Shawmila Imagines

By hvnsung

36.8K 1K 164

fluff, cute, and sweet imagines of my two favorites all bundled up into one book! © shawmilas shawn mendes an... More

001 | mine
002 | and I love you
003 | don't listen baby
004 | forget
005 | study date
006 | friends & set free
007 | stay
008 | if you were here
009 | more than friends
010 | like this
011 | whatever you want
012 | thin walls
014 | falling apart
015 | treat you better
016 | kisses at 7:30 am
017 | emotional
018 | cuddle with me
new book | spin-off
019 | rooftop kisses
020 | canada
021 | a slight shift pt. 1
022 | a slight shift pt. 2
023 | happy to see you
024 | cheers & kisses
025 | the last of my days
026 | unsteady
027 | total eclipse
028 | patience
29 | missed you
30 | don't call me canada!
31 | lazy days and kisses

013 | say what I mean

786 19 5
By hvnsung

song : just a little
bit of your heart
by ariana grande


Tears welled up in my eyes. I just saw my boyfriend with a bruise on his neck that wasn't from me. I was laying on my bed, waiting for him to finish getting changed in the bathroom. Maybe he assumed that I wasn't awake or anything, but I still hated him with all my heart. The bad thing? I can't let go.

I knew he was doing this. I just didn't know how to reply to him, it was as if everything had changed in the last three months so quickly. Like a blur. I couldn't see past the windshield, rain was everywhere. Yeah well, replace the rain with tears.

He got out of the bathroom, and stripped his shirt off. He then layed by my side, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He thought he comforted me. Tears fell down my cheeks. He saw them. He witnessed.

He shook me, trying to wake me up. I didn't budge. But why would he care if I was crying? I do it every night anyways.

"Shawn, let go. Please." I whispered, chewing on my bottom lip.

"Baby, I'm so-"

"Don't fu- ever say that. I'm done, you better pack your bags tomorrow and leave." I started, opening my eyes and facing him. "Just one more night, and then you're gone. I never want to see you again, Shawn."

"Okay." Was all he said.

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