Water Goddess

By Skylinger

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When Kailani turns 16 she is quickly thrust into the world of gods, goddesses, demi-gods, and guardians. Kail... More

A dept paid
Awake and Angry
Anger and Understanding
Demigods and Demigoddesses
An interesting Day
Rivals will Fight
An Unexpected Visit
The Race
Her Team
A Big Brother and a Warning
Deals, Skills, and Realizations
Troubling Visions
Visions of Pain
Caught by Poseidon
Getting Closer
Prelude to War
It Begins
No Longer in Charge
I know where to go
Prisoners taken
This could be bad
The gods wonder
A Chance Taken
Unexpected Help
What to think
New Places, New Allies
We Need Both
Loch Ness
Jewel of Loch Ness 30
Change is in the Air 31
Stay Together Part 32
What is to Come? Part 33

Clearly underestimated

10K 179 12
By Skylinger

Chapter 20

(Clearly underestimated)

Maureen sat quietly in her favorite reading chair. She held a book she was reading in her right hand while in her left hand she held a bag of ice to her cheek where a bruise had formed from her run in with Ramiero.

“Good book?” Maureen’s eyes shot up to see Zeus son Raiden and is daughter Illithia. Raiden watched as absolute fear rushed over her eyes. “I’m not going to hurt you,” The blonde demigod assured her. “We need to know where Kailani went.”

“It won’t be good if Ramiero reaches her first,” Justin said coming up on the other side of Illithia.

“I’m sure you don’t want Kailani to suffer at his hands,” The blonde woman said in a calm but concerned way.

“I don’t know. Narissa and Kailani’s mother met at the house. They were headed to Narissa and her mother’s special place. I don’t…”

“Valley Forge,” Justin said knowingly. “Justine and Narissa have talked about it.”

“We probably wouldn’t make it there before anyone else,” Illithia said concerned.

“Kailani and Margaret’s place is their next destination,” Maureen offered up.

“We have no idea where that would be,” Tallulah said disappointed.

“Florida,” Stewart said standing by the back sliding glass door. “Kailani was raised in Pensacola, FL. It’s a beach town, in the United States.”

“Thank you Maureen.” Zeus son turned and headed for the back door.

“You won’t hurt her.” Raiden stopped and looked back at her. “She’s trying to stay out of this.”

“I won’t hurt Kailani,” The demigod assured her. “I need her but I won’t hurt her.” Maureen watched in silence as Raiden and his group left the way they’d come.

The dark haired woman had hoped to feel relieved but she didn’t. Raiden had said he wouldn’t hurt her but the fact he’d said he needed her concerned her. Maureen wanted to believe he needed her help to secure his father’s place but wasn’t so sure. Something about the look in his eyes concerned her. He was a son of Zeus and the woman was well aware of how demanding the King of the Gods could be when he wanted something. Zeus never seemed to take no for an answer.

‘Be safe Kailani,’ she thought to herself.


“Slow down Narissa!” Solana called as the curly brown haired girl sprinted toward the doors of the Washington Memorial Chapel.

“You know that isn’t going to happen right?” Justine asked coming up beside the redhead. Apollo’s daughter shook her head but nodded. It had been a while since their friend had seen her mother.

Narissa and Kailani both reached the doors to the chapel and flinging them open they headed for the sanctuary. “Mom!” Narissa said as they entered the sanctuary. The two girls looked around but there was no sign of their mothers anywhere.

“Maybe they haven’t…” Kailani stopped noticing something was reflecting light of off it, down by the alter, at the front of the sanctuary. Slowly the teenager walked down the aisle way toward whatever was on the ground.

“What is it?” Narissa asked watching the girl for a moment and then following. Kailani reached down and picked up a glittery pink and black leopard hair clip. “Kailani?”

“They were here,” The blonde woman said standing tall once again. “This is mine,” She said showing her friend the barrette. “My mom made it for me last year for my birthday.”

“We missed them,” Justine said disappointed.

“Yes but we know where they’re headed,” Kailani said refusing to give up. Looking at Narissa she said, “Time to go to my home turf.” Narissa nodded and they headed back down the aisle toward their friends. It wasn’t over yet.


“This is going to be so easy,” Lorcan said looking at the lake before them. “We’ll have all the relics we need before they even start. Wasting time on Poseidon’s daughter,” The dark haired demigod scoffed and went to step toward the water.

“Wait!” Dana said. Ciro and Lorcan both looked at her. They watched as her eyes went almost white for a moment.

“What is it?” Ciro asked.

“Something’s in the water. Anything that enters the water will be destroyed.”

“We’re demigods Dana. We can handle anything,” Lorcan said unconcerned. Dana abruptly through a nearby stick at him toward the water and Atlas’ son quickly ducked. “What was…” more than one scream sounded as several snake creatures attacked the stick leaving nothing to be found below the water’s surface.

“How are we…?”

“We don’t Niobe,” Dana said giving a sigh. “Look at the stick,” She told Ciro as she gestured to it. “Nothing can enter the water.”

“What’s your point?” Lorcan questioned.

“Anything that penetrates the water is destroyed. I only know of one water demigoddess than can walk on water,” Dana said with a sigh.

“Kailani,” Ciro said knowingly. The red head gave a sigh. ‘I knew this had happened too easy.’

“So what do we do?” Niobe asked.

“You’re going to have to try and track down Kailani,” Dana said looking at the red haired girl.

“Not in that water,” Pulan, Son of the Titan Selene, remarked pointing at the creature infested lake.

“No,” Ciro agreed looking at the blonde man. He rubbed a hand through his red hair. “Come on. We need to catch up to the Olympians offspring.” No one argued and started to walk away.

Dana looked at the lake one more time and a vision of something more deadly entered her mind. A much larger snake with horns on its head and deadly fangs resting outside its mouth laid waiting at the bottom of the lake. ‘Glad I’m not Kailani,’ she thought to herself. The image sent shivers down her spine.

“Dana,” Ciro called.

“Coming,” She replied and quickly headed after her leader.


Kailani and Narissa were both disappointed but they weren’t giving up yet. They walked out of the Church and started to head for the waiting van.

“A little too late?” Marius asked as he and a group of followers appeared out of the trees by the church.

“Marius,” Justine said immediately becoming concerned.

The dark haired demigod looked at the blonde daughter of Athena. “Against your own twin brother,” He commented calmly. “I would not have thought.”

“What do you want Marius,” Aran asked.

“We don’t want any part of this,” Narissa told him and his group. “Leave us out of it.”

“What you want is not always what you can have.” Kailani looked from Marius on her left toward her right. “Hello Kailani.”

“Willem,” She said instantly recognizing Hades’ son.

“Neither one of you are taking her,” Demitri said firmly. ‘I need some help from you,’ he silently called out to the forest and its inhabitants.

“Don’t be so sure,” Skylar said stepping up to Ares’ son. Justine looked at him and he saw the look of disbelief cross her face. Ignoring his half sister he looked at Demitri. “How are you going to stop us, nature boy?” He said mockingly.

As if the forest itself was answering a swarm of birds suddenly dove down on both Marius and Willem and their followers.

“Run!” Demitri yelled at their group.

“Not what I expected but I’ll take it!” Luke commented as the group began running toward their white van.

“Damn it!” Lerato said as he was nicked by another bird.

“After her!” Marius ordered. He took out his sword but with the squeal of tires the birds instantly ended their attack.

The two groups looked at each other. Neither had expected Demitri to be able to affectively cause them any real issues. Both men looked at Athena’s son. “We know where they’re going.” All eyes fell on Rendell.

“Narissa lived here but Kailani is from…”

“Florida,” Sorley said knowingly. Willem looked at the red haired man. “I know where she’s from.”

“So do I,” Rendell said practically glaring at Sorley. “I know better than you do.”

“We’ll see.” Turning around, Hades’ son led his group away. This battle would be avoided but only because they needed to get to Kailani first. Fighting now would delay them. There would be little chance of escape on a beach.

“We could attack them now,” Zelda commented.

“No, we need to get there first,” Ares’ son replied and began leading his group the opposite direction.


Ares stood at the pool feeling a little disappointed to see his son not fight with that of Hades. Marius was clearly looking at the big picture but the God of War still felt disappointed. Marius reaction was yet another difference between his two favored sons. Ramiero would cause physical harm because he could; even if it wasn’t necessary or it took more time. Marius wasn’t quite as quick to strike and usually thought things through more. If he struck it was hard and effective.

“You look disappointed,” Athena commented. Ares turned narrowed amber eyes up at her. “I’d think you’d be proud. He’s actually using his brain.” A smile crossed her face before she added, “Though clearly Demitri has been underestimated.” The Goddess of Wisdom looked over at where Artemis leaned on a wall not far away. “You must be proud.”

“My son is trying to keep her safe,” Artemis replied simply. Athena gave an elegant shrug and turned her attention back to the pool. Suddenly feeling agitated the Goddess of the Hunt walked away from her place.

Disappointment flowed over her at Athena’s words. The Goddess of Wisdom was not normally an instigator but at the moment she seemed to be almost trying to start a fight. She went toward another pool away from everyone else. She sat on the marble ring that surrounded the viewing pool. As thoughts of Demitri and her children entered her head she lightly touched the pool. Sadness flowed over her as she thought of the danger that awaited her children and their friends.

“He did well.” Artemis looked over to see Amphitrite sit down next to her.

“Amphitrite?” The Goddess said surprised to see her. “What are….”

“Every god or goddess of any form is here now.” To show her point she gestured away from her. Artemis was more than surprised to suddenly see Titans there as well. “It seems all children shall be on their own with no help.” Artemis nodded and looked back at the water.

The water in the pool shifted and the image of Kailani resting her head on Demitri appeared. Demitri’s arm was around the girl holding her safe and close.

“They really do make a cute couple,” The golden brown haired goddess commented.

Artemis couldn’t stop a smile from crossing her face. “Yes they do,” She agreed. Looking up at Poseidon’s wife she added, “He’d give his life to protect her.”

Amphitrite gave an almost sad smile. “I hope it does not come to that. I think she would give her life to protect them all.”

“She may have to fight,” Artemis warned.

“I know,” Amphitrite sighed. Blue eyes and green eyes looked at the pool once more. “Good luck Demitri,” Amphitrite told the unknowing demigod. Artemis reached over and took her friend’s hand. The two women looked at each other both silently hoping for all the members of the group to be safe.

“We have to believe in them,” Artemis said.

“Together they can do it,” Amphitrite agreed. Artemis nodded and both women watched as in their sleep their son and daughter held tighter to each other.


Raiden walked on to the beach with Ruana and Illithia on either side of him. They scanned the area and saw two women off in the distance down by the water away from everyone.

“Think that’s them?” Ruana asked.

“Let’s find out.” The blonde man calmly began making his way toward the women they hoped would in fact be Kailani and Narissa’s mothers.

Author's note: Next chapter will have a battle and captives will be taken.

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