Special To Me ¦ Shokugeki No...

By GalaxyStars29

74.7K 2.1K 321

"Don't you get it? I chose you. I fucking chose you over everything else because you're special to me. I chos... More

C2. Dorm
C3. Welcome Party
C4. Shokugeki
C5. Meat Master
C6. Hellish Training Camp
C7. First Assignment
C8. Megumi's Expulsion
C9. Shokugeki with the Alumni
C10. Breakfast Buffet
C11. Car Ride
C12. Karaage Wars
C13. Competitors
C14. Announcement
C15. Difference
C16. Challengers
C17. Leave
C18. To Italy
C19. The Return
C20. A Long Night
C21. Surprising News
C22. Meeting the Brother
C23. Officially Dismissed
C24. Back Home
C25. Dinner Conversations and News
C26. Surprise Visit
C27. Escapes and Confessions
Christmas A/N MUST READ
S1. Surprises on Valentines Day
S2. Dinner on White Day
S3. Graduation Day
S4. Summer
S5. Her Birthday
S6. His Birthday
S7. Christmas
S8. New Years

C1. Exams

10.2K 196 49
By GalaxyStars29

It was a bright and sunny, summer morning. And in the Hirashima household, it could have never been any more normal. Breakfast had just ended and the eldest child, Ayano, was in her private kitchen; trying to think of a dish to make.

"Oi, lazy ass Ayano, the ingredients that you've ordered are downstairs," A irritated voice boomed from the speakers in the corner of the kitchen. Ayano rolls her bright sky blue eyes and exited her kitchen, and went to the living room to scold the person who dared used that nickname on her.

Adjusting her green colored scarf, she goes down the last step of the stairs and stared back at the same shade of blue hues that belonged to her younger brother, "You know it isn't nice to call your older sister like that!" She raised her voice, going closer to the young boy.

"W-Whatever..." He crossed his arms and pouted, not wanting to admit that he's scared seeing the angry aura Ayano emitted.

"Anyway, why did you even call me? Stop bothering me, Saito, and do something useful," Ayano then scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"Dad asked me to call you. He's in the dining area with Mom," Saito replied, ignoring the command that Ayano gave. Ayano nods sharply, and made way to the dining area where her parents were waiting for her to tell her something that would probably change her life.

"Mom, Dad? You've asked for me?" Ayano does a small courtesy and took a seat in front of them.

"Yes. Your father and I discussed this a few months ago, and now we're going to tell it to you," her mom states with a sweet voice, smiling ever so weakly at her daughter.

"You are the heir of our restaurant," Ayano's father continued, locking his hands together, "And we want you to be prepared when that time comes."

"We'll enroll you to a school where you will be taught different lessons about cooking. Then, after graduating, you'll have to come straight home and things will go from there."

Ayano nods meekly, slowly taking in the information that her parents were telling her. It is true that it will be hard for her, but if she ever wanted to be one of the best chefs out there, then it's settled.

It's only been a fascination to her when she was very young, but when she turned around six years old, she told both her parents that she wanted to become a chef one day. The parents agreed, it was more nice that Ayano decided it on her own instead of them forcing her to do it; their lives are easy now because of that.

After taking at least a few seconds, Ayano nods, "Sure. I'll be sure to make you both proud!" She smiles broadly, and her cheeks instantly ached because of it.

"Sweetheart, we already are," her mom smiles in return. Satisfaction, relief and pride welled up in her eyes.

Ayano giggles, "Then I'll make you even more proud when I graduate!"

"We're glad to hear that."

Two Years Later

It's already a given that Ayano was very nervous and sort of scared. She's going to leave her home for three years, she doesn't even know when she's going to see her family again.

"Ayano dear, make sure you'll make us proud," Ayano's dad says, wiping the stray tears that trailed down Ayano's cheeks.

"Yeah. I-I will," Ayano nods, unwrapping her arms off of her mom and turned to her younger brother, putting on a stern and tough face.

"You.... Take care of Mom and Dad for me. And even if I'm away, make sure you beat up those guys that bully's you!" Ayano lets out a sob, and failed to show a smile to the youngest Hirashima.

"Tsk. You don't have to order me around. Is that what you'll say when you're leaving?" Saito, like his sister, rolls his eyes, crossing his arms stubbornly.

Ayano breaks once again, pulling Saito in a hug and ruffled his hair like how she used to, "I-I should tell that to you! When I'm gone, who'll help you with those projects you desperately need to pass? I know that no one will help you about that."

"S-S-Shut up, Ayano!" Saito lightly pushed her away, huffing and turned around, not wanting her to see the tears that was falling from his eyes.

"Hehe~" Ayano's mood was lifted a bit and she fixed herself, bidding goodbye again and going inside the car that will take her to her new school.

"Bye guys! Ayano out, love ya!~~" She chirps, and forced herself to not cry again in front of her family.

Once she entered, the car starts moving towards her destination.

"I wonder what it's like there in Tootsuki... I've heard several things about it. And if it's Japan's top culinary school then I have to be careful.." Ayano nods to herself, not knowing that she was making the thinking face, as her brother likes to call it. "Don't mess up. First impressions are very important and the examiner is most likely to be a strict old hag, or a strict beauty. Either way, make sure to not bump into anyone, and focus on cooking instead of other unnecessary things..." Ayano continued to tell herself what to do in case her mind goes blank when she steps foot in her new school, until she fell asleep.

Two Days Later

Ayano was walking towards her new school, the driver came just in time for her to roam around a bit before the exam.

Ayano secured the dark green scarf around her neck and dusted her hands in her skirt, then took her first steps inside the Academy whilst taking a deep breath to calm her beating heart. When she was walking around, she noticed that it was mostly male students with butlers around them were roaming in the campus; irritating her a bit.

Why is it that boys are always so cocky about their dishes? For once, Ayano was so sick about it. Sure, she was okay with the fact that they were sort of cute or handsome, but they talk like cooking is easy. Ayano wanted, or needed more female friends in her life.

"It seems like even I need a companion here.." She utters lowly, looking from left to right.

"Well, well. There's a lady here that looks like she's lost. Want us to lend you a hand, hmm?" A big, buff guy shows up with two more sidekicks between him.

"No thank you, gentlemen. I'd like to have some time for myself," Ayano replied with a small, fake smile and avoided the three men.

"Hmm? No way! We'll show you around!"

The guy that looked like the leader tried to get Ayano with his own ways, making sure he wasn't making a scene; but was failing miserably.

"What'd you think you're doing here?" A loud voice booms, making the leader stop what he was doing to Ayano.

"What's it to you? We're just offering her some tips about the school, right?" He tugs on Ayano's wrist, inwardly smirking when a short yelp came out from her mouth.

"Leave her alone already, shitheads. It seems like you guys are trying to do something else to her," the girl says, coming closer to Ayano and glared at the three men.

"Tsk. You don't scare us, pinky. Let's go," he orders his goons and walked away, acting all tough when he was shaking and scared shitless of the girl who just saved Ayano.

"Thanks for the help. I could've saved myself though," Ayano immediately cursed herself for sounding like a cocky girl to the person who just saved her. And she told herself that first impressions were really important, too!

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude or ungrateful," Ayano was quick to apologize, rising on her two feet and bowed to the girl with scarlet colored hair.

"Haha. No need to thank me. I was finding someone to befriend and you seem to fit the role," the girl smiles, putting a hand on her hip.

Ayano sighs in relief, and checks her watch to see if it was already time for the exam. "Ah, you're also taking the exam, right? Let's go there together, in case those bastards try to pick on you again," the girl says and walks along side Ayano in silence.

"Thanks for what you did earlier. I'm really grateful for what you did."

"It's no problem. By the way, I'm Maeda Naomi. Call me whichever is easier," Naomi giggled a bit, taking in Ayano's features since she didn't get to do it earlier.

"Nice to meet you, Maeda. I'm Hirashima Ayano," Ayano smiles in return.

And the walk was silent again because both girls didn't really know what to say to each other, so they just walked together until they reached the place where they'll be taking their exam.


"I was entrusted with today's entrance examination," Ayano watched the beautiful lady that was in front of the crowd of students. "My name is Nakiri Erina," she introduced herself with immense superiority lacing both her aura and voice. Everything about her screamed beautiful; to her long hair, to her rare colored eyes and especially her figure.

"She's wearing a uniform like me. It's given that she's a student, and not just anyone is given a privilege like that... Perhaps, she's somewhat connected to the owner of the school or something.." Ayano then looks at the girl beside Erina, the girl with short pink hair had a stern look in her face and was holding Ayano assumed a piece of paper with a list of their names or something.

Erina then asked her assistant, "The notification for admissions?"

"I'll read it now," the assistant announced, clearing her throat and holding the paper closer to her face.

When she was saying something, Erina cuts her completely, smirking, "Let's see..."

"Bring in the kitchen tables!" Erina commands her assistant, and she complied quickly.

After the ingredients were brought inside, Erina continued, "The main ingredient is egg. Make one dish. Those who can satisfy my tongue will earn their admission to Tootsuki Academy!"

Everyone was shocked, except for two certain people.

"And in addition, I'll give you one minute to withdraw from the examination if you want."

After that, all students rushed out of the room, pushing each other to get out first.

"Maeda, you're staying?" Ayano glanced at Naomi, she was smiling giddily like she can't contain her excitement.

"Hell yeah! And if I'm correct, it would be awesome if I were to satisfy Nakiri's palate!" Naomi cheers, clasping her hands and waited for the people to get out of the room.

"I have to report to the higher ups before, that the number of successful applicants is zero."

Ayano turns her head in front of her and see a guy with red hair behind Erina, he was asking if he can cook whatever dish he wants.

"You can as long as you use eggs. But do you really want to try?" Erina puts a hand on her hip and faced the guy who was talking to her. Erina then sighs, and crossed her arms together, saying, "If you want you can withdraw, this is your chance."

"Phew, I was really in a pinch!~~ I was wondering what I would do if I got dropped out without a chance to cook!"

Ayano appears behind the red haired boy, "Nakiri-san, I'd like to give it a go as well. I want you to try a dish I've already had in mind," She pipes in, her short hair swaying a bit due to her actions.

Naomi was nodding beside Ayano, sparkles surrounding her figure.

"G-Go away!" The assistant stood in front of Erina, protecting her, "Do you know who this person is?" She questions the three students. When there was no answer, she gestured to Erina, "She's a top student and a member of Tootsuki's Elite Ten Council!! She's Nakiri Erina-sama!!"

Ayano was about to say something, but she was cut off by the only boy in the room, "Wow... This is neatly sharp," he casually says, touching the edge of the knife he was holding.

"I'll ask you once more, do you really want to take my test?" Erina repeats, looking down on Ayano, Naomi then the red haired boy.

"Well, I know I'm up for the challenge. The real question is: are you ready to taste my dish and say that it's delicious?" Ayano suddenly makes a face that literally says are you? and shocked all of the students inside the room.

"Yeah. I just have to make you say it's good, right? I'll take it, of course," said the red head.

"If you're willing to go that far, then I'll let you taste the cooking industry's base's flavor!" Erina replied, a smug smirk on her pale face.

"Heh, sure! Hold on tight, Nakiri-san, this'll be but a moment!" Ayano then made the scarf around her neck more tighter so that it won't fall or disturb her from cooking. Ayano then gathered her ingredients, and took at least a few seconds of silence before starting.

Ayano firstly gets a cup of cold water, boiling it in a small heavy saucepan in high heat. Then added rice, stirring it for about five to seven minutes until the rice has absorb the water. Then she sliced the drained and sliced apricots, after that, Ayano turns it off. Then Ayano prepared the drained and sliced apricots, milk, half a cup of cold water, eggs, sugar, vanilla essence and orange rind in a bowl. She whisked the ingredients together, then added it into the rice.

While stirring it, Ayano puts the heat into low heat for twenty minutes. After that, she covered it for five minutes. While waiting, she cuts several more slices of apricots that was left, and added it on top of the rice as she served the dish with a spoon by the side.

The assistant and Erina evaluated the dish first, as if looking for any mistakes in it.

"I see. You've made a dish that has eggs and other ingredients to absorb in the rice." Erina stated wisely, taking the spoon in her hand and touched the food.

"Yeah. I call it the Hirashima Apricot Rice!" Ayano hums in reply, nodding her head.

"Hirashima Ayano. The heir to her parents restaurant somewhere in Japan. They excel in sweet and breakfast dishes. Now, Hirashima-san, what is it that you've served to satisfy my palate?"


So... What do you readers think about this chapter?

I really hope you guys are satisfied with this chapter! Please don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE with other people!

Until next time c:

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