Life As An Angel Reaper {A Bl...

By RandomRedRidingHood

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(pardon my suckiness at making summaries) Grace is an angel. One day she falls from her realm into that of... More

Prologue: Choices{Edited}
1: Falling Through{Edited}
2: Meeting A Soul Reaper{Edited}
3: Taken In [Edited]
4: Glory Release(Edited)
5: Danger, Kido, and Gabriel(Edited)
Grace info
6: Thoughts(Edited)
8:Cherry Blossoms (Edited)
9: Tengokuhime and Misunderstandings(Edited)
10:Shopping and Intruders
11:Betrayals and Confession
12: Confront and Relax
13: Well, I'm Fucked
15: Disney and Worries
16: The Battle Wages On
17: Emotional
18: A Short Declaration
Announcement 2

14: Battle It Out, Don't Hug It Out

1.4K 35 10
By RandomRedRidingHood

Grace's POV

I stared at him.

"You're lying,"I whispered, tightening my grips on my sai. His face broke into an ugly grin.

"Oh please. You know deep down it's true," He laughs. "You're always hearing about how nice "Jesus" is right? But you argue with the people. You argue and say, 'You didn't grow up with him, he's not nice he's vicious.' And you're right. I'M vicious. But HE'S not." He points his katana at me. I step back in realization. He's right. I do know it. Because..... he's never how people describe him.

"So? So what? There are two of you. Big deal. I care why?"I fake scoffed. He smirked.

"Because. Father wanted a weapon who wasn't defiant," He replies. "He threw you to the side. Like garbage. Useless." I ground my teeth.

"BANKAI!" I shouted and slammed the ends of my sai together. The wind around me picked up and my blades melded, forming a scythe. I slashed my scythe to the side, clearing the winding air particles. I saw a small bit of fear appear in Jesus' eyes and Gabe's jaw dropped.

"We're too late...she's already become one...." Gabe whispered quietly. I wrinkle my eyebrows and glance back at Jesus. He raises his lip into a snarl.

"Slash, Fuji Kiba," He growled and slid his hand down the flat edge of his katana. His blade split into 6 whips, designed like vines. There were small thorns... no metal spikes on every whip, and on the ends were tiny knifelike blades. He flung his arm out at me and one whip cut my cheek.

"Agh!"I shouted and jumped in the air away from him. He smirked and pulled his whip back. He put his finger on the blade that had cut me and wipes my blood off onto his finger.

"Ahhhh your blood glows golden. You are indeed half," He says. He licks it off his finger, his eyes lighting up and flashing red. I flinched. "And you taste so sweet! I want more of this." Gabe stood off to the side, seeming to be in some sort of shock. I growled.

"You're a freak,"I hissed. He laughed at me.

"Please. Call me Lord Freak," Jesus said sarcastically. He flung out again and I dodges this time, ending up behind him.

"Hakai no rutsu!"I shouted (A/N: Roots of Destruction) and jammed the blade of my scythe into the ground. Tree roots sprung from the ground and wrapped around his body, making him drop his Zanpakuto.

"W-what the hell is this?!" he shouted and struggled against the strong roots. I pulled my blade from the ground and walked to the front of him, crossing my arms.

"One of my moves. Interesting isn't it?"I asked him. I snap my fingers and the roots tighten some more.

"Aghhhah...let....go.....too....tight,"He coughed out. I tightened them some more and he spat out blood.

"It's simple really. I can crush you,"I tell him. He sends me a glare. "Or, I can let you go home and you can never return." He coughs up more blood. "I'm sure your ribs are broken by now. We can keep this up, cracking your spine as well. Or I can just use the finishing move on you quickly."

"GRACE, LET. HIM. GO." Gabe suddenly shouted at me. The barrier collapsed, and I saw Toshiro, Rangiku, and the others run up to us. Toshiro stands behind me, staring at my fake brother in the roots grasp and Gabe, a couple of feet away crossing his arms and staring at us.

"T-Toshiro!"I shout. He's covered in some minor injures, but whatever major ones he's had were healed. He stares behind me at Gabe.

"Who," he begins. "Is that?" I look at Gabe. Gabe's face has broke into a snarl.

"I'm here to make her come home," He growls. I stare between the two.

"Please, Grace would never return with you! She belongs with us! Free! Like she's always wanted!" Toshiro growls back. I swallow.

"Grace, it's time to make your choice," Gabe snarls.

"W...what? Choice? What choice?"I stutter confused.

"Choose. It's us or Soul Reapers!" Gabe shouts at me.

"He's right, Grace," Toshiro says darkly. Rangiku steps forward and Toshiro holds up his hand. "Don't interfere Rangiku. That's an order."

"Yes captain," She whispered in shock.

"I can't make that choice!"I shouted at Gabe.

"You have to! It's the only way!" He shouts back. I step back.

"Real friends.... wouldn't make me choose,"I whisper. I can feel tears press at the back of my eyes.

" You have to make a choice. Don't hold us out like this!" Toshiro shouts at me. I step back away from both of them.  

"Please, Grace. It's us or them. And I think you want us," Says Gabe. I gulp for air. I.... can't breathe! 

"If you choose us, Grace, you get freedom! That's all you have ever wanted!" Toshiro yells at me tightening his fist and raising it." We won't keep you. If you choose us you can leave!"

" Please, Grace. You trust him? A Soul Reaper? Come back to us! Return to our realm!" Shouts the Gabe. I bring my hands up to my ears, my tears growing in numbers and falling down my cheeks.

"Shut up... shut up...."I whisper.

"Grace. You choose us and I promise, I will hold you and never let you go!" He shouts at me swinging his hand to the side fast and chopping the air in half. I gulp more air and try not to sob. 

"Stop talking...."I whisper. "Stop talking!" I fall to my knees trying to ignore their yells. I need to think... who to choose???

"Grace, please. Think about this. I'm your own kind," Gabe tells me. He takes a step forward, towards where I crouches on the ground.

"Don't you touch her! Grace... choose now!" Toshiro growls.

" I... I don't know... I choose..." I stutter.

"Grace..." Toshiro whispered.

"Grace!" Gabe shouted.

"Grace, please choose carefully,"Yumichika says.

"Quiet, Ayasegawa,"Toshiro growled. Yumichika opened his mouth to argue.

"THE SOUL REAPERS DAMNIT. I CHOOSE TO STAY WITH THE SOULREAPERS!" I shout in anger. Everyone falls silent. Gabe stepped back in shock.

"But.... Grace....." He whispered. I uncovered my ears and shot him a glare.

"I chose. Now leave,"I hiss. His gaze grows cold. My Zanpakuto returns to a katana and Jesus falls from the roots grasp, the roots retreating back to the ground from where they came.

"I won't be returning for you. Remember that when you need the help," He replies."I wont be there for you like I was when we were best friends." I scoff.

"Real friends.... wouldn't have done as you have. Wouldn't have lied, or hone against orders to come here and try to take me of my will. I've chosen. Now, leave and don't return,"I scream at him in anger. Jesus gives a pained look at Gabe and weakly holds up the key to the door. Gabe sticks the key inthe air and unlocks a door, pushing it open. A wide rectangle of light opens up. Gabe drags Jesus through the door, and doesn't glance at me once. The door slams shut and disappears.

"Grace...." whispers Toshiro. He starts walking towards me, but I fall to the ground. I see his feet pick up the pace and run just before I black out.

Toshiro's POV

I crouched by Grace as she was passed out. Orihime Inoue ran up to us.

"Should I heal her, Captain Hitsugaya?"she asks. I notice a thin cut on her cheek. The blood around it is bubbling and turning slightly clear instead of its normal golden color. I nod once and she begins to heal Grace.

"Captain, there are no signs of any more Arrancar's or Angels,"Rangiku informs me. I don't take my eyes off of Grace.

"And no other low level hollows either?"I ask.

"None whatsoever," she answers swiftly. I notice Grace's Gigai a little ways away from us.

"Rangiku, bring her Gigai here for when she's through healing. Then we need to find a place for her to-" I began.

"She can stay with Rangiku and I,"Orihime interrupts me. Her hands are hovering over Grace and I watch as the blood turns to its golden sheen again. "Captain... there's something wrong. Her blood wont turn normal..."

"No it's turning normal. It's naturally gold, though I have no clue why,"I answer her unasked question. Orihime nods once and stops. Grace is full healed. I put her in her Gigai and lift her up. I almost laugh to myself. If she were awake, she'd scream that she wasn't a child and doesn't have to be carried like one.

"Captain, we need to report this,"Rangiku says. "And Head Captain will want to question Grace for her report as well."

"Not now. For now, let's let her rest,"I reply. Rangiku lets out a small "Yes Captain." and we leave for Orihime's place.

When we all got up in the morning, Grace wasn't very happy.

"TOSHIRO I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MADE ME CHOOSE!" She pretty mushed screeched at the top of her lungs. I sighed.

"Look, I was just agreeing with the stupid angel. You didn't have to choose, you could've-" I began.

"No. I had to. I'm sorry for yelling," She sighed. "And he's not a stupid angel, he's Gabe, and we used to be best friends." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, he was pretty stupid if you ask me,"Yumichika chimed in from the corner. We don't have to go to school, so right now we were all at Orihime's house meeting. Of course, we were still in our Gigai, but that wasn't a big deal. We sat in her living room, the T.V. on some random channel and volume turned low. We'd already given our report, along with being scolded by Head Captain for letting Grace be put in so much danger. "At least stupid looking."

"Excuse me?!" She said shrilly. I sighed. "You just insulted the wrong guy, and I-"

"Insulted? Hardly. He looked stupid, that doesn't mean he wasn't good looking, although that is highly beside the point. I believe it was more of a compliment coming from someone as beautiful as myself. And anyways, don't you think he SHOULD be insulted after what he's done to you?" Yumichika interrupted crossing his arms. Grace was laying on the floor reading a book. She was still recovering from the scratch on her cheek, which as it turns out, released s dangerous toxin into her system. Her muscles were now a but weak, and she could barely move. We had had Kisuke look over her, but there wasn't much to it except bed rest and eating. He said she'd be back up tomorrow. She sat up quickly, throwing her book to the floor.

"You wanna go pretty boy? Because i'll-"Grace stopped as she touched her head and swayed. I caught her head before it hit the pillow hard and gently laid her back.

"Stay down and rest, you're no use to us injured,"I hissed at her. She flinched and looked away from me. I sighed. "Grace..."

"Just leave me alone, ok? I get it. I had to choose. I don't need you to tell me a million times," Grace said annoyed. I frowned.

"So are you going to stay mad at me forever?"I ask. Rangiku, Yumichika, and Ikkaku are all giving me different looks. Rangiku's says "DO NOT BLOW IT". Yumichika's says "AWWWW". And Ikkaku's....well....let's just say he wants me to make a move.... Grace sighs. She rolls over away from me and pushes her face into the pillow.

"I'm not mad," She says muffled.

"Then what's wrong? Come on. Talk to me,"I press.

"Well, I'm gonna go shopping- I mean patrol for hollows!" Rangiku says jumping up. I don't even bother with her. I stare at Grace's head pressed into the pillow.

"There's nothing to talk about," she muttered. I sighed and switched my sitting position to cross-legged instead of kneeling like I was.

"There's lot's to talk about. Like..... your Bankai. Orrrrr.... we could talk about.... keeping you safe? Or we could-"

"I'll restate that. I don't WANT to talk to anyone," Grace replied. "I don't want to do anything." I can tell she wants to cry. I rest my elbow on my knee and chin on my hand.

"Well, earlier, you wanted to beat Yumichika into the ground...."I try to joke. She stays quiet. I sigh. "Grace....I'm sorry." She stiffens.

"Don't apologize..." She says quietly. Her black hair is draping over her shoulders and onto the floor. I reach out and grab some of it gently. She doesn't move.

"But, I am sorry. I made you give up the life you were born into and-" I'm cut off by Grace rolling over and placing her hand on my knee. The simple touch sends warmth throughout my body, making me want her not to leave.

"Just stop ok? I chose right and I know it," she tells me. I nod once. "Now, when should Orihime be back? Do you know?" I shake my head and look at the digital clock on the coffee table behind her.

"Not a clue..."

*Time skip here( just before Ulquiorra takes Orihime)*

In Hueco Mundo, No POV  

Aizen sat on his throne staring down at the pale arrancar before him.

"Do you know why I've summoned you," He asks the arrancar. "Ulquiorra?" Ulquiorra looks at him emotionlessly.

"Does it concern the human girl?"Ulquiorra asks.

"Yes, actually. I have need of her. I want you to go and get her for me," Aizen replies, resting his head on his chin and smirking evilly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, Lord Aizen,"Ulquiorra replies obediently. "I wild leave immediately-"

"And. There is also someone else I want you to bring," Aizen interrupts. His eyes that were slightly narrowed now open a bit wider. "A very special.... angel of mine."


Me: Well. Aizen's up to something.

Toshiro: Aizen's ALWAYS up to something. And it's ALWAYS evil.

Aizen: Oh come now, not everything I do is evil. The Espada and I always have tea together, and I so serve some delicious snacks with it. Don't I?

All Espada: Yes, Lord Aizen.

Aizen: See?

Toshiro: That's because they're like your puppets. They'll agree to anything. *sweatdrop*

Aizen: Look, I'll ask my least loyal pet. Grimmjow?

Grimmjow: tch. I don't care for petty things like tea and cookies.



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