Alpha, surprised to see me?

By youreadme101

88.8K 1.7K 206

Fifteen year old, Julia Williams, is not someone you'd want to meet. Burdened with the fact that her parents... More

Chapter 1 (Revised)
Chapter 2 (Revised)
Chapter 3 (Revised)
Chapter 4 (Revised)
Chapter 5 (Revised)
Chapter 6 (Revised)
Chapter 7 (Revised)
Chapter 8 (Revised)
Chapter 9 (Revised)
Chapter 10 (Revised)
Chapter 11 (Revised)
Chapter 12 (Revised)
Chapter 13 (Revised)
Chapter 14 (Revised)
Chapter 15 (Revised)
Chapter 16 (Revised)
Chapter 17 (Revised)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Check this out!!!!!!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Untitled Part 31

Chapter 21

1K 21 0
By youreadme101

A/N- I am so sorry that I haven't updated in soo long! I am just really busy at the moment and I never know what my schedule will be like so please bare with me on this. I will, however, try and update as frequently as I can. I know a lot of other people are busy as well so I hope it's not only me!

Thats all for now my lovelies



Chapter 21

"What is this place?"

"Looks like some weird cave or something like that."

"Thank you captain obvious." The twins carried on their usual bantering from behind me. There warm breath hitting the nape of my neck, warming me from the harsh climate in the cave. Just as I remembered it. Cold, lifeless, and sickly gray.

"Will you be quiet.." I mutter under my breath.

"Where did you find this place, Julia?" Alex shivers from behind me.

"Just saw it as we were walking by in the woods." I replied smoothly. I had become exceptionally good at lying in my five years alone.

"This place is creepy." Jace's voice quivered.

"Just stick by me and I'm sure we'll find them in no time." I kept my voice easy for reassurance.

"Are you sure their even in here? I mean what if we're wrong."

"Well, if we're wrong, we're wrong." I stated.

"Ahh! What was that?" Nick screamed.

"My hand. Now will you all be quite. Your grown men learn to act like them." I snapped.

"Ill have yo know that I am very much a grown man." I could here the triumphant smirk in Nicks voice.

"Yah, we know. We've seen it far to long today." I groaned, "Ok wait, that came out wrong." I rushed to say as Nick snickered and Jace whispered, "Thats what she said."

"Whatever, you just made my point about how childish you are with that stupid that's what she said joke."

That shut him up.

"Finally, peace and quiet." I breathed out an easy breath, the small gesture bringing life to the cave around me. The moisture of my hot breath reached the top of the cave dampening the water so it drops down for the top and lands with a thud on the cold ground. The sound of thunder rose up in the cave as the entrance light slowly disappeared.

"What's that noise?" Alex whispers.

I sigh, "And there goes the silence"

"It sounds like a grizzly bear."

"Nope that's just the sound of Jonathan's snoring." I said uninterested as I scanned for Tamara and their she lay in his arms.

"What, where?" Nick whipped his head around.


"Right by your feet, genius." I yawned from lack of sleep, turning my neck from side to side trying to get the qink out.

"Oh shoot!" He yelped as he stepped on Jonathan's hand.

Jonathan snapped awake rubbing his hand, "Ouch, what the fu--"

"--Fudge monkeys." I cut him off, rubbing my temples, "Its still to early to be throwing around cuss words." I said irritated.

"Wow Jules-bear, I never took you to be such a goody-goody." Alex sneered.

"Shut up I'm just soo not in the mood." I snapped at him still mad that he was lying to me.

"What, what's going on?" Tamara stirred in her sleep. Jonathan flinched from the sound of her voice, then seeing that she was lying in his arms he literally jumped ten feet in the air and scurried away from her.

"Why did it get so cold all of the sudden?" She pulled her arms tighter around her body. I kneeled down next to her as Jonathan paced to the side of me muttering curse words at his stupidity. I didn't see what he was so worked up about. I mean they both still have their clothes on so it's not like they did the dirty. But I guess when you love someone you worry if you mess up on the smallest things.

Love. I wonder what its like to be in love... I guess I'll never find out.

"Hey, sleepy head wake up." I nudged her shoulder.

"No, Im not ready yet." She groaned.

"Come on." I coax her.

"No." She rolled over.

Ok, all niceness aside.

"Tamara move your ass!" I shout in her ear. With an ear piercing shriek she jumps up from the ground while scurrying away.

"Holy cow, Julia, what was that for?" She whined.

"She's in a bad mood this morning." Jace chuckled.

"Probably because she lost her kitty." Nick snickered, I growled at him. Both Jonathan and Tamara gave Alex confused looks, he waved them off, "I'll tell you later."

"Wow, my heads pounding!" Tamara complained just like the rest of us had at the beginning.

I was about to walk over to her when something caught my eye-- IT COULDN'T BE!

"Guys look at this!" I shouted over to them.


"Is that--is that a video from..."

"Last night? Yah, it is." I replied.

"We'll what are we waiting for! Look at it!" Jace cheered.

"I guess its time to face the music huh." Tamara said terrified.

"Well, here goes nothing." I whisper.

"Let me here you say HEY!"


"Say HO!"


"Say hey! Ho! Hey! Ho!" I screamed into the microphone of the club. My dress was still in tact but my make up was smudged and my shoes were thrown across the stage.

"Hey chica  What's cracka-lackin!!!!" Tamara joined me on stage, shaking her hips as she did so. The loud beat of the club music boomed in the background of the speaker creating a cackling noise that filled out over the voices on the speaker.

"I-I'm so fuzzy right now!"

"Me too! I'm like a bumble bee I'm so buzzed!" She laughed. "I'm defiantly going to be feeling this in the morning!"

"AHHHH I have to pee!"

The video skipped to the bathroom scene from earlier ******

"No, no I-I'm gonna doin' it!" I slurred in the camera.

A very familiar voice muffled a laugh in the background. "Tell the camera what you plan on doing, Julia." Nick said.

"I'm gonna pee in this urinal, in the men's bathroom, standin' up with my leg propped up!" I gave the camera a funny wave and got into position.

"W-what about your pants!" He laughed again.

"What are you t-talking about? I don't have posts on, I have boxers, 'cuz I'm a man." I puffed out my chest.

"Then why do you have breasts?" The camera man slid to the other side to get a clear shot of my face. The funny part is is that Nick didn't sound drunk at all.

"There just tissues!" I pressed my hands on them, "What the heck! Their real!" I screamed and shoved the top part of my dress off looking at myself in the mirror. The camera fuzzed out my chest area and zoomed in on my horrified face.

"When did I have transplants?" The drunk me made a sour face, looking at Nick in the mirror. "And when did I get a kittykat?"

Nick laughed even harder. "What does the kitty look like?"

"It's big and scary looking and standing right behind you!" I shrieked into the camera. Nick choked on his laughter, then swiveled around ungracefully and let out a shriek. There in the doorway stood a Great Dane. The dog ruffle stood at my mid chest and Nick let out a startled gasp, he dropped the camera and ran into a stall to his left. The camera lens focused in and out and the angle was still landed on me, only it had a clear view of my whole body now.

"Nice kitty!" I soothed and pulled up my dress. I still had my underwear on but I positioned my self in the toilet anyway.

The dog barked at me and I laughed crazily. "Yes, I do want some marshmallows, little kitty!" I giggled and then blanched.

"Oh I don't feel so good all of the sudden." Drunk me slurred.

"No wait, Julia!" Nick rushed out side of his stale and ran toward me.

To late.

I threw up all over Nicks shirt and shoes and the poor dogs back.

The rest of the video showed all of us at the tattoo parlor getting matching infinity symbols while Jace got his ears pierced. You could hear the poor guy screaming like a baby in the video as the utensil pierced through his skin. The poor sucker. Least to say the tattoo parlor scene was as bad as the bathroom scene.

Instead of explaining the whole film to you, which could take hours, why don't I just give you some key facts.

The tattoo parlor: 12:47 A.M

1. There was a chicken...need I say more.

2. That said chicken liked to bite people...that person being Jonathan.

3. We arrived at the hospital 20 minutes later...then ran out when Jonathan got scared of the needle.

4. We wanted revenge on the we took maters into our own hands.

5. We ran the chicken out of town...its burial 10 minutes from the tattoo shop.

6. When we return to the parlor... Jace gets his ears pierced.

7. I throw up half of my stomach...seeing his blood.

8. Tamara and Jonathan kiss...scratch that; they make-out.

9. I "accidentally" kick Nick in the balls...they turn blue.

10. We get thrown out of the tattoo parlor...Alex cries.

Walmart: 2: 25 A.M

1. We had a gallon smash war...I won.

2. We broke the glass revolving doors...Tamara got stuck in one.

3. Nick takes off his front of a grandma.

4. Nick wears a thong...after running around the store in his birthday suite.

5. Tamara and Jonathan kiss...again.

6. Alex breaks into managers office...cracks an egg on his head.

7. Manager calls security...two beefy looking guys.

8. I open a bottle of shaken up fanta.

9. I let it loose in a crowded aisle...everyone gets soaked.

10. We get thrown in a dumpster...where I find the clown pants.

The Firehouse: 3:00 A.M

1. Jace and Nick share a bromance...with loving hugs.

2. Jace steels my clothes and pumps...for himself.

3. Firefighters spray us with water...I throw an unpackaged pad in his face; Not used of course.

4. I fall down the pol to the fire house...I tried to dance on it.

5. When I wake up nick is being attacked by a scary dog...the one who followed us for the rest of the night.

6. I propose we should go to the jewelry buy a key chain.

7. Everyone agrees...jumping up and down.

8. We run out of fire house...with the firemen after us.

9. We stand in front of the show case of jewels...admiring their beauty.

10. We break in...I chuck a rock at the glass window.

That's how we enter the store.

"Look at this one! It's so big and pretty!" I squealed at a big fat diamond ring that glimmered through the glass show case. "I want it." I chuckled evilly. I scrambled over the desk and plopped my drunken legs on the ground.

"I'm gonna get cha! I'm gonna get cha!"

"Julius stop quoting Finding Nemo!" Alex smacks me over the head.

"No, it will be my precious! No one must take it from us!" I tackle him to the ground.

"Get away from me you freak!" He shouts his voice high pitched and girly.

"No, you must be punished."

"Dog pile!" Jace screams and his bulky figure lands on top mine in a mater of seconds.

"Get off of me! I am buzz lightyear! No one will cross me!" I flip him over on his back and assume the superman pose. "SUPERMAN! Guys we need to save my jewels from the jewel eater Alexambel for Campbell's chicken noodles soup!" I pull on Tamara sleeves, "Follow me trusty steed!"

"My little pony, my little pony, you'll always be in my heart!" She sings.

"Will both of you shut up!" Jace roars.

"Why don't you shut your face!" I chuck a pare of pearl necklaces at him.

"I've already tried too, it won't work!" He grabs a pair of ear rings and pushes them through his now pierced ear.

"We'll, try again!" I wave him off and continued on my search for jewels.

And if you're wondering, yes, the alarm is going off right about now.

"I found it!" I wrap myself around Jonathan's leg while he tries to shove me off. "No, pony ride! Ride!"

"I am not your little pony!" He shouts.

Jonathan isn't a happy drunk...he isn't very happy in real life either.

"No, your Tamara's big pony."

"I like his pony." Tamara pops up beside me.

"Ewwww, that's growdy!" I release Jonathan and cover my ears as Tamara laughs hysterically while Jonathan chases after me.

"Hey! What are you kids doing!" A masculine voice echoes around the trashed store. All six of us freeze. There in the front of the broken window stands a police officer.

"It's the scary guy in red, run!" I screamed horrified.

"That's Santa Claws you idiot!" Jace turns to me.

"Santa isn't even real!" Nick adds.

"WHAT!" I cry and fall to the ground in fettle position.

"Oh crap." Jace whispers.

"What have you don't she's about to burst into tears!" Alex shoves him.

"Hey, don't push me!" He pushed him back.

That's how they beat each other to the ground as the police officer took me into hand cuffs. Jonathan and Tamara rushed outside as two other cop cars showed up and chased them into the forest. That's how they got separated from us. Turns out the dog that was in the bathroom at the club was a trained cop dog and he was trailing us the whole night. That's how Nick got separated from us...he was chased all the way to the Chinese restaurant by the Great Dane. After Jace got beat up by Alex he took off back to the club where he said the stripper from earlier would be waiting for him. As for Alex he still had the phone recording everything that happened to me for the rest of the night, up until I crashed into the tree of a cranky old mans house.

"I know my Miranda rights!" I yelled at the cops face.

"Get in the car, Ma'am." He spoke calmly once more.

"Don't yell in my face!"

"Ma'am I won't ask again, get in the car." He pointed to the car door...more like a prison.

"No!" I said defiantly.

"The hard way it is then." He grumbled and the next thing I know I'm lifted over his shoulder and carted over to the car.

"Put me down! Alex help! Help!" I scream over and over again. I was surprised my voice hadn't given out yet.

"Quiet a little fiery one you got their Officer Drew." One of his partners came up behind him and patted him on the back while he looked at me through the window. I pretended to smash his face together with my fingers.

"You're telling me." I heard him say through the glass. While the two police officers where deep in conversation I leaned over to Alex who was now seated in the car with me.

"Give me your hand." I whisper yell to him.


"Just do it!" I grew impatient.

"All right, all right, sheesh calm yourself woman." I gave him a hard look, "1. Don't call me woman and 2. I'm getting us out of here." I declare and with my teeth use a bobby pin that was in my hair to get the shackles undone. Once they were loose I stealthily climbed my way to the front seat, where luckily, the car keys sat.

What idiots. I thought.

With a burst of drunken energy I started the car with a mighty roar and zoomed off down the road. Alex was in the back seat recording the police officers running after us. "I'm so alive!" I screamed and flung open my car door. The only thing keeping me from falling out and on to the pavement was my tight grip on the steering wheel.

"Hey, come back here!"

"You'll never catch me alive!" I cackled.

"Julia! Turn around!" Alex yelled from the back seat, his voice suddenly not very drunk.


"Do it!" He screamed back. Then out of nowhere a hand popped up behind me and grabbed the wheel. The phone crashed up against the window of the car recording my reckless driving. The only sound in the video was the arguing of Alex and I and the screeching of tires as we halted and flipped around. The car took off once again and speed down the black pavement. I elbowed Alex in the chest and he released me immediately. His chest rising and falling with lack of air. All of the sudden Alex screams, "JULIA LOOK OUT."


"Oh my God!" I screamed and slammed on the brakes. A figure flung over the car and landed with a thud on the ground under my tires.

I pause the video.

 "Oh. My. God. Please, tell me this is some alternate universe!" I panicked. Five sets of eyes stare at me as I have my own melt down, panic attack, seizure what ever you want to call it.

"Uh, sorry Julia, this is real life." Tamara smiled sheepishly,

"I can't believe I did this! No, no, no, I CAN'T BELIVE I DID THIS!" I cried.

"Your screwed." Jace chuckled.

Yah because this is a laughing matter! What is wrong with these people. I do something like this and they laugh?

"Guys! I ran over a cop! How can you not be freaking out! I basically did a hit and run with a cop! I'm so dead! So very, very, dead!"

I pressed the play button again.

"Julia! You just ran over a cop!" Alex shouted at me.

"¡Lo siento!" I shouted in Spanish.

"I don't know what that means!" He cried and I threw the camera phone back at Alex and then climbed out of the car. The police officer groaned and his arm twitched as I scurried to Alex's side of the car.

"What are you doing? Julia--" he complained as I kicked him out of the car and on the 

Street. "Hey, you can't leave me here!"

"Oh yes I can!" I jumped back into the car and drove off without Alex...the camera shuts off.

"You left me in the street!" Alex screams.

"I was drunk I didn't wanna be for blame!" I shrugged and gave the camera back to Tamara.

"Oh God! They have my phone!" He cried.

"Wait, Julia, wasn't the police officer who called us this morning named Drew? And the police officer in the video--" he trailed off.

"I'm in a puddle of crap!" I clawed at my hair.

"Let's just calm down." Jonathan reasoned.

"Don't you dare tell me too calm down! Don't you know that never works? It only gets me more worked up!" I pocked him in the chest.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry." He staggered back away from me.

I'm sure I looked like a crazed zoo animal with rabies.

"Maybe we can explain to them what happened." Tamara piped in.

"And what would that be, "Oh sorry officer we were just all drunk off our asses to realize we high jacked your car and ran you over!" Yah that will go down well." Nick taunted her.

"Well, what do you expect we do? I don't see you coming up with any bright ideas." She retorted, crossing her arms over her chest like ever pissed off woman does.

"Julia's the one that hit him!" Nick declared.

"What!" I shout at him.

"Don't pin this on her!" Tamara defended me.

"This wasn't supposed to happen." I hear Alex whisper from outside the fight circle.

"Wait, what?" I ask him.

"Oh...uh...nothing!" He smiles unevenly.

"You're the one--" I interrupt Tamara, "Everyone shut it!"

The circle falls silent.

"What did you just say, Alex?" I slowly, predatorily, walk over to him.


"No, you said this wasn't supposed to happen. What wasn't supposed to happen?" My voice grows more edgy.

His face looks very pale and panicked at the moment that I'd swear he was a ghost. His hand is fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and his lip grimaces ever so slightly.

"You've been hiding something all day! What Is it!" I scream. "Alex I swear--"

"I did it, ok! It was me!" He confessed.

"What was?" I stand in front of him and tap my foot impatiently.

"I drugged you guys last night."

A collective gasp echoes around the cave.

"Why?" I challenge him taking him by his color.

"Because we made a bet earlier that day that the best prankster wins the bet. So I thought that this would be the best prank ever. And you gotta admit its pretty good. But besides that I didn't mean for that much to get in your drinks. I only had a little so I could record it and show it too you. But the more you had the worse it got and even I had a few sips which didn't help. I'm really sorry you guys." He pleaded.

Everyone was silent. I knew I should have been pissed off but I did the worst thing imaginable. I laughed. Like full on hysterics.

"Um, Julia, why are you laughing, I drugged you?" Alex questions as I release his neck.

"I don't know it's just really funny! I mean come on look at all the things we did!" I exclaim and Tamara joins in on the laughter. After about a few minutes everyone has joined in and we are all on the floor grabbing our stomachs.

"So you're not mad?" Alex asks hopeful.

"No, I'm pissed!" I chuckle and he bows his head in shame, "But I know how you can make it up to me!" I giggle.

"Really? How?" He asks eagerly.

"By me a Big. Fat. Juicy. Steak!"

He sighs and agrees to get it for me. "Yay!"

"Hey, guys we should head back to the house!" Jace calls out.

My laughter dies down and I pout as I make my way out.

"I need a good shower when I get home." Tamara sniffs herself.

"Same!" We all agrees at once...

...but one thing still hasn't been discovered yet.

Who was the mysterious man who tried to help me? All I can remember was a full head hair?

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