Whenever You Remember

By missindependent_

187K 4.7K 685

After five years apart, best friends Sophia Kingston and Will Harvey are reunited. You'd think that when seei... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New & Re-Vamped
The Truth, here it is. Please read.

Chapter 14

5.3K 141 10
By missindependent_

Chapter Fourteen:

This Monday could not be any more painful.

For starters, I was back at work again for the first time since last Monday. And it's safe to say that something about the office is a little more tense than usual. Maybe that's because April 15th is in one week, and that means taxes. You know what else that means? I stack of papers eleven inches high for me to file. Something tells me that none of the other nimrod interns picked up the slack from when I was gone.

Real shocker there.

Not only that, but I was positively exhausted, on so many levels. Of course this last week has been mentally draining. I'm actually thinking that the tedious task of filing papers will give me time to recover.

Well, hopefully.

I'm also physically exhausted as well. Will and I took the same plane back to New York, and it kept on getting delayed, and delayed, and delayed, to the point where we could have driven back to New York in the amount of time we spent at the airport. Long story short, I was supposed to be back at my apartment around six o'clock, and it ended up being almost midnight by the time I was nestled in to my own bed.

So how was it with Will after my little outburst? Well truthfully, I only saw him in brief increments for the rest of the weekend. He came over every morning to join me while I watched Friends. At first, in all honesty, I felt completely awkward. I mean I basically spilled out my feelings to him. What did he think of everything I had said? He didn't say anything about it. I didn't know if I should be relieved or upset about it.

Frick. That boy always manages to complicate my life.

Our airport time largely consisted of us playing card games, because I had a deck of cards in my duffel bag and we didn't know what else to do. I'm known for bringing them on trips, specifically in case of situations like this. Still, it surprised me that Will asked if I had cards, since he said I always do. In the end, he beat me at pretty much everything, unfortunately. I'm a horrible liar and you need to have a good poker face to play most card games.

I covered my mouth as a yawn escaped my lips, sure to keep my manners in place. Supporting myself on the file cabinet became a necessity to stay awake, and next thing I knew, there was two dollars in front of me.

Surprised, I turned around to see Gavin behind me, with a sheepish grin on his face. "Go down to the third floor and buy yourself a caffeinated soda from the vending machine," He suggested.

"Oh thank you! Gavin, you're the best!" I said with desperation in my voice.

Gavin chuckled and seemed to be relieved for some reason. "Here I'll go with you."

We walked together out of the office and into the elevator, where Gavin struck up another conversation. "So how are you?"

Looking up at him and seeing the genuine concern in his blue eyes made me sigh, "I'm a little less than okay." Or a lot less. But I'm trying to do better.

"I'm sorry, Sophia," Gavin sympathized, and while I knew he was trying to be friendly, I couldn't help but feel detachment. Everyone always apologizes for death, and I appreciate the sympathy, but it wasn't anyone's fault.

"Thanks," I said.

"Was it nice seeing your family again though?"

I forced a weak smile, "Yeah it was, my brothers have gotten so tall though!" I tried a change of subject, and thankfully Gavin took the bait. I had just seen the twins a few weeks ago, so it wasn't as if their height was alarming this visit. Still, it's weird to see them so tall and it is an easy topic to approach.

"Really? How old are they?" He asked.

"Fifteen. They passed me up before they were twelve though."

"Are they twins or something?"

"Yeah," I replied, "They're identical. Blond hair and freckled noses."

"Twins seem like fun," Gavin noted.

I chuckled, "That depends. Luke and Blake together makes for double the evil."

He laughed as we approached the machine, "That's true."

"Ugh, machine is Pepsi," I grumbled.

"What's wrong with that?" Gavin asked.

"Everything!" I banged my head on the machine. "I want Coke."

"Pepsi is the same thing."

I turned to give him a hard glare, "Watch yourself, Gavin Matthews. If you ever say that again I am disowning our friendship!"

"Alright, alright, I take it back! If you want coke there's one on the fourteenth floor," Gavin said before tugging my arm back to the elevator. A few dollars later, I had my coke.

"Thanks so much Gavin! I seriously needed this," I chugged that 20 oz. so fast, I think it actually scared him a little.

He chuckled, "Anytime."

Right then, Allison came strutting over to us, hips swaying and all. She sent Gavin a slutty and flirtatious look before turning to me with disdain, "The Boss wants to see you in his office. He didn't sound happy." When she added the last part, a smug grin began to tug her lips and I had to force the vomit back down my throat.

That's how much she disgusts me.

Not wanting to give her the satisfaction of the reaction she wanted, I took the high road and gave her a curt nod and while looking to Gavin, who just shrugged. "I'll see you at lunch, okay? We can grab some sandwiches!" He called out, and I gave him a thumbs up before watching Allison touch his arm all seductively. I had to stifle a laugh. It has always baffled me how some girls just can't take a hint.

Poor Gavin. Allison is a huge displeasure.

I knocked lightly on Mr. Sommers's door before opening it a crack. He peered up from his documents and have me his creepy smile, "Ah yes, Ms. Kingston, come on in and have a seat."

Obediently, I sat down with a polite smile. "How was your week away?" His unsettling smile had faded, and was replaced with a look of disapproval.

"It was long," I admitted.

"We really could have used your help around the office you know," His voice almost had a warning tone, and it freaked me out a little.

"Trust me, sir, I would have much rather been here than there." That is true, I would rather my grandpa still be alive. It would have made me present here, but more importantly the most incredible person in my life would still be walking the planet.

He played with his pencil and furrowed his eyebrows, "I see. However the company did not appreciate your absence, Ms. Kingston, and I suggest you don't pull another stunt like this again if you want one of those job openings in three weeks."

"Three weeks? I thought it was six from now?" I asked, confused.

"The date was moved up. I hope that doesn't inconvenience you in any way," He obviously didn't care if it did. His tone said that much.

"Of course not."

He attempted to give me an intimidating stare, but instead I just felt creeped out. "That will be all."

I gave him a nod and quickly exited. Suddenly, I felt even more drained than I had before. Mr. Sommers had managed to kill the energy the coke gave me. Curses.

Storming back to the file cabinet, I actually began to feel more and more upset. There was absolutely no courtesy for family emergencies any more.

And as if I wasn't feeling down before.

If I don't get this job, Elise and I are screwed. Well, I am. But I can't expect her to pay my rent all the time. And I hate owing people. A few weeks back, I had applied for a few part time waitressing jobs just because I needed some more dough.

For a while, I had been working at a pristine restaurant a few blocks down, just on the evenings and on weekends, but it actually went out of business about four or five months ago. At first I didn't bother applying for another job, but then I really started to need some money and I've just been waiting to hear back.

After that conversation with Mr. Sommers, I just felt more desperate.


"You're seriously going to eat another Philly cheese steak?" Gavin asked me in disbelief as we took our made sandwiches and looked for a table.

I shrugged, "I don't see what the big deal is. It's a good sandwich, and I want to eat it."

Gavin chuckled and shook his head, "Why must you defy the rules?"

I scoffed after taking a bite. "It's not an actual rule that you can't order this sandwich!"

"Might as well be," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. Hey, so they moved up the date to pick the interns?"

Gavin nodded, "Yeah they did."

"But, why?"

He let out a breath, "They just need more employees right now, like really bad, so they're moving up the date so they can bring new people on without going through the whole hiring process."

I nodded in understanding, and my phone started to ring on the table. Gavin watched me as I picked it up, and I realized I didn't know the number. It then occurred to me that just last week, when I was here eating my Philly cheese steak sandwich, my phone rang bearing some of the worst new of my life. Holy shit, is this conspiracy a reality? Still, I answered it, with Gavin eyeing me intently.


"Hi, my name is Cal. I'm the manager at the Eli's Ale House," The voice responded.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their socket, "Oh, hello."

"Hi," He chuckled, "I'm assuming this is Sophia Kingston?"

"Yes this is she," I replied, anxious about what he would say.

"I'm calling in regards to the application you submitted recently. We are running very low on staff and would like to hire you on."

"I would love to come on board!"

"Great, are you available tonight? We're really low on staff and there's a Yankee game tonight, so the place will be pretty packed."

"What time?"

"Around six o'clock?"

"I'll be there!"

"Sounds great. What size uniform should we have available for you?" Cal and I exchanged a few more details before hanging up.

"What was that?" Gavin asked.

I shrugged, not really sure if I should tell him I got a job, and then realizing it probably wasn't a big deal. "Since the internship isn't bringing me in any money, I need some. And I now have a part time job at Eli's Ale House!"

"Wow, congrats," Gavin said with a friendly smile.

I returned the smile and glanced down at my conspiracy sandwich. Maybe it isn't bad luck after all.


"Shut up!"

I laughed at Elise's reaction, "I can't, it's true!"

"Damn, well congrats girl!"

"Thanks! So yeah I won't be home until late tonight. You don't have to wait up," I shrugged as I said so. Since I had to be at my new work by six, I didn't have any time to get home. Luckily I happen to pack a pair of converse in my bag today. I do that from time to time just because it gets old walking in heels or flats all day long, and some days I walk more than others.

"I'll probably still be up. I've hardly seen you since you've gotten back! Are you sure you're up for starting a new job?" Elise asked as I yawned in to the phone.

I was still extremely exhausted, but the truth of the matter is that I desperately need some money. Besides, I had already hit up a coffee shop before embarking on my way to the Bronx.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I assured her with confidence in my voice.

"Okay, well I better go. I'm in line at a mini mart and I'm holding everyone up."

I chuckled, "Alright I just pulled up outside of the ale house. Talk to ya later." And with that we both hung up.

The driver parked in front of the ale house, and I forked over the taxi fare. I made a mental note to myself to do investigate a possible subway pass. I don't know why I haven't already anyways.

Rush hour had been a major bitch today. Even though the office wasn't that far from the ale house, it took about forty five minutes to get there. Talk about annoying.

I made my way inside, and was instantly alarmed by how many people were there. I guess the Yankee game was ready to get under way.

I wonder what Will is doing.

I shook my head to get rid of the thought and instead looked for the manager. Finally, I found a worker and he helped me find my new manager. The guy turned out to be a little swamped, so he assigned a girl, Hannah, to help me out.

"Welcome to our ale house family!" Hannah chimed when she met me.

I chuckled, "Thanks, glad to be here."

"Damn, you've got one young face. Are you sure you're old enough to be serving alcohol?" She winked. I knew she was just being friendly, so I laughed.

"I'll be 23 this summer," I assured.

"You are a youngling," She shook her head. I smiled because she was probably about 26 or so herself. "Follow me," She instructed as she weaved us in and out and back in to a break room type of place. It's times like these I appreciate being short, because I'm practically an expert at weaving through crowds.

"Here's your shirt," She handed me a black tank top with the logo on the back.

"I don't have any pants," I admitted sheepishly, and she smiled.

"Check that bin over there," she pointed, and I went over to pick some out. "So you a Yankee fan?"

"Sure am, I grew up in Massachusetts but my best friend from back home and I loved the Yankees," I informed her while pulling out a pair of pants. They looked about right, so I held on to them.

"Sweet! So I'm sure you've heard about that rookie Will Harvey?" I stiffened slightly at her words, but recovered enough to nod. "Man, that guy is so fine!"

I nervously chuckled, "I guess." But in my head, I was thinking 'unfortunately he's the hottest guy I've ever seen.'

"You guess? Are you freaking blind? I wouldn't be surprised if that stud turned a few guys," Hannah admitted with enthusiasm. I turned to her and chuckled. So far, I like her. She seems to be a few years older than me, with auburn hair that had an ombre and perfectly straight teeth. The type of person that had a sense of humor and was outgoing enough to make you feel like you had known her for years.

I laughed, trying to calm my nerves, "Yeah. Maybe."

"And guess what else?" She asked, excitement clear on her face.

"What?" I asked, with a knot slightly forming in my stomach. I don't know why, it just did.

"After most of their wins, a lot of the players stop by to buy the whole bar a round for a celebration drink!" She said gleefully and my eyes widened in shock.

"Um, like which ones?" I didn't know how I felt about Will seeing me in this kind of environment. I mean back in high school I don't think anyone ever pictured that I would be working at a sports bar just to get by.

What can I say, I have a lot of pride. It could be worse though, because this place actually has a really cool atmosphere. It has the appearance almost of a wooden tavern on the inside, with neon signs hanging strategically about that seemed to work well with the room. There was all sorts of road signs, too, spread out in a way that didn't clutter or suffocate the bar.

"All the hot ones!" She exclaimed. "And let's just say, that rookie hottie has made several appearances here! He's a quite the piece of man candy. Mm-mmm!"

My jaw nearly dropped.

So what now?

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