Modest Secrets - Larry Stylin...

By sherlocksweetheart

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Sometimes, the secrets you keep are the ones to tear you apart... One Direction are on the precipice of globa... More

Chapter 1 - Management
Chapter 3 - Pretender
Chapter 4 - Interviews
Chapter 5 - New Faces
Chapter 6 - Vodka Tears
Chapter 7 - Copulation
Chapter 8 - Wake up call
Chapter 9 - On The Rocks
Chapter 10 - Liar Liar
Chapter 11 - Vipers Tongue
Chapter 12 - Don't Panic
Chapter 13 - Missing Persons
Chapter 14 - I go to Sleep
Chapter 15 - I Look After You
Chapter 16 - Heavy In Your Arms
Chapter 17 - Resurrection
Chapter 18 - And to know you is hard
Chapter 19 - We argue we don't fight
Chapter 20 - There's something inside you
Chapter 21 - Keep it together
Chapter 22 - Excuse me for a while
Chapter 23 - Money is the Anthem of Success
Chapter 24 - Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 25 - Let's play pretend
Chapter 26 - Bruised
Chapter 27 - Don't believe in anything
Chapter 28 - Damage control
Chapter 29 - You used to be alright
Chapter 30 - Relapse
Chapter 31 - I fought for you
Chapter 32 - Whatever the weather
Chapter 33 - Spell it out
Chapter 34 - Public Service Announcement
Chapter 35 - Then it hit him
Chapter 36 - See it's gonna get lonely
Chapter 37 - Broken, this fragile thing now
Chapter 38 - Trembling Hands
Chapter 39 - I just want you
Chapter 40 - And fast all hope was gone
Chapter 41 - Keep your heart close to the ground
Chapter 42 - A sinner on the right
Chapter 43 - Whether near or far
Chapter 44 - Break involuntary ties
Chapter 45 - If breathing was this easy ...
Chapter 46 - We were born to die
Modest Secrets Playlist

Chapter 2 - Sign Here

10.4K 314 165
By sherlocksweetheart

Sign Here

Harry looked up at Louis through his glassy eyes, Louis was ready to take a swing at Patrick, fists clenched and chest puffed. 

Harry grabbed Louis's hands, "No, don't." He pressed his face into Louis's neck and breathed deeply holding Louis against him tightly. I'm here, I'm right here.

He locked Louis's arms down and held him close, ignoring everyone in the room. Tears rolled relentlessly down his pale face but Harry just pressed himself tighter, he yearned for intimacy, for reassurance. Harry needed to be near Louis because he felt like everything was falling apart.

The words from the contract swirled through his mind and felt like daggers stabbing his ribcage over and over. Each word another wound, each wound making it harder for Harry to breathe. Louis slouched in Harry's hold and turned to look at Harry who loosened his grip and met Louis's frightened blue eyes. 

Louis was searching for some reason to not punch this wanker, Patrick, in the face; a reason to not scream and throw everything on the table all over the room. 

When it came to Harry, Louis was like a loose canon, he just couldn't control himself because the way he felt for Harry well, it overpowered every ounce of reason and common sense left in him. Louis was fuming, he couldn't grasp the audacity of management and how far they were really willing to go to keep this relationship secret. A film of sweat laced his furrowed brows as he agonised over how to respond to this stupid, contract. 

Being in love should be celebrated, not brushed under the rug for millions not to see. 

"Boys, I understand this is difficult," Patrick cleared his throat and smiled faintly at Louis. 

"Are you fucking serious?" Louis pushed away from Harry who fawned, helplessly at his boyfriend before falling back into the leather chair at a loss. As Louis paced seething and swearing at Patrick; Harry pulled out his phone and texted Niall. He'll know what to do, won't he?

You better get here, now! - H.

"Difficult?" Louis spat the word like venom and shook his head. "Difficult is walking through a swarm of screaming and grabbing girls who have absolutely no boundaries. Difficult is forgetting your lyrics before you go on stage in front of thousands, this..." He paused placing his hands on the desk and letting his head slump between tense shoulders. "This," Louis breathed heavily and the pain was evident in his voice. "This is agonising, you're asking too much of us. You're asking us to play a role I don't think I can play."

"Louis," Harry said his name with such tenderness that Louis' shoulders sagged when he heard Harry's delicate voice.

His posture was a blatant mix between rage and distress. The struggle between staying in control and falling apart was evident in his contorted face. Harry was his centre of gravity and Louis was slipping, fast.

His voice was hushed when he finally said, "I wont do it." 

"You need to sign," Jennifer's voice was stern and she looked up at the two boys who were on the precipice of fighting or falling victim to their Management's scheme. 

Jennifer had a soft face and rosy cheeks, in other circumstances Harry would probably warm to her, that moment was far gone. Now all he could focus on was the way her lips twitched into a forced smile, her thin hands fumbled over the pages of a contract she hardly agreed with. He looked at her with pleading eyes and for a moment she stared back, then she blinked and looked away. She, too was fighting with what was right and wrong. To Harry's dismay she chose her job over the boys' wellbeing. Great, another person we can't trust.

Louis looked over his shoulder at Harry who was wiping his face, Harry's green eyes were puffy and red. His lip quivered as he searched Louis's eyes, "I can't Lou," He whispered. 

"I know," Louis groaned, in his eyes was both agony and defeat. 

Harry wished to reach out to him, comfort him but he stayed still in the chair paralysed by reality and fear. "The boys, we have to..." Harry took a deep shaking breath and shrugged, "For them."

Louis closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I know."

They both sounded and felt overwhelmed, the room swirled with emotions like a thick incense in the air. Anger, betrayal, despair. Louis felt as if he had been cornered there was no easy way out of this. 

Lionel, the 'publicity' Twat piped up, "Maybe you can try to," He cleared his throat, "You know, not be gay..."

"What!" Louis whirled now. 

The door opened with a bang; Liam, Zayn and Niall burst in with concerned looks written all over their tired faces. 

"Boys you shouldn't be here," Valerie was trying to usher them out but Liam pushed her away. 

"Don't touch me Val," he warned. 

Valerie was Patrick's Personal Assistant but labelled as PR Assistant, which was a total joke. Not only was she Patrick's very own Assistant but she was probably his lover; the boys called her a minion behind her back. She stood back frustration all over her perfectly smooth features, and let the boys through. 

"What did you say to me?" Louis was inches now from Lionel, who was standing with a smug look on his face.  Asshole.

"I said, maybe you could try to not be gay, you know enjoy the girls we give you. It might just make things easier in the long run. This thing you have with Harry, how long do you honestly think it's going to–" he didn't finish his sentence Louis's hand launched into the air. His tight fist connecting with Lionel's stubbled jawline jerking his head violently back. Blood instantly spurted from Lionel's nose. 

"No!" Harry shouted, shocked but not surprised at Louis taking his anger out on the smirking idiot.

Jennifer shrieked and stumbled away from the fight dropping her papers all over the floor. She walked straight into Liam's arms, he caught her with a huff and helped her upright. 

"Thanks," She mumbled with a small smile, when her big blue eyes settled on his she went bright red. Liam had that effect on women, his eyes, his body, well, he was beautiful. 

Liam nodded and when he noted his hands still lingering on her soft arms he grumbled and dropped them, stepping back to the other boys. Zayn smirked as Louis began to scream and Niall just held his mug of steaming coffee as he watched the outburst, this was no surprise. Louis's temper was old news. 

Patrick stood up and flicked a wrist at his bodyguard who immediately rushed over and grabbed Louis, still pinning Lionel to the wall. 

Louis had a firm hold of Lionel by the collar of his yellow, now blood stained shirt. Louis was hissing something inaudible to the rest of the room his face riddled with fury.

Niall let out a sigh and put his coffee down with a grunt, he went to Harry holding him back. Zayn was no longer smiling. He stood with his hands on his head, fingers twisted between his thick black hair and swearing to himself. He was now unsure of what the hell just happened and what the consequences of Louis's outburst would be. 

They all knew the consequences were never fun, ever.

Liam shoved the bodyguard aside and grabbed Louis's shoulders firmly, "Lou its me," He began using Louis's nickname in the hopes of cooling him down. "Lou, it's Liam you need to let him go. We can work this out just let him go okay?" Liam had a strong soothing tone and Louis slowly relaxed but didn't loosen his grip on Lionel's shirt. "Come on man, let him go he's not worth it." Liam coaxed, eyes darting between Lionel who was still smirking and Louis's shaking fist. 

After a few seconds, though it felt like hours, Louis reluctantly dropped Lionel's shirt and slumped back into Liam's arms. Liam quickly walked Louis away from Lionel who was still smirking and to a couch behind the chairs they originally sat on. 

Harry was quickly whispering to Zayn and Niall who were looking at him in horror and shaking their heads. Through gritted teeth he was filling them in on what had happened before they arrived. 

Liam sat down next to Louis and rubbed his shoulder, turning to Lionel he spoke, "What you said man, that was really out of line."

Lionel spat blood into some tissues and glared at Liam, "Things are going to get worse for them if they don't sign."

"Sign?" Zayn's thick accent rang through the room. 

Harry was walking over to Louis wiping his face as he sat down and put his arm around his seething lover. "Lou, forget him."

"You heard what he–"

"He's a fucking idiot if he thinks we'll just," Harry waved his long arms around in frustration. "Stop loving each other. You know that, right?"

Louis nodded and leaned forward placing his face in his hands. 

"Sign what?" Zayn asked again, impatiently.

Patrick rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his silver hair, "This is a nightmare."

"Yeah it is, so tell us what the fuck is going on," Liam hissed standing up to walk over to the long table. 

"The boys have a new contractual agreement that they need to sign," Jennifer walked towards the three very confused boys looking at her and held out her hand. "Jennifer," She blushed when she looked at Liam. "Jennifer Barron I am the new Social Media and Public Relations Director." She cleared her throat when no one took her hand, with an awkward smile she pulled her hand back and brushed her skirt. 

"What's wrong with the agreement they already have?" Niall asked looking Jennifer up and down, his blonde hair dishevelled and dark circles under his eyes.

"They have been blatantly obvious in the public eye too many times and that shows us, as Management that they are incapable of monitoring their own behaviour."

Zayn frowned, "You're talking about them as if they aren't even here," he hissed. 

Jennifer sighed, "I am just stating facts."

Louis rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

She bit her bottom lip and when they all silenced, she continued. "We have a very strong image to uphold." Jennifer narrowed her eyes at the lovers on the couch and held out the pictures of them at the Zoo. "We can't risk any more of this getting out, it could ruin your careers," she looked at them all in turn. "All of you."

Liam scoffed pushing the phone she waved away from him, "So what, you're going to give them babysitters?" He rolled his eyes, "You can't control them twenty-four-seven. Do you really think we'll agree to this?"

Patrick shook his head grasping at straws as he tried to show the boys reason, "They need to be managed more closely as to not jeopardise the label with their relationship."

"If you'd just let them come–" Niall began.

Jennifer immediately cut in, "No, thats not an option." She shook her head flustered, "They need to sign over control to us so that we can reestablish a more heterosexual, appropriate image for the band. Right, Patrick?" she looked to him for approval and he nodded.

"Yes, this isn't about control it is about One Direction and establishing a marketable brand for the public. This isn't fun and games anymore boys," He pursed his lips and his thick moustache twitched. "It's serious."

"So are they," Niall cut in gesturing towards the two silent boys on the couch who looked miserable.

Patrick smiled faintly, "Yes, apparently so but for the purposes of this contract they need to allow us control of publicity, relationships and everything in between. You understand? If they don't sign this they are throwing all five of you under the bus."

"You're not serious?" Liam was glowering at Patrick, Zayn stood in disconcerted silence. 

"Liam, unfortunately I am. This isn't personal it's just business."

Niall swore under his breath and looked at Zayn who was just staring blankly at Louis and Harry. They were talking quietly to each other in hushed voices, their hands trailing along each others arms desperate to be close to the other. Desperate for reassurance. 

"So if they do this, you're giving them fake girlfriends and sending out fake stories to promote the image? More then you have already done? Do you realise what that did to them, to Louis in particular when he was with Taylor Swift, it was bullshit!" Zayn was at a loss for how far Management was really going to go.

"Essentially, yes, it will be a greater publicity stunt then our previous attempts. With more boundaries and rules to follow." Patrick sighed, "Until this contract runs out we own you, we will do whatever it takes to make you the best and I'm sorry if teenage emotions –"

Louis's eyes widened and his opened his mouth.

Patrick noted the glare and quickly cleared his throat, "I...I mean relationships are involved, but you must understand it's a part of the industry."

"It's fucking bullshit," Liam spat and knocked over a white tin that held a myriad of pens. They immediately scattered to the floor, loudly. 

"So, can you sign boys? We have the PR launch of your new clothing range in less than two hours." Jennifer picked up two pens off the floor with shaking hands as she walked towards Louis and Harry.

"No," Niall rushed past her, "You don't have to do this, we'll understand."

"We can't do that to you," Harry shook his head sadly. 

"Forget us," Liam piped in.

Louis said nothing as he picked up a pen and signed his name on every line that Jennifer pointed to. 

"Now Louis I will oversee your lack of judgement in punching Lionel but you must understand next time there will be consequences." Patrick adjusted his jacket as he sat back down and picked up the phone. "It's done," he mumbled into the receiver and then hung up. 

He turned to Lionel, "You're out. Jennifer you're now in charge of Social Media as Lionel here clearly has too many opinions, you have compromised yourself."

Lionel stood up, "But-"

"Enough," Patrick shouted.

Harry's shoulders shook as he signed in silence and then threw the pen on the floor. Louis stood up and took Harry's hand as they began for the door. 

"Boys, one more thing," Jennifer was flashing a dazzling white smile at them, "We oversee all interview questions but if we miss something I hope you will answer appropriately and keep in mind your contract." She winked and then added, "And don't sit together, Liam and Niall are to always be between Louis and Harry. Liam I am entrusting you the role of blocking them from being overly affectionate–" Liam turned to argue but she held up her hand and talked over him, "theres no argument to it and if you aren't doing what we've asked we will write up a new contract for you okay?"

Zayn slammed the door furiously as the five boys entered the corridor in complete silence, Niall had his arm around Louis and Liam patted Harry on the back.

A stylist met them at the elevator and, without time to talk over what had just happened they were whisked into the elevator to get ready for their launch. 

Things were changing so fast that none of them had time to catch their breath, Harry wondered how much more he could take of this. I can't breathe.

He absently reached for Louis's hand the Stylist awkwardly cleared her throat and shook her head. "Not today, Harry," she whispered. 

 Louis swore, "This is fucking ridiculous," And stormed out at the next level, Harry went to follow but the stylist, Ashley reached her arm out in front of him.

"Not today, Harry," she warned through gritted teeth and the doors closed with a ding. 

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