So this is not an update, but kinda is...

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So, I realized that I haven't explained Crimson's powers or how she looks like. So, without getting sidetracked, I present to you


Age : 16

Gender :Female


Father's 'earth' name was Lewis Heart, but his netherling name was Mad Hatter

Mother's 'earth' name was Caroline Riddle Heart, but netherling name was Queen White

Her netherling name: Howling Hearts of Crimson

Netherling appearance: Mismatched wings; left wing is dark blue with white spots and neon pink lines on the rim of the wing, the right wing is white with blue spots and a silhouette of a knight piece in chess. She has ears at the top of her head and long canines that grow when she transforms,but she can grow them on command. Her tail forms when she is threatened and can also appear on command. She does not grow fur except on her wolf ears and tail, and is the color brown.

Eye color: hazel with a very tiny section in her eye that green,but when shifting, her eyes will change to the color red with heart shaped irises

Normal appearance: slim body with a cut on her lower lip and goes all the way to her chin. Has olive toned skin and pearly white teeth.

Personality: quiet,fragile,yet strong enough to handle fights on her own. She is secretive and cynical. She has a good sense of humor and very cunning and smart.

Power: bend and morph objects to her will, master the elements,read a person's past(but only in gaps,can't read the entire thing,side effect of being half netherling) and has the ability to speak to animals and insects,and mimic certain abilities(emphasize on the certain).

Loved ones: Scratch and Bark,Cheshire(the cat), and Robin (no I don't. Aww,c'mon maybe a little?. No. C'mon,a smooch. Nada.)

Favorite things to do: eat,sleep,draw,read,and when no ones looking ,fly

Well,that's Crimson in a nutshell guys! Hope you like the book so far! I enjoy writing books like this so let me know if you like these types of books. Also go check out some one of my other Young Justice Books:Dimensions. Much different than like

Since I'm bored,comment on a section who is your favorite Young justice hero. Mines Robin/Nightwing and Blue Beetle.

Make sure you vote for my book!! :-)

Houdini :-P

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