MANNEQUIN. x bts series

By voongi

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❝ i'd love to wrap you in my porcelain arms. ❞ jk au. © More

31 [ last chapter ]


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By voongi

I patted his back as Jungkook choked on the soup I had boiled for him in the morning.

I had nothing to do over the hours, since I didn't get to sleep a single wink after that talk with them.

I am starting to regret. Since when did I get the courage to speak up for myself?


"Did you feel any pain after you came back from Busan that day?" I inquire, my eyes still on the old book on my lap that I found the previous night.

It kept me thinking for a long while. This very book has told us a couple rules. 1) He can't kill himself, 2) He isn't allowed to travel anywhere outside of Korea, or the string attached to his life would be cut short, killing him slowly inside.

It's stupid, really, but this whole thing is already messed up, so I might as well go along with it.

He was saying it's unbelievably dumb too, but his expression told me otherwise. Just now, he almost choked on the soup so I doubt there was nothing wrong with him.

He avoids my gaze, "Thanks for the soup. Wakes me up and makes my day a ton better."

"You are welcome," I reply after, lifting my arm and averted my gaze around the store.

"What... Are we going to do now?" I ask, my eyes still kept elsewhere. It's kind of awkward that I actually ran all the way here after everything was done; just so the soup wouldn't turn cold... I must've cared for that mannequin a lot, huh?

Jungkook lifts my chin with a finger and gives me a sly smile. "What do you think we should do~"

Okay. Sirens are calling. My heart is acting too fast. Retreat. Retreat.

"Move," I slap his hand away.

"Oh, why~"

He starts leaning forward closer to me, a little too much that I can't move back any further if I don't want to fall. "Y-Yah, I said move!"

He breaks out into a cheeky smile, his round eyes shining in roguishness.

"You're blushing, aren't you?

Now, what is this?

"No! It's make up. I don't blush," I huff a breath before settling back down again.

Where is the old Jane?

Soon enough, we're back to business with an awe silence between us since we are so caught up with the gathered information. He concentrates well in his work, I could see it in his eyes.

In no time, we'll be able to get his soul out of that mannequin.

An hour has passed and we haven't been speaking much. I was near falling into slumber but he was sitting upright, his back facing me. I then realized I was laying on the couch behind him, with no idea how I got here. He turns around abruptly, as if knowing I have woken up, and points at a note to me, "Look what this says."

My eyes widen as I read on. "This- The... the goddess is-"

"Goddess of love and enchantment," We said in sync. I shake my head in disbelief, hands reaching out to retrieve the paper. Is that why everything here looks magnificent and enchanted, spellbinding us so we feel attracted to the artefacts of this place?

"You know, you're the first one to witness my wink..." He trails off. I raise an eyebrow at him- Oh, I think I know where this is going...

He adds, "Do you think-"

"Okay, bye!" I cut him off, desperately getting on my feet so I could leave to wherever my legs take me. Well, as long as I'm out, I can finally catch my breath.

This is driving me nuts- But in a good way, I suppose.

What he had wanted to say...

Well, he did flirt with me for a couple times... Right?

This is out of the question. What was I thinking, that that perfect-looking garbage could harbour feelings for an actual person?

Who could it be?

"Do you think-"

If I had let him continue, what was he going to talk about?


Or, maybe, I am thinking too ahead of myself.

a/n: if u've found out the antidote for junglecock to turn back into a mannequin, do tell them both! because 1) he probably already noticed how, 2) she is still as blur as sotong


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