Water Goddess

By Skylinger

345K 7.1K 866

When Kailani turns 16 she is quickly thrust into the world of gods, goddesses, demi-gods, and guardians. Kail... More

A dept paid
Awake and Angry
Anger and Understanding
Demigods and Demigoddesses
An interesting Day
Rivals will Fight
An Unexpected Visit
Her Team
A Big Brother and a Warning
Deals, Skills, and Realizations
Troubling Visions
Visions of Pain
Caught by Poseidon
Getting Closer
Prelude to War
It Begins
No Longer in Charge
I know where to go
Clearly underestimated
Prisoners taken
This could be bad
The gods wonder
A Chance Taken
Unexpected Help
What to think
New Places, New Allies
We Need Both
Loch Ness
Jewel of Loch Ness 30
Change is in the Air 31
Stay Together Part 32
What is to Come? Part 33

The Race

13K 248 14
By Skylinger

Chapter 8

(The Race)

Raiden brushed his stallion and looked over the horse to make sure the animal didn’t have and loose shoes or anything else that might impede a good race. Once he’d finished making sure there was nothing wrong he took out a brush and began to give the animal a good brushing.

The brown haired man was quiet as he prepared for the race. He was somewhat curious why they were racing for a player but knew she must have something all four teams needed.

“Getting ready I see.”

Zeus’ son looked back to see Stewart by the open stall door. “Yeah. Wanted to make sure Toren’s shoe had been fixed,” He said gesturing to a front left shoe.

Stewart nodded. “She did really well.” The guard watched as the demigod stopped and looked at him. “Kailani scored very well. She might be lacking in archery and daggers but nowhere else. Well experience perhaps but even then she has natural ability.”

“Is that why there’s a race?”

“Yes. Channing figured it was the fairest way to place her. Ford won’t want her on Marius or Ramiero’s team but if it happens today than Channing can’t be blamed,” The blonde man explained. Raiden nodded and started brushing the stallion’s mane. “I’d like to see her on your team.”

Raiden’s medium blue eyes looked his direction. “You may not show it but I know you sense things are…”

“Destabilizing,” Raiden offered.

“Yeah. Someone’s going to make a power move,” Stewart warned. “The girl is young and powerful but she doesn’t know what’s happening. She needs someone to guide her.”

“Ford will look out for her,” Raiden assured him.

“Yes he will. Ford’s a shifter though, not a demigod. He can’t help her in ways you can,” Stewart said becoming very serious. “The power you have may be different but you can help Kailani learn control if a war breaks out. She’s going to need guidance from someone that won’t misguide her. You may have acted in your best interest at times but never where it would hurt someone. There’s not a demigod or demigoddess here that hasn’t with the exception of Poseidon’s daughter. She’s not here on a power trip.”

“She’s cooperating for the chance to see her mother,” Raiden said knowingly before letting out a sigh. “Necia sees her as a threat and so will others. I think Tallulah does as well.”

“I don’t know about Tallulah. I’d say she tested her and didn’t like the result but…I don’t know,” Stewart admitted. “I’d be more concerned with Saar. He’s always been the top water demigod here and I think Kailani is stronger. He may very well see his new sister as a threat.”

“I hadn’t thought about it but you have a point,” The brown haired demigod realized. “I was going to try and win anyway but…I’ll work harder.” Stewart nodded and turning left the demigod and his horse behind.

Raiden sighed; his medium blue eyes holding concern for the new demigoddess. ‘Kailani does not need in the middle of a real battle ground.’


Marius looked his black horse over ensuring there were no issues. His right cheek still hurt from a blow he’d received from Willem but he wouldn’t let the pain detour him. Winning today would give him time with Kailani that even Ford couldn’t stop. An arrogant smile crossed his face at the thought. ‘You can’t keep her if I win Ford.’ He felt even more pleased knowing win or lose she wouldn’t be on Willem’s team.

“I don’t know why I didn’t come here first.”

“Need me for something Rendell?” The demigod asked before turning and facing him.

“You need her. Kailani’s good Marius; she scored as well as Illithia,” The dark haired man informed him.

Marius left eyebrow raised for a moment before falling neutral again as he said, “I suspected she had done well in strategy. It’s the only thing all four of our teams are lacking in. Though I admit, I didn’t expect her to be as good as Illithia; that’s impressive.”

“Yes it is,” Rendell replied as he watched the demigods calculating light blue eyes. “If you don’t win today I think I may have a suggestion that will get you time with Kailani.”

“How?” Ares’ son inquired.

“You know that Demitri is giving Kailani archery lessons right?” Marius shrugged and nodded. “If you aren’t opposed I thought I would suggest you to work with her on daggers.” Rendell internally smiled as he watched a very pleased smile cross the demigods face. “I assume you don’t mind?”

“I’d be happy to work with Kailani, privately,” Ares’ son said. “One on one time would be very beneficial for us.”

“I’ll make arrangements. Either way this will give you time with Poseidon’s daughter.” Marius nodded and watched as Rendell walked away.

“Private lessons with Kailani, perfect,” He said openly pleased. “Ford can’t stop this either.”


Demitri saddled his horse as the time to head to the race neared. He’d already received a visit from Channing and knew the director favored him for Kailani to be with. Out of fairness he was defaulting to the race’s winner but he’d made it clear win or lose he wanted Demitri to make himself available to Poseidon’s daughter.

What the demigod didn’t like was that he had been about to say more when he’d clammed up seeing Cornelius walk up. Channing didn’t normally do that; not around the red haired man, it made Demitri curious if something was going on between those that were completely mortal.


Ramiero walked toward the beach. He’d been gone and after the announcement had to ask who Kailani even was. Necia had been very helpful in the sense that she’d told him still furious over her loss to Poseidon’s daughter.

After the challenge he’d gone and spoken with Cornelius who’d filled him in on everything he knew about the girl.

He reached the beach and looked out to see a blonde woman in a teal green bikini standing knee high in the ocean. Her arms were stretched out and the wind was blowing her long blonde hair behind her.

A glance to the right revealed Ford sitting on a log that sat on dry sand patiently watching. The demigods amber eyes returned to watch Poseidon’s daughter as she moved further out into the ocean.

A moment later he watched as waves seemed to break gently around her but then crash into the sand. Sea life began visibly coming to see her. Ramiero noticed a couple of sting rays and then a dolphin and some fish approach the girl. He’d never seen sea life react so quickly to the presence of a water demigod or goddess before.

“The Ocean likes her.”

“Yes it does,” Ares said appearing behind his blonde son. “She has water abilities like no other water demigoddess has ever had. The Sea adores Kailani. Even not of water, I can see it; so can you.” Ramiero only nodded. “She’d be a good addition to your team.”

“Perhaps beyond,” Ramiero commented. “If she has the potential to be as powerful as you seem to think it would be wise to keep her close.”

“Yes it would; but know you would not be the only one that sees this,” Ares warned. “Even a few of your brothers have noticed.”

“They’ll step back at my command,” Ramiero said arrogantly.

Ares smiled at his son’s arrogance and unconcerned attitude. “Most yes, but not Marius.”

Ramiero frowned at the sound of the name of his brother he was most competitive with. Ramiero and Marius had always been fierce competitors with each other; war games, women, even their father’s approval.

“Marius is no better than me,” The blonde demigod said adamantly.

“No he’s not,” Ares agreed. “You are both equal to each other; it’s why you’re so competitive with each other.”

“Why should Kailani be any different?” Ramiero asked turning his amber eyes he’d received from the God of War to look at his father.

“I didn’t say it should,” Ares said unconcerned. “There’s no reason to let your brother have what you want.” The God of War looked out where Kailani was receiving a ride from a dolphin holding on to the marine animal’s dorsal fin.

“Poseidon would hate his daughter on the arm of one of my sons but I certainly won’t object.” Seeing his son nod he disappeared.

Ramiero watched the younger teenage girl a couple more minutes and then walked away to get ready for the race he now wanted to win.


Kailani was quiet as she walked down the stairs and entered the large seating area. She’d changed into a turquoise and black leopard print skort and a Turquoise halter top that matched. She braided her hair into twin French braids and then headed downstairs to meet up with her guardian.

“Cute,” Justine said seeing Poseidon’s daughter enter the room.

“Thanks,” The blonde girl replied.

“Did you do your hair yourself?” Narissa asked with clear approval. Seeing her nod the brown haired girl said, “You have to teach me. I love French braids!”

“Me too!” Justine announced.

“Sure,” Kailani replied smiling at her friends.

“Let’s go. The prize shouldn’t be late,” Justin said getting up from the couch where he had been sitting by his twin sister. Kailani frowned at the comment but didn’t speak.

“Justin!” Justine said and smacked her brother. “He didn’t mean it like that,” Justine assured the new demigoddess.

“Huh?” Justin said and looked to see a very uncomfortable Kailani. “I’m sorry Kai I didn’t mean to offend you,” The strawberry blonde man quickly apologized.

“NO I’m sorry. It’s just….I don’t like this whole race thing,” Kailani told the group. “I mean I don’t have any control or anything and what if whoever wins is really disappointed I’m no help?”

“No one expects you to know everything,” Ford said reassuring her. “This won’t be the last race. If another new demigod or goddess shows up they’ll probably race again. You’re strong where all four teams are weak that’s all.”

“Yeah don’t let it get to you Kailani,” Illithia assured the concerned girl. “Channing was just trying to give all four teams an equal chance at a new player that’s all.”


“Let’s go,” Ford said. Kailani nodded and they headed out to the race.


Channing walked out to the starting line where the four participants were now waiting on their horses. “There are four flags sporadically placed on the island for each of you. There are four different paths. Each area is clearly marked and are all the same length. First one back with all four flags wins. You must have all four flags. Understood?” He watched as the four riders nodded.

He picked up a bowl with four pieces of paper in it. “Each of you will draw a paper that will reveal your route.” Walking up he lifted the bowl to the first rider Marius. Marius drew a paper and then Cornelius wrote down the route he’d selected. One by one Channing approached each rider until ending with Raiden who received the last piece of paper.

“The rider who wins of course will have Kailani but their team will also have time at the fire ring tonight to get to know their new member. Any questions?” The blonde man inquired. When no one answered he stepped away. “Ready? Go!”

Instantly all four riders took off in different directions. Each with a mission to win a new team member.

“Wait we don’t even get to watch?” Kailani said confused.

“You’ll see them from time to time,” Narissa replied excited.

“Damn it!” Zelda said annoyed as her black hair kept blowing in her face.

“Want me to braid it for you?” Kailani offered. Zelda looked at her surprised. “It’s not like we don’t have a few minutes.”

“If it gets it out of my face sure,” The blue eyed daughter of Ares said.

Kailani left her place and walking over she began to french braid the girl’s hair keeping it out of her face. “Do you want it all braided or do you want just this part done?” The blonde girl asked once the hair wouldn’t easily blow in her face.

“You’re good at that,” Tallulah commented.

“Thanks. My mom taught me,” Poseidon’s daughter told the dark haired girl.

“This is good,” Zelda said. Kailani nodded and secured the rest of her hair into a low ponytail.

“There you go.”

“Thanks.” Kailani smiled at her and then returned to her place next to Narissa.


Marius raced through the island looking for the four flags. He wasn’t pleased to see the flags were not near each other. There was one on three different sides of the island and one within the center of the island. He reached his first flag choosing to start in the center and ripped it from a branch before heading to the far side of the island.

As he passed a tree he noticed an opponent’s flag. He stopped and glancing around he ripped the flag down letting it fall behind a bush. ‘You have to have all four flags.’ Pleased the black haired demigod continued on his way.


Raiden raced to the right side of the island deciding to start with the easiest flag first. He quickly found his flag hanging out from the side of some rocks. Grabbing it he headed off around the side of the island.

As he raced along he passed another opponents flag but left it alone. Raiden was a fair competitor and did not believe in cheating. A moment later he watched Demitri come through the trees his direction.

The two nodded at each other and continued their separate ways.


Ramiero raced his blonde horse into the center of the island and up a hill to retrieve his first flag. He took it from a pole and glancing down he saw an opponent’s flag in the distance. He considered hiding it from whichever opponent it belonged to but left it not wanting to lose time.


Demitri raced into the center of the Island. He had three flags and only one remained. Reaching the area it was nowhere in sight. “Where is it?” He said getting down from his horse and looking around. Hearing chatter he looked over to see a squirrel run down the side of a tree and over to a bush. A moment later the squirrel came out with the flag.

The demigod frowned knowing the flag had been tampered with. “Thank you,” He told the woodland creature. The squirrel rubbed against his hand and then took off back to its tree.

“Let’s go!” He told his horse and they began to race through the island back to the finish line.


Marius collected all four flags and headed for the finish line.


Ramiero was at his last flag and headed back toward the finish line. Seeing an opponent’s flag as he passed he knocked it down and continued on.


Raiden found three flags before having a problem with finding the last flag. Frustrated he glanced away and as his eyes began looking back forward something caught his eye. Lying on the ground in the mud was a flag. ‘Cheater,’ He thought to himself. Quickly he slid off his horse and retrieving the flag he raced for the finish line.


Kailani finished braiding her 10th braid before sitting down bored once again. Looking at Channing she said, “You guys really need to invest in a TV.”

Lerato snickered while Channing frowned at her. A few others silently agreed with Poseidon’s daughter.

“Okay I just can’t sit here anymore!” Kailani announced. She got up and walked over to the small pond across from where everyone sat facing the trees. She took off her shoes and let her feet enter the cool water.

She blonde girl smiled and sighed felling the water beneath her feet. With her eyes closed she began to walk around the pond.


Ford let out a chuckle not surprised to see the girl toss her shoes off and stick her feet in the water. He was surprised however when she stepped away from the edge and began to walk on the water toward the center of the pond.

He heard several gasps as others noticed what the blonde girl was effortlessly doing.

“Since when can…” Garner started.

“First time,” Ford said watching his charge in her unaware state.

“I can’t even do that,” Narissa replied.

“Neither can Saar,” Calder replied watching the water demigoddess. “Not like she’s doing right now.”


Angry Hazel eyes watched as Kailani walked on the water as if it were solid ground. Saar had always been the most powerful and was not happy to be upstaged; even if it was unintentional and by his sister.


“Alright Kailani how are you doing it?” Tallulah demanded.

“Doing what?” Kailani asked clearly unaware.

“Walking on water,” Lerato said.

“I’m not…” Kailani looked down and upon seeing herself literally walking on water she gasped. It was a mistake and she abruptly fell into the water. Several laughs erupted.

A moment later a very wet, blushing, Kailani emerged. “At least I’m not wearing white.” The teenage girl laughed as she came out of the pond. She looked at Lerato, “Next time could you tell me after I’m on land?” The son of Ares only laughed.

“Come here Kailani, Ill help you out,” A girl with shoulder length red hair said. “Hold still.” Kailani nodded and a warm wind suddenly blew over her drying her completely.

“Thanks. What’s your name?”

“Solana,” She replied.

“Yeah you might need to stick around when I’m not paying attention.” Solana giggled and nodded at Poseidon’s daughter.

Hearing hoof prints the two girls turned to see Marius approaching fast on his horse. Hearing more hoof prints the other direction they found Demitri approaching. A few moments later Ramiero appeared through the trees and all three riders began racing for them.

‘I hope I don’t end up back in the water,’ Kailani thought as the riders raced her direction. They were moving quickly and showing no signs of stopping. Looking to her right she noticed the same concern on Solana’s face.

Marius, Ramiero, and Demitri were almost to the finish line when Raiden suddenly appeared from the side beating all three men.

“Raiden wins,” Channing announced. “Kailani will be on your team. The fire ring will be reserved for you and your team to get to know her.” While cheers erupted from some groans were heard from others.

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