more than you thought - dill...


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mad decent boat party 2014. a dj named dillon francis and a captivating girl named robin bello. More



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"You need some rest." Dillon wrapped his arm around me while walking me to his room. 

I had just gotten out of the shower, feeling refreshed but also exhausted from the previous days that Dillon and I had put through, if this is how Dillon's regular week looked like I could far less imagine how busy and tiring Wesley's schedule looked like. 

"Thanks for dealing with me, I'm an emotional piece of shit." 

Dillon chuckled and squeezed my side tighter, "Don't be so hard on yourself, you're strong enough to get through whatever it is." 

Sure Dillon had done so much for me ever since MDBP, but I hadn't felt completely honest with him and surely I felt like I wasn't giving me him my all. I felt ashamed since he's been so kind to do much more than what I would imagine from a guy like him.

Expressing myself to Dillon didn't seem like the best choices right now since, who knows how many other important things he has to get through at the moment and putting my problems over his was way too ignorant of me.  Growing too emotionally to him also felt like something that I truly wanted, but I could not have. Dillon was growing as a bigger artist by the minute and it would be too much to put up with. I could already feel our growing relationship together would soon but slowly crumble by the smallest things. 

As badly I did not want for anything to happen, I would have to face reality that it would come sooner or later and it wouldn't be right to push away Dillon so sudden, it would be something to happen on its own.

Letting go of Dillon, i felt an uneasy feeling in my body but ignored it. Taking a deep breathe and pulling myself together, I grabbed Dillon's face with both my hands and pulled him closer so I could return the favor of kissing his forehead. "Okay, you have a big show soon. Don't worry about me, I'll be here right when you get back. Go put on a great show, for me. And if not for me do it for James." I smiled and stepped back. 

Dillon's eyes seemed to his a small shiny reflection from his soft blue eyes before returning the smile. "I will. Be ready by the time I come back, I'll be taking you straight to the airport, so don't worry about transportation."

"Thank You so much Dillon, I truly mean it. Hopefully I can give back to you as much as you have given to me, you deserve it." I sighed. Dillon didn't say anything but only pulled me back into his arms. His phone rung quite loudly, interrupting our moment together.

"I should probably let you go now." Dillon quietly said and released his grip. Even though I didn't want to be let go. 

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." Dillon grabbed his backpack and keys walking out of the apartment.   

And with that, I slowly made my way to Dillon's room and began to organize my belongings. 

I tried not to think too much about leaving but it was so hard to not avoid because life over here felt so much more completely exciting and happier then compared to living in Seattle. So many differences could be put on the spot, I would move over here if I had the chance but unfortunately it couldn't be something I could afford. 

After packing, I laid down on Dillon's bed and pressed my face down into the pillow, it smelled like fabric softener but I enjoyed it. Noticing these small details, it kind of made me realize how long I hadn't had been in a romantic relationship with anyone in quite a long while.  

I honestly still have not got over the fact that Dillon has kissed me, thinking about the moments where it had happened felt like hundred of small butterflies fluttering in my stomach. With these warm thoughts I drifted asleep. 


Robin was something different, who I couldn't quite understand on the spot. Ever since the night she got drunk, I've done my best to avoid it when being around her but I couldn't get over the fact what she had done and what type of person she had really been deep down inside because I had been obsessing over it more than I should have.  

If there was only someway where if we were to be together, that wild-side of her would be stored in a private and secretive part of our relationship. But oh-man would that have some time to develop between us and for her to feel totally comfortable with me and I was willing to wait as long as she would need me to. 

I just couldn't help to think about how attached I was with Robin lately and I wanted to be with her more and more. I just couldn't manage how it would all work with my schedule, maybe I was getting ahead of myself. 

The car pulled to a quite harsh stop and making me move forward in my seat. 

"Sorry Sir," the driver cleared his throat. I squinted a bit even though the driver wouldn't be able to notice the expression on my face. That's odd. 

I sighed and pulled myself  back into a comfortable position as we continued to head towards the club. 



I felt a soft nudge on my shoulder but I ignored it thinking about how late it was a night for such a disturbance at this time. 

"Robin, wake up." the voice harshly whispered and nudged me with more force. I groaned loudly into the pillow and moved in several different positions before flipping myself around to completely face Dillon who had a hard to read emotion when our eyes connected. 

"Can I just lay here for like 5 more minutes?" I groaned. He smiled as his eyes were rested on the bed as he was thinking of something. Dillon looked more gloomy as I kept my eyes on him. Suddenly reaching his wrist I pulled him down into the bed to lay aside of me. 

"Cheer up, would ya?" I hugged him tightly. Slowly pulling away so I could finally roll myself out of the bed, I felt Dillon's  hand grab the side of my waist mid-roll and pull me back into our original position. 

"I can't cheer up without this one last thing." He leaned closer, and the immediate feeling of flutters in my stomach returned. 

Pressing his lips carefully over mines, I closed my eyes and took in as much of the enjoyment as I could bare within that one moment. The slow movement of our lips felt so intoxicating, I didn't want to stop. His movements made me crazy as he slowly let his hand run down the side of my body from my waist to my thigh, he squeezed. I giggled and pulled back, "Don't get so ahead of yourself." He just smiled and gave a soft chuckle. I took the chance and rolled out of his grip and to get up. 

Yawning and stretching myself on my tippy toes, "C'mon Mr. Francis, I can't afford to miss a flight right now."

"But I can." He propped himself with his elbow on the bed. 

"I have things to do" I lied and rolled my eyes reaching down for my backpack and walking out of the room. 

I could hear Dillon catch up from behind, "and what those things must be?" I stopped before reaching the end of the living room. 

"Why are you so interested in what I do and who I am right now?" raising my tone on him. I gave him a slightly annoyed glare. 

Dillon didn't say anything.

 I huffed, "Sorry, I don't know whats come over me this past day. Don't worry about it, i'll be fine." I cleared my throat which strangely decided to start breaking all of a sudden. "Lets just try to end this off on a good note. Freaknight is very soon, I'm sure we can manage something out between us. If not and I don't remember to say this, I want to let you know right now how much I have appreciated your hospitality, care you've given me. No one's been this kind to me since as long as I have remembered.."

Dillon stayed silent, and gave me the same look of despair as he did earlier. I felt this hurt feeling inside me right now, it had honestly felt like I was breaking up with Dillon even though I wasn't even his girlfriend in the first place. 

"Okay sorry I didn't realize this would sound depressing as shit. Let's forget this and to the airport we go!" Before Dillon could even come up with a response I grabbed his and and dragged him along, snatching his keys we left out the door. 


Robin's words felt so painful to listen, its as if I could hear the loneliness in her voice. It made me question why she would want to push away from the topic so desperately. How could one just bring up something so painfully sudden and act like one wouldn't show any concern. I was smart enough to know that I would not let this slip away from my hands so quickly. I had already grown to emotionally attached to Robin. 

The car ride to LAX had been silent the whole way. Not a word said, just the small sounds of music coming from the radio. 

I hadn't been upset but it was just that I hadn't had the right thoughts and comprehensions to properly compose of the right thing to say. If I were to say something, I don't think it would lead out goodbyes to settle on good terms and hold on until freaknight. 

I accompanied Robin to her check-in and slowly walked her to the Security Check-Point where we would leave our different ways. 

This had been the second time that I had been leaving Robin and each time the same feeling had returned of emptiness. It  just didn't feel right but that's just how life goes. Not everything will be at your demand when you want it to be. You'll just eventually have to pull through it. Just like any other of my down times I've had in recent memories, I've pulled through for the better or worse. 

And with the little spark of hope, I was wishing that it was for the best. 

A/N - oh shit, i can officially say i can continue this story in peace now that i am on summer break. i would have updated this earlier this month but i went to cozumel last week so i was spending time with my family :-) 

hope everyone is doing well !

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