The Girl From Four - Finnick...

By peach_y

135K 3.3K 677

Winning the games once was easy, winning them again against your best friend - thats the hard part More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Eighteen

4.2K 104 122
By peach_y

I awake slowly to the blindly light and someone's muffled yelling. As I slowly sit up I slight throbbing hits my head as I feel slightly dehydrated and dizzy. I roll over, expecting to find myself comforted by a soft mattress and the cosiness of my sheets, possibly my ever so soft bath robe that I had left on the side of my bed the previous night, like I had most likely had done. A small plan forming in my head like normal. 'Get Panadol and water for my burning headache, get dressed after slipping into a warm shower, and probably going over to Finnick's or Madge's, for coffee and a nice conversation, probably followed by going over to my mothers - it has been a whil- ' As I am halfway through planning out my day, my hand reaches down to pull up my luxurious blankets when I am met by a hard, paper like object. As my other hand continues to graze over my blankets, it hits me - oh. my. god. these are not my blankets. What happened last night? Is this why I have such a burning headache? I swear to god if this is not just a pair of clothes from last night I'm gon- shit! It moved! it moved! how do I get out of this? - okay (Y/N) start by opening your eyes and jus-'

"you guys getting up soon?" a familiar but strange voice chime in my ears. -' Okay so not only am I stroking a possible stranger, there I also another stranger in my room scolding me in a way? I guess? more like critiquing me - I guess?'

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up" The Lump of fabric I had been absent-mindedly stroking moved up, knocking my hand off. 'Oh its okay, its Finnick - Wait! I didn't sleep with Finnick I didn't.. Did we? Well i guess if I just lie here and pretend I'm asleep, everyone will leave and I can slowly panic.'

"(Y/N) Get up" Finnick says, his voice slightly muffled throughout my never-ending thoughts about how to go kill myself and make it look like murder. After having multiple self debates, i finally open my eyes

"Oh. I'm here" I grumble groggily

"Good morning too, sweetheart" Finnick mocks sarcastically

"Call me that again O'dair" I threaten, with the most annoyed voice i can muster

"Okay, okay calm down, Sweetheart" He responds, smirking wildly

"You're testing your luck. You don't wanna get me angry - you wont like me when I'm angry" I threaten again, trying to sound intimidating

"What would you do? You do realise that you barely make 4'9 right?" 'Okay, I'm mad'

"Ha! I'm 4'8 and a half actually but so what? Its not that short"

(*EDIT* ok so yall feel the need to debate this and like every day or so i get more notifications for this part in particular so finna address this now. Im barely 5'2 and all my friends are 5'6 - 6'2. Literally everyone i know towers over me (My friends english teacher is deadass 6'7) so i decided to write the character ALOT shorter than me. I do not know why every author feels the need to make the character short. I AM NOT going to change the height bc im lazy and really cant be bothered to rewrite stuff. Im sorry if i genuinely offended anyone. I wrote this literally 3 years ago.)

"everyone is taller than you" 'He has a valid point'

"Its not my fault you're 6'4" I mock back, he always teased me about my incredibly short hight. No one knew why as both my parents were quite tall, actually, everyone in my family is quite tall, myself being the exception. But i seems that literally everyone that looks at me twice feels that it is necessary to mock my hight.

"Still, I could crush you just by picking you up, and what? You could maybe kick my ankles?"

"Okay you too, we should start heading off, no more fighting okay? Save that for the other teams." Katniss says as she walks off, heading up the track.

"Shorty" Finnick leans over and whispers in my ear

"Giant" I retort back



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