Modest Secrets - Larry Stylin...

Oleh sherlocksweetheart

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Sometimes, the secrets you keep are the ones to tear you apart... One Direction are on the precipice of globa... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 - Management
Chapter 2 - Sign Here
Chapter 3 - Pretender
Chapter 4 - Interviews
Chapter 5 - New Faces
Chapter 6 - Vodka Tears
Chapter 7 - Copulation
Chapter 8 - Wake up call
Chapter 9 - On The Rocks
Chapter 10 - Liar Liar
Chapter 11 - Vipers Tongue
Chapter 12 - Don't Panic
Chapter 13 - Missing Persons
Chapter 14 - I go to Sleep
Chapter 15 - I Look After You
Chapter 16 - Heavy In Your Arms
Chapter 17 - Resurrection
Chapter 18 - And to know you is hard
Chapter 19 - We argue we don't fight
Chapter 20 - There's something inside you
Chapter 21 - Keep it together
Chapter 22 - Excuse me for a while
Chapter 24 - Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 25 - Let's play pretend
Chapter 26 - Bruised
Chapter 27 - Don't believe in anything
Chapter 28 - Damage control
Chapter 29 - You used to be alright
Chapter 30 - Relapse
Chapter 31 - I fought for you
Chapter 32 - Whatever the weather
Chapter 33 - Spell it out
Chapter 34 - Public Service Announcement
Chapter 35 - Then it hit him
Chapter 36 - See it's gonna get lonely
Chapter 37 - Broken, this fragile thing now
Chapter 38 - Trembling Hands
Chapter 39 - I just want you
Chapter 40 - And fast all hope was gone
Chapter 41 - Keep your heart close to the ground
Chapter 42 - A sinner on the right
Chapter 43 - Whether near or far
Chapter 44 - Break involuntary ties
Chapter 45 - If breathing was this easy ...
Chapter 46 - We were born to die
Modest Secrets Playlist

Chapter 23 - Money is the Anthem of Success

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Oleh sherlocksweetheart

Money is the Anthem of Success

When he opened his eyes a smile was plastered on his face, he rolled over but Harry wasn’t next to him. The night before sang in his memories and Louis stretched as he grinned, he honestly didn’t think he could love Harry anymore then he already did. But, everyday Harry surprised him more and more. Opening his mouth to call out to Harry he jumped in fright as shouting erupted through the hotel room. 

No, this wasn’t shouting it was screaming in the living room, his heart raced when he sleepily listened to the voices. Dawn trickled through the crack in the thick beige curtain and he threw the heavy blankets off his legs in an instant. Rubbing his eyes he fumbled around the floor for some clothes, all the came up with were a pair of Harry’s flannel pyjama pants and he pulled them on quickly. He was shirtless and stumbled from the room, voice hoarse he called out “Harry?” 

The yelling stopped immediately and Louis opened the double doors leading to the living area, in one seat sat Liam with red rimmed eyes and a red snapback on his head. Next to him was Jennifer she was perched with a white blouse and pencil skirt, laptop in hand and bluetooth in her ear. She didn’t smile when she saw Louis, instead she shot Liam a nervous look. That was weird, Louis thought. 

Valerie stood in the corner with the window opened and puffed away furiously on a cigarette, the smoke floated up and through the room but no one noticed it. Her hand was on her hip and she tapped her foot as she inhaled more of the heavy smoke, she stared blankly out the window. 

Niall leaned against the bar talking in hushed whispers to Zayn who was watching on, dazed. 

Harry’s eyes widened when he saw Louis and he shook his head. “I’m so sorry we woke you, Lou.”

Louis shook his head and held up a hand, “What is going on?”

No one spoke. Instead, they all looked around nervously at each other.

“I said, what is going on?” Louis voice was louder now. 

Harry turned and took Louis arm, “Let’s go back to the bedroom and I’ll explain everything okay?”

Louis shook his head, “Harry?” He could tell Harry was in a hurry to protect him from something but all Louis wanted was to show them all he wasn’t this fragile person, he was getting better. “You don’t need to hide me from everything Harry, I’m okay,” he whispered squeezing Harry’s hand in reassurance. “I’m okay,” he repeated again, not sure if he was trying to convince himself or Harry.

Harry wrapped an arm around Louis waist and turned him to quickly retreat from the room but Louis heard someone enter the room. He swirled around to see Dakota leaving the kitchen with a coffee in her manicured hand, long hair tied back and glimmering diamonds in her ears. Harry groaned in frustration and let go of Louis, he swore under his breath. Dakota froze when she saw Louis and turned to walk back into the kitchen but stopped at Louis voice. 

“Too late, I can see you,” Louis bitterly spoke. 

The room was tense but no one turned around, no one spoke. Niall stood up but Zayn shoved him back into his seat on the stool and they hissed at each other once more. 

“Louis, come on.” Harry pulled his arm urgently. 

“Let go,” Louis hissed pulling away from Harry. 

“Please,” Harry sounded desperate.

“What’s going on?” Louis hissed under his breath. 

Valerie threw her cigarette out the window and swore, “Oh for God sake, Louis sit down.” She flicked her wrist gesturing to the couch. She walked to Louis as he sat and kneeled down in front on him, she put her hands on his knees and stared over the rim of her glasses studying him. As she began to speak Liam began to fidget in his seat, Louis looked across at him but Liam didn’t meet his eyes. It wasn’t like the Liam he knew at all.

Valerie sighed and Louis met her eyes, “Darling,” she began, “Dakota has a contract with Harry that needs to be… kept.”

Louis flinched.

She ignored his reaction and continued, that was Valerie, like a bull in a china shop. “They are due for an appearance at ‘La Petite’ in fourty five minutes and Harry here is making things extremely difficult.” She fussed around him grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around his shoulders, pouring him a glass of water her unsteady hand shoved it into his. “Right so could you just tell Harry you’re okay with him going out publicly with Dakota.”

Louis was stunned. 

“You don’t have to be so heartless,” Liam scowled. 

Valerie glared at him, “You Mr. Payne don’t really have a leg to stand on after your performance in the Lobby last night with Niall, do you?”

Louis turned to look at Niall and on closer inspection, saw him sporting a swollen lip and red knuckles. “What?”

“Forget it,” Liam whispered hanging his head low. 

“Right, so Louis are you okay for us to proceed or do you feel on the precipice of another…” she waved her hands, “you know, attempt?”

“Come off it!” Zayn stood up. 

Harry swore at her. 

Niall shouted out and Jennifer just rolled her eyes. “What Valerie means to say is are you feeling okay today or would you like us to hold off on the Dakota exploits?”

Louis looked down at his hands grasping the water tightly, he swore in the corner of his eye he saw Liam’s hand brush for Jennifer’s and then pull away; but put it down to sheer exhaustion. 

“This is bullshit, I don’t want anything to do with her,” Harry was fuming. 

Louis silently places the untouched glass of water on the table and leaning forward stared at the carpet. He listened, helplessly as the room erupted into arguments. Suddenly, Louis wished he hadn’t woken up at all. Sleep was easy, it was life that was complicated. 

“Harry, we have been over this countless times,” Valerie hissed. 

Liam opened his mouth but the look on Harry’s face caused him to close it. 

Harry looked helplessly at Louis who seemed so small on the couch. “Lou, why don’t you ask Liam what he’s been up to, why we couldn’t find him at the hospital.”

Niall snorted and Zayn punched his arm, “You don’t have to be so smug,” he hissed to Niall who just frowned and sunk onto the barstool next to Zayn.

Liam stiffened. 

Louis turned to Liam, “What?”

Liam shook his head, “Everyone’s got it all wrong, Lou you have to understand.”

“He’s on team Dakota now,” Niall called out. 

Louis flinched, “You’re… what?”

Liam leaned closer to Louis, “Please Lou, it’s not like that.” He leaned right to Louis ear and whispered, “I had no choice.”

Louis slid away from Liam on the couch and Liam sighed with regret. Valerie was now standing in the middle of the room, frantically lighting another cigarette and scowling down at Louis. Smoke floated through the air and Louis watched it as it disappeared into the ceiling. 

“We don’t need this shit on top of everything else,” Harry groaned. 

Jennifer piped up, “I think you’re all being a little overdramatic towards Liam, don’t you?”

“Really? Oh sorry was your friend trying to kill himself because of that bitch too?” Niall slammed his hand down on the bar and it made Louis jump. 

“Come off it,” Liam shouted back. 

“What you’re defending her too? Shock horror,” Niall feigned surprise. 

Harry started shouting at Jennifer who was shaking her head at him. Zayn was trying to keep Niall from flying out of his seat and strangling Liam. Liam looked tired and sad as he tried to show the boys reason. 

Louis covered his ears and began rocking, he could feel a panic attack rising as his breathing quickened and his heartrate increased. There was a tightness in his chest, “stop it,” he mumbled as he squeezed his eyes shut. 

“You know what you are? You’re a kiss ass!” Niall laughed at Liam. 

“It’s not like that! I care about Louis just as much as the rest of you,” Liam stood up pointing at Niall. 

Harry and Jennifer were screaming bloody murder and Valerie just sighed and walked to the window ignoring them all. 

Dakota stood awkwardly watching them all and smirked behind her cup of coffee. She loved the drama and the fact it was all because of her, well that was a bonus. 

Louis began shaking. “Stop it,” he mumbled over and over again. The shouting didn’t stop, it just escalated and suddenly he couldn’t hear himself think. He could hardly breathe and it felt like his ribcage was going to snap open from the pressure. “Stop it!” He screamed standing up. “Just fucking stop,” Louis wiped his eyes. 

Everyone silenced turning to look at him, Harry dropped his hands and started for Louis but Louis pulled away. “If it’s that important for you all to fight like this, fine but I’m leaving and don’t expect me to come back.”

“No Lou,” the boys all said in unison. 

Louis turned on Liam, “Look, whatever the fucks going on with Dakota, Jennifer or whoever just sort it out and stop fighting with Niall. I hate it when you fight, it’s a nightmare. Okay?”

Liam nodded silently. 

“Niall,” Louis pointed a finger, “stop pushing Liam’s buttons. I get it, he’s hurt us but you’re just making things worse.” Niall almost shrunk into his seat at Louis words and looked away ashamed of himself. 

Valerie walked over and butted out her cigarette into Louis glass of water. 

Harry was glaring at Dakota, so she turned to leave the room but Valerie rushed over to grab her shoulders, “Now don’t you go anywhere. Harry, Louis, boys” she looked around at them, “Liam has tried to make you see reason so now it is my turn.” She looked over at Louis who was just standing there, breathless, “Sit down Louis you’re making me nervous.” He obliged but glared at Dakota.

“Right, listen” Valerie had her serious face on, “Paul sent me here to make you all see some goddamn reason. Dakota, excuse my french fucked up. Okay, we all get it, she pushed Louis when he needn’t be pushed. We are all relieved that you are here and well Louis but one must understand this is an enterprise we are building…” she turned to look at Niall and Zayn before continuing, “An enterprise that you are apart of. In our world it’s just life that things fuck up and we have to move on, whether we want to or not. Some of the biggest celebrities have to put their feelings aside and do whats best for their fans and their careers.”

She looked around at them still holding Dakota’s shoulders. “Now, Harry, darling if you can’t get over this and accept her apology I will force you all to have group therapy, who wants that on their busy schedule?”

No one answered.

“Just as I thought. So sweetheart, they forgive you. Go and get dressed, Ashley is in the study waiting to dress you.” Valerie spun on her heels to Niall, “You and Liam need to sort yourselves out by tomorrow. I don’t want anymore bickering okay, whatever it is… get over it.”

Niall scoffed and Valerie glared at him. 

Jennifer stood up and visibly relaxed when Valerie exited, “I’m so sorry boys, she’s become rather…”

“Psychotic?” Harry glowered sitting down next to Louis. 

Jennifer smirked, “Stressed was the word I was looking for.”

“Insane,” Niall remarked, “… would be a better word.”

Harry took Louis hand and pulled him up, “come on, lets talk in the bedroom.”

Louis looked at the other boys and then sighed, “fine.”

When Louis shut the door he turned to see Harry frantically pacing up and down the room, “Lou, I don’t like this. I don’t want things to get any-“

Louis cut him off, “They wont.”

Harry shook his head, “You don’t understand, I can’t sleep I can hardly eat I have constant nightmares of finding you on the floor, I just…” Harry wiped his eyes, his back was to Louis. “It was just so hard, if she… I don’t want things between us to–“

Louis rushed over and pulled Harry into his arms, “They won’t,” he said again softly stroking Harry’s hair as he cried. “I’m here, I’m okay. We know what she’s like and now we are on the look out. I promised you forever, right?”

Harry pulled away and smiled between the tears that fell down his cheeks, “I hate this, I hate her.”

“I know you do,” Louis whispered soothingly. 

“You know I don’t want to be with her, right?”

Louis laughed, “After last night I’m pretty sure the whole corridor knows.”

Harry blushed, “whatever comes out of her mouth, please don’t believe it, okay?” 

Louis began stroking Harry’s face and wiping his tears away with his thumbs, “I promise. You need to take care of yourself, I’ll be okay.”

Harry kissed Louis tenderly and before he could reply the door swung open. Niall stood there smiling faintly, “He Lou, you okay?”


“Harry, they need you to get ready cause you have to leave soon.” Niall left the room and closed the door. 

Louis looked into Harry’s eyes and smiled, “We’ll be okay, I’ll be right here when you get back.”

“Lou, I love you, okay?”

“I know Harry, I know.” Louis whispered and kissed his forehead, he watched as Harry left the room and forced a smile when Harry turned around once more.

He wasn’t okay, he was breaking inside all the pressure from management and the swirling uneasiness that rolled beneath his veins was taking its toll. But while Harry was around he had to be okay, for Harry. Louis fell back onto the bed and pulled a pillow over his face as he began to scream, relieving the pressure that was building to dangerous levels within him. How much longer were they all going to have to deal with all this shit? Louis wasn’t sure he or the other boys could handle much more. 

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