The Wolf Prince's Mate

By TheOriginTheme

173K 5.1K 1.5K

Being Kidnapped by a super sexy guy sounds like a dream right? Wrong. He's overbearing, completely annoying... More

Chapter 1❄
Chapter 2❄
Chapter 3
Chapter 4❄
Chapter 5❄
Chapter 6 (❄)
Chapter 7❄
Chapter 8❄
Chapter 9
Chapter 10❄
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 23

2.6K 114 12
By TheOriginTheme

The same reoccurring nightmare that always seemed to end in screams and the ground tinted in a ruby red. The sky crackled with the might of the war as purple eyed beast clashed against one-another until an opponent fell to the ground, littering the green of grass with another edition of red.

And then a broken voice would whisper, they destroyed themselves, bare-witness to their downfall. And witness the beginning of yours. It was always the same beautiful woman. I'd turn to ask her why? But all I'd get in return was a timid sigh, and then i'd jolt awake. Breathing heavily in a cold sweat, in a large dark room all alone. But this time was different. This time I was able to see the end of the vision. A glorious man roaring as he clawed out the throat of another man. I stared at him in absolute fear.

He cannot see you Dearest One.

I turned towards her panicked and confused. "Why! Why do you keep showing me this!" I stumbled back. She didn't even glance my way. The man on the mountain had her complete attention. I could not find it within myself to destroy them. I knew- I knew they had become beyond controllable. So overwhelmed by the need of power and thirst for their own blood. I thought I could control them... and even as I watched. Even as I watched their destruction, I still could not find it in me to destroy him."

Everything clicked into place. This-this never ending vision was hers. This was her vision. The need to gain some form of understanding had me turning back towards the gory scene. Staring at the gloriously beautiful man as he surveyed the bodies around him, power radiating off of his naked skin. "Him, " I whispered.

She frowned, The last Lycan. I had messed up Dearest One. I had underestimated my power. I took humanity for granted, love, emotions; I thought them a weakness for my creations. And it did not exactly play out well that I made them all males. I tried again... Xeres's kind was always meant to be my chosen species. So I created another species. And from that species I created the matting bound. Xeres found his mate, and as I hoped this created stability. There was balance. She consumed his every-thought, guided him, taught him.

"I don't understand."

Lycans were my gift to the world. You are my new gift. Your Lycan will protect you at all cost...

I clutched my pulsing head in aggravation. "You aren't making much since."

Everything is going to change Angelina Rowe. You are so much more than what they all think you are, remember that. Remember that the Moon is on your side.


"My lady, something."

I ignored her.

"Or at least take a bath, it's been eight days, the Prince won't be happy. What do you want? Say the word and I'll go fetch it for you."

I stared down at my clenched hand. "I wan't you to open the bay windows, and then jump."

"Your very rude you know!" I closed my eyes and the monster roaring his victory at the mountain. Xeres. "Your nastiness does nothing to me, hell your little act does nothing to me. Your harming your own damn self. And acting like a spoiled little brat"

"Get out! I screamed hurling the old tray of uneaten food from my bedside and at the infuriating girl. "Get the hell out! Leave me. alone." Emotionally, I think I wasn't completely stable. Several reasons backed my theory.

Reason number one:I was locked in a room, and for some reason I found it extremely difficult to open the door. Reason number two: Zyker Ricarda had been MIA for over the last six days and for some reason that made me not feel A-ok. Reason number three: There was just something far too creepy here, and I was being haunted by some pretty lady's obsessive memory. And reason number four: Who the hell was the hoe?

After I confronted Zyker about the new information I had obtained from his cousin he had me shipped off to this room by one of his guards, who wasn't in character. I've remained in this room for six day, bored out of my mind, And awaiting the jerk to make an appearance, if not just so I could bruise his royal head.

Royal! Zyker was royal. And I didn't know if his cousin was either cracked up or just plain crazy, because he'd thought we were in another dimension... Impossible. This place looked...earthly. It had a blue! I know I saw cars. Anyways, this hunger strike was the only way I figured I'd actually get some attention... not from the maid. I didn't quite care much for her. But from Zyker.

Hours, and I mean hours later my door was pushed open. And in walked the picturesque Prince Zyker in all his glory. He strolled across the room, and sat at the end of my large bed, facing towards me. His beautiful face was void of emotion.

We stay there for awhile, examining one another until he broke the silence with a sigh. "Why haven't you been eating Angel? Or sleeping... Is it because of that night? Are you really that upset about her?"

No. Yes. I can't sleep, if I sleep I'd dream.... Dream of extinction. How could I tell him that without him thinking me mad? OR senile.

So instead I asked; "Your a prince?"

Zyker stiffened, panic flickered across his face. "Angel I.-"

"You lied!"

"I did not! I am not-"

"And you are doing it again. I don't understand why you can't be honest! I feel like every individual in my life is full of deceit and lies! I wanna know things Zyker! I wanna know why you didn't tell me you're a prince! I wanna know why those people at the party looked...looked so unworldly and don't you dare tell me it was a costume because there in no way that any artist could convey that sort visual! I wanna know why Sebastian call this," I gestured at the room and beyond. "Another dimension. And I need to know why you choose me. I need answers Zyker. Because if I have to stop pretend to be the dumb ass girl and figure this shit out for myself, believe me I will. And you'll be the one to regret ever-"

He stood from the end of the bed, and walked over to my side where his arms wrapped around my waist, sending jolts of warmth through me. Zyker was always abnormally warm. "I am not obligated to reveal certain things to you! This is for your own safety. Why can't you understand that! Why can you not support my efforts in keeping you safe! I plan to share everything with you Angel but you have got to trust me. Give me time."

I rolled my eyes, curling into him. Trust was earned, Zyker had not given me any reason to have earned my trust.

"That girl you kissed at the party." He didn't deny it. "Who is she to you?"

His arms tightened around me. "Siphilisia means nothing to me." He whispered into my hair.

Breaking into a fit of laughter I shoved him away."Really?"

Zyker looked bewildered is he acknowledged my now giddy expression. "Yes, Angel...she means nothing. Had I know you'd react so well-"

I cut his off by raising my hand. "No," I snorted. "Not that. Its just the fact that you'd date a girl named after a sexually transmitted disease. The name is a red flag in itself."

Zykers tanned cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. It was cute. "Oh."

Yeah, oh. "Your cousin seems t think that she is more to you than nothing. You've slept with her. I'm willing to bet you've slept with many women!"

"She was a form of rebellion."

"Against who?"

Zyker tilted his head up. "You"

"But you hadn't met me until..."

He flicked my nose, smirking. "That's what you think Little love. Siphilisia is a blast from my past. She means nothing. And I did not kiss her at the party, she kissed me. Though, I was take responsibility and acknowledge that I was wrong. I should not have handled the matter so...insolently. I'm sorry Angel. I'm just not to handle us. I am learning. You are different, Independent, and well-spoken. My actions of having you escorted from the party was wrong.

Feel extremely dignified, I gave him a deep nod and blurted "Damn right!" I slapped him on the back. "Why didn't you tell me you were a prince."

He smirked, emerald eyes glistening with some unknown happiness. "Had I outright told you that I was a Prince you would have been more resistant then before. Honestly. It would have not improved my situation. And you never asked so... "

He was right. "I would have went ballistic if he told me he was a Prince. But him being a prince fitted him...fitted his entire family actually. It explained why Astrid was forever the embodiment of perfection. It explained all the people around them. "So you don't own a paper company?"

Zyker chuckled, running his fingers through his hair, and god was that sexy. "No, Angel. I do not own a paper company."


"I own so much more. Come, lets get you something to eat."


Authors Note

Why did this update take so long? I had to reread and map out the characters, something are going to get changed. Im also trying to figure out some other cool stuff that's going to eventually transpire. I have written chapters...but they aren't up yet. Ugh. I'm so excited to reveal what Angelina is. Her dreams and Zyker's abnormally powerful wolf. Hope yall like this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. And it's OK to print-out my mistakes just don't be rude.

I am freaking out. If it's showing you the unedited version where Zyker admits to being a werewolf let me know! That is not at all in this chapter. >:(

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