Ears I Never Had (BWWM)

By melaninjaye

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Mackenzie Young has always been forced to not "do her". Mackenzie has had life planned out for her every sinc... More

Chapter 1: This is L(IT)
Chapter 2: Sparkle & Snapchat
Chapter 3: Who Am I?
Chapter 4: Fitting In
Chapter 5: Plots, Plans, and Partners in Crime
Chapter 6: Freshie Fun
Chapter 8: Read Receipts and Job Interviews
Chapter 9: In-n-In
Chapter 10: Sweet Santa Barbara
Chapter 11: Omega Oil
Chapter 12: Points Made and Proven
Chapter 13: Cracking Shells
Chapter 14: Hunger Pains
Chapter 15: Keep the Family Close
Chapter 16: Lost and Saved
Chapter 17: Start of Forever
Chapter 18: Now All This
Chapter 19: Promises Made
Chapter 20: Sick
Chapter 21: Grateful Gifts
Chapter 22: Man of The Hour
Chapter 23: Meet the Carters Part One
Chapter 24: Meet the Carters Part Two
Chapter 25: Carter Christmas
Chapter 26: Never Leave
Chapter 27: The Boyfriend Tag
Chapter 28: Goal Accomplished
Chapter 29: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 30: Going MIA
Chapter 31: Perfection
Chapter 32: At Fault
Chapter 33: Wishes
Chapter 34: Self Harm
Chapter 35: Seven Days
Chapter 36: All in the Family
Chapter 37: Facing Nightmares
Chapter 38: Xavier's Ways
Chapter 39: Clues and Missed Messages
Chapter 40: Free and Now Locked Up
Chapter 41: Guilty (or Nah)?
Chapter 42: Ears I Never Had
Sequel: Eyes I Never Forgot

Chapter 7: Uber Everywhere

809 27 0
By melaninjaye

"Like a thief in the night, I do anything for some pussy...." Young Thug's "Thief in the Night" blared through the Yukon XL speakers as we rolled to the venue in DTLA that the Kappas rented for tonight's event. The combination of weed and alcohol were taking effect on me as I quietly bounced in my seat along with the music. The Harrises, aka Domo and Sparkle, went in the front, cuddling, sneaking kisses and snapping pictures. Ty and I were in the middle, and Breslin and Ant sat in the far back talking kind of obnoxiously loud.  Ant was as he said, "getting a little bent".

"Are we there yet? Ready to break out my 2016 Running Man. Y'all ain't ready", Ant said as he was already attempting to do the popular dance craze from his seat. I look back and start cracking up laughing. It's never a dull moment with this one around. Also, when I looked back, I saw Bres out the corner of my eye, chilling, slightly faded looking down at his phone. He's so cute. I turn back to my front where I find Ty giving me a look of satisfaction. She mouths the words, "Stop staring" to me and I can't help but laugh. I need to get a grip over myself.

Our Uber driver finally reached our destination around 9:45pm and we all hopped out to a two-story warehouse that looked abandoned on the inside, but the line outside said otherwise. "Jesus, this line is huge. Should we start getting in line?", I immediately regretted asking the question once I was met with frowns and looks of amusement from everyone.

"Lines? Girl, I thought you knew by now. Do you know who I am?", Sparkle said with a look of "watch this" on her face. We went immediately went to the VIP line, which only had about 10 people in it, compared to the 1,000 in the general admission line. Sparkle said her name +5 and we were let through like we were UCLA royalty. The bouncer turned from hard rock to a soft teddy bear, gave her a hug, and said he'd see her in church on Sunday. The perks of knowing Sparks.

The squad rolled through the quiet foyer, went through ID checks and we received VIP wristbands. Once the double doors opened, I already felt like I did not belong again. The cool outside was the complete opposite of the main floor of the warehouse which was full of bodies and sweat. It had to be at least 90 degrees in here. There were so many girls in tight, provocative clothing all around with the bodies and faces to back it up. And where there are females, there are thirst mongers close around to follow. I felt a lot of eyes on me from both males and females, and I was not sure if I liked this attention. Time to go home.

Just as if my thoughts were read, Ty and Sparkle dragged me to our VIP table on the second floor overseeing the venue; it was already prepared with bottle service. More Hennessy and Don Juilo. How Sway? We're only 18-19. But I won't ask questions. "Man, this party is LIT!", Domo said enthusiastically as he poured himself up a cup.  "Boy, if I wasn't married, I'd be out there trying to find Naomi."

"Naomi?", Breslin said as he sat next to me in the booth. "Yea bro, girls find Nemo in the sea, and I found my Naomi already, Sparkle." "Someone say my name?", Sparkle said as she returned to her favorite seat, Domo's lap, after checking on how the party was going and the DJ. DJ Mustard was apparently her cousin and he was mixing up some genius. Girls and dudes were rotating, freaking, and damn near fucking on the dance floor while the fraternities and sororities strolled around. Ok I can do this, I think.

"Yo Sparks, you did your thing girl. You need to introduce me to some of these Kappa cuties." Ty said while readjusting her romper. Ant seemed frustrated with Ty's constant rejection and stated he would come back in a few after checking in with some friends from the basketball team. Domo and Breslin followed with.

"Awww, girl, you know that boy likes you, why you do him like that?" I asked Ty as a waitress made us margaritas. "Because Ant is the type of boy who's used to getting his way, I just want to see how far he's willing to go. But between y'all, I do have kind of a crush on him." She gave the biggest Cheshire cat grin.

"I knew it, Dom owes me Boiling Crab. You need to stop giving him the cold shoulder girl. Ant is a good dude, he just acts goofy, but he's a real sweetheart. And you Missy, need to stop staring at the boy and talk to him!". I choke on my margarita. "Who? Who are you talking about?"

Sparkle gave me a "bih please" look as Desiigner's "Panda" came on. Even though I cannot understand a word this dude is saying, this is my joint! Sparkle, Ty, and I got up and started milly-rocking, laughing, as well as vibing out. This is exactly what I needed.

We proceeded to dance for a while, now totally unaware of the boys' return. "Ok Mack, see I knew you was from Atlanta, you'd have to have some type of rhythm.", Ant sarcastically said while joining in our dance session. I felt Breslin's eyes on me and once again scanning my body while biting his lip. He was sipping on a French Connection and it's something about the way he's looking at me. Oh geez, he probably thinks I'm awkward, but he's like one of the only white people here so bleh. I immediately began to sink back on the couch feeling self-conscious.

"Ooooh babe, it's my song! We have got to dance!", Sparkle practically dragged poor Dom onto the dance floor as the intro to Drake's "One Dance" played. I laughed as I saw my new probably best friend putting it on her dude and singing the infamous lyrics at the top of her lungs. Now, do not get me wrong, Yamonie is still my Day 1, but Sparkle is my California savior who rescued a lonely, lost girl. 

After much persuasion, Ant finally got Ty to dance with him as "Body" by Dreezy started playing...leaving Breslin and I alone. I once again started chewing my lip like it was the best piece of gum I've ever had in my life. Should I leave, should I stay, should I talk? Breslin however, broke my train of thoughts, "You chew your lip a lot when you're thinking about something, you know that?" He kind of yelled at me over the music.

"What?", surprised that he's talking to me. "Oh, I guess I do." I look down, picking at my nails.

"Yes, you do." Breslin then scooted a little bit closer to me, so he would not have to continuously yell over the sound system. "You also look down a lot when you're trying to avoid conversation, you laugh when you really have something to say, and you have a slight staring problem." He said giving me a look of exploration. Every time he looks at me, it's like he's researching a foreign object.

I kind of freeze up as I think he's right about his observations. However, I have a comeback, "Well, clearly I'm not the only one with a staring problem if you noticed all that." I proceeded to shyly sip my drink. Yes, liquid courage.

'"Well, clearly I like what I see and I'm actually saying it unlike others, but it's ok. I know I look good." Breslin smirked while those hazel eyes burned holes into my brown eyes. I was speechless. Jesus, this place doesn't have A/C.

I began to start to bit my lip, but couldn't help but smirk at his remark. "Awfully cocky aren't we?"

"No, just confident. I mean I'm out celebrating the beginning of a lot of new things. I have to be confident to get the things I want right? That's how goals happen Kenz." He gave me full on eye contact and I once again was speechless. What is his motive? He chuckled and held out his hand, "So, are you going sit there looking gorgeous all night or are you going give your boy a dance?" Rihanna's "Work" came on and I knew it was a sign for me to dance.

I grabbed Breslin's hand and he led us to an semi-uncrowded area on the VIP floor by a balcony overseeing the lower level. He gripped my waist firmly while he rotated his hips against mine and I started to grind my ok booty against him. He actually can dance. Even in our inebriated state, we still both managed to match each others' rhythms perfectly. As Drake's verse of the song came on, Breslin turned me around, wrapped both arms around my waist, and rapped the words to me. ".....When I see potential I just gotta see it through, if you had a twin, I would still choose you, I don't wanna rush into it, if it's too soon...." I couldn't help but throw back my head and laugh at him.

"Finally, I get to see it that smile. Thought I'd start have to acting like Ant's dumbass to get you to laugh." I continue to have a giggle fit as well find ourselves dancing into Breslin Tiller's "Don't". Breslin pulled me in a little closer where I laid my head on his chest and we rocked to the beat. Why is he dancing with me of all people?  We immediately came to a halt. I really have to stop thinking out loud. "Because I wanted to Mackenzie. Why wouldn't I?" He looked kind of angrily, however his arms were still around me.

"Well, because as you know, I'm damaged goods, you probably feel sorry for me..." Too much liquid courage. I look down, trying not to relive the past two years of my life. My chin is quickly picked up, "Hey, and I'm a mutt from the pound. That doesn't define me Mackenzie." He holds my face ever so gently, "Like I meant earlier, I hear you, even if you feel like no else does and I'm borderline sober so I mean this. I'm here to be your friend first and I'll, man we'll, always protect you. So let us in." He let my face go, but not before leaning into my face to say something else to me. Those lips I was mesmerized over were mere inches from mine. "And for your information, I DON'T feel sorry for you, for what?" He gave me that dashing smile. "If anything Kenz, I feel blessed."

Kenz? I been speechless all night. Breslin led us back to our section, holding my hand and guiding us the whole time. They were some stares, but I don't know if it was all the substances in my body, but for once. IDGAF. Sparkle and Ty gave me a sly look as we returned as Breslin joined the boys again and got another cup. Just as I was about to be interrogated, the Kappas performed a mini show that commanded everyones' attention and then DJ Mustard went back to the music. Whew that got them off my back....for now....

We all decided to leave around 1:30am due to Dom and Ant having practice in the morning. We were all pretty dusted and disgusted, especially Ty and Ant. This was honestly the most "out" fun I've had in months. Our Uber driver promptly arrived, but this time the seating arrangement was a little different. Mr. Sprung had carried Ty, who kind of passed out about 30 minutes ago, guess the tequila finally got to her. So, they ended up sitting together in the middle. Therefore, that left Breslin and I in the back.

"Alright Anthony, don't nut on yourself just because you holding the girl." Sparkle said in her classic outspoken tone. "Oh STFU!!!" Ant semi-yelled and slurred while Ty shuffled sleepily in his lap. "See, waking my babe up and shit, just wake us up when we at y'all spot." He was out soon after that sentence.

The remaining four of us laughed as the XL pulled off. Sparkle decided to stay the night at Dom's, so I let Ty stay at my house. She might need someone to check on her in the morning. The couple got dropped off first, said their goodbyes, and went on to do God knows what.

So once again, Breslin and I were alone, somewhat. Just say something!

"Uhm, I had a lot of fun tonight. You're a pretty good dancer." He looks over at me with a glassy glaze, "Pretty ok for a white boy huh?" I playfully push his shoulder and roll my eyes, "Are you going hold that comment from earlier against me forever?" He reached over and intertwined his hand with mine and bit his bottom lip. That should be my job. "Maybe. I'll find some way for you to make it up to me though." I shyly smiled. "Oh no, you were just initiating conversation, ok I'll stop."

We reached my complex and B practically had to spritz water on Ant to wake him up to barely stumble to carry Ty. I unlocked my gate and Breslin walked in first to lead the way, like he knows where he's going. The whole time we were holding hands. He makes me feel....safe. I directed him until we got to my door; I unlocked it to let Ant practically drop Ty on my bed. "Hey Mack, I know it's really late and I'm in your domain, but can I please drain the dragon man?" I roll my eyes and show him where my bathroom is while Breslin shakes his head.

"Sometimes I do not know why I'm friends with that dude." He paused as I realized he was observing my studio, my personal space. "Your place is really nice. It tells me a lot about you." I realize now we were still holding hands so I broke contact and asked,"What does that mean?" "Stop being so defensive sweetheart, it means I can tell you if you give me your number that is." Bres always has me tongue-tied. I somehow manage to stutter, "Uh, uh, sure."

He laughs and once again shows off those perfect teeth. I'm a sucker for a man with nice teeth. I pass him my iPhone and he plugs in his contact before giving me back my phone.


"Really, the kissy face emoji? Like I said awfully cocky aren't we?" I playfully rolled my eyes and looked up from my phone to be matched with pillow soft, moist lips. The kiss was simple and lasted about 10 seconds. I froze in place and wildly opened my eyes to look at him. He replied, "Just confident." He looked pleased with his accomplishment just as Ant exited the bathroom. "You ready bro? Coach will kill me if I appear hungover; I need a burger and some sleep right now. Later Mack, tell my boo grease helps the pain." He stumbled through my door heading back to the Uber; Breslin followed behind to make sure he did not potentially hurt himself or do something foolish. "Goodnight Kenz." He left closing the door behind him, locking it.

I was still standing in the same spot, completely thrown by his actions. Ty's snores interrupted my thoughts. What a fucking first day!


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