Claws And Scratches(YJ Fanfic...

By Houdini_S

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Fangs... Claws... Hearts... Tea.... And Madness... Crimson Heart says she is from Earth, but not specifically... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
So this is not an update, but kinda is...
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Another one???(Tagged again...)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
I'm sorry... I'm addicted
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 13

485 21 0
By Houdini_S

"What!" I hear the entire league says.

"I'm leaving for a few months. I need to go clear my head. But I will still be here. Just not part of the team." I say.

Canary walks up to me," You sure you're alright? I mean, standing in the sun too long can make you say stuff you don't mean."

I glare at her,"I'm not going crazy, Canary. I'm perfectly fine. Just realized something." I walk out and open the door to my room. My teams follows behind me and stands by my door and watches me pack my bags.

"Why do you want to leave?" Kaldur asks.

"I'm a burden to this team. Any more of me affiliating with you guys can and will cost lives. I don't want any one of you to die on my behalf. So, that's why I'm leaving." I place my mother's mirror in my bag and place all my clothes in. I neatly fold my hero uniform and place it in my bag.

"Crimson, is it because....." Artemis stops and the team looks at her.

I close my bag and sling it onto my shoulder," Goodbye,guys. Don't try to stop me."

Dick comes forward,and hugs me. I return the hug, "I will be back when I'm in the right mind,alright.Wait for me till then." I whisper in his ear.

He kisses my forehead and looks down,"I promise."

I nod at my team. Kaldur shakes my hand. Artemis and M'ghann hug me so hard I almost thought I broke a rib cage. Superboy asked if I could come back for visits,just so he could see Scratch and Bark. I told him they would be staying here and not coming with me,and that he could take care of them. Cheshire jumps into my bag and Wally nods his goodbye.

I was about to jump into the zeta tube and leave when I hear a slow clap coming from the shadows.

"Well,well Crimson. Didn't expect you to leave the team so early." I hear a familiar voice say.

I turn around and pull out two dagger from my pocket. I know that voice anywhere. Everyone has their weapons out and are in fighting stance,wondering where the voice is from.

"What do you want,James?" I say. James pops up from the shadows,holding a rose in his hand.

"Your head for mummy,but you fighting will do." He says and comes closer.

"Well, mommy's boy doesn't want to get his hands dirty,wo who's it gonna be this time? Your butler?" I snicker.

"Crimson,what are you doing?" Superboy says, standing in fighting position.

"Don't bother fighting against me with these animals. We both know they are too below us,princess." James says.

"Princess? Animals?" Robin looks at me,confused,"Crimson,what's going on?"

"Nothing,Robin. He's messing with you." I lied.

"Am I?Crimson,stop lying to your servants. We both know it's not your best side." He  said and raised his hand out . Crap,telekinesis.  He  holds me by the neck and flings me to the wall. I hit the wall with a thud and fall. I slowly get up,my head ringing.

"C'mon Crimson. Tell them who you are." James says ,slowly walking around dodging Wally's and Superboy's throws easily. Robin,Kaldur,M'ghann and Artemis walk towards me and help me up.

I let go of there support and stand by myself. "That's it!" I snap. I take out a baton and run toward him. We began fighting. James waved his hand and cards came out from the shadows.  The team starts fight and slicing cards one by one. James summons his Staff and begins swinging it and blocking my attacks. We went in a pattern:I'd attack and then he would. I pulled as much of my energy as I could. I was done with his little annoying habits.

"Crimson, you sure do put up a fight,but let's just see what happens when others are involved." He smirks.

I look back at my team,"You wouldn't dare...."

"Peels ot meht tup" he chants. His eyes turn purple as a holds his curse in his hand. He hurls at the team.

"No!!!"I scream as I place a barrier around my friends and morph into my Netherling. I fly down towards them and stand in front and take the bullet. The curse hit me hard in the stomach and stops my heart. I fall to the floor.I demorph to my original self. The team looks at me in fear,Robin,Kaldur and M'ghann rush to my side and try to catch me,but I fall hard to the ground. my vision begins to fade,as the last thing I see is Robin holding my body and crying my name. There were tears in his eyes.

"Never leave me..." was the last words I said before I blacked out.

I was in a dark room. I didn't know where I was or how I got here. I was lost. I look down at my feet to see that I'm wearing a backless dress. It was bright blue with a black butterfly pin on it. My hair was tied up in a bun in the back. I look around and see a small table with a key. the key has an engraving of a hat on it. I smiled, for I knew where I was. Normally, this method of transportations are only given to the animals of Wonderland,but I guess it makes sense of me.

I was mind traveling to Wonderland.

I'm home...

I grab the key and turn around to find the door. Ah, I missed this oak scented door, how it gleamed and glistened. I unlock the door and close my eyes, hoping to see the beauty that I remember. I swing the door open in joy, only to find a dark and gloomy sky. Wonderland was wilting at its roots. It was devastating. The once fresh boysenberries that grew all over on the far side field were burning and choking of fire. The light and wonder was all gone. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. Blood and gore everywhere. I kept walking down towards my mother's castle. I need to know answers, I thought, I need to know how to kill Red. 

(Back on Earth)

Robin was clutching Crimson's lifeless body, refusing to let go. Zatara and Zatanna enter out from the zeta tube and rush towards Crimson. They examine, make sure it's not a fatal spell and that she will survive. Soon enough, Batman, Shazam, Flash and Martian Manhunter arrive and examine the damage. Batman sees Robin still on the floor, still holding Crimson. Batman feels a twig of sympathy. That girl was perhaps the only thing that Robin has found more homely than his family in over years, and now that feeling is gone. He walks over and place a soft hand on Robin's shoulder. He flinches, but still doesn't let go of her. Zatara kneels down to Robin's eye level and looks at him sadly. 

"I need to see what happened. Perhaps there's a chance to get her back." He says and Robin nods. He gently places Crimson down on the floor and stands next to Robin. Zatara levitates Crimson's body. He chants a spell and her body glows dark purple. He frowns and chants another spell, and her body glows dark purple.

"Robin," Zatara asks,"Do you know what spell James used on Crimson?"

He looks down and thinks," Some curse spell that ends like ,' peels ot meht tup' " He says. Zatara's expression changes. Zatanna looks shocked and a small tear falls from her eye. "Will she be alright?"Robin asks, slightly worried

Zatara looks at Martian Manhunter, and then Batman. Batman nods and he pulls Robin away from Crimson. "Robin, it's time to go."

"No, I want to stay." He says. He starts kicking and screaming like a child as he was being pulled away from Batman.Batman zeta tubed Robin back to Gotham, as the rest of the team was dismissed.

(Back at Wonderland)

I walk up the steps to the White Queen palace.I wished my mother was there,waiting for me by the steps to get me.I reach the big royal door and knock. I sigh in sadness as both of the door widely opened. I see the White Rabbit and my mother's maid and good friend, Madeline rush up to me and give me a hug. I hug them back. They lead me to the dining room and asked where my mother was and why did I come back alone. I told them that the White Queen is dead and so is the Mad Hatter. Madeline starts crying and Rabbit looks down in defeat. I told them I was here because I am going to defeat Red and take over as ruler of Wonderland ,once and for all. Rabbit looks up,eyes shining with hope.

"You think you can?" He asks(Oh,side note: When you reach Wonderland,everything they sound normal,but when you reach land,it's gibberish. Don't ask why,it's just the atmosphere)

"That's why I'm here,Rabbit. I need to know her weakness. Where can I hit her just so that she will stop harassing everyone in Wonderland and know her place?" I say.

Rabbit asks me to go to the chief of the Pawns,located right outside the ballroom. But first,I needed to get changed. Madeline leads me to my mother's room and sits me on her bed as she opens a closet and rummaged through the thousands of dresses. I stare at the mirror in front and tiny images of my father and I playing pop up on the reflection.

"It's a memory mirror" I hear a voice say that knocks me out of my trance. Madeline was holding a beautiful pale blue dress with sequences on the bottom seam,and of course,backless dress. It's was stunning.She hands it to me and leaves the room,closing the door behind her. I take off my human clothes and slip on the soft dress. Strangely enough,it fit perfectly. Must be a shifter. Shifter dresses always shift to your size,so you don't have to wear the corset,unless necessary.

I step out and Madeline praises my on how much I've grown and changed. She seats me in front of my mother's dresses and combs my hair and puts it in a bun.I look at myself in the mirror and my eyes sadden.

"You look just like your mother,Crimson. I wish she just see you now." Madeline says. I look at her as she smile a sad smile." You truly have grown stronger,wiser and kinder. You have potential to be the new queen of Wonderland." I hug her as tears fall down my cheek." And I am proud to serve you,your majesty."

She hugged me as I kept crying. When I was done I wipe my eyes and took a breather. I have to do this...

For Madeline....

For Mother and Father.....

For Wonderland.....

(A/N: Ahh! Three chapters in a week!! I'm on fire! Well hope you enjoy this chapter. Polls are still going on and submission for imagines are still open,so hurry in!!!

Vote on and read ahead!!!!!

Houdini <3)

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