEW!!. also i know this says smosh and tobuscus but i guess its mostly smosh since most takes place there. but idk. my cover contest is still up PLEASE HELP!!! i have like 127 views, IM SOOOOO HAPPY!!! thanks you guys i luv you. (as anthony said in one of his tweets its not awkward if you spell "love" wrong. xD) haha. rate it up, tell me what you think buh bye!!

New Authors Note: I HATE EDITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< I'm sorry about not postying regular chapters to things. I promise once I get this done, I'll whip out chapters to the sequel, and in the devilbuscus one, and HOPEFULLY the supernatural one. Soo yeah...

Don't go crazy while I'm gone.

~Browniebuscus <3

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