Water Goddess

By Skylinger

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When Kailani turns 16 she is quickly thrust into the world of gods, goddesses, demi-gods, and guardians. Kail... More

A dept paid
Awake and Angry
Anger and Understanding
Demigods and Demigoddesses
An interesting Day
Rivals will Fight
An Unexpected Visit
The Race
A Big Brother and a Warning
Deals, Skills, and Realizations
Troubling Visions
Visions of Pain
Caught by Poseidon
Getting Closer
Prelude to War
It Begins
No Longer in Charge
I know where to go
Clearly underestimated
Prisoners taken
This could be bad
The gods wonder
A Chance Taken
Unexpected Help
What to think
New Places, New Allies
We Need Both
Loch Ness
Jewel of Loch Ness 30
Change is in the Air 31
Stay Together Part 32
What is to Come? Part 33

Her Team

12.5K 254 10
By Skylinger

Author's note: if you didn’t read about the race go back one chapter

Chapter 9

(Her Team)

Kailani watched as Narissa came walking through some trees and onto the beach. Narissa stopped and smiling at her said, “Come on we’re supposed to meet our team.”

“Our team?” Kailani questioned.

Narissa giggled and without remorse said, “I’m on Raiden’s team.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?!” Kailani playfully demanded as she started heading for the curly haired water demigoddess.

“I was afraid you’d be disappointed if you knew and Raiden didn’t win,” Narissa replied.

“You could’ve told me after he won,” Poseidon’s daughter pouted.

“Nah wanted to surprise you,” She replied with sparkling light blue eyes. Kailani shook her head and the two headed off to the fire ring to meet with their team.


Raiden reached the fire ring to see all the members of his team already their except for Narissa and Kailani. He knew Narissa was bringing her so headed over to where his team was meeting.

“There he is! Way to go Raiden!” Celeste said seeing the team captain walk up. “We got Kailani! We got Kailani!” She sang happily.

“Having her is going to be awesome! The girl can already walk on water!” Skylar informed him.

“She can? Since when?” Raiden asked clearly surprised.

“She did it during the race,” Justin replied. “Kailani doesn’t know how she did it but still…it’s impressive.”

“Yeah it is!” Celeste replied excited.

“Yeah but don’t go making a big deal about it,” Justin told the group. “She’s already worried about what we expect from her,” He warned.

“What do you mean?” Ruana inquired.

“Kailani did not like the whole race thing. I made it worse by calling her a prize,” The strawberry blonde demigod admitted.

“You called her a prize?!” Celeste said less than pleased, narrowing her hazel eyes at him. Justin shrugged giving a guilty nod. “I can’t believe you said that to her!”

“I didn’t mean it in a bad way I wasn’t thinking when I said it,” Justine replied quickly. “I apologized to her.”

Raiden shook his head at Athena’s son. “Kailani will have enough on her without us making it worse. Everything here is very new to her and she has a lot of adjusting to do. Think before you speak.”

“How old is she?” Aran asked.


“Oh…Kailani. Hi, I’m Aran,” The red haired demigod told her feeling somewhat embarrassed having not heard her walk up.

“Kailani this is Celeste, Ruana, you already know Justin and Skylar, and Narissa obviously. Aran and that’s Duncan and James, and Yasmine.” Raiden announced.

“Nice to meet you,” Kailani told them feeling far more shy than she showed.

“Have a seat,” Raiden told the two girls.

“I’ll get the marshmallows!” Celeste announced jumping up in the air before heading over to a table on the outside of the ring.

“Apollo’s daughter?” Poseidon’s daughter questioned.

Ruana nodded rolling her eyes at the dark haired girl’s antics. “She’s a little hyper.”

“Hyperactive,” James clarified. Kailani couldn’t help it and smiled releasing a small giggle.

“You’re no better around water,” Narissa announced. “In fact I think you’re worse than any of us.”

“I’d deny it but even my mother would probably agree with you,” Kailani replied with a shrug.

“That’s so cool!” Celeste said sitting down.

“What is?” The blonde girl asked.

“You don’t know how lucky you are,” Celeste informed her. “Most of us have always been here. Never met our mortal parents.”

“Maybe but then you don’t know what it feels like to be taken away from everything you’ve ever known either. I mean I didn’t…..Oh NO!” Kailani said as her eyes got wide.

“What? What’s wrong?” Narissa asked seeing her friend become so concerned.

“Narissa I left without a word. None of my friends no where I went I mean I didn’t even get a heads up to break up with my boyfriend!” Kailani said as her hand went to her forehead. “They must be wondering where I am by now! Ah man!” She looked at Raiden, “Is there any way to get a message off the island?”

“You can’t tell anyone where you are Kai,” Narissa said.

“I don’t even know where I am so that’s not exactly an issue,” She assured her friend. “But I kind of feel like I should at the very least break up with my boyfriend and tell him I won’t be back at school.”

“Write a note tonight or in the morning. I’m sure someone can take it off the island,” Skylar said understanding her dilemma.

“You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend,” Narissa commented suddenly becoming interested.

“Been a little preoccupied with everything going on,” Kailani replied making a circular motion in the air with her hand in reference to her new surroundings.

“So what’s he look like?” Celeste said sounding like the teenager she was. “Is he cute?”

“Details!” Yasmine demanded. Kailani rolled her eyes. “Talk girl talk!”

“I don’t think…” Seeing more than one set of interested eyes she sighed. “Fine. He’s tall has blonde hair, dark blue eyes, totally physically fit.” Getting a little quieter she added, “He’s older than me,” Getting louder she went on to say, “He’s captain of the basketball team and…”

“Whoa back up. He’s older than you?” Narissa questioned. “How much older?”

“Sean turned 18 a while ago,” Kailani admitted hesitantly.

“You’re mom was okay with that?” Ruana questioned. Having actually lived with her mother for a while she knew the laws regarding age in some countries.

“Not exactly, she didn’t know.”

“Kailani!” Narissa yelled at her. “You were seeing someone behind your mom’s back!”

“NO! She met him. She just thinks he’s only a year older,” The blonde girl said blushing and leaning away from her friend.

“Deceptive?” Justin said surprised. “I wouldn’t have thought.”

“Hey I never lie. I didn’t tell her how old he was. She assumed because he was taking a class full of juniors in it that he was a junior as well.”

“You didn’t correct her,” Raiden remarked.

“No way! My mother would’ve had a cow and quite possibly sent me to an all girl’s school!” The blonde girl said horrified by the thought. “No thanks!”

“So what kinds of things did you do before you came here?” Celeste asked. “We know you learned to fence.”

Kailani smiled. “I was a typical teenage girl. Shopping at the mall, going to movies, spending time with my boyfriends,”

“Boyfriends?” Narissa asked.

“Sean’s not my first boyfriend,” Kailani explained. “I’m not a cheat Narissa. I don’t play that game. Anyway, I played tennis in school and went to parties and that kind of stuff. Oh and gymnastics. Swim team. My mom had this thing about me doing swimming, fencing, and gymnastics. I get the swimming now and even the fencing. Not sure about the gymnastics but I guess it’ll make sense eventually,” She said with a shrug.

“Alright I answered some questions but I don’t know anything about most of you. Turnabout is fair play,” Poseidon’s daughter announced.

“Alright, how about we start with Narissa,” Raiden suggested since she was sitting on Kailani’s right.

“That’s fair,” Kailani said pleased. “Come on Narissa; boyfriend, hobbies, talk girl!”

The curly haired brunette laughed but soon began giving an overview of herself. One by one each member of the team answered questions about themselves.


Willem wasn’t happy his house had lost to Marius and Ares but was glad that Marius hadn’t won Kailani on to his team. He was also thankful Ramiero had been unsuccessful. In silence he sat contemplating how to get close to Kailani. The only time he knew for sure he’d see her was during their normal run past the water wheel twice a week.

Willem smiled as he remembered Hades’ suggestion of tempting Kailani. The blonde man knew he was good looking and that girl’s enjoyed seeing him without a shirt. ‘I can tempt her,’ He thought to himself.


Marius wasn’t pleased he’d lost the opportunity to have Kailani on his team but with Rendell’s help he could still end up with time with Poseidon’s daughter. One on one time that could help him get to know her. He could only hope Rendell managed to get Channing to agree to let him teach Kailani dagger throwing.


Rendell wasn’t pleased that Marius had failed to get Kailani on his team but wasn’t actually surprised either. Ramiero and Marius were so competitive with each other he knew chances were they’d cause the other to fail if they could.

Marius and Ramiero might both be Ares’ sons but of the two the dark haired guard preferred Marius. Ramiero was more forceful and would ignore consequences to get what he wanted. Marius on the other hand would look at things in a broader perspective. He was very good at getting what he wanted without causing many if any consequences.

He entered Channing’s office to see Demitri and Serenity. “Am I interrupting?” Rendell asked.

“No, not at all. I just thanked Serenity for offering to help Kailani with her dagger throwing,” Channing informed him.

‘Damn it!’ Rendell internally yelled. “I see. That was nice of you,” He said looking at the pale blonde haired woman. “I was just coming to let you know someone else had offered to teach her.”

“Oh?” Channing said.

“Yes Marius offered.” Looking at Serenity he said, “If you get to busy let me know and I’m sure Marius would be glad to take over.”

“I think I can handle it but thanks,” She replied keeping a sweet demeanor. Rendell nodded and abruptly left the director’s office.

Serenity walked over by the door and once he was completely gone she turned and looked at Channing. “Marius doesn’t offer to help anyone. Is there something I should know about this girl?”

“She walked on water yesterday.” Demitri and Serenity both looked at him shocked. “The girl doesn’t know how she did it but it doesn’t matter.”

“He sees her as power,” Serenity summarized.

“Kailani is 16, Serenity. She’s angry with Poseidon and very skilled with a sword but… I think in truth the girl’s a gentle soul,” Channing said showing concern for the newly acquired demigoddess. “I’m telling you this because I know you won’t try and use her or cause her harm.” With a sigh he took a seat in his chair behind his desk. “I don’t even want to think about what the consequences might have been had she ended up on Ramiero or Marius team.”

“She’s in good hands with Raiden,” Demitri said confidently.

“Yes, she is,” Channing agreed. “I don’t worry about her with him or you,” The blonde man told Artemis’ son. Looking at Serenity he added, “I know she’ll be safe with you.”

“What’s going on Channing? Things seem on edge since I returned,” Serenity said having noticed a change.

“Power, Serenity. I think there’s about to be a big Power struggle,” He replied.

“With Kailani in the middle,” Demitri said sounding disappointed; a frown gracing his otherwise handsome face.

“I hate to say it but that girl might be what causes the balance to shift one way or another if things get ugly,” Channing warned.

“That’s not something she needs,” Serenity said with a sigh. “Does Poseidon know something is going on?”

“I think they all do.”

“Why don’t they stop it?” Demitri asked becoming upset. “Especially Poseidon. His daughter could be in harms’ way!”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure they aren’t waiting for the world to call on them as they did once upon a time,” Channing said with a frown. “This world has changed and…opportunities for them to return to their days of glory are opening up. People are beginning to look for new ways to get what they want. Their even beginning to call on the god’s of old.”

“I need to meet with Cornelius. I’ll talk to you later,” He said getting up from his chair. “Thanks for helping out Kailani,” The blonde man said. Serenity nodded and watched as he left.

“I don’t like this Demitri. I think even he knows more than he’s saying,” Serenity said not hiding her concern from her brother. “You need to talk to our mother and find out what the hell is going on!”

“You could ask her,” The brown haired man reminded her.

“Then lets both call on her.” Demitri nodded and the two headed for the woods; the best place to call on their mother.


Ramiero stood within the trees watching Poseidon’s daughter interact with her new team. His amber eyes narrowed seeing Kailani playfully smack Justin’s arm. It was clear from where he stood that Kailani was well liked. Friend or more he didn’t want another male around her unless it was him or someone loyal to him.

“You do know you aren’t supposed to be here,” Ares commented appearing behind his son.

“No one can see me,” Ramiero said unconcerned.

“Not the point,” Ares replied stepping up next to the blonde demigod. “Don’t forget your goal Ramiero. Chaos can give you the opportunity where the girl is concerned. You could still obtain her.”

“Do you tell Marius the same?” Ramiero spat.

Ares smiled amused by the jealousy in his tone. “I haven’t seen Marius since your loss,” The God of War admitted. “I’d like one of you to secure the little princess.”

“Princess?” Ramiero asked looking to his right and giving his full attention to his father.

“That’s not just a demigoddess boy,” Ares told him. “The Sea listens to her even more than Amphitrite. I don’t know if it’s Poseidon’s will or the Sea’s but trust me that girl is the Princess of the Oceans,” He said gesturing to where Kailani sat several yards away. “I don’t care if it’s you or Marius but one of you had best secure that girl!”

“It’ll be done,” Ramiero vowed. Ares gave a nod and with one more glance at Poseidon’s daughter he vanished.

The Demigod’s amber eyes watched as Kailani replaced a marshmallow that she’d burned to a crisp with a new one. He’d overheard Zelda and Marius and was aware that Kailani had walked on water. ‘You’re going to help me put Marius in his place once and for all,’ He thought to himself. He glanced at Zeus’ son Raiden only a moment and then walked away.

Author’s Note: Someone asked me to read their story and I can’t find the message. Please send me a note. I am happy to do so.

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