Culturally Biased

Da sycam0resauce

152K 7.9K 2.8K

"I feel that African American women are the most...culturally biased, hence the title of this show...." Altro

"Ooh light skin babies"
Acting like a dark skin?
"It was always hard to tell us apart"
"You know you don't look that black when your hair is straightened"
"I dissmiss you not the bell"
"Speak of the devil...literally."
"You had me at room full of black girls"
"Yay us."
"I'm calm, I'm cool, I'm chill"
"Keyword; reality"
"Why is Kendrick Lamar here?"
"I'll just eat some rice."
"You said my nails were crusty..."
"I like you"
"I am loving this sassy side"
"I guess I can try"
"Annick, you idiot!"
"you never have to say 'free my ninja'"
"Business days?"
"I thought I was good at mashing potatoes."
"I suck."
"Time for you to die."
"Is that a test?"
"Jesus, take the wheel."
"Glow up was for real, huh?"
Author's note
"I think I've said too much."
"Smile Randy."
Please read
"I need to tell you."
"But your vans are pretty cool."
"I'm gonna give you five seconds..."
"You're still crying."
"You weren't complaining when I put it there."
*didn't know what to name this chapter*
"No more questions."
"I'm white, Annick."
"The walls are really thin."
"You make a terrible me."
"A man can only hope."
You better fluffing read this
"I love New York."
"Wish me good luck."
"You fucking monkey!"
"Where's Mr. Carter?"
"Does it say positive?"
"Imma go pray for Brazil."
"Then come with me."
"I thought I had it on silent."
"...The bed is too basic."
"Guess who eavesdropped?"
"Everything matters!"
"He must really hate Jeffery."
"Troy Watson?"
"Someone's in love."
"You're a bad liar."
"Papi, have you been avoiding me?"
"Must you do this every year?"
"So, you like music huh?"
"Stop, whining."
"Depends on what it is."
"Poor guy."
"Black. I like black."
"We never got to continue this."
"Be safe."
"Enlighten us."
"Nope I'm on."
"What did I do?"
Book 2 trailer

"Just move wannabe side hoe."

1.3K 87 59
Da sycam0resauce

Imma just say this is part one. I was almost finished and it got deleted AGAIN 😑...but when that happens I really don't get motivated to write.


"Brazil, I'm borrowing your car!" Annick called.


"I have to go pick my little brother up."

"Why can't Randy drive you?" She asked.

"Because he has to go pick his siblings up."

"Fine. Go."


Annick pulled up in front of the apartment building and sighed.

Since her younger brother, Emmanuel wasn't picking up his phone, she was gonna have to go up there herself.

The apartment complex he lived in wasn't so bad.

The only thing was that it was eighty percent fuckboys living up there.

She regretted wearing the sundress that she had on since her cleavage was visible and she knew she was definitely gonna get called out for it.

She entered the apartment immediately being greeted by the apartment's doorman, Timothy.

"Would you look at that. It's big sister looking fine as ever." Timothy said, rubbing his chin.

She walked right past him and went for the elevator but he blocked her.

"What do you need?" She snapped.

"You think you slick huh? The last number you gave me was the number to Popeyes. I want a real number."

"I have a boyfriend."

"Now you might be telling the truth on that because...look at you. But even if you is telling the truth. I don't give a fuck."

"Just move wannabe side hoe."

"See, why you always so mean? You know what you need? You need some dick in your life."

"Timothy! Back up off my sister bruh." Annick turned to see her younger brother Emmanuel standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm sorry man. But you know if she didn't wanna get hollered at she should've put those away." He said pointing at her chest area.

She rolled her eyes turning around already walking to the car.

She slid into the driver's seat honking the horn at her brother who was taking his sweet time to get to the car.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He said.

He got into the car and looked at his older sister.

"No hi Emmanuel? No how you doing Emmanuel?"

Annick leaned over and kissed her brother's cheek.

"You need to move up out of there." She said starting the car.

"Why? It's affordable, it's safe, it's got bitches."

"That's why. The people there suck. Living there turned you to a mess. You should just go back and move in with-"

"I'm twenty, Annick. I can't be twenty and live with my parents."

"Just until you find a better place, I mean."

"I won't."

"You will if you go back to college. Maybe get a better job."

"Pretty soon I won't need college. When I get my record deal-"

"Here we go again." She sighed.

"You know, you told me when I was younger that you had faith in me being a rapper."

"I did too. But then I actually listened to your shit."

"What's wrong with my shit?"

"You objectify women in them. That one song you made, 'She ain't nothing but a hoe'."

"That's about-"

"It's about a girl walking in on her boy cheating on her and he just tells her to leave cause she means nothing to him. Am I close?"

Emmanuel looked down.

"Honestly you can go ahead and rap but make it a little more meaningful."

"How am I supposed to do that? I never grew up in the hood?" 

"You say that like it's a bad thing. You don't have to grow up in the hood to be a rapper. Not all rappers rap about that."

"Whatever. We'll get back to that. Now what I wanna know is why you're talking to me and not Chris. What'd he do?"

"I'll explain later. Just a don't talk about it during the barbecue. I don't wanna be in a bad mood."

"Oh so there's gonna be food, right?"

Annick laughed.

"Yes, fatass."

"Okay good. Now my next question is, who's this Ricky guy in your life that Chris is telling me about."

"You mean Randy?"

"Same difference."

"...anyways, that's my boyfriend."

"How long?"

"I guess you can say it's been a little over a month."

"Are you still a virgin?"

"Yeah." She shrugged.

"That's sad."

"No it's not!"

"It is. Your younger brother gets it more than you do. It's sad."

"Just shut up or you won't get fed."

Emmanuel didn't say anything else the whole ride back.


When they entered, everyone was sitting around the living room.

"I'm back!" She called.

They all turned their heads and the girls all shot up to hug Annick's little brother.

"How you doin Brazil?" Emmanuel asked stepping towards her.

Brazil cringed.

"Ew boy stop."

Annick turned to Dario Jeffery and James.

"This is my little brother Emmanuel."

They all waved.

"Is Randy not back yet?"

"Does it look like he's back?" Jeffery asked.

Annick shook her walking out to the kitchen.

Beans scurried over to her and began barking.

She bent down and began playing with her.

"Who's a good girl? You're a good girl. Yes you are, yes you are."

"Why the fuck are you talking like that?" Emmanuel asked.

He made eye contact with beans and beans immediately started sniffing him.

"Don't tell me your still scared of dogs."

"I'm not...she's just weird."

Annick picked the puppy up.

"No she's not. This is my baby."

"Where'd you get that thing from anyways?"

"Randy got her for me."

"This nigga got you a puppy?"

"He's white. Don't call him that."

"Oooh I feel you. You're about that swirl huh?"

"Go do something." She said, shooing him out the kitchen.

She checked the clock which read 1:00 p.m.

Their families would be arriving at four.

"Annick?" She turned to see Randy entering the kitchen.

"Where's your siblings?" She asked.

"Well I mean since they flew here they're gonna stay in a hotel for two nights before flying back. When it's time I'll go pick them up to bring them here."

"Okay and did you pick up the stuff I texted you to get."


Annick grinned.

"You're the best." She says getting on get tiptoes and kissing him.

"Eh-em." Emmanuel awkwardly coughed.

"Oh yeah, this is my little brother Emmanuel. Emmanuel, this is Randy."

"So you with my sister huh?" Emmanuel said shaking his hand.


"Cool cool. But remember...that's my only sister man."

Randy nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Good." He said before walking away.

Annick sighed.

"I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay. I know where he's coming from. Isabel is my only sister. I wouldn't want any guy hurting her."

"I suppose you're right. Now call Daysia and Dario in here so they can help me."

"What about Miciah, Brazil, James, and Jeffery?" Dario asked walking into the kitchen after Randy called them in.

"They lazy and won't do shit." She answered.

He sighed.

"I guess your right. Okay what you need?"

She pointed to two large containers.

"I marinated that meat last night. I want you and Randy to take it out and get the grill ready so y'all can barbecue it."

"Is that it?" Randy asked.

Annick thought for a moment.

"Emmanuel, get in here!" She called.

"What?" He asked.

"I need your help here."


Annick slowly turned around to face her brother.

Everyone froze to see what she'd do next.

When he saw the look on his sister's face, he regretted joking around with her.

"I'm playing chill. What do need help with?"

"Go with them and they'll show you."

He nodded following the boys to the backyard.

"What have you cooked already?" Daysia asked.

"I mostly baked. I fried some African donuts since Alycia's coming and she likes those. Um...I made macaroni cheese and salad, mashed potatoes, chili, quiche...oh and I-"

"Damn Annick how'd you get the time to do all that?"

"I had a week." She shrugged.

"Well what do you need me to do?"

"Um well I haven't made potato salad yet. Can you do that?"


"Oh and I have the deviled egg mix in the fridge. Can you put them in the egg whites neatly?"

"Also doable."

"Okay I'm gonna go get the rest of the stuff out of Randy's trunk."

She stepped out to the backyard.

"Randy, keys please!" She called.

He turned to her tossing the keys.

"Love you." She smiled, catching them.

As she walked away Emmanuel eyed him.

"Damn...y'all already been saying I love you and shit?"

"I guess..."

Emmanuel laughed.

"Bruh you don't really love my sister right?"

"Um...I do..." Randy said, not getting why Annick's younger brother was laughing.

Emmanuel's laughter died down.

"Oh...really? Damn, okay."

Dario spoke up.

"I was shocked too. Like, once you tell a girl you love her, you're basically giving your whole life to her. It's basically telling her you wanna spend your whole life with her."

"You wanna spend your whole life with Annick?" Emmanuel asked.

Randy shrugged.

"I can't really see myself saying no to that."

"Well dang. Good for you man. I just feel sorry that you're not enjoying the single life like me and homeboy over here." Emmanuel patting Dario's back.

Randy eyed Dario, shaking his head.

"What was that?" Dario asked.

"What was what?" Randy responded.

"You gave me a look. Why'd you give me a look?"

"I was just wondering when you were gonna go and break the news to Miciah that you cheated on her."

Emmanuel turned to Dario.

"So you ain't single."

"It's complicated. As for you Randy, keep your fucking voice down. I didn't cheat on her if we're not together."

"Then why must I keep my voice down?"

"Damnit Randy I swear I'll-"

The screen door opened and Pricilla stepped out.

"What's up, Bonita?" Dario asked, acting cheerful again.

"I'm just saying hi to my uncle." She shrugged walking over to Emmanuel and giving him a hug.

She turned to Randy.

"Oh and I have a headache. Can I please have some aspirin?" She asked.

"Sure." Randy said walking her back into the house.

"Well he's gonna be a good dad. Back to you, um...Imma be honest with you. Miciah is one of my sister's best friends and I just think it's kind of fucked up that you're you know...playing with her mind and shit."

"Cause you haven't done the same."

"Nah...if a girl wants to get with me, I let her know from the start that I ain't about commitment. I tell her not to think that she could change me or anything because she can't."

"I mean I told Miciah-"

"You told Miciah that you wanted to be with her and not put a label on it." Randy said, stepping back outside.

"Didn't I tell you to-"

"Honestly Dario. You don't want Miciah to know because you want her to remain a part of your life the way she is. Yet, you do what you do. I can't even imagine me doing that to Annick."

"Good cause I'd kill you." Emmanuel added.

"It's not right."

"Then what should I do?" Dario snapped.

"Tell her the truth and hope for the best."

"That's not gonna help me at all."

"Then you should've never slept with Jenny."

"I know I fucked up on that but I can't go back in time."

"You only have yourself to blame for that."

"Damn Randy that really helped me out."

"Well what are you gonna do?" Emmanuel asked.

"I don't know, okay? This is why I don't do relationships. Someone always ends up getting hurt."

"But Miciah does do relationships. So I think you need to tell her before this turns into something really bad." Randy explained.

The screen door opened again.

"Randy, my brother is here." Annick called.

"Why does Randy need to stop everything he's doing just to say hi to Chris. I mean, he's already met Chris. Chris ain't special."

"Shut up. Randy, house, now."

"Someone's bossy today." He said leaning down and kissing her.

"Y'all better stop all that kissing when her parents get here." Dario said.

"Why just our parents? Why couldn't they stop when her brothers showed up?" Emmanuel questioned.

"Cause' nobody respects you." Annick said before walking in the house.

"Bitch..." Emmanuel mumbled.

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