EGL // lashton

De umlashton

1M 58K 91.3K

「 chaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon 」 - christopher poindexter in... Mai multe

nine / re-uploaded
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trailer!!! | (fan art?)
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bromance awards
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fifty three

12.8K 797 1.1K
De umlashton

Hands touching smooth skin. Lips leaving faint, loving marks. Teeth gnawing on pale flesh. Tongues leaving wet traces on swollen lips. Deep breaths and sweet whimpers filling the small bedroom at 4 am. The sun seeping through the gaps of the worn out curtains, creating a spotlight on the writhing blonde that was lying underneath Ashton's muscular body.

Hips moving together. Heads thrown back against the pillows, gasps leaving pink lips like a beautiful symphony. Eyebrows scrunched together. Mouth sucking on bony shoulders and scarred throats. Eyes wide open, hazel meeting blue, silent confessions of love being told only through colorful irises while filthy moans were the only things heard.

Legs wrapped around waists. Hands above heads as fingers wrapped together, nails leaving marks on rough skin. Sounds being louder, cries of final pleasure leaving the blonde's irresistible lips before the young boy fell heavy against the soft mattress.

Only the beautiful sight of the young boy was enough for the older boy to let everything go, muscles relaxing, jumbles of pretty praising words leaving his chapped lips, before falling on top of him with a satisfied grunt, face buried in the blonde's neck.

A peaceful moment later Ashton could feel slim fingers running up his bare back, continuing the way up the back of his neck, over the shell of his ear, down to his unshaved chin. Ashton hummed at the touch, feeling Luke smile against his sweaty forehead.

Ashton fluttered his eyes open, lifting his head from Luke's shoulder to look down at his boy. The early morning sunlight at the Australian coast made Luke look like a gleaming star; all bright and beautiful, able to light up the whole universe by just being himself.

Ashton hummed once again, leaning down to press light kisses all over Luke's face before climbing out of the bed. The apartment was eerily quiet as Ashton exited the bedroom to enter the bathroom. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the dirty mirror, pursing his lips at the sight before smiling small at the mark just below his jaw. All thanks to Luke.

Cleaning himself up, splashing cold water in his face and pushing away his sweaty hair from his forehead, Ashton carried the damp towel with him back to the bedroom. Luke was lying still on the bed, his slim body looking even more beautiful in a relax state like this.

Sliding back into the bed under the thin duvet, Ashton ran the warm towel over Luke's body, keeping his eyes on Luke's calm face as the blonde breathed out heavily. As Ashton ran the towel up Luke's neck, the young boy drowsily opened his eyes, making Ashton's heart beat harder and faster.

"Hi" Luke whispered, a sweet smile on his red and swollen lips, his blue eyes as clear as the ocean water.

Ashton smiled, breathing out a soft laugh before throwing the towel to the side. Curling his arms around Luke's body, he held him close. "Hi, baby" he whispered back, sighing contently at the pretty laugh escaping Luke's lips.

"How are you feeling?" Luke asked softly, his fingers running through Ashton's hair like they always did at times like these.

"I'm okay" Ashton answered, his voice quiet as he closed his eyes and buried his nose in Luke's soft hair.

"Are you sure?" Luke's voice was worried, and Ashton didn't understand why the boy was worried about him. Ashton should be the one who should be worried. Luke had been dead, should have been dead, yet he wasn't. Luke was on the other side of the word, no longer a living person in the eyes of America, and too far away from his family's reach.

"I'm sure," Ashton mumbled softly, brushing his lips against the side of Luke's forehead, "When I'm with you, I'm okay"

Luke breathed out a laugh before continuing to run his fingers through Ashton's hair, nuzzling his nose against the older boy's in the need of being as close to each other as possible.

The ajar door to the bedroom was pushed open, the massive guard dog Ashton hadn't had the best first encounter with walked in without a care in the world. Luke smiled as Bear jumped up on the bed, giving the dog a few soothing words before he laid down beside him. Ashton had noticed the protective ways the dog always walked around Luke, making Ashton close his mouth shut at the way he was so similar to a Bear. They both guarded Luke with their lives.

"When did you get him?" Ashton asked, keeping a guarded eye on the dog who was pressing his back against Luke's side.

"When I got here," Luke said and turned his head to look at Bear again, "I was alone and even though this was the safest place to go to, I still needed something or someone by my side to be on the safe side. He goes everywhere with me, and he's great, really. He's been a great company"

"Okay," Ashton mumbled, still unsure about the fact to have a vicious and unreadable animal by his side every hour of the day, but it seemed that Bear was okay with Ashton as long as Luke was smiling by his side.

Ashton stopped paying attention to the dog, letting his eyes trace the features on Luke's face before pursing his lips, feeling yesterday's weight lay on top of him once again. He had too many unanswered questions.

"I'm so happy you're here" Luke murmured after a while of silence, his hot breath hitting Ashton's lips in the most beautiful type of way, easily letting Ashton's worries slip away.

"I'm happy you're here too" Ashton breathed and curled both his arms around Luke, bringing him impossibly closer before speaking up again. "How are you here, Luke?"

Ashton still hadn't gotten any real answers since he arrived in Luke's presence. The want and need for each other, to touch and to love, was too strong to resist. Ashton believed they had all the time in the world to explained their lives to each other, so words could wait while mouths and lips were working on something completely different.

Luke's smile disappeared, but his emotions didn't change. He licked his swollen lips and drew invisible patters on Ashton's chest while leaning his forehead against his.

"Ty didn't tell you?" Luke asked, his voice sounding surprised. Ashton was surprised at that.

"Why would Ty tell me anything?"

"Because he's the reason I'm alive and here today. He was supposed to tell you. Because he gave you the envelope, right?" Luke explained, his blue eyes wide as he stared into Ashton's hazel ones.

"No he didn't," Ashton spoke and turned his head away from Luke to glance up at the ceiling, his teeth biting down on the flesh inside of his cheek, feeling his heart stumble multiple times as he thought back to his uncle. "Ty is dead"

Luke was quiet after Ashton had worded out the horrible news, his hands clutching Ashton's shoulder as he took a sharp intake of breath. "He's- he's dead?" Luke whispered, his voice weak in disbelief.

"Yeah, three days ago. The cops killed him after they helped me escape from prison. Shot him in the head, all because of me" Ashton mumbled. Luke's grip on him tightened.

"Prison?" Luke whispered, his bright eyes showing confusion and sadness.

"I was arrested the day after you supposedly died. I was a fucking wreck, fucking crazy and ruined. I went into school and killed Spencer, thinking killing her would make up for Drake killing you, but nothing would make me feel better after losing you. So I was arrested, and the suspect of the murder on you. I was really close to proving myself guilty, only so I could die in my cell all alone"

"Ashton" Luke breathed out, his eyes wide and his lips parted.

"I didn't die, though. Never had the time to kill myself because the guys got me out of there before it was too late. And now Ty's dead, Seth's leaving, and I'm pretty sure Michael's going to kill himself soon enough" Ashton sighed out his words, knowing there was nothing he could do about it.

He turned his head again, looking at the pretty blonde who was all his. Luke was still here, and out of all the people in his life, Luke was the one who made Ashton want to live. "But you're here now, so I'm here" Ashton whispered before leaning in to press his lips against Luke's still parted ones.

"Ash," Luke breathed again, making Ashton pull back far enough to let Luke speak. "I'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault, Luke"

"I-I never meant for it to end up like this. I just wanted to help you guys out, make things right. You were all supposed to come out safe and sound. Ty said he would keep it all in check. I'm so sorry" Luke repeated his apologizes several times, making Ashton shake his head until Luke quieted down.

"You're not at fault. We're okay, we'll be okay," Ashton assured Luke, keeping his comfortable grip around him in hopes that Luke wouldn't break. "I was so fucking scared, Luke. I thought you were dead, you were gone. How are you not gone?"

"I-" Luke started, swallowing the lump in his throat while running his hands up Ashton's sides. "I was ready to die for you, Ashton. I would have died for you, but living for you, with you, is all I ever wanted"


"This was a disappointment, wasn't it Luke? You thought you were going to die as a hero, but you're just-" Drake said and stopped before raising his gun and aiming it at Luke's forehead.

"-a fallen angel"

Luke was sure he was going to die in this moment. He and Ty had been talking about what to do for hours in his office, but Luke never thought it would have been this brutal. Luke was basically already dead. His bones were broken and his brain was barely functioning. His heart was slowing down every beat now, and Luke was so scared.

Drake had his finger placed on the trigger, no sign of hesitation on his face as he looked into Luke's pleading blue eyes and pulled down. Luke shut his eyes as a loud noise followed, and everything around him stilled as his ears rang from the loud bang.

Luke thought he was dead, but then he heard a loud thump of a body hitting the floor, and Luke knew that wasn't himself. After seconds of horrifying thoughts, Luke opened his eyes to see Ty emerge from the bedroom of the small cabin, where he had been hiding all along, a relieved sob escaping through Luke's lips as Ty put down his previously used gun to check on Drake's dead body.

"We're clear, come on in" Ty spoke into the mic dangling from his earphones as he left Drake's body to be and moved over to Luke's shaking body. "You're okay now" Ty soothed, but Luke was in too much pain to believe him at the time.

The door to the cabin opened again, Zac and Pippa walking into the living room, looking taken back by the scene.

"Oh my god" Pippa mumbled before falling down by Luke's side and placed a gentle hand on his cheek before turning to Ty with a furious look in her face. "What the fuck, Ty?! He was going to kill him! Isn't it enough for you to know you had Chase killed?"

"That was the point," Ty mumbled, ignoring Pippa's burning eyes as he stood up from the floor to walk over to Drake's body again. "We had to make sure he thought he was going to win. We needed that photo of Luke. With that, everyone will believe Luke's dead. Even Ashton"

"This is so fucked up," Zac spoke and shook his head, "You honestly think this will work out?"

"It will if we start moving" Ty snapped before hooking his arms around Drake's chest and pulled him up, dragging him out of the house. "Help me get him to the car. We'll burn the body, that's the safest way to keep him lost and not found. Take away the carpet before Drake's blood will be mixed with Luke's. We can't have the police finding DNA's other than from Luke. It was Luke who died, alright?"

"He will die if we don't get him out of here soon enough" Pippa said, her hands occupied with filling up a syringe with clear liquid.

"Then help me with what I said so we can get Luke away from here as soon as possible. I need to get home before the drugs we used on the guys stops working. It'll only keep them unconscious for a few hours" Ty spoke before Zac was at his side, carrying the dead body out of the house effortlessly.

"Okay, Luke. You'll be fine. You'll be up and walking with your man in no time" Pippa whispered before pushing down the needle in Luke's arm, slowly letting the liquid flow through Luke's blood. The pain slowly but surely eased.

"Alright, time's ticking. Zac's leaving to take care of Drake and to place evidences out by the river. I'm giving you the responsibility of keeping Luke alright. He'll stay with you until he's up on his feet, then he'll go where the ticket leads him, am I clear?" Ty ordered as soon as he stepped back into the cabin, Zac no longer by his side.

"You know," Pippa spoke, her eyes never leaving Luke as she slowly pulled the needle out of his skin. "You should be happy I'm helping you like this. I should have every right to fuck everything up for you, because you deserve that. Both you and Ashton do after the way you treated my brother's death like it was nothing. You don't deserve this, but Luke does. Luke doesn't deserve to die because of you"

"Then don't let him die" Ty spoke before cleaning up every single thing that had a single drop of Drake's blood on it. Pippa kept her jaw clenched as she finished the emergency medical things needed for Luke at the time, keeping his broken bones in place, flinching slightly when hearing the small blonde let out heartbreaking sobs.

"Help me bring him to the car" she ordered and Ty did as told, picking Luke up without stopping when hearing Luke cry out in pain.

"Keep Ashton alive. Please" Luke managed to whisper before Ty let him go.

Everything was quick. Luke was laid down in the backseat of the car, his breathing fast and rigid as his eyes were fogged. Pippa drove away, her eyes constantly glancing at the rearview mirror to make sure Luke kept breathing. Time was ticking, her hands clenching the steering wheel as she drive trough the woods in hopes of escaping before anyone would find them.

Ty was left in the cabin, carrying out several items and placing them in Drake's car. As the house was nearly empty out of suspicious things, he glanced around the room with dark eyes before sighing heavily.

"Fuck. I'm sorry, Ashton" he mumbled before dipping his fingers in the pools of warm blood and turned around, slowly letting his fingers move against the white wall, creating scarring words by the thick red liquid.

'An eye for an eye, an angel for a devil' was written across the wall, blood dripping down the dirty floor making the message even clearer than before.

Ty looked at what he had created, a low grunt escaping him as he shook his head and turned to the bag on the floor. Luke's clothes were piling inside of it, and Ty easily reached down to rip a shirt apart, throwing it down on the floor to leave traces of only Luke.

Dragging the heavy duffel bag across the floor, Ty created traces of a dead human being pulled away from the crime scene. Every little detail was thought out to perfection, and Ty was certain he'd win this war. Once and for all.

He exited the house and walked over to Drake's car, sitting down in it and drove away. He pressed his phone against his ear after dialing Pippa's number, impatiently waiting as the phone beeped again and again.

"What? I'm in the middle of stitching up the boy you almost had killed. What's the emergency?" she answered, not bothering to say hello.

"I just wanted to say thank you. I wanted to thank both you and Luke" he spoke before hanging up and threw his phone to the side, speeding up until he reached his home. The house was dark and deadly silent, making Ty sure the boys were still out of it.

Parking Drake's car behind the warehouse and leaving it to be for now, he walked into the house and made his way to Ashton's room, watching his nephew lie deadly still. A sigh left Ty's lips before he made his way to his office and looked at the glass of water on the desk. The small pieces from the drugs were floating on the surface, and Ty looked at it for some time before gulping down the poisonous water, falling into a dangerous slumber.


"I never thought Ty would die. He seemed immortal to me" Luke whispered later that day as he curled closer to Ashton's hold, his back against Ashton's chest as they were seated on the beach, watching the waves meet the shore as the sun was slowly but surely disappearing by the horizon.

"Yeah, I know" Ashton mumbled as he kept his eyes on the guard dog who was running back and forth over the wet sand, jumping away from the water that rolled up to land. His arms around Luke tightened as a breeze flew by. It wasn't cold by any means, New York was a fucking blizzard compared to Australia, but no warmth was enough for Ashton if it wasn't the warmth Luke's body would give him.

"I wanted to thank him. Thank him for everything he did to us. He kept us all alive for this" Luke spoke again, his head falling against Ashton's shoulders as dry tracks of tears were evident on his cheeks.

Ashton nodded, not knowing what to say as the subject of his uncle was still a hard one for him. He still thought it was impossible to talk about that man with so many meaningful emotions. Ashton still hadn't learned how to be thankful for his uncle. His father.

"How's Calum?" Luke asked after a while of silence, his voice so soft and careful Ashton barely heard him over the crashing waves.

"Calum doesn't know you're here?" Ashton asked, his cheek pressed against the side of Luke's face.

"No one knows. Only you and Ty knows I'm alive"

Ashton was quiet, thinking about asking the blonde questions about if that was really a clever idea, but he didn't. Instead he answered Luke's question. "I don't know. I never got to see him after your death. He was at prison once, but I said I didn't want to see him. Couldn't stand seeing his face when you weren't there next to him"

Luke intertwined their fingers, squeezing Ashton's hand softly. "Okay," Luke whispered and nodded his head, and Ashton tried to ignore the way he could hear Luke's throat closing up. "And how about my family?"

Ashton felt a jab at his heart at the question. "They're a fucking mess, Luke. They lost you, of course nothing will ever be the same. They believe I killed you. Jack tried to fight me down in the court room, your father let him, your mother cried. Your other brother made it clear that I was the reason you were dead, even if I killed you or not, and he's right"

Luke didn't speak up, only silently crying while holding onto Ashton so so tightly. Ashton didn't want Luke to object to what he had said, because they both knew Ashton was the reason for all of this. It was obvious Luke would be alive and happy if they never had gotten close to each other. It was painfully obvious.

"It's okay," Luke whispered, but Ashton knew it was everything but okay. "Ty said that I can reach out to them when the time has come. I'll get them all back. As long as I'm alive, I won't be dead for much longer"

"I'm so fucking sorry, Luke" Ashton breathed out, both his hands clasping Luke's trembling one.

"It's okay, Ashton. I want this, I want you. I would have never gotten myself into this if I didn't believe it was worth it. I did all of this because I wanted to be with you, and now I have you"

"You have me. Always" Ashton whispered before leaving small loving kisses on the side of Luke's face.

"And you have me. Always," Luke answered and turned his head to capture Ashton's lips with his. "And we'll make it, right? We'll go back home, get our lives back one day?"

"Yeah" Ashton murmured against Luke's soft lips, even though it may be impossible. Ashton could never go back to New York. He could probably never go back to America, and neither could Luke if he didn't want to be in the center of the world's eye for the rest of his life. But Ashton didn't say that because Luke deserved some hope in life.

But Ashton promised himself to get Luke back to his family, one way or another. Just because Ashton no longer had a family, didn't mean he had the right to take Luke away from his.

"I love you so much" Luke breathed against Ashton's wet lips, opening his teary eyes and blinking up at Ashton with pure love.

"I love you too. So fucking unbelievably much" Ashton replied before letting his lips meet Luke's again, moving them gently before the need to breathe was the thing pulling them apart.

Luke turned back to the ocean, a small smile spreading on his lips as he watched Bear jumping up and down in the water, enjoying his time off from watching Luke's every step. Ashton kept Luke close to his chest, his fingers playing with the ring on Luke's hand, kissing Luke's clothed shoulder before speaking up.

"Let's get married"

Ashton watched the smile on Luke's face widen before the blonde slowly turned around in Ashton's hold to face him properly.

"Really?" Luke asked, the sweet smile still on his face made his words come out so much more innocent.

"Really" Ashton said and nodded. "It's not like there's anything stopping us anymore"

Everything was stopping them, but nothing they couldn't fight. They were young; Luke was 17 and Ashton was 19, highly illegal in any type of way, but their new identities said something completely different, so Ashton wanted to marry Luke. Now.

"Okay" Luke whispered and smiled so sweet and beautiful it took the breath out of Ashton. Ashton was always breathless around Luke.

"Okay? Yes?" Ashton asked, his nose running against Luke's as he leaned closer to him each second that passed.

"Okay. Yes" Luke repeated and let a soft, happy laugh run through his lips before their lips once again were pressed against each other.


Love is dangerous.

It's powerful, strong, reckless, unpredictable, painful, stormy, dark, addictive, and absolutely breathtaking. Love is everything people are afraid of, yet everyone strives to fall in love.

Luke loved love. He saw it every day, grown up to a sight so positive that he could never get enough. Luke dreamed of falling in love, getting married, and living the rest of his life with that person, hoping it would treat him as well as he would treat love. Luke hadn't expected love to tear him apart.

Ashton had never understood love. He never believed in love. He never thought it was real, he was never interested in it, never thought he'd ever fall into that trap of a black hole. But he did. He fell in love.

Ashton was used to danger, never backed away from it, but he never knew out of all the things he had experienced, love would be the most dangerous one.

Ashton had felt himself slipping closer and closer to the grip of death several times the year he and Luke fell harder and harder for each other. He never died, but death had him wrapped in wires and was playing with him like a doll. Ashton was helpless when he was in love. If death had him wrapped in wires, love had him wrapped in a dangerous spell.

But even though his actions were played out by spells and barbed wires, Ashton still never once doubted that it was all his fault. He remembers when Luke was still innocent, bright, and happy. Ashton could point out every change in the blonde today, and the biggest one was how Luke's colors slowly but surely had disappeared.

Luke was an angel, a bright, beautiful, human being, with peaceful intentions in every act he made. Ashton was the opposite; dark and truthfully horrible, like a demon trying to bring out the bad in everyone he met.

An angel and a demon, that's just what Luke and Ashton were. A forbidden love story between two spiritual beings who never once would be able to be together. There's boarders keeping them apart, spirits of their own pulling them apart with all the strength they could muster. They were dangerous to themselves and all the spirits around them, causing the boarder between God and the Devil to slowly crumble down. Chaos was the only thing left.

Luke's an angel; pretty with wide white wings that could take him anywhere. He would be high up in the sky, only a simple reach away from the sun, stars, and the moon. Luke could go anywhere he wanted, those wings could take him to the sky. Yet those wings only brought him down to the dark. Down to Ashton.

Ashton's a demon; dark with broken limbs and a frame so poisonous he could barely even be called a spiritual being, yet alone a human being. He was born into an angel, had broken God's promises and sinned to the point where he had fallen down down down until he crashed into eternal pain. Ashton was a fallen angel; a demon.

Luke's an angel who fell in love with a demon, having without any knowledge sided with the dark side while still trying to serve God all the good. Luke had sinned. Luke had fallen. Yet, Luke never became a fallen angel. Luke would never be a demon. Luke could fly.

Luke and Ashton are in love, so unbelievably incredibly much so. No force of nature can ever come between a feeling so strong. Nothing can ever come between a feeling so strong.

Because angels fly, and demons don't.

But eagles do.



thank you sooooo much for the people who are still here and are reading through this mess of death and drama!! thanks for all the reads and great comments i have gotten, it's all fucking amazing and i can't thank you all enough for the fan art and things you've actually made for this story! you are all amazing and i'm speechless because of it. let's turn this shit into a  movie, huh? lol jokes

anyways, a big thanks to all of you. you guys are so sweet to me. thank you!

i have been feeling kind of bad for the lack of interaction i have with you guys, so to make up for that and like close up this story i thought i'd have like a q&a thing?? kind of lol. but like ask me ANYTHING, from things about this story to what color my socks are!! i'd love to just hear your questions or stories or whatever! it won't be a character ask but you are welcome to ask about the characters and the story! :)

comment your questions here or feel free to dm me something and i'll answer it all on Friday in a separate chapter!!

vote and comment

i fucking love you all

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