the virat kohli fan

By vmonstercool

97.7K 3.8K 314

Vertika vats, was a 23 years old girl but she still was in love with a famous cricketer virat kohli since she... More

Chapter 1(edited)
Chapter-2 (edited)
Chapter -3(edited)
V are the same
Author's Note
Author's Note
Authors notes
Authors note


2.3K 98 7
By vmonstercool

Virat's POV

In the evening when I went to pick up her. She was dressed in a skinny jeans a tube top with a jacket.
She has pair them with boots. all in all she look hot. Yes hot. She always wear formal clothes or casual but today she look ravishing.
Stop it virat she is your manager she doesn't even like you.

After getting my senses back. I opened door for her.
She smiled at me and ask "where are we going?".

"Somewhere" I told her with a smirk.

"Where is that ' somewhere'?" she asked.

"Have patience its a surprise" I told her.

For the rest of the ride she was silent. Looking out of the window.

When I parked my car she turned to look around her surrounding.

It's a artificial water fall. Its like a water park with a lots of ride and its amazing to hung out. Aarav love this place so today I thought to have party I have hired this place for 2 hours.

My family is already here. I know how much vertika miss her family. And how much she love to hung out with my family so I arranged it.

Before vertika could ask me about it aarav coming running toward us and hug vertika "hey vats you are finally here" he said happily.

"Aarav hi champ but what are we-" she asked confused.

"Come come I want to ride that one" aarav said dragging vertika.

Just then ma comes and say "wait aarav let her change first" mom said and turned to me "you also virat go change" she asked.

After changing Vertika was already on a ride with aarav. She looked like a small child. So happy so carefree.

For the next few hours we all tried different ride and everyone has so much of fun. We all had blast today.

After that we all had food beside the waterfall. It was a lovely night to say the least.

Everyone was just talking. Aarav fell asleep after the dinner. When I came back around the water fall. Vertika was standing there alone looking at the waterfall. Deep in thoughts.

An evil pan comes in my mind. I silently went near her. I took her bridal styles she screamed in surprised then ask me "what are you doing virat?".

"What do you think Vertika" I said with a smirk.

Realisation drowned to her and she said " no please don't do it" sh pleaded.

"Where is the fun in that " I told her.

Just went I was about to throw her in the pool. She pulls me with her.

We both fall in the pool with a splash. Everyone else just laughed to us.

Vertika started to hit me with water "you jerk make me wet" she said still hitting me with water.

I cot her both hands in mine n softly whisper in her eyes "glad to know that I make you wet" I said with mischief.

When she understand the double meaning she blushed and said "you are an asshole virat"she started to hit me again.

Just then mom came n said "OK get out both of you its late let's get back home".

After changing back I told my driver to take my family back home. I drive with vertika.

On the way vertika said "thanks for today virat I had so much of fun" she said with a heart melting smile.

"The day is not over vertika I have one more place to take you" I told her.

"But its late. You have practice tomorrow" she said.

"Why are you so upright" I asked her.

"I'm not upright" she defended.

"Yes you are" I told her .

"Am not"she said looking irritated.

"Prove it" I told her.

"How?" She said.

"Come with me" I told her and parked my car.

"Fine I'll come" she said without looking outside.

Its going to be fun.

I think with an evil smile.

When we are just in front of the place vertika stop walking and stare at me "are you out of your mind" she asked me with disbelief.

Oh.. Yes mad about you. Where did this came from. I asked myself.
I just shaked my head n said "no I'm not now let's go"I took her hands n start walking.

"I'm not going in this club with you"she said.

"But you promised me you will come"I reminded her.

"You tricked me into this doesn't you"she asked me.

"And you fall for it" I told her with a smirk.

"Virat you are a jerk you know tht "she said with irritation.

"So I been told" I just laugh and took her hands in mine and started to walk inside the club.

"But what if anyone recognized you" she asked.

"Vertika people who come here are drunk as hell no one will know me. and plus these lights will make it better" i told her and it was true.

The lights in the club are eye blinding. Its either red green blue . It will be hard to recognized anyone here.

I took her hand and whisper in her ears "don't move around and stay close to me" I told her.

"Eww.. Totally gross" she said looking at a couple who are making out in front of everyone.

"Chill vertika its not a big deal" I told her.

I took her straight to the bar and ask her" what do you want to drink".

"I'm not drinking. I doesn't drink" she told me.

"Come on doesn't be upright"I teased her.

"I'm not upright. Will you just shut up" she asked clearly irritated with her name.

"I will if you drink" I told her.

"But I get wasted quite soon. How will we-" she asked.

"Don't worry I'm not drinking tonight. Its your day to chill n drunk out of your mind" I told her.

She just nodded and started drinking.

After five shots. She is totally wasted. She was right she really get drunk easily.

And let me tell you. Drunk Vertika is ten time funnier then sober vertika.

She was talking nonsense but still makes me laugh.

After talking some time she dragged me to the dance floor.

Dirty dancer was playing by Enrique.
Perfect song. I think.

Vertika was not a perfect dancer but man she got moves that can drive you crazy.
Her back was pressed with my chest and she was dancing according to the song.

She looked different now. Totally carefree for the world. Looking hot n she was not shy about it.

The sober Vertika was always very concerns about her ways. She was not really bold. She likes to hide her beauty but tonight she was not shy. She wants to show what lay beneath. And I'll be lying if I said she doesn't Look ravishing right now.
God stop it virat its vertika you are talking about. You shouldn't be thinking about her like this.

After dancing for few more minutes i told vertika that we are going. She doesn't wanted to she wants to dance more.

I have to drag her out. But once we were outside it was empty there. The wind was blowing. The moon shines in the sky. It was a perfect.

"I when to dance to photographs by Ed sheeran" Vertika said with a puppy dog eye.

"No it's late vertika" I tried to tell her.

But she argued "please just one more song here just you n me" she said her eyes shining in this moon light. She looked even more beautiful.

"OK but just one more song" I told her. Then took out my phone n played photographs.

Vertika puts her hands on my shoulder and stand close to me. A bit too close.

I put my hands on her waist n pull her even more close. Don't ask me why?.

We started to dance slowly with the song. Vertika looked so beautiful this close. Her eyes have a different shine in them. There was a different emotion that I have never seen before.

I don't know who or how but we both started to lean in.

I so wanted to kiss those soft lips right now. My mind was not thinking straight. just stare at her lips I can't wait to taste them.

Our lips was mere inch away.. I lean in more just when I was about to press my lips on her. A drop of water fell on my face.
Then more n more drops started to fall.
Just perfect timing God.
I thought frustrated. Control your self virat. This is not right.

I just took Vertika's hand and started to walk toward my car "virat come let's dance in rain .its so
Romantic" she said.

"No its late and you will catch cold" I told her n started to drive back to her place.

This is wrong. So so wrong. Virat you can't like her. You are not ready for this.

Hey guys. How's you all?

So what you think of the chapter???
Don't forget to vote n comment.

Love you all-vmonster

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