Forever Eternal (Wattpadprize...

By LanieBug1234

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“Wait. What do you mean? What are you talking about” I asked as I tried to take a step back, but he grabbed m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28; Epilouge

Chapter 20

490 24 5
By LanieBug1234

I know it's been awhile since I've updated here, but thank you to anyone who has stuck with this and been patient. I just really needed a break form my serious writing, I apologize. But I'm back and feeling better than ever! I appreciate everyone who has stood by me and encouraged me. I love you all. Remember to vote, comment and pass it around! Let me know what you think please. I am also going to enter for the 2013 Watty Awards, I don't expect to win, but its still fun to enter. So if you wouldn't mind just pass my story around as much as you can. I hate asking to be promoted, but if you promote me I will promote you. It would mean so much to me. Love ya'll XOXO -Lanie

Darien and I walked in, his arm around my waist. He looked at Alex, his eyes holding deep emotions within them.

"He was stupid for doing such a thing, trying to turn himself into a vampire. He could have died. It was foolish."

I remained silent and stared at Alex's body; his shallow, raspy breathing caused an aching concern to seat itself within my heart.

"He'll be fine." Darien said, taking in my look of concern and self hate.

"Shouldn't you and Scarlett go and train?" My sister asked, clearly annoyed by Darien.

"Um, yes. We'll go now." Darien said turning me around, ushering me out of the room. 

"Okay, your powers are beginning to emerge, but we need to speed up that process. We don't have much time, and we don't know how long it will take for you to develop your powers naturally." He spoke calmly as he lead me outside.

"And how are we going to do that?" I asked remembering the pain it was to go through Father Sinsata's training, his way of trying to get my powers to emerge. It exhausted me mentally and physically.

"By putting you around your elements."

He led me to the opening of a cave that wasn't too far away from the church, "In here you will be better able to release your powers, you will be surrounded by all your elements and I am hoping it will awake something within you. But you have to go in alone." My heart sank with dread as I looked into the dark mouth of the cave.

"So this is all on my own?" I asked.

"Yes, but don't worry there are no creatures in there. But we must act quickly." He said as he pushed me into the cave by the small of my back. As soon as his hand left the small of my back the cave entrance seemed to close and I was enveloped in total darkness. 

I fought the immediate panic that rose in my heart and focused on my slow, even breathing. I heard running water just a ways away, a steady calming sound for me to hone my senses on. I could see with relative ease, being a vampire had its perks, but that still didn't mean I wouldn't proceed with caution. I noticed a small light up ahead though, and curiosity perked at this. My hands ran along the side of the cave, expecting them to be cold, I was shocked whenever I found them to be warm. There was a breeze that softly blew around me, it surprised me seeing as there shouldn't be another entrance to the cave. 

I stepped through a small opening and was left breathless. There was a cave pool that had light that seemed to shine up from the bottom, sparking crystal clear. A small waterfall ran down from the rocks and cascaded into the water creating the calming sound I had heard earlier. I dipped my hand into the water and was met with a warm embrace. I felt pulled, like a magnet. I stripped down to my tank top and shorts and took a step into the water by the little steps that seemed to have been carved into the side by the Earth. When the steps ended I jumped in, testing the depth. It seemed to go on forever, the light just continued to get further away from my grasp and yet the water never got dimmer.

I broke back to the surface and smiled. The water seemed to make my skin glow and a warming sensation swept through my entire body, from the head of my hair to the tips of my toes I felt bathed in warmth. I felt something stir form deep inside me, I felt the same electricity as I did before, only this time it was more empowering.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do." I called out, my voice echoing off the walls of the cave.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus all my energy on finding my powers that I knew were flowing through my body seeking release. I wanted to find who I was. Who am I? Scarlett Viniche. What am I? A vampire, part of an ancient prophecy, a vampire meant to save the world from eternal damnation. I placed my palms on the water, remaining totally still.

"Draw from the light."  The voice was all around me. I looked into the water, its light seeming to glow even brighter. It was worth a shot. I focused on the light. I pictured it flowing into me, being absorbed by me. I closed my eyes for a brief second and when I opened them the light was dancing in the water, flowing into my palms. The light seemed to be a physical thing I was able to grasp. I gasped at the feeling of power that was surging from within me, but I was afraid to move, scared to break the connection with the light.

"Shine the light and vanquish the darkness." The voice whispered again, and a breeze blew from behind sending the hairs on the back of my neck to attention. But not out of fear, out of warmth and acceptance. I lifted my hand and gently set it on the ground, all the sudden light shot out from it and illuminated the entire room in soft light, and the sweet scent of a flower garden now moved with the ever present breeze. I looked up along the walls and to the ceiling, noticing the intricate symbols and pictures that were now filled with light. What did they mean? As suddenly as the light had appeared it disappeared.

"Accept the opposite of light. Darkness, for you cannot have one without the other. But they must remain in balance."

I stood up out of the water, but was not cold at all. I got out and got on my knees, bowing my head.

"Please, whoever you are. God, Goddess, Saint, Spirit. I'm supposed to save both the vampire and human realms in only a matter of time. I need my powers, please grant them to me, grant me this one and only favor and I will save everyone!" I swore as tears began flowing down my face, the raw emotions I was feeling driving me to say these things. 

I felt a surge of power, a presence in the air and a luminous figure appeared, like a wisp. She wore a long white dress, and her hair was white also. Her pale gray eyes smiled down at me as she offered me her hand.

"My dear one..." Her voice was so soft and loving, like that of a mother.

"W-Who are you?" I asked, still bowing as I stood up.

"I watch over all. And you my dear are so precious. I felt your power and it manifested me here. That is why you can see me, something not many people are able to do." 

"Are you a Goddess?"

"Something of the sort. My child you come here asking for your powers in this time of need. Your desire to save everyone is so fierce, it burns a fire from within you. I will grant you this wish on one condition and one condition only." She was suddenly serious and I felt the surge of power that moved from around her, the white blowing her snow white hair out around her, making her truly seem like a Goddess. 

"I'll do anything."

"You cannot turn to the side of Darkness, the world will cease to exist if you do so."

"I swear to you that I shall always fight for the side of the good and just. Protecting those who need it and protecting the world from the ever growing Darkness." My voice was filled with such honesty, and at that moment I couldn't be more grateful for all that has happened to me.

"Then I shall hereby grant you your powers which have been hidden within your pure heart." She touched the spot just over my heart and I was blown back by the force of power that began to surge through me. I could hardly breathe. I doubled over as I tried to get a grip on what was happening to my body. 

Once I learned how to breathe again I stood up, feeling like I could carry the world if need be.

"You are destined for greatness Scarlett. Don't fall for the Darkness." And with a gust of wind she was gone.

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