Modest Secrets - Larry Stylin...

By sherlocksweetheart

330K 8.8K 3.1K

Sometimes, the secrets you keep are the ones to tear you apart... One Direction are on the precipice of globa... More

Chapter 1 - Management
Chapter 2 - Sign Here
Chapter 3 - Pretender
Chapter 4 - Interviews
Chapter 5 - New Faces
Chapter 6 - Vodka Tears
Chapter 7 - Copulation
Chapter 8 - Wake up call
Chapter 9 - On The Rocks
Chapter 10 - Liar Liar
Chapter 11 - Vipers Tongue
Chapter 12 - Don't Panic
Chapter 13 - Missing Persons
Chapter 14 - I go to Sleep
Chapter 15 - I Look After You
Chapter 16 - Heavy In Your Arms
Chapter 17 - Resurrection
Chapter 18 - And to know you is hard
Chapter 19 - We argue we don't fight
Chapter 20 - There's something inside you
Chapter 21 - Keep it together
Chapter 22 - Excuse me for a while
Chapter 23 - Money is the Anthem of Success
Chapter 24 - Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 25 - Let's play pretend
Chapter 26 - Bruised
Chapter 27 - Don't believe in anything
Chapter 28 - Damage control
Chapter 29 - You used to be alright
Chapter 30 - Relapse
Chapter 31 - I fought for you
Chapter 32 - Whatever the weather
Chapter 33 - Spell it out
Chapter 34 - Public Service Announcement
Chapter 35 - Then it hit him
Chapter 36 - See it's gonna get lonely
Chapter 37 - Broken, this fragile thing now
Chapter 38 - Trembling Hands
Chapter 39 - I just want you
Chapter 40 - And fast all hope was gone
Chapter 41 - Keep your heart close to the ground
Chapter 42 - A sinner on the right
Chapter 43 - Whether near or far
Chapter 45 - If breathing was this easy ...
Chapter 46 - We were born to die
Modest Secrets Playlist

Chapter 44 - Break involuntary ties

4.1K 124 19
By sherlocksweetheart

Chapter 44 - Break involuntary ties

Louis turned when he heard the scream of Liam's name and felt his heart sink when he saw Jennifer. She was covered in blood and could hardly breathe, Jennifer was hysterical. A burly security guard had his arms coiled tightly around her abdomen as she reached out for Liam, her legs kicked in the air and she just kept saying, over and over.

“Let me go, please.” She sobbed.

Jennifer was trying to pry the large hands off her stomach, it was useless against his strength. As Louis rushed towards her his eyes trailed the stream of blood that fell from a large gash in the side of her head, she was pale and her lip swollen. Her beautiful eyes were shrouded in fear and there was the deep etchings of a red handprint in the side of her face.

What had happened to her? As he watched her, glued to the floor he couldn't help but feel the pang of fear, hoping to God Harry was alright.

Louis shivered with unease as the shock wore off and he bounded towards her, arguing with security Liam threatened them and, sullenly they let her go. She wobbled on her feet and then her eyes widened as she fell into Louis arms, he held her tightly feeling her small body quiver beneath his arms.

Liam was shouting at people to move away, he sounded out of breath and Louis was taken aback by the look of sheer panic written all over Liam’s normally serene face. He was pale and his features contorted into a deep frown that burrowed into his brow, creasing his forehead.

Louis pulled away from Jennifer and took her hand, “come on,” he said as he rushed through the crowd that parted effortlessly to let them through; staring helplessly as Jennifer stumbled between the two singers. No doubt this story would be plastered all over social media within minutes.

Liam followed in bitter silence, his footsteps echoed on the cold concrete as he walked. Reaching the female toilets, Louis swung the door opened and quickly shouted at everyone to leave, Liam stood against the door watching as Jennifer held the basin tightly between her small hands and took deep breaths. Louis, whether for his own anger or to make sure no one was in the room kicked each cubicle open.

“There's no one here,” he told them but neither were listening.

Louis watched Liam as he stared, dumbfounded at Jennifer. She was wiping her eyes with tissues and splashed the cold water on her face. At first, Louis palmed off Liam's stern silence and tender gaze as concern. But as he watched Jennifer slowly gather her composure it was as if she was bracing herself to meet Liam's eyes.

She inhaled deeply and behind her messy blonde hair looked through her long eyelashes at Liam. His breath caught and he looked away, Louis knew that look. The fear of seeing disappointment or resentment in the eyes of someone you loved. The anxiety as you lift your gaze to theirs hoping to still see that same love, find the fire that you once shared. Louis knew it all too well, he and Jennifer in that moment were one. He felt everything she felt, or more, relived the agonising moments when Harry was sitting by his hospital bed, refusing to meet his gaze. Louis was riddled with guilt as he prayed to a God he didn't believe in, that Harry still loved him.

Torn from his memories he watched as Jennifer reached out for Liam and then pulled her hand away, he was an invisible party to them. Louis could feel the heaviness in the air as so much was left unspoken.

He shifted on his feet, wishing he could find Harry. The longer they were apart, the more fear that began to manifest within him. Even if Harry hated him for what he’d done, kissing Hayden, that irrelevant pawn in their game of heartbreak. Even if Harry looked at him the way Liam was looking at Jennifer, with a mixture of sheer panic and resignation.

He looked at her as if he had given up; but somewhere deep within him he couldn't ignore the undeniable feelings he harboured. If Harry ever looked at Louis that way, his eyes welled up at the thought. Truthfully, he didn't know what he would do. Just seeing the look on Harry's face when Louis was entwined with Hayden was enough to render Louis almost crippled with heartache. He silently wished the pain was physical, at least then he could handle it.

Emotional pain was far more inconceivable. Even if Harry never touched Louis again, the way he once did with hesitant tenderness. Louis didn't care, he just needed to know Harry was safe.

Seeing Jennifer covered in blood and hyperventilating sent his mind reeling over every possible scenario Harry could be in. Most of the scenarios were bad, it made him sick with worry.

Liam cleared his throat and Jennifer was swaying on her feet, “Jennifer,” Louis said her name softly as he bundled up a wad of toilet paper and hesitantly pressed it against the large wound on her hairline. She closed her eyes wincing in pain, “we need to find Harry.”

Louis hand froze and his eyes met Liam's in a panic. “What happened?” Liam's voice was quiet.

“Blake he, he found me. I tried to stop him. I knew he'd come for her so I waited outside but he found me and he, he...” She broke off sobbing, Louis pulled her closer trying to comfort her.

“You mean, the guy from V fest?” Liam was scowling as he listened to her.

Although he hadn't admitted to any type of relationship with her. Louis knew, he could feel the tension between them. Louis could spot that sort of connection from a mile away, after all it was what he had with Harry. He watched, concern contorting his soft features as Liam paced. “Why would he be here? How did you know?”

Jennifer pulled away from Louis and held the now saturated towel in her bloody hand, “he’s Dakota’s boyfriend.”

The room fell silent.

Liam pounded the air in utter disgust, Louis too now looked back on all the conversations he'd shared with Blake that messy night. He'd talked about heartache and watching someone you love, parading around with another. He never said her name but Louis could scream in frustration at himself for not picking up on all the signs.

Everything was making sense and it rattled him to the core, “how could I be so stupid?” He screamed.

Liam nodded, not looking at either of them, “we all were,” he muttered,

Jennifer sighed, “he’s the one hitting her.”

“She knew he was with me that night. He kept telling me I could erase the pain, black it all out. He fed me so much media I was blinded with pain. He fucking knew what he was doing!” Louis paled as he spoke, his hands now shaking.

Liam frowned, “why didn't you tell me?” There was more accusation in his tone then Louis expected. If he had any doubts that they were in a relationship, they were long gone.

She said nothing.

Louis watched them both, then spoke after several torturous minutes of silence. “Why do we need to find Harry?” As he waited for her to reply he felt waves of nausea roll ceaselessly through his body, not sure if he wanted to heart the answer. 

She looked at him sadly, “Blake is…”

“What?” Liam pressed. 

Louis held onto the cold basin, supporting himself as he swayed both from too much alcohol and the immense foreboding that hung on her every word. He breathed deeply. “Where is he?” Louis asked quietly. 

“Blake isn’t someone you want to mess around with,” Jennifer began. She shifted her weight as she spoke, “He’s… unstable, into a lot of heavy drugs and he’s extremely protective of Dakota. He’s a really jealous guy.”

Louis swayed, is mind raced as he tried to think over every word they exchanged. Yes, Louis knew he was into dealing and taking heavy drugs, but unstable? His mind was foggy and he cursed himself for drinking so much. 

“Louis, he’s dangerous. We need to find Harry, I think Blake has this deluded idea in his head Harry stole Dakota and-“

“What do you mean he stole her, Harry doesn’t love her he-“ Louis ran out of breath and Liam cut him off. 

“Blake wouldn’t hurt Harry, he’s not that…” Liam’s word trailed off as he looked at Jennifer. “Why the fuck did he beat you up?”

“Because, I just,” she paused. Shaking her head she continued, “I knew he was following Dakota, she’s been hiding from him and now, I don’t know. I just had a really bad feeling.” Her eyes welled up as she remembered, “I begged him to leave, threatened to call the police and he just lost it. He hit me, he…” she sobbed and Liam mindlessly stroked her hair. 

“I’m going to fucking kill him,” Liam hissed. 

Jennifer looked up between her hands and met his eyes, he pulled away as she spoke. “Liam, please. He’s so fucked up. I think he’s psychotic, please promise me you’ll stay away from him?”

Liam shook his head, “I can’t promise you anything.”

“Please Liam,” she begged. 

Liam glared at her, “I don’t owe you anything.”

She silenced, whimpering. 

“Fuck,” Louis groaned between gritted teeth. He began to pace, calling Harry’s phone over and over again. “Did he say anything to you? Anything at all?” Louis was desperate, he was grasping at straws. 

She didn’t look at Liam as she shook her head slowly, “He just kept saying he’d find her. That she’d broken her promise again.” I have never seen him so angry before. 

“I need to find Harry,” Louis said. 

“We will,” Liam promised but the smile on his face didn’t reach his eyes. 

“What if we’re too–“ Jennifer whispered. 

Louis cut her off, “Don’t you dare say that.”

She turned away frantically trying to call Dakota again. With no answer she screamed and threw her phone on the floor. “Blake is the kind of guy that likes to give payback, personally. I have seen him fuck up some dealers but… he thinks she’s betrayed him or something. He’s after her and Harry.” She looked at them both and sobbed, “I’m so scared.”

Louis flinched. “But Harry, he didn’t-“

“I know,” she interjected. 

Liam swore under his breath, “I can’t believe we didn’t realise she was with Blake.”

“How could you know?” Jennifer replied but Liam ignored her. 

“Why didn’t she tell us?” It was a stupid question but it escaped Louis lips nonetheless. 

Jennifer smiled sadly at Louis, “Dakota never tells anyone anything. I only knew about Blake, I mean…” she trails off looking at Liam. They shared an exchange in silence and Liam tensed up, Louis wondered what the hell was going on but, judging by the way they were looking at each other he didn’t dare say anything. Instead he just watched on, speechless. 

“You knew he was Dakota’s boyfriend the night he left with Louis, didn’t you?” Liam was angry. 

Jennifer opened and closed her mouth several times, indecision written all over her face. “Liam, please,” her voice is small. 

“Fuck!” He swore turning away from them both. 

Louis shuffled on his feet, dragging his white TOMS along the concrete and before he can stop the words they fall from his mouth in an angry rush. “So, what you two have been fucking behind everyones backs?” 

Jennifer stares at him, wide eyed. “I thought… didn’t Zayn tell you?”

“Zayn!” Louis gasps. 

“Louis, please…” Liam begins. 

Louis raises his hands in indignation, “Fuck, this is why everyone’s been fighting? Harry knew, didn’t he?”

They said nothing. 

Louis rushed at Liam and shoved his shoulders, “Didn’t he?” He shouted angrily glaring at Liam in disgust. 

Liam nodded sadly. 

“What the fuck?” Louis screamed, his voice bounced off the walls and echoed around them. “Really Liam, really?” He points angrily at Jennifer who has her face in her hands. Louis tries to stop himself but he is overridden with confusion and anger. 

“Louis, just hear him out.” Jennifer begs. 

Louis scoffs. “That’s why you were defending Dakota, wasn’t it?” Louis stepped closer, “Because of her!” He spat as he pointed at her angrily, she turned away and Liam said nothing, he didn’t need to. His face told Louis everything he needed to know. 

“It was a mistake,” Jennifer whispers and Liam flinches. 

Louis retreats to lean against the wall as he runs a hand through his hair, his heart is racing and his mind running a million miles an hour. 

Liam shook his head, his voice broke “you tried to kill yourself.”

She froze, Louis winced wishing he was anywhere but between them. Wishing he hadn’t opened his mouth, in normal, more sober circumstances he would have bitten his tongue. But the realisation Liam had been with Jennifer behind their backs, probably because of Dakota stung. Louis thought he could trust the boys more then himself, more then his family and every other fame hungry, vapid person on the planet.

Maybe he was wrong? He stepped back, retreating to the shadows of the furthest cubicle and leant against the wall. With shaking hands he dialled Harry’s number. It went straight to voice mail and he cursed. He tried, with no luck calling Niall and Zayn. He resorted to texting them. 

Jennifer’s been hurt. Harry’s missing and that guy, Blake from V Fest was the one beating Dakota, he’s her boyfriend. We need to find Harry, NOW! - Louis

Jennifer stared at her hands, the blood soaked tissues in her fingers. “Liam,” she began.

“Why?” He asked again, it was as if Louis had disappeared and all that mattered were them. Louis leant against the wall as he watched them.

Jennifer looked up at Liam but seeing the look in his eyes was too much, she turned away. “I...”

“Why?” He raised his voice. When she said nothing he watched helplessly as her shoulders shook, she cried in silence. Liam took a shaking breath, and reached out his hand for her but he pulled away grasping at the air. “Jen,” he said her name with so much tenderness Louis felt his stomach flutter. “Jen, look at me.”

She cleared her throat not turning to meet his eyes, “we need to find Harry.”

“Was it,” Liam hesitated. 

“Don’t,” she whispered as her shoulders shook. 

Liam ignored her, “Jen, was it because of me?” Tears welled in his eyes and Louis thought, he had never seen Liam so vulnerable, so hurt.

She shook her head, hiding behind her matted blonde hair, “Liam don’t…” he asked her again. 

“Please,” she whimpered.

Liam stepped towards her, his hands in his hair and tears welling in his eyes as he spoke the words she begged him not to utter. “Did you try to kill yourself… because of” he hesitated as he searched her face. “Because of me?”

She sighed sadly. 

Liam grabbed her shoulders, “Jen?”

“Don’t,” she sounded defeated. 

“Tell me, look at me and tell me was this my fault?” he begged her. 

She looked up at him, wiping the tears from her face and flinching as her hand met the red mark on her face. “Yes.” Jennifer whispered, not looking at him and she looked at Louis for help but he just turned back to staring at his phone. 

Liam flinched as if she had just stabbed him in the chest and as the tears fell silently down his pale face he let her go, she reached for him but was too slow.  With eyes tightly shut he leant his head against the cold tile wall.

Harry will be okay, he kept repeating over and over despite the sinking feeling in his stomach.  Jennifer stepped towards him but then she felt her phone begin to vibrate, her hands shook as she rushed to answer it. 

“Dakota?” she gasped. “Dakota where are you?” 

The phone hung up and she screamed in frustration stamping her feet, with shaking fingers she dialled back and held the phone to her ear. “Blake’s here he’s-“

She listened to a reply Louis couldn’t hear. 


Liam turned around wiping his face and Louis rushed to her to try and listen. All he could hear was screaming, his phone vibrated and he pulled it out seeing a message from Harry. 

“Dakota, slow down where are you?” Her face went pale as she listened and her eyes flickered uneasily to Louis. “Is he breathing?” 

Louis heart dropped and he read the message from Harry. Without a second thought his feet were propelling him towards the door. “He’s on the roof,” Louis shouted over his shoulder.

Liam was behind him in seconds, Louis heard Liam telling Jennifer to stay where she was but Louis was away from the door before he could hear her response. 

 His feet pounded on the floor and everything passed by in a blur. All he focused on now was getting to Harry, he was in trouble and Louis could feel the adrenalin pumping through his veins like a drug. Louis swung the stairwell door opened and his small legs took the stairs two at a time.

“Harry!” He screamed.

A bloodcurdling cry echoed from the roof and Louis recognised it as Dakota’s voice. His heart raced as he gasped for breath hurling himself up the stairs.

“Harry!” He screamed again.

Louis was paralysed with fear as he ran with Liam in toe. He just hoped he could get there in time. What if I'm too late?  

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