Sunset {Completed)

By AshyShy

32.9K 609 23

(Sorry to anyone who reads this,this was my first book and I was thirteen when I wrote this, I have no intent... More

Cessyanna Volturi -twilight fanfic-
Chapter 1.
Chapter 3 .
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chaper 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapyer 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
pChapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 26.
chapter 37
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapyer 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54. (Extra)
Hello Loyal Readers!

Chapter 2 .

1.8K 39 2
By AshyShy

I walked out of the woods and into the house in the living room, the main three Volturi were sitting on the couch the four guard were here, two on each side.

Garret and Eleazar, were helping Emmet with something, while Tanya, Kate Carmen and Esme and the other girls were in the kitchen.

Carlisle and the rest were outside on the porch talking.

Jasper and Edward were in the living room.

I walked up to my room.

I changed into blue jeans and a black T-shirt that said 'Whatever' on it, with my black high tops.

I went down stairs and grabbed my coat.

"Where are you going?" Edward asked, I shrugged.

"Town clear my head" I said.

He nodded "Be back by two Carlisle wants a meeting with everyone" he said, I smiled.

"Don't worry I won't be late. Again." I said laughing.

As I went out the door I could feel the stares of the main three Volturi.

I went to the park.

And I sat on the gazebo steps, that was there.

I was drawing a picture of my family.

I felt a presence, and almost screamed.

Demetri and Felix must have followed me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"We just wanted to follow you plus, Aro sent us to look after you, Miss Cull-" I cut Felix off.

"Look don't call me Miss Cullen my name is Cessy, call me Cess" I said.

They nodded "Mis- Cess, I was close to your mother, she was like a mother to me actually" Demetri laughed "She was one of a kind."

I lowed my gaze "Yeah, a mother that didn't want her child is one of a kind ain't she? She just threw me away to the first person she could" I stood up " Look Dimitri, Felix, I am sorry but, I need some time alone,". i said, went to my car waved at them, but.

They were gone.

After going to the mall shopping, and buying new sunglasses I headed back.

Sunglasses on, I wet inside toting bags. The Denali had left.

I heard Alice complain "You went shopping without me? How could you Cess."Everyone laughed.

"I needed to clear my mind," I said, turning on to Edward "Late again, ain't I?" I asked.

He nodded I shrugged.

Tugging my bags up the stairs, with Alice and Rose's help, I put them in my room.

Sunglasses on my head, I went downstairs.

They were talking, but, shut up when I entered.

I sat on the floor next to Nessie.

Aro was arguing with Caius about something I just shrugged.

"Cess?" I heard Nessie ask.

I looked at her "What?" I asked her.

She smiled and whispered in my ear "I know you think you ain't pretty, but, you are Cess, at least I think so, oh and they are arguing about you" she said, we both looked at them.

"I think we should earn her trust before we take her off Aro" Caius said.

"Caius, do you think she will trust us? We watched her mother die, and we didn't do anything to help her out and well" Aro was cut off.

"Aro, I agree with Caius, let's earn her trust before we try to ask if she joins" Marcus said.

Everyone stared. Shocked.

"At least you say something sense able." Caius said, Aro glared at him.

"That's the only thing I have heard him say" I heard Edward whisper to Emmet who smiled.

Marcus shook his head at them. And sat back down.

Aro was thinking.

"Well, then fine, Caius we do it your way" he said, then looked at Carlisle.

"May we stay here old friend?" he asked.

"Sure" everyone agreed after that I went to my room and slammed the door.

More vampires. Just what we needed.

__Two days later__

I found out about the Volturi and their story's I was surprised.

Caius was attacked by a wolf.

The other were good stories too but, Marcus I found out his wife had been killed So had Caius's.

Me, Felix and Emmet kept competing to see who was the faster. Me.

"How old are you exactly?" Caius had asked me.

I smiled "Five hundred."


I nodded. "Old right?" I laughed.

He smiled "Guess how old I am " he said.

"One thousand and... something?" I asked.

He laughed "Try 1300 bc. he said.

I stopped walking.

"What?" I asked, shocked.

He smiled at my reaction "Shocked?" he asked.

I nodded. "Your older than me" I said.

He nodded "But, you look older then me" I gave him a glare, he gave me half a smile.

When we got to the house I saw them all talking and being friendly.

"And here is the champion, who is faster then Emmet or Felix ? Cessy Cullen." Renesmee announced with a laugh.

I laughed with her.

The wolfpack was here.

I saw Caius stiffen but, he covered it up. Quickly.

I shook my head, patted Jacobs head, he growled, he don't like it when I do that.

I thought of a plan.

This will show Emmet and Jasper.

Yesterday they both were in on a trick as was Felix. -but I'm scared of him- so I will just get Emmet and Jasper.

I was quiet as a mouse, Esme saw me and the others that were on the porch, I made a Shh motion with my hand to them all, I saw Edward smile.

I got Jasper then Emmet.

They yelped, I stood there with a bucket of water

Meanwhile, I was dying laughing, rolling around in the grass.

Then they stood above me, with angry looks on their faces.

Uh oh, I thought.

I jumped up and ran.

Jasper and Emmet were not that far behind me.

Everyone was laughing at us.

I was surprised to see the Volturi laughing as well.

I climbed a tree and hopped from one to another.

Finally I jumped and scored the landing on top of the house everyone ran in front of the house.

"Get down from there" Emmet said, I smiled at them.

I said "Chicken, if you want me come and get me" I smiled mockingly.

That's all it took.

Emmet started climbing Jasper did too.

"Oh no" I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

They all smiled.

When they reached the top they stepped towards me.

"Well, I enjoyed the chat got to go bye" I said, and danced out of reach.

Then I did something stupid I stepped up only to fall of the house.

Only to watch everything go black.

__One day later__

I woke up remembering what had happened.

"Oh shi-" I got interrupted.

"Language" Esme told me.

I asked "How did I get here?"

"Caius caught you when you fell, and they say vampires have no heart" Esme started laughing.

I laughed with her "He did? why didn't Edward or someone else?" I asked.

"With the way you fell they wasn't fast enough, now get up Emmet and jasper think its their fault you fell" she told me.

I got up and looked at the clothes I was wearing in the mirror.

My shirt had been torn on my right shoulder, and my pants leg was cut wonder why?

I looked at Esme.

"Carlisle had to see if their was any damage ,that's why its like that'' she said, an went out the door.

I put on a black skirt, and a red shirt, along with my high tops.

I walked down the steps only to hear jasper and Emmet talk very fast.

"Sorry.....Won't happen again.....and we won't chase you on top of the house."

was all I heard.

I looked at them with a glare.

"Yeah right you will be doing it again, then fire will come. Again." I said.

I busted out laughing at the looks on their faces.

"See ya!" I boomed as I went out the door.

"Where are you going?" I heard a voice ask.

Marcus of the Volturi, and Edward.

I sighed "Town" I answered them.

"Hurry back Carlisle wa-" I cut Edward off.

"Wants to talk with me, gotcha, and don't worry I am just going to the park to draw." I kept a sketch pad in my black jeep.

I heard Emmet growl "Without me and Renesmee?" I heard him ask.

"No, Renesmee can come you can stay."

Renesmee ran out, so did Emmet.

They went to my jeep and got in.

"Rose you might want to come and keep check on Emmet." I yelled.

She came out shaking her head.

"Shotgun" Renesmee yelled.

I sighed as I got in Emmet was sitting behind me.

He thumped my head.

I let my seat go back, because I'm 'tall.'

''Ow!" I heard Emmet say.

"Okay okay I wont thump you in the head....for awhile" he said.

I laughed, and scooted my seat back up.

Nessie laughed.

I put it in drive, and then drove to the park.

At the park Renesmee went to the swings, so did Emmet.

Me and rose sat down on the gazebo.

"Can I see your drawings? Do you mind?" Rose asked.

I shrugged and gave it to her.

After she flipped through them she smiled on the last.

It was the picture of all of them.

"That one is good" she said "They all are."

"I would have drawn Renesmee when she was a baby but, I wasn't there" I said.

I was off visiting, my real home.

I'm from Romania.

"Yeah,you weren't there when the Volturi thought all that about Nessie."

I shook my head.

After a little while Renesmee came up.

"Emmet, is being mean, Aunt Rose" she said, we looked back at Emmet who was hogging up the swings.

"Emmet!" Rose yelled.

He jumped and ran over, only to have Rosalie smack the back of his head.

I laughed "Your grown ,but, you act like your seven" I told him, Nessie and Rose laughed.

He growled at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him, then my phone went off.

"Hey" I answered.

"Cess, its time for you four to come back'' Edward said.

"Sure we are on our way see ya" I said, and hung up before he could say anything else.

"Come on Edward wants us back at the house" I said.

I gt a text 'Did you just hang up on me?'

'Yes, I did Edward.'

Renesmee laughed.

And with that I drove back.

Edward stood on the porch with a glare, when we got back.

I smiled at him "Come on bro, don't be that way" I said, he turned and walked inside.

"I'm hungry" Renesmee said.

"I will fix you something" Me and Alice both said.

We laughed, and walked into the kitchen.

We were fixing her what she wanted for dinner.


"Why pancakes for dinner?" Alice had asked her.

Nessie shrugged "I just want them."

And that how we got to the kitchen. and started making pancakes.

We were making them.

Ten minutes later I ran out of the kitchen with a dough covered Alice, throwing food at me.

I screamed, and ran out of the house.

Everyone looked at us.

"Get back here" She said.

I laughed.

When we ran back into the house, she got me.

I went down on my knees, with my hand covering my 'Heart.'

"Oh you got me, goodbye world" I said, then acted dead.

Alice laughed, and helped me stand up everyone was laughing at us.

We were hugging, and then I heard a click.

Emmet had took a pic.

"That is going in the photo album" he said.

I growled.

Then me and Alice ran into the kitchen and got dough batter.

Then snuck up on Emmet.

We covered him with dough, right on the face.

I took Esme's camera and snapped a pic.

"Two words Emmet" I said, then looked at Alice.

"Photo. Album." she said, and we both laughed.

He shook his head and then went upstairs.

I went to my room and changed.

when I put on blue jeans and a shirt, I went down stairs.

"You three will clean up this floor" Esme said.

"Yes ma'am " we said.

After cleaning I sat on the couch and drawed the Volturi.


What do you think so far?

What do you think about Cessy?

My favorite part so far is the pancake scene, lol, I had to add that in there.

- forester 00

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