Jeremiah (Slowly Editing)

By theepariah

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RATED R || WARNING: Abundance of mistakes made. Promise to fully edit every chapter when I'm completely done... More

Chapter 01- Asshole
Chapter 02- Sex On legs
Chapter 03- Don't Tempt Me
Chapter 04- Bad Boy
Chapter 05- Boyfriend
Chapter 06- Give In
Chapter 07- The One And Only
Chapter 08- Effected
Chapter 09- Vise Versa
Chapter 10- Au Contraire
Chapter 11- I Love You
Chapter 12- Gamer
Chapter 13- Double Dates
Chapter 14- Tell Me What You Want
Chapter 15- Double Trouble
Chapter 16- Unanswered Questions
Chapter 17- Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 18- Ignorance Is Bliss
Chapter 19- Nothing Big
Chapter 20- Sexual Fustration
Chapter 21- Replaceable
Chapter 22- Sweet Compliments
Chapter 23- Seduce
Chapter 24- Mistakes
Chapter 25- Daughter In Law
Chapter 26- Guilty As Charged
Chapter 27- Paranoid And Void
Chapter 28- Faults
Chapter 29- Reality Spilts All
Chapter 30- No Hesitation
Chapter 31- What About Sex
Chapter 33- Olive Juice
Chapter 34- Tomorrow
Chapter 35- Day After Yesterday
Chapter 36- Today
Chapter 37- Unfinished Business
Chapter 38- Us
Chapter 39- Happiness
Chapter 40- The Beginning

Chapter 32- Tease

647 14 2
By theepariah

I knocked my sweaty fist on the maroon door.

Its been about a week and a half since I last saw him. Obviously he wouldn't be at school anytime soon but it didn't stop me from hoping he'd surprise me. I was going to stop by his house but then I realized I had no clue where he lived. Then I remembered that mom had took him home when he had stayed the night.

So here I was in front of a normal looking door that anyone could've of owned but it was his. I shifted from foot to foot waiting. My mom beeped the car indicating she was leaving, I'd call her once I left his house.

The maroon door swung open and I was greeted with a shouted shut up from Jarvis. He wasn't looking at me. Instead his head was faced towards the wooden stairs.

When he faced me he seemed startled.

"Destiny?" I smiled softly at him. I think that's the first he's said my name.

"Um... Is he home?" He hesitated but pointed up the wooden stairs and responded with, "To the right all the way down."

I slowly went up the stairs and turned right. I found myself knocking on a door again but this one held the person I've had to deal since the day one, the person I hadn't stop thinking about for awhile now.

"I'm not home." I heard in the room. I smiled and slowly opened the door.

"So I guess I should leave then?" I smiled pointing at the hall.

"You won't though." His face lit when he saw who it was. His lips tilted. I challenged him.

I placed the fruit basket on the black chair and walked trying hardly not to smile. I heard shuffling in the room and halted when I thought he might of fell but he'd call my name.

"Des, wait!"

I skipped down the stairs landing on the last one and ready to swing the front door open. "Okay, I get it. You would leave." Smiling up the stairs in triumph, I get back to the stairs and look up at him.

His posture was weak and forceless. He was about to stumble over until I grabbed his arm and threw it around my shoulder. He tensed when my hand skimmed his bare back. I hesitated before I refused to touch him there.

Jeremiah sorta limped back to his room with me as support.

"You know how much energy it took me to get out this bed?"


"A lot!"

"Well next time don't challenge me." I laugh, sitting on his desk chair.

"Why are you sitting all the way over there? Can I get a hug at least?"

"No." I answered a bit more curtly then wanted.

"What penetrated your ass?" His eyebrow lifted.

"Not you." I muttered.

"You'd want that?" He smiled evilly.

"God no." My face screwed together. "Would you?

"No." He scoffed. "I just asked to see what you're into. I'm curious Destiny."

"I'm into anything but that." I flirted. Lord now I feel stupid. What could possibly be anything?

"I know."

"You know what?" My brows furrowed. What does he know that I don't?

"What you're into." His eyes lifted from the fruit basket to me. He had a dangerous glint in his eyes. He was teasing me and I liked it.

"Jeremiah, what am I into?" His attention was on me once again. Legs dangling at the edge of the bed. Hands in his laps. Bare chest inevitable. Lips sightly parted. Eyes glaring.

He licked his lips and responded.


He did that on fucking purpose.

I narrowed my eyes. "Tease."

"Same thing you are. I'm no different." He did a perfect wink. It wasn't a twitch, a blink of both eyes. It was a wink.

We stared at each other for a couple more minutes. He patted the bed indicating for me to sit.

"No." I purse my lips while shaking my head. " I refuse to talk to you. After the stunt you pulled last week." I narrow my eyes.

"What I do?" Jeremiah cracked his knuckles. Twisting his face at his question.

"You know." Was all I said. He obviously knew what I was talking about. The glint in his eyes revealed it.

"Seriously, I don't." I rolled my eyes and played along.

"Well you did a couple things," I pause. His expression urge me to continue.

"You-Um. You told my dad that you'd," God this was awkward to say. Especially you and me being in the same sentence.

"Fuc-be intimate..with me. To keep it on the safe side."

"Fuck you?" I shuddered and it wasn't because I was disgusted.

"Something like that."

He started to chuckle. " I told him that? What'd he say?" I shrugged.

"But the only reason you were acting that way was because you took the wrong pills."

"Yeah, I was told that but not what I said."

"And did." I whispered.

"Wait! We had sex?" He got up from his bed and walked to his dresser. Light bruised colored back facing me. The band aids on his back made my skin crawl. I can just tell he was in pain every time he took a step.

He was rampaging through his drawers, looking for something. I got up out of my seat to help.

"What are you looking for?"

"A shirt."


"Need help?" I twist my lips to the side, grazing my hand on the knob that opened the draw.

"Yeah can you get a blue shirt in the last draw?" I bent down. My knees on the floor and my behind on the back of my heels.

As I open the drawer I find socks but no blue shirt. Then I saw a blue thin fabric. I got up standing at my height taking the shirt with me. It was folded neatly. I handed it to him.

He smiled. He had such a beautiful smile-that's when he used it.

"Des that's boxers."

He was going to bend down but I was quick to get it for him.

"No, let me-ow!" Our foreheads collided and we both were quick to stand up straight and press our hands to our frontale.

"Sorry." I said looking pass my palm and fingers. He shook his head,"No it's okay."

"Okay, um. I'll grab the shirt you just stay right there. Don't bend down. Don't even move." I fidget with my words.

I took his crumbled boxers out his hand and folded it neatly back where it's suppose to be.

As I looked for his blue shirt, I thought about how organized his things are. Yet I couldn't help but wonder how his boxers smelt like.

Do it.

I was utterly tempted to. That be embarrassing though.

Way too embarrassing.

To the left in the far back, there was a blue material peeking. Complete different blue from his boxers. Lifting each and every pair of clothing to take-what I was hoping was his shirt. I finally get to the material pulling it out.

I hand it to him.

"Thank you." He mumbled. I stand up watching him put it on. Once again his back was towards me."

Gosh his back was still amazing even with those angry bandages attaching to his back.

My hand skimmed his tanned flesh, avoiding the bandages. His back tensed but I didn't remove my hand.

"It hurts?"

"I take pills." He shrugged. The muscles in his back moved with him.

He turned around and my hand lost contact with smooth skin. Our eyes locked and we didn't talk. It was an unexpected movement. Nothing came out. I didn't know what to say.

His eyes were gunmetal. I didn't even notice that his shirt was fully on. I guess that's how his eyes sparkled. The blue shirt loosely fitted onto his body. The collar was tucked in and I automatically reached my hand pulled it up right.

While fixing his collar my fingernails would ever so slightly abrade his neck. I kept my fingers as far from his skin. I tried to keep my breathing as light as I can. My eyes focused on my struggling fingers. Now that we were this close I felt the need not to look at him directly.

Now I couldn't finish what I started.

The stupid button would keep sliding out the whole. His warm hand clasp my struggling fingers.

"I got it." His mouth spoke among my fingers. I nod my head taking one look at him before retrieving back to the seat.

"Let's go." He spoke after awhile.

"Where?" He stood and walked out his door. I was right behind him in a heartbeat

Are you even allowed to?

The sun was finally peaking out the clouds as we just simply walked. I remember dad telling me how the walking was good for him only if it wasn't to much.

We were side by side, our shoulders bumping numerous times-more like his shoulder to my head.

When I looked up, Jeremiah was looking straight forward. His jaw clenching ever so often.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You look...stressed."

"No, Its just that I forgot my brace."

"Oh! You want me to," I stopped and twisted my body walking back towards the house again. "...Get it for-Or not." He pulled the belt loop of my jeans, halting me.

"Its fine, we won't do much." He smirked looking right back towards were the sun is. The neighborhood was unbelievably silent. There wasn't even a whistle of the wind. The possible noise being made was our feet scrapping the ground along with kicking the rocks.

"Is it always like know quiet and all." Jeremiah's face turned, obviously he was thinking about the question.

"No. Not always." And that was it. Silence again.

I thought twice about bringing the situation up of him and I at the hospital. I was too afraid to ask any of them. Afraid of the answer, the rejection.

Is it some sorta thing we have together?

Its erking my nerves so much. I should be terribly mad that he'd let her kiss him like that. Even if he didn't want it he still let her. So much for I like you all to myself. It's a bunch of sh-

"If you want it to be."

I looked up at him screwing my eyebrows together. "Want it to be what?"

"Want it to be some sorta thing."

He heard me, I must've said it out loud and I am such a complete idiot for it. "Want some sorta thing?"

"Want some sorta thing that you think we don't have already."

"Want some sorta thing that I know we don't have." His eyebrows lifted up towards his hairline. He was surprised that I had responded like that. I was much surprised myself.

"Really?" Jeremiah stopped walking and I didn't answer him. I didn't think it was a question for me to answer anyway.

"What makes you think that we have some sorta thing?" I turned back to see if he was still following, mocking his tone with this sorta thing-thing.

"Everything." He breathed.

"No," I scowled. It came out on its own. The wind that had pass earlier was now gone. Too afraid that it might of ruined the silence.

"No hesitation Destiny." He whispered. Reminding me what he said at the hospital.

"No there is hesitation Jeremiah." His face screwed in confusion.

"Lydia." And all the other harems.

"You know its not that anymore."

He stepped closer to me. My eyes dared him to take another step and he defied me, taken all of the steps to the point where the tips of our sneakers touched. He pressed his forehead on mine and inhaled. I closed my eyes and just listened to the silence mingled with his breathing.

Why can't I have you?

(A/N-) I know longest wait ever. Told you I'd be busy :(


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