Water Goddess

By Skylinger

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When Kailani turns 16 she is quickly thrust into the world of gods, goddesses, demi-gods, and guardians. Kail... More

A dept paid
Awake and Angry
Anger and Understanding
Demigods and Demigoddesses
An interesting Day
Rivals will Fight
An Unexpected Visit
The Race
Her Team
A Big Brother and a Warning
Deals, Skills, and Realizations
Troubling Visions
Visions of Pain
Caught by Poseidon
Getting Closer
Prelude to War
It Begins
No Longer in Charge
I know where to go
Clearly underestimated
Prisoners taken
The gods wonder
A Chance Taken
Unexpected Help
What to think
New Places, New Allies
We Need Both
Loch Ness
Jewel of Loch Ness 30
Change is in the Air 31
Stay Together Part 32
What is to Come? Part 33

This could be bad

9.7K 187 26
By Skylinger

Chapter 22

(This could be bad)

Willem entered his private chambers and gently laid Kailani down on his charcoal gray and black satin comforter that covered his bed. A frown crossed his face at the memory of Poseidon’s daughter trying to break the hold he’d had on her. It had made it necessary to render the girl unconscious.

As his eyes drank in the site of the blonde woman on his bed his frown quickly vanished as it was replaced by a pleased smile. He’d succeeded and Raiden, Ramiero, and Marius had failed. They had been so focused on fighting each other they hadn’t even noticed him until it was too late. The son of Hades had the upper hand now.

“Here.” Willem looked to see Lerato standing there holding a chain. “She’ll run if you don’t.”

“I don’t want to chain her,” Willem said looking at the chain with disgust. “Besides I don’t need it.”

“How do you plan to control her?” Sorley inquired. “Poseidon’s daughter is a fighter.”

“We have Ford,” Willem replied. “Kailani will behave for his sake,” he added sounding every bit as confident as he felt. “Lock the door but the chain isn’t necessary.” No one argued and the small group left the room leaving the water demigoddess to sleep; locking the door behind them.


Demitri opened his eyes to find himself chained to a wall. He looked around his dimly lit surroundings but had no idea where he was. There was nothing to give him even the smallest of clues as to where he was.

“Finally decided to wake up, have you.”

The son of Artemis was more than a little surprised at who stepped out of the shadows and into the dim lit area. “Dana?”

“Surprised?” The blonde woman replied.

“Very,” Demitri admitted. He’d never had any problems with Dana and didn’t know who she had given her allegiance to. Looking around he knew it wasn’t Raiden though. “Who is it you sided with? Who took me?”

“Ciro.” The woman watched with amusement as the forest demigod’s eyes blinked in confusion. “All of you were so focused on your parents you forgot to consider who else might want part of this battle.”

“I don’t want any part of it and neither does Kailani,” The green eyed demigod replied.

“No but we need Kailani. Everyone does.” Demitri watched as the red haired man made his presence known.

“Why? Just leave us out of it,” Artemis son said.

“Can’t,” Lorcan informed him. “Love to but can’t.”

“Kailani is the only one that can walk on water,” Dana informed him. “Until she gets us what we need we can’t leave her out of it.”

“I’ve never had anything personal against you Demitri but you’re the means of getting to her,” Ciro said. “In this game winner takes all. We have no choice but to use you to get her.”

“Chances are pretty high, as chaotic as things went, someone got her,” Demitri warned.

“Niobe will track her down,” Lorcan replied unconcerned.

“When you’re done with her?” Demitri asked. “Will you let her go then?”

“Perhaps,” Ciro said.

It was not the answer Artemis’ son wanted as he watched the Titan god’s offspring disappear into the shadows once more. ‘I have to get out of here and find Kai,’ he thought to himself. The only problem was he was in what he was sure was a basement as a door closed and he heard the sound of footsteps fading away. He was certain they were going upstairs. ‘I need help.’


Margaret was sitting at the table eating dinner with everyone when she noticed her daughter’s friend Solana become very still and take on a look the woman couldn’t have described. As she saw the girl’s eyes turn almost iridescent white she became concerned. “What’s wrong with her?”

Raiden looked at the red haired girl and instantly knew what was happening. “She’s having a vision,” The blonde haired son of Zeus explained. “No one touches her,” he calmly instructed.


“No!” Zeus son said becoming commanding as he rose from his seat as Danica went to touch Apollo’s daughter seeing the girl start to shake.

“This doesn’t look good,” Ruana commented watching the redhead with growing interest. The daughter of Hades looked at Raiden. “Shakes are usually a bad omen.”

Suddenly Solana scooted away from the table with tears streaming down her face.

“Solana!” Narissa said and quickly went to her friend’s side.

“We have to find Kailani,” Solana said looking into the curly brown haired girl’s eyes. “She’s in danger and so is Demitri.” She turned her pale blue eyes to look at Serenity. “We have to find them before…someone with red hair gets what he wants.”

“Someone with red hair?” Justine asked confused. She knew full well none of the leaders had red hair. “Who?”

“I don’t know but I think we have another enemy.” She looked at Raiden. “We have to find them both.”

The son of Zeus looked at Apollo’s daughter and knew what she was asking. “They aren’t together,” He stated. Hesitantly Solana shook her head they weren’t. Raiden didn’t hate Demitri but he was his competition for Kailani. He knew his father would tell him to go for Kailani and forget Demitri but his instincts told him if he did Kailani would never forgive him if he’d had the chance to save Artemis’ son.

Raiden looked at Serenity. The pale blonde woman was calm but also braced for impact. “See if you and Aran can find Demitri.” Seeing her look a little surprised he said, “I don’t dislike Demitri I never have. If we can find him and save him we will. I don’t want him dead.”

“Thank you,” Serenity replied. Raiden nodded and with a glance at her remaining brother she and Aran left the room.

Zeus’ son watched them leave and then looked at Narissa. “You and Tallulah can work together to find Kailani. The faster we find her the better.” The two girls looked at each other and quickly headed for the viewing pool.

“Excuse me,” Raiden said and left the room.

“He’s doing it for Kai isn’t he?” Margaret said once Zeus’ son was gone. Seeing a few nods and the feeling in the room change she said, “Demitri is his competition.”

“Yes,” Illithia admitted.

“I’m surprised he’s willing to go after him,” Danica commented.

“Kailani might not forgive him if he doesn’t and she finds out,” Margaret told her new friend. She let out a sigh and said, “Kailani is very loyal that way. I don’t doubt for a minute she’d sacrifice what she wanted for the sake of someone else.”

Slowly the dark haired woman rose from her chair and headed out after Raiden. She liked Zeus son and wanted to give him hope. He might be bringing his competition and Kailani back together again but the act would mean a lot to her daughter and she knew it. There was a chance it just might turn Kailani’s head toward Raiden.

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