Claws And Scratches(YJ Fanfic...

By Houdini_S

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Fangs... Claws... Hearts... Tea.... And Madness... Crimson Heart says she is from Earth, but not specifically... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
So this is not an update, but kinda is...
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Another one???(Tagged again...)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
I'm sorry... I'm addicted
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 28

193 12 6
By Houdini_S

"What?!" I shriek. He covers my mouth with his gloved hand and I felt years stream down my face.

"Who kidnapped her? How did they escape? " I kept asking him multiple questions,tears streaming down my face."I thought you said they were held in a high security prison much like The Joker's." I say and look into his eyes,hoping for answers.

"And they did,baby. Someone bombed the facility and she was taken. I think the Reach has something to do with this." He says and holds my hands close to his.

"Don't worry,my dear. We will find her and she will not lay a breath on you,I promise." He says. I nod and head on down with the rest of Alpha squad with me in silence. Dick stays behind to guide both missions.

When we arrived at the base,we allowed ten minutes for Beast boy and Superboy to attach button controlled bombs around the area,in case they try to come after us. We all sneak in as I place a cloaking spell on everyone. I warned them that this will only work for part of the way,so they had to be sure they stayed in the shadows no matter what. Red looks at me and nods,I then look at Red's clone donar,Arsenal. He snickers and messes with his robotic arm.

"I don't need no cloak spell to ensure security. I got it myself." He says and runs off. I could hear Dick's voice in the comm yelling at Arsenal to stop. He rashly runs out and basically brought attention to ourselves and almost got us killed. I lashed out my whip at the enemy and summoned three knights to fight as my minions. Each and every time they destroyed my knights,they'd put themselves back to get her and fight again.

When the fight was done with the enemies soldiers,we went forwards and got to the leader of the group. I stood their in shock as I see Red and James, chained to n electric chair,being shocked every two seconds. They were screaming their hats off and I could see the same creatures that tested on me,look at me in surprise.

"Stop this at once!!" I yell and fly off the rescue them. Blue below was on my side, shooting the basis, while I set Red and James free. They fall to the side, weak and limp. I could see James was half conscious and Red was knocked out. I carry both of them via telekinesis and run back to the bio ship.

"Crimson? Why did you save us?" James asks weakly," After all we've done to you."

"Hey,I believe in second chances can change a person." I say and I see James closes his eyes and blacks out. I place both of them on a small bed and made sure they didn't escape as I placed a lock spell on them. I went back to call the others to a retreat. Everyone rushes back to the bio ship and I place the bio ship in overdrive and sped off ,before the bombs went off.

"Arsenal! Why the hell was that?!" Nightwing says and scowls at Arsenal.

"I fought without one of Crimson's stupid spell,So what? " he snickers

"For what?! You almost ruined the mission if Crimson here hadn't stopped you here." Nightwing says.

" And my powers are not stupid, Metal head. They can take you and your metal arm down any day." I say and place three knives out in my hand.

"Prove it,Dog breath..." He says.

I growl and my wolf form blows up as I tackle him to the ground. I start to go over drive as two separate tentacles of power come from behind and pin down Arsenals arms and I raise my arms to scratch his face when I was pulled back by Wonderful and Red. I push them away and aim for Arsenals face. I was about to do it when I felt a surge of energy pass through and I fell to the ground in pain. I look behind me to see James,walking up to me and kneeling down to my crippled body.

"There you go,Heart. No more overdrive." He say and stands up. Nightwing holds out his batons and Wondergirl gets her lasso of truth out and spins it in the air.

"Hey, hey. I''m not here to hurt you!!! I just wanted to talk." He says and Wondergirl drops her rope and Nightwing puts his batons down. James extends a hand and heps me up, but I still continue to growl at Arsenal.

"Crimson, down." He commands and I morph back into  human form nd satre into his red eyes. They look exactly like mine, heart shaped and all. 

"What is it, James?' I ask.

"I need to talk to you. In private." He say and crosses his arms.

I chant a small spell and we are both teleported to the diner outside of Gotham city. A place no one would find us, nor look for us. I look at both of our clothing ans snap my fingers. I morph into shirt and jeans, while he changes into a sweatshirt and pants. We both sat down and started to talk.

"So, did you tell them?" He asks.

"About what? The thing? No. It's too dangerous. Not until I find Dad." I say.

Oh, forgot to mention. In one of my secret missions back to Earth, I got itel from an old netherling creature that snuck from Wonderland to land and handed me a small note that my mom made for me when I was old enough for me to understand. Apparently, Red stole James, my younger brother away from me and rasied him as her own. When I met him at Bel Rev, I told James about this.He was furious about the idea, but eventually came with terms to it and said to be loyal to me as family and as queen.

"Well pretty soon youre gonna have to tell them everything, sis." he says

"James, right now the time is too busy and we need to let the things simmer down, both in Wonderland and on land, alright? It's not safe here anymore." I say and lean in closer to tell him something," We both know that Red is dead and being replaced by someone else, and I believe that someone else is Dad.  I just need your help in this investigation." I say and sat back down.

"Very well, I will help. How do we stop him?" He leans in and I smile. I take out a small map from my bag and lay it down on the table. "First off, we are gonna have to play off that you are done running as Red servant and  decided to join me as my protege." 

"Protege? Really?" He looks at me.

"Does wonderlands friendly helper sound better?" I sarcastically say. He sighs," Go on"

"That's it for now.We will get to the rest of the plan later.We needto finish step by step."  say and get up."Ready, James?" I say and hold out my hand. He gives me a bortherly smile and takes it as we teleport back to themission center. I explin to the that I'll be taking in James as a protege and a way to strengthen the Wonderland protection group. Dick was skepticl at first, but took him in on my word. The team welcomed him wih open arms and introduced themselves. I 've noticed how much he has changed as an individual. No more snobbish acts and it more mature than a normal half netherling would be.  I show him to his new room while Nightwing adds him to the system.

"Can I ask you something? If I join the team, do I get my powers back?" He asks as we walk to his new room.

" Well, Very limited. I already have your trust in you, but you have to gain the teams trust." I say as I show him the door and open it. It was very bland but with a snap of a wrist he ad new clothes in the closet and items on his desk.

"Wow, Crimson. Seems you really have evolved. Not many people can do that." He says and jumps onto the bed. I smile and close the door behind me and sat down on a chair."I took out he cameras and speakers in this room. No one can hear us." I chant a small spell." There, now I've also give you your powers. Use them wisely."

"Yes, ma'm." He say and looks at his hands. I see life in his eyes and he shoots out a vine and it raps aorund a lamp across the room."Neat, I still have my element powers." He says, smiling.

"Yes, James Heart. What would you hero name be?" I ask, smiling.

He thinks for a second before I see him transform into a red and black suit, similar to my Mad Hatteress's suit, but with dress pants and a black mask and his staff rather than a whip.

"Call me Morpheus." He smiles and tips the hat. I smirk and clap my hands," Well, Morpheus. Welcome to Young Justice...."

AGH!!!! How was that guys?! I love this chapter so much and I hope you guys enjoy it as well!!!!!

Peace out!!!


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