The Skylark's Snowflake (Hiba...

By Bluemoon609

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This the continuation of the book The Snow Guardian (Hibari x Oc). I don't own KHR, only my characters. More

Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Ouran High School Host Club
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Kyokai In Wonderland
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180~
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190

Chapter 145

585 14 9
By Bluemoon609


Chapter 145


It's been days ever since the beach, second term of school was near, so everyone decided to end their break on this special day "amusement park ?" Kyoya's brow twitched at what Kyokai told him "I'm not going, it's too much crowd" he looked away "well, Reborn was the one who planned it, you can't refuse" Kyokai shrugged, he sighed heavily "are amusement parks that bad ?" She asked and tilted her head in confusion.

He glanced at her "why do you ask ?" He said "what are they anyway ?" She sat next to him on the couch "you don't know what amusement parks are ?" He raised a brow in disbelieve, she shook her head "I've heard of it, but I never been to one" she said "a-are they bad ?" She blinked "to me, it is" he sighed heavily.

He pulled out his phone and searched for something "look.." He showed her his phone screen "what is that ?" She asked "where your going" he said "those rides look weird" she frowned "this place seem to be cheerful, I hate it" she scrolled down on the phone "so what are you going to do ?" He asked, she thought for a while.

"EEEEEEEHHH !!?" Everyone gaped as they gathered at the dining "what ? Why not, Kai-chan ?" Kotoya said "I don't think I fit in such place as amusement parks" Kyokai said "you haven't been in one, right ?" Reborn said "no, I haven't" Kyokai shook her head, they sweat dropped "what other placed you haven't went to ?" Yamamoto asked "I'm not sure" she held her chin.

"Zoo ?"


"Aquarium ?"


"A Play ?"


"Movie theaters ?"


"Concerts ?"


They sweat dropped "is it bad if I said I don't know these places ?" Kyokai asked rather shyly "very bad !" They said, she blinked in confusion "you don't know what a movie theater is ?" Gokudera said "I know what it is, I just don't like sitting next to strangers in the dark" Kyokai explained "she got too much to learn" they thought.

"I'm sorry, Kai-chan ! I shouldn't have went without you ! I should have took you with me !" Kotoya anime cried as he hugged her "it's alright I guess" she mumbled "that's not alright" Chrome said "that's dangerous desu~" Haru raised her fists "well, I'm not surprised. Kyokai didn't even try a swing before until last month" Ryohei said "what !?" Kyoko said.

Kyokai was really confused and lost as everyone felt guilty about her childhood, she would always spent time in the house or the company and never had realized what kids her age used to do "so what did you used to do when you were young, Kyokai-nee ?" Tsuna asked, Kyokai thought for a while "uncle Aito used to train me in the backyard when he's not working, I read his books when he is at work" she said "what beside training and studying did you do ?" Yamamoto frowned.

She was about to say playing musical instruments, but thought that they might ask her to play in front of them "n-no, I don't remember" she shook her head, they sighed "that's it !" Ryohei stood up "your going to the amusement park and see how fun it is to the Extreme ! Whether you like it or not !" He pointed at her nose, Kyokai blinked.

=Time Skip=

The next day, everyone got in the bus, Kyokai sighed as she stared out of the window, they will be staying at the hotel with an indoor hot spring. Ryohei stared at her worriedly as he sat next to her. He popped a vein as he heard Gokudera saying how loud he will be at the rides "what was th-" Ryohei paused when he felt Kyokai rest her head on his shoulder, he glanced at bangs would fall on her eyes.

His face redden as his heart beat fast "Hibari is not around, so is it fine if.." He looked at Kyokai again. He leaned in to kiss her forehead, but retreated by making her lean against the window, he panted heavily while looking away.

He face palmed while sighing heavily "hm ?" He looked up to see Gokudera staring at him over the seat, making Ryohei get startled out of his skin "Geee~" Gokudera narrowed his eyes "w-what !?" Ryohei said "heh" Gokudera smirked and sat back down "what's with that face, Octopus Head !?" Ryohei yelled.

"Ryohei" Kyokai called "y-yes !?" Ryohei flinched, he noticed she was standing to go to the bathroom, but his legs were in the way "o-oh !" He stood up and let her walk pass him. The bus suddenly moved roughly, she flinched when she fell back with Ryohei. They winced in pain as her back was against his legs while being between his legs "hm ?" He blinked looked down to see his arms right under her breasts "Hwa !" He backed away and accidentally bump his head into the bus.

Kyokai looked at him "ah Ryohei, are you alright ?" She crawled toward him. The bus moved again and she flinched when she fell on his chest, his face exploded and turned red "Gomen" she sat up, she got up and went to the bus bathroom. Gokudera frowned and glanced over his seat to see smoke coming out of Ryohei, who's face was on the floor while holding his head.

They stared in awe when they reached the amusement park, all kinds different rides and booths "let's hurry and drop our things at the hotel" Reborn said, they nodded "come on, Kai !" Ryohei called as Kyokai got out of the bus "what's wrong ?" He frowned "your making that Devil face when you see something you don't like ! It's scary" he frowned, Kyokai's eye twitched and her face darkened at the sight in front of her.

"I think I'll stay at the hotel" she grumbled "no !" Ryohei carried her on his waist level "Oi !" She kicked her legs to get free "your going to have fun, even if I force you to the Extreme !" He said, they nervously sweated "m-maybe we should drop at the hotel first" Tsuna said.

After dropping the luggage at the hotel, they went to the amusement park and walked around "it's a good thing that there are not a lot of crowd" Tsuna sighed in relief "yeah ! So we don't have to wait in line for so long" Yamamoto smiled "yeah" Tsuna nodded "but also for Kyokai-nee.." They glanced over their shoulders.

Kyokai was hugging herself while Ryohei tried to cheer her up, clearly she wasn't comfortable "Offu !" They stopped walking when a kid tripped in front of him, looked like he was at the age of 2 "isn't that Dino's son ?" Gokudera's eye twitched "don't run off like that, you'll get lost" Kyoya picked him up and made him stand on his feet. Kisume's 3 years old son, Kou, was holding Kyoya's hand.

He look up and blinked "eh ?" They tilted her heads "Hi-Hibari-san is here !?" Tsuna thought and paled "Hibari, I thought you didn't want to come !" Ryohei said "I was forced" Kyoya grumbled "Oji-san, Kyoya Oji-san !" Kou tugged on his sleeve "Oji-san ?" They thought.

Kyoya sighed and picked up Nickolas "doesn't matter, I'm leaving" he turned and walked away "Kou" he called over his shoulder "ah !" Kou flinched and ran to hold his hand "odd, I thought he would stay for Kai" Yamamoto said "maybe because she isn't here" Chrome said "eh !?" They looked behind them "huh !?" Ryohei looked next to him "how did she- !?" They looked around.

"Oh ! She's over there !" Haru pointed where Kyokai was standing in front of a man and his child, the man seemed to be afraid as he was talking a lot while panicky sweating, the child was holding his tears as his ice cream fell Kyokai's foot "I-I'm really sorry, Hayashi-sama ! M-My child.." The man stopped talking as Kyokai raised her hand.

She pulled out a napkin and cleaned her foot, then pulled out her wallet and knelt "don't cry" she wiped the child's tear "here, go buy yourself an ice cream with two scoops" she gave the money to him and got up to walk away "Arigatou, Nee-san !" The child waved "Arigatou Gozaimasu, Hayashi-sama !" The man bowed.

"Nice Kai !" Yamamoto gave Kyokai a thumbs up "hey Kyokai, I never see you act that way before" Ryohei said "that child..." They blinked "was crying, it was annoying" Kyokai glared "that employ of mine was short in money, I had no problem giving him some of mine" she said "haha ! As expected, your so generous Senpai !" Yamamoto laughed "in a way" he shrugged.

Kyokai flinched when an arm wrapped around her shoulders from behind "Yo" Kyoya smirked and rested his chin on her shoulder "Kyoya, you came ?" She glanced at him "oh yeah, he came with two children" Kyoko said "what children ?" Kyokai glared at Kyoya "mini herbivore and Bucking Horse #2" Kyoya told her "oh, you should have told me you were watching your nephews" she shrugged "Bucking Horse #2 is not my nephew" he glared.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and looked behind him only to get slapped hard really hard by Kazumi, Kou peeked from behind her legs, where he was hiding "..." They paled as Kyoya's red cheek stung "what ?" He said blankly "disrespectful ! You should be ashamed of yourself" Kazumi painfully pulled his ear, he only kept his blank face, being used to it whole his life "I didn't say anything wrong, he's not even your real son to begin with" he removed her hand "you little brat !" She popped a vein.

They nervously sweated as the two glared daggers at each others "Hwa ! How scary !" Tsuna paled "haha ! They don't get along so well !" Yamamoto laughed "I guess the hatred runs in the family" Gokudera said "w-wait ! Kazumi !" Dino ran toward them "eh ?" He tripped and Nickolas flew from his arms, they paled.

Nickolas bumped into Kazumi's head and Kyoya quickly caught him, Kyoya flinched when Nickolas started crying "what the hell are you doing !? Calm him down !" Ryohei said "I don't know how to calm him down" Kyoya glared at him "give me" Kyokai opened her arms, Kyoya gave Nickolas to her. She rested his chin on her shoulder and patted his back, he soon calm down and slept on her shoulder.

"EEEEEh~ how did you do that ?" Kyoko asked "I don't know" Kyokai mattered "Arigatou, Kai-chan" Kazumi smiled and took Nickolas from her "Kazumi-san, your head.." Kyokai pointed at Kazumi's bump "it's alright, as long as Nicko-kun is alright" Kazumi smiled "Dino !" She glared over his shoulder "h-hai !" Dino stood up straight "let's go, Kou-kun" she told Kou, he nodded and followed her.

They watched them leave "alright !" Haru cheered "let's go" she smiled, they nodded and started walking. They went to ride the rollercoaster. They sat in pairs, Tsuna and Kyoko, Gokudera and Haru, Yamamoto and Chrome, Ryohei and Hana, and Kyoya and Kyokai "what's wrong ?" Kyoya asked as their turn came in the line "I-I don't know if I feel well" Kyokai mumbled. She blinked as he got in the cart and offered her a hand, she shyly took it and hopped in the cart.

The ride started and everyone were either scared or excited. Tsuna clenched on the restraint as he got nervous "haaa !! I want to go home !!" He thought "but at least I'm with Kyoko-chan !" He thought and closed his eyes shut "but this is scary !" He thought "ah ! We're going so high" Kyoko frowned.

"Tch, why am I sitting next to a screaming girl ?" Gokudera said "Hahi !? Haru is not a screaming girl ! Haru is a brave one ! Gokudera-san is the one who's scared !" Haru pouted "I'm not scared ! I'm Judaime's right hand man !" Gokudera said, they looked away and gulped in fear.

Yamamoto laughed and Chrome clenched on the restraint, holding back her tears "don't worry ! You'll have fun !" Yamamoto smiled, Chrome shakily nodded "t-this is really high" she closed her eyes shut "yeah ? When we go down, we should throw our arms in the air like this !" He waved his arms "I-I prefer not" she said "eh ? Why not ?" He blinked.

"I can't believe I'm dying next to a monkey" Hana rested her head back as she didn't want to let go of the restraint "EXTREME RIDE !!" Ryohei yelled "oh !? What's wrong !?" He looked at her as she mattered some words with a pale skin "praying ?" He sweat dropped.

Kyoya sighed heavily and crossed his arms "hn ?" He glanced at Kyokai, who was looking down at how high they were "Oi" he grabbed her head and made her sit up "don't look down or you'll fall and die" he glared "hm" she nodded "are you scared ?" He asked "I'm a little excited" she mumbled.

"HEEEEEIII !!!" Tsuna screamed as they dived down and Kyoko screamed at the speed "AHHHHH !!" Gokudera and Haru screamed, anime tears coming out of their eyes "wohoo !!" Yamamoto threw his arms in the air while Chrome screamed "I swear I will die before they discover pigs can fly !" Hana paled "GAAH !! KUROKAWA BROKE !!" Ryohei yelled "..." Kyoya and Kyokai sat at the last quietly.

They panted as they finished the ride and trembled to get out "that was amazing !" Yamamoto laughed "how was it, Kai !?" He asked, they looked at Kyokai "I guess it wasn't that bad" Kyokai admitted and fixed her hair, they sighed in relief "Yo guys ! How was it !?" Kotoya jogged toward them "where were you ?" Gokudera said "umm.." Kotoya slightly blushed.

"Koto-kun.." Misako hugged his arm and kissed his cheek "ahaha !" Kotoya nervously laughed as Kyokai glared at him "so I suppose you two are dating now ?" She raised a brow "ah yeah, right after the day of the beach !" Kotoya flinched "I know I'm suppose to hang out with you, but-" he got cut off "it's fine" Kyokai said "go on" she said, he smiled "I'll hang out with you at night" he said "that's kind of far" she mumbled, he patted her head.

Kyokai watched him link arms with Misako as they walked away, Misako smirked over her shoulder and hugged his arm tighter "eh !?" They flinched when Kyokai got surrounded by a dark area "get back here, Ponytail !" Kyoya picked up Kyokai by the waist from behind, pulling her back.

After so many rides, they sat at the bench, they sweat dropped at the gloomy Kyoya and the fainted Chrome "maybe we should head back to the hotel" Tsuna said "hm, those rides were a lot for them" Kyoko nodded. They got gloomy as Kyoya was about to vomit, Kyokai rubbed his back "you guys continue playing, I'll stay here until Kyoya recover" Kyokai said "let's drop Chrome first at the hotel at least" Tsuna said and they left.

Kyokai patted his head as she rested it on her shoulder, even giving small kisses against his hair "did they leave ?" Kyoya asked "hm" she nodded, he sighed heavily and rested his head on her lap "e-eh ?" She blushed as she noticed a couple of people watching them "hm" she ignored them and stroked his hair.

She flinched when he grabbed her hand "G-Gomen ! Want me to stop ?" She asked, he just held her hand tightly close to his face. He watched how families were walking together, holding hands and laughing "Kai.." He said "your good with children, right ?" He asked "that's what Sato told me" she said "then you will be a good mother to my child" he kissed her hand "d-don't say something so embarrassing" she blushed.

"I've never took take of a child before" she mumbled "how come you know ways to calm down a child if you didn't take care of one to begin with ?" He said "I just do" she looked away, he laid down on his back and stared up at her "tell me" he poked her cheek.

He blinked as she puffed her cheeks and glared away "Oi Orokana Sunōfurēku" he poked her cheek again "b-because, I've been watching" she mumbled "hn ?" He frowned "I've watched how mothers take care of their children and somehow learned" she explained "s-since I've never had a mother to begin with" she said "aunt Akira would always abuse me, so I can't feel any warmth"

He suddenly sat up, she flinched when he put his arm around her head and buried his face in her hair "am I not warm enough for you ?" He whispered, she blushed and her eyes widen "h-hey, people are watching" she looked away "be quiet and get warm" he rested his arm lazily around her shoulders and put his other hand on the back of her head, pulling it to kiss her cheek.

"S-Seriously.." She blushed and make him wear his hoodie, then put her arms around his neck "I hate you" she whispered against his cheek "me too" he smirked. They closed their eyes and she pulled his hoodie to cover their faces while kissing, he ran his hand through her soft hair and rubbed her shoulder with his thumb.

They rested their foreheads against each other, she slightly blushed "I'm doing it, we're kissing in public" she looked down "well, you covered our faces, but you are getting there step by step" he shrugged "hn" he rested his forehead on her shoulder "I'm getting dizzy" he mattered "a-ah ! I'll bring you a drink to freshen up" she held his shoulder to rest his back on the backrest.

She got up and ran off to look for a diner, as she was about to get the drink from the casher, someone took it instead of her "Kyo ?" She looked behind her "thanks for that, cutie" a guy laughed "Oi, isn't that Hayashi ?" His friend said, they were upper classmates from her school.

"Give me that" she tried to snatch the drink from him "or what ?" He smirked. She flinched when an arm wrapped around her from behind and rested their forehead on her shoulder "Kyo.." She whispered "who's that hooded emo ? Your boyfriend ?" They guys laughed "hn ?" Kyoya looked up and glared "Chairman !" They paled "Gomenasai !" They gave Kyokai the drink and ran off "the rumor was true ! She was being guard by the Demon !" They heard.

They blinked, she lift up the cup and he sipped from it over her shoulder "let's go" he held her hand as she sipped from the drink, she threw it after they were done. They walked passed a booth, Kyoya stopped and looked at it "hey young man, knock out those cans and win a prize for your lovely lady there !" The man said "your flirting with my lady ?" Kyoya said "Kyoya" Kyokai grabbed his arm.

He placed money on the counter and the man substitute it with three balls "I only need one" Kyoya told him and picked up one ball "Kyoya, what are you trying to do ?" Kyokai asked, he looked at her "move" he said, she blinked and stepped back.

He threw the ball really hard and knocked out all the cans, which it knocked the rest of the cans on the other tables. The man paled as the shelf fell from the strength of the throw "that was weak" Kyoya mattered while moving his wrist. He took the stuffed tiger and pressed it against Kyokai's face.

She took it and blushed "thank you" she smiled, she flinched when he bent down to look at her face "finally, I made you smile" he sighed heavily and straightened up "hm ?" She blinked and followed "what do you mean by that ?" She tugged on his sleeve "I thought you didn't have fun at the amusement park" he explained "since you haven't been in one"

She blushed and looked away "I am having fun" she mumbled "I'm having different kinds of feeling and I don't know how to express them" she explained "come.." He offered his hand "I want to show you something you haven't seen before" he smirked, she slightly smiled and took his hand, letting him drag her.

He told her to close her eyes as she did, he dragged her until he made her stand in front of a blue spotlight in a dark room. She flinched when he held her shoulders from behind "you can look now" he whispered in her ear, she slowly opened her eyes and gaped at the beautiful sight in front of her.

She ran ahead and pressed her hands against the glass, the blue light brightened her wide eyes "what is this huge tank ? There are lot of fish here, different kinds too !" She stared shocked as the group of fish passed her "this place is called an aquarium" he stood next to her "oh ! There are sharks too" she pointed.

He watched her reaction at the huge fish tank, he still couldn't believe she haven't been in one even once "do you like it ?" He asked "hm ! I like it a lot !" She nodded "thank you, Kyo !" She smiled at him "there are more.." He walked ahead "there are more !?" She looked at him shocked and ran after him.

He held her stuffed tiger for her and held her hand as she watched around at the different tanks "oh !" She dragged him with her "look at the penguins, they're so cute" she smiled at the penguins swimming around. She flinched when he pulled her to him and pressed the tiger against her face, pulling down the hoodie to cover himself "Hahi ! Look at that !" Haru said as she and the others walked passed them.

Kyoya didn't feel like walking with those crowd, he just want Kyokai for himself, at least for today. He noticed Kyokai would hardly express her emotions in front of everyone. But whenever she's with him, she can express whatever she felt like.

He was surprised when she put her arm around his waist to get closer "s-should we go somewhere else ?" She whispered. She flinched when he put his arm around her shoulders and led her outside. She pulled out a jacket and a cap from her backpack and Kyoya wore it, giving her his hoodie to wear it "heh, this might help us not to get spotted" she held the hoodie and covered her head, he kissed her forehead and they continued walking.

She smiled at the feeling of their hands together and let out a small laugh "what are you laughing about ?" He asked "because, it's funny how we never have privacy outside the house" she said "and now we're running away from everybody to be alone" she held his hand tightly "I'm actually having fun"

"Offu !" They accidentally bumped into a couple and the four all fell, Kyokai looked up "Aniki" she said "ah Kai-chan, I barely knew it was you" Kotoya smiled "what are you two doing ?" He asked as they stood up "getting away from annoying herbivores" Kyoya cleaned the dust off his cap and wore it "well those annoying herbivores are right there" Misako pointed behind them.

"Keep this with you !" Kyokai gave her tiger to Kotoya and dragged Kyoya with her "eh ?" They blinked "Yo Kotoya !" Ryohei called as they walked toward them "have you seen Kai and Hibari anywhere ?" Yamamoto asked "umm..." Kotoya and Misako looked at each other "no" they shrugged "oh ? Tell us when you do" Kyoko smiled and walked away.

Kyoya and Kyokai spent their day running away from the crew, clearly they were looking for them. They didn't even notice it was already dark "that was close" Kyokai sighed in relief, Kyoya looked at how tight she was holding his hand "let's go" he continued walking "eh ? Are they behind us ?" She asked "no, let's continue our date" he said, she smiled "do you know what day is it ?" He asked, hoping she remembers "hm, September 23rd" she said "and that's.."  He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Hehe" she closed eyes smiled and entwined their hands together "you think I'm dumb ?" She said "today is the day we officially started dating, the day we had our first date" she smiled "our 3rd year anniversary" she hugged his arm "good, you remember" he said "of course, I remember" she glared.

She pulled down his shoulder and kissed his cheek "happy anniversary, Kyo" she smiled, he pulled her head and kissed it "same to you, Kai" he rested his arm on her shoulders, she hugged his waist.

They looked up to see the people gathering, watching the light parade "come on, Kyo !" She ran ahead of him. She managed to get through the crowd to the front and her eyes widen at the cars and people passing with so many lights.

That was the first time she thought colors were so beautiful, the rest were watching the parade when Yamamoto spotted her "hey Kai !" He waved, she flinched. Kyokai held back her gasp when she got pulled from behind "what's wrong ?" Tsuna asked "Arreh ? I thought I saw Kai for a second" Yamamoto frowned.

Kyokai stared at Kyoya's back as he dragged her out of the crowd, she quickly covered her head with the hoodie. Kyoya accidentally bumped his shoulder into Ryohei's "hey watch it !" Ryohei yelled as he watched them walk away "hm ?" He blinked at the rings that they were wearing "I'm sure I saw those somewhere" he frowned.

"Kyoya where are we going ?" Kyokai almost tripped "you want to see the parade, right ?" He said. She blinked as he gave some money to the man and they got on the cart of the farriers wheel. She flinched when the cart moved, she looked out of the window to see themselves off the ground.

"Oh !" She launched herself forward on the other seat to see the parade more clearly as the closed cart stopped "S-Shogoi" she breathed out "sit down, you'll fall" he said and she sat next to him. He sighed heavily and removed the cap "Kai" he said "hm ?" She looked at him "happy 3rd year anniversary" he pulled out a long box, she opened it and her eyes widen at the blue and white bracelet.

He looked away "I told Kazumi to make it, I just told her the design" he said. He frowned as she placed the box on his lap "hn ?" He looked at he confused, she extended her hand "put it on for me" she said, he sighed heavily and made her wear the bracelet. She smiled as he rubbed against the back of her hand and kissed it.

"Thank you, Kyo" she blushed "you seem to be thanking me a lot" he rested his arm on the backrest "are you hoping getting something in return ?" He smirked. They stared at each other as the fireworks lightened up the dark night, they leaned in and kissed softly.

She blushed as he deepened the kiss and reached to entwined his hand with hers "hm~" She hummed as he leaned closer "Kyo.." She held his shoulder as he kissed her neck, he nibbled her ear and pushed her on the seat. They rested their foreheads against each other "I love you" she whispered, that tone that makes him lose himself. He replied with a passionate kiss, she hugged his shoulders and kissed back.

Kyokai stared at the bracelet while laying down on the futon on her stomach, the girls blinked as she kicked her legs back and forth. They figured she can express her emotions by action not face. Kyokai smiled at herself and buried her red face on the pillow.

"Ne Onee-san" Kyoko called "hm ?" Kyokai glanced at her "where have you been all day ?" Kyoko asked "you know, around" Kyokai mattered "I'm sorry we didn't help you with your anniversary, Kai-chan !" Haru said "it's fine, but.." Kyokai got up and pulled out a box from her suitcase "I didn't give him his gift"

Kyoya walked in the hallway toward the girls room and was about to knock on the door, but paused "how's Hibari-san like ?" Kyoko asked "what do you mean ?" Kyokai said "she means what is he really like ? Of course he's not all cold in the relationship" Hana said "well.." Kyokai said "I'm not telling" she rested her head on the pillow "eh !? Your horrible !" They said.

"There is something I'm curious about.." Misako said "have you and Hibari done it yet ?" She asked " ?" Kyokai repeated "you know, it" Misako smirked "e-eh !? Why are you asking me that !?" Kyokai sat up "I'm not telling !" Kyoya's eye twitched "is this what girls usually talk about ?" He thought, he scratched his head "I'll come back later" he turned to walk back.

Kyokai grumbled at the yells and got up "this topic is none of your business" she said "where are you going ?" Haru called but Kyokai already left. They glanced at each other and nodded, they woke up Chrome and left the room.

Meanwhile at the guys room "3rd year anniversary, huh ?" Kotoya said "I really did see Kai at the parade" Yamamoto said "maybe you were imagining" Gokudera said "too bad, we should have planned for them to the Extreme !" Ryohei said "you were planning their 3rd year anniversary ?" Kotoya raised a brow "why not ? We planned their first date after all" Yamamoto smiled.

They heard a knock on the door "I don't think they would w--Kai-chan !" Kotoya slammed the door close once he opened it, he paled "why did you do that !?" Gokudera said "I panicked !" Kotoya said and opened the door again. Kyokai's eye twitched, Kotoya nervously laughed.

"May I speak to Kyoya ?" She said "oh he's not here" he rubbed his neck, she frowned "he's in a different room" he said "can you give me the number ?" She said. He watched her leave after giving the number of Kyoya's room. The guys peeked out of the room, they glanced at each other and nodded.

"604..604.." Kyokai held her chin while walking in the hallway. She stared at the door when she reached the hall, guessing the rooms next to it were empty, she shakily knocked on the door and waited for it to open "what ?" She looked up at Kyoya, his eyes slightly widen in surprise "s-sorry, did I wake you up ?" She said "yes" he yawned "ah ! Sorry, I'll leave" she walked away.

He grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the wall, she flinched at his glare "w-wait ! I came here for a reason !" She looked away, she looked down as he fixed her kimono "your walking exposed like this ?" He glared "don't you think, Orokana Sunōfurēku ?" He flicked her forehead, he frowned as she glared and rubbed where it hurt.

He narrowed his eyes as her cheeks turned red "here, I didn't have the chance to give it to you" she pulled out a green small box "h-happy 3rd year anniversary" she mumbled. He took the box and opened it to see a rope like designed bracelet "it's not like the one you gave me, I-I did my best at making it" she played with her fingers behind her back "I'll take my leave" she turned to walk away "freeze" he glared, she paused and paled.

She looked at him and caught the box that he tossed "I don't want to wear it" he said "eh ?" She blinked, he extended his hand "put it on for me" he smirked, she quickly pulled out the bracelet and put it on his wrist, pulling the two ropes to fit his wrist "done" she smiled at him.

"Can I get a 'thank you' kiss ?" She tilted her head, he raised a brow "alright" he sighed. She held his shoulders and tiptoed to kiss him, but he wouldn't let her as he kept his head up "Kyoya !" She whined "don't be a tease !" She tried to pull him down "you want a kiss, get taller first" he smirked.

She smacked his chest and crossed her arms "your the worst" she mattered, he chuckled and grabbed her arms to lift her off the floor. She hissed and he smirked "put me down" she struggled and got free from his grip. He stared at her blankly as he remembered the conservation she had with the girls "I-I should leave, I think I-" she paused when he hugged her from behind "can we do it ?" He rested his forehead on her shoulder "d-do it ?" She blushed "hn" he nodded "I know I promised, but I can't help it" he whispered against her hair.

"Kai.." He made her face him, he cupped her cheeks to kiss her and she blushed "hmm !" She held his shoulders as he pushed her inside the room, closing the door behind him. She flinched as he picked her up bride style.

He walked and made her sit gently on his futon, she covered her mouth as he lift up her kimono to kiss her leg until her knee "just relax" he cupped her cheek "h-hm" she nodded "no !" She gasped as he nibbled her ear "m-my ear is sensitive" she covered her mouth.

She flinched as he pushed her on the futon and got on top of her, he kissed her neck and she sighed in pleasure "hm !" She grabbed his wrist when he groped her breast, he looked at her "do you trust me ?" He asked, she looked away "p-please be gentle" she blushed, he nodded and kissed between her breasts "hm !" She covered her mouth with both hands.

He kissed under her chin then followed her jaw, she cupped his cheeks and pulled him down for them to kiss. She flinched when he grope her bare breast under her kimono and the other hand rubbed between her legs, her knees shuddered as she moaned in his mouth. He broke the kiss and left her panting, her face was really red and her hair was really messy. He separate her legs wider using his knee while nibbling her ear, she covered her face as his hand slowly slipped beneath her underwear.

"Offu !" The door suddenly opened and everyone fell on top of each other "eh ?" They blinked when they noticed Kyoya was about to pull Kyokai's kimono off and the situation they were in. Kyokai gasped and turned on her side while wrapping her arms around herself "how did you open the door ?" Kyoya glared at them "he did" they pointed at Kotoya "Aniki !" Kyokai sat up and glared at him.

"Kyoya Teme ! How dare you try to make out with my sister !?" Kotoya stood up, ignoring the pointing fingers "how dare you interrupt while I'm trying to make out with your sister ?" Kyoya got up and glared "w-we weren't doing anything !" Kyokai yelled, Kyoya and Kotoya glared and pulled out their weapons "don't fight !" She yelled.

Kyoya bent backwards to dodge Kotoya's sword "what's your problem ? I already saw her breasts and you didn't do anything" He blinked "you saw her what !?" Kotoya yelled "no, you didn't !" Kyokai kicked Kyoya's legs to make him fall back "your such a Perverted Cloud, Hibaka !" She got up and left the room with the girls.

The girls blinked as Kyokai walked angrily toward their room, they looked behind them at the sound of stomping. Kyokai gasped when Kyoya suddenly carried her bride style while running "Hibari, you Bastard !" Kotoya and Ryohei ran after him "Kyoya put me down !" Kyokai yelled.


I'm started to get out of ideas, so please if anyone have questions or requests please ask and I'll try to make them.

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