Water Goddess

By Skylinger

345K 7.1K 866

When Kailani turns 16 she is quickly thrust into the world of gods, goddesses, demi-gods, and guardians. Kail... More

A dept paid
Anger and Understanding
Demigods and Demigoddesses
An interesting Day
Rivals will Fight
An Unexpected Visit
The Race
Her Team
A Big Brother and a Warning
Deals, Skills, and Realizations
Troubling Visions
Visions of Pain
Caught by Poseidon
Getting Closer
Prelude to War
It Begins
No Longer in Charge
I know where to go
Clearly underestimated
Prisoners taken
This could be bad
The gods wonder
A Chance Taken
Unexpected Help
What to think
New Places, New Allies
We Need Both
Loch Ness
Jewel of Loch Ness 30
Change is in the Air 31
Stay Together Part 32
What is to Come? Part 33

Awake and Angry

16.2K 336 44
By Skylinger

Chapter 2

(Awake and Angry)

It was early as Rendell entered the open lookout tower that over looked the camp and allowed the instructors to view their students in different areas.

“I assume the young lady did not react well,” Channing said upon seeing only Rendell enter without a teenage girl.

“No she did not,” The dark haired man confirmed. “It’s not abnormal.”

“No it’s not,” The blonde man agreed not hiding his disappointment. “How much does she know?”

“Margaret didn’t tell her anything until we were taking her,” Rendell replied and rubbed a hand over the back of his throbbing head. “Kailani is a force to be reckoned with when she’d mad.”

“Kailani,” Channing said saying the name. “Pretty name. Did you post a guard for when she awakens?”

“I have Conall watching her,” The dark haired man replied.

“Good,” Channing said. “She’ll either wake up and react violently again or she’ll be scared. Most girls wake up scared but then most haven’t reacted so violently you got hurt. Kailani may require a firm presence for a time.”

“Or ropes.” Channing looked back and his eyes got wide to see Stewart had a black eye and Warden not looking much better with a split lip.

“She’s stronger than she looks,” Warden remarked.

“I can see that,” Channing said unable to keep the surprise of his face as he looked over the men’s faces as well as some visible bruises on their arms. If he hadn’t known better he’d have thought they had gone after a son belonging to Ares or even Hades. The blonde man would never have expected a daughter to react so violently, especially not one belonging to Poseidon. Then again Kailani was the only daughter of Poseidon now with them. They’d had several sons from Poseidon there but never a daughter.

“Poseidon may have his hands full with Kailani,” Luke commented from where he was perched up in the tower hanging a leg out over the side.

“We’ll find out tomorrow,” Channing replied.

“Tomorrow?” Stewart questioned.

“Poseidon is coming to see her tomorrow,” The camps director informed them. “I don’t think things will be going the way he expects.”

“You might want to reschedule,” Rendell told him. “I don’t think she’ll be calm enough.”

“Are you going to tell the God of the Sea he can’t see his daughter?” Channing asked. “I’m sure as hell not.”

“Tomorrow’s going to be a long day,” Luke commented leaning back against a post. Most demigods acted unsure or scared the first time they met their godly parent.

There had been a few that had reacted violently. Most were boys but there had been a couple of girls. One had even been a daughter of Zeus but the King of the gods had quickly put the girl in her place. One had belonged to Hades who’d found it humorous. One violent girl had even belonged to Ares. She hadn’t lasted long though. Ares had gotten angry with the girl and disposed of her in front of everyone. Anyone else thinking of reacting badly had quickly reconsidered.


Kailani blinked as she opened her eyes. She touched the back of her head feeling it ache. Sitting up she looked around the room. “Where the hell am I?” She asked looking over the blue, green, and white room. The room was circular with windows covering three sides of it.

The blonde teenage girl got out of the large bed she had found herself in and went to the nearest window. She looked outside and found there was a beach down below. She could see some stairs that led down to the beach not far away outside. It was then she noticed two of the windows weren’t windows but glass doors.

Curious she walked over to the two doors and opened them. Kailani stepped outside and was greeted by a gentle breeze. “Where am I?” She asked confused. It took her a moment but the memory of the pier and her mother came rushing back to her.

“Mom.” Instantly she began looking around. With no one outside she decided to head back into the room she’d found herself in and see if she could find someone inside.

Kailani passed through her room and then began making way through a hallway and down some stairs. “I can’t be the only one here,” She said annoyed standing in a large area full of seating.

“You aren’t.” Kailani spun around to see a muscular man with light brown hair sitting in a chair against the wall watching her.

“Who are you?” She asked suspiciously.

Conall smirked amused by her reaction. “Conall.”

“Where the hell am I and where’s my mother?!” Kailani demanded.

“You’re home and as for your mother…she could be anywhere. Most parents don’t return to where they left from once they surrender a child to us,” He replied. “I’ll show you around,” Conall said getting up.

“I’m not staying!” Turning back around she headed away from the seating area until she finally found the main entrance and walked outside. There she found a stone path and began following it.

Conall followed her without comment. She wasn’t the first girl to have this kind of reaction. He did however get the feeling things might not go well if she found Rendell or one of the others she’d seen on the pier.

Kalani stormed through the path. Her anger radiated off her and a few people scattered as she approached on the path. She paid them no attention. They were too young to be in charge.

The path ended and a dirt path began. Trees were on both sides hiding the path from any view from above. Kailani’s pace never faltered. She walked out of the path to see several people near her age practicing weaponry.

“Where the fuck is Rendell?!”

Everything and everyone stopped and looked at the angry blonde girl.

“It’s rather rude to…”

“Can it red!” Kailani snapped at the instructor. “Unless you’re going to tell me where he is stay the hell out of my way!”

Cornelius quickly approached her. “Now see…” He never got to finish his sentence as Kailani’s anger unleashed and she punched the instructor so hard he stumbled back and fell to the ground.

“I’m only going to ask one more time,” She said taking a fist full of shirt into her hand. “Where is he?” Kailani asked warningly.

No one spoke but several fingers pointed to the tower. The blonde woman looked at the tower and saw Rendell looking down at her. Everyone fell silent as Rendell stepped away from the side of the tower before heading down to where the angry girl was.

Kailani let the red haired man go as she turned narrowed angry eyes on Rendell and the men that came up with him.

“So you’re Kailani,” Channing said smiling warmly at her.

“Are you stupid or suicidal?” The teenage girl inquired looking at the man with a low blonde ponytail.

“Neither. Though I do understand you are upset,” Channing replied. “I know you have questions but interrupting a training session is not appropriate behavior.”

“Neither is kidnapping,” Kailani countered.

“You were not...” One look from the teenager shut the red haired man up instantly.

“Such anger. Makings of a warrior.”

Kailani looked over to see a dark haired man with a lightly scruffy black beard and amber eyes watching her. “Unless you can tell me where my mothers is and get me the hell out of here don’t interrupt!” The teenage girl said hotly. Several people gasped but Kailani never broke her angry look.

“Who is this girl?” Ares inquired enjoying the girl’s anger.

“Ares this is Kailani, Daughter of Poseidon.”

“Poseidon can go to hell. Take me home!” The teenager demanded.

Ares couldn’t help but chuckle at the girls hate toward his uncle. “So you’re my uncle’s daughter. The first Daughter of Poseidon in a very long time.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” She said angrily.

“Poseidon has many sons but hasn’t had a girl in over two thousand years,” Rendell informed the angry demigoddess. “You are the only demigoddess here belonging to Poseidon.”

“If you’d have been a son he’d have probably let your mother keep you,” Ares commented.

“You can’t keep me here,” Kailani said firmly.

“You’ll be meeting with your father tomorrow,” Channing informed her. “Only Poseidon can release you from here. I’m afraid you’ll have to take it up with him. Until then I’m sure Conall won’t mind showing you around. But please don’t interrupt any more training sessions.”

Kailani glared at the men and then rolling her eyes walked away. If there was a way off the island she was going to find it.

“Kailani,” Ares said saying her name with though. Amused he chuckled and disappeared.

“She’s going to try and leave,” Luke said.

“Put lookouts out and see to it there is no form of transportation off the island available to her,” Channing ordered. Luke and Rendell nodded and walked away.

“Whoever guards her needs to be up for a challenge,” Cornelius commented rubbing his jaw from the blow she’d given him. “She’s quick.”

Channing scanned those present before his eyes rested where a group of protectors stood watching the demigods and goddesses train. “Any of you think you can handle a challenge for a time? I need someone watching her now.”

“Poseidon isn’t going to let her go,” Garner said knowingly.

Channing looked at the red haired shape-shifter and nodded. “No but I don’t want her anger directed at me or any of the rest of us. She’s…”

“High-strung,” Stewart finished.

“What happened to…she did that?” Cornelius said looking at the guards injuries.

“I’ll guard her.” Channing watched as Rico stepped out from the covered seating area where he had been watching the training.

“No, I will,” Ford replied from where he sat on a post having been watching practicing swordsmen. “Your strong Rico but you don’t have patience.”

“Thank you Rico but I think Ford is right. She’s a demigoddess whether she wants to be or not and I rather not lose you.” Looking at Ford, he said, “Think you can handle her?”

Ford smirked before, “I’m not even sure if Poseidon can handle her but I’ll guard her.” Channing nodded and the reddish brown haired man with medium blue eyes headed off in the direction Kailani had gone.


Ares was still laughing when he arrived on Olympus. He made his way to the hall of gods and upon seeing Poseidon felt even more amused.

“You’re in a good mood,” Athena said suspiciously; causing everyone else present to look at The God of War.

“How can I not be when I just had the pleasure of seeing Poseidon’s daughter?” Ares knew everyone’s eyes were on him as he walked to his throne and sat down in his seat. “To be honest at first I thought she might belong to Hades but no.” Looking at Poseidon he said, “You have one very angry daughter.”

Poseidon wasn’t pleased by Ares’ warning but knew he shouldn’t expect anything less. Children were often angry when things were kept from them. He’d hoped Margaret would have told the girl long ago but Ares amusement told him the mortal woman hadn’t.

“What’s her name?” Athena asked and looked at The God of The Sea. Not knowing the answer the god looked at his nephew. “Ares?”

“Kailani,” He replied. “Pretty girl.”

“Ares…” Poseidon said warningly.

“All I said was she’s pretty; thought you’d like to know,” The God of War said innocently. “After all if you didn’t even know her name I doubt you’ve ever seen her.” Knowing he had his uncle’s attention he added. “She’s blonde with blue-green eyes.”

“Stay away from her,” Poseidon announced and abruptly disappeared. Ares couldn’t keep a satisfied smile off his face. He loved stirring up trouble and causing discontent.

“Leave her alone,” Athena warned.

“I don’t want the girl. It’s just fun to watch Poseidon get angry,” The God of War said with a shrug.


Ford watched as Kailani searched for a way off the island. She’d already been stopped from taking a boat and the islands helicopter. The shape-shifter had to admit he was impressed by the girl’s determination.

“Doesn’t give up easily does she?” Conall commented.

“No. She’s very angry and she’s strong,” Ford replied. “I’m concerned she’s going to do something…what is she doing?!” The two men turned to see Kailani walking out into the ocean.

“She’s not really going to try and just swim…is she?” Conall questioned watching the girl move further out into the water.

Ford looked at his shoes and sighed. As her guardian he’d have to go in after her. He quickly kicked off his shoes and stripping down to his boxers he quickly headed for the water but then realized she was too far ahead. Quickly Ford transformed himself into an eagle and headed out after her. He watched as she swam further out and used his heightened eyesight to see if there were any creatures around he needed to watch out for.

Ford knew he needed to stop her and quickly dove down into the water before transforming himself once again. Ford grabbed Kailani and began forcing the girl back toward the island.

“Let me go!” Kailani said as someone began forcing her back toward the island. “No! I don’t want to go back!”

Ford was having trouble swimming and dragging the girl back. Suddenly feeling a firm bottom he knew he was being helped. Kailani continued to thrash about violently. Gathering his strength the shifter threw the girl over his shoulder and began heading out of the water.

She kicked him just as they reached the sand causing Ford to lose his footing and send them both to the ground. “I said let me go!” Kailani yelled as she tried to get away and Ford pinned her to the ground.

“Forget it Kailani. I’m your guardian and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you try something that stupid!” He said firmly. The blonde woman tried kick but Ford was quick and ready this time. “Calm down,” He told her gently. “Thrashing around will only get us both sand burns.”

Kailani stopped and looked at him. “I’m not about to just go along with this,” She said breathing hard.

“No I don’t imagine you will,” The Reddish-brown haired man replied. “However you might want to know there is nothing in any direction for over a hundred miles each direction. You pass out from exhaustion before you could get anywhere near anything,” He told her still breathing hard himself.

Slowly he started to back off from the angry girl. “There is nothing you can do until you see your father. Unless he releases you tomorrow I’m your guardian.”

“What do you mean my guardian?” Kailani asked sitting up and whipping some wet hair out from her face; forcing it behind her back.

“You may be a demigoddess Kai but you don’t have a clue how to use your abilities and…” Seeing her look down he stopped. “Sorry Kailani I won’t call you Kai again.”

“No it’s fine. My mother called me Kai a lot,” The teenage girl informed the shifter. “I miss her.”

Ford sighed and sat down next to her. He’d witnessed several kids by gods go through much the same thing and did understand. “I know it isn’t easy. Look nothing can be firmly decided until you see your father. Could you just settle down and wait to go ballistic until afterward?”

Kailani raised an eyebrow at him. “You want me to calm down now and be angrier later?”

“No but I figure you’ll be madder after you see Poseidon so you should give yourself a break now,” Ford replied.

Kailani didn’t know why but she had to smile at the blue eyed boy. “What are you?” He raised an eyebrow at her this time. “I mean I know you’re my guardian but…how did you catch up to me?”

Ford smiled. “I’m a shifter.”

“Like a werewolf?” She asked.

Ford glared at her. “No then I’d be a werewolf.” He sighed knowing the girl didn’t know any better. “Beings that shift from human into one other form are were…whatever their other form is. A Shifter has more than two forms we can be in,” He explained.

“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you,” Kailani apologized.

Ford took one look into her blue-green eyes and knew she meant it. “It’s okay. I guess you could say some of us are a bit annoyed with humans simplifying us.”

“But you’re…oh yeah I guess you aren’t,” Kailani said realizing the obvious.

Ford smiled at her and got up. “Come on.” He watched as her eyes suddenly got wide. “What?” Looking down he realized he was still in his boxers. “Do you think you can behave for Conall and let him take you to get changed so I can?” Kailani just looked at him. “Conall can you…”

“Alright I’ll go with him,” Kalani conceded.

“Thank you,” Ford said and helped her up from the ground. “Conall can you take her to her room? I’ll meet you there after I change.”

Conall nodded and Ford watched as the demigoddess walked away; disappearing between some trees.

“Well done.” Ford stiffened at first before turning to face the God of the sea.

“Thanks for the help out there,” Ford replied looking at the bearded god; becoming relaxed once again.

“Ares told me she was angry but I did not expect her to attempt to leave in such a manner,” Poseidon replied. “None of my sons have even tried to attempt swimming away.”

“Are you going to let Kailani go?” The shifter inquired. “She’s going to ask you to.” While he knew the girl wanted to be returned to her mother the shifter couldn’t help but want her to stay. Ford knew things were not as calm as they appeared and felt that with the strength the girl was displaying she would be an asset; once trained.

“Kailani may be angry but she belongs to me,” Poseidon said firmly. “I gave Margaret what she wanted and now I have what I want.”

“If she had been a boy?”

“I’d have agreed to let Margaret keep a boy. The girl is mine,” The God of the Sea said in a commanding voice. “See to it my daughter is introduced to others. Not the sons of Ares.”

“Are there specific directions I should guide her?” Ford inquired.

“Any of the same element, Hermes line, I would prefer her kept from the lines of Aphrodite, Ares, and Dionysus,” Poseidon replied. “Friends are fine but you are to stop anything with the potential to be more.” Ford nodded understanding the god’s underline meaning. “You know as well as I do that mischief is in the air. Guard her well.”

“With my life,” Ford assured him.

“Bring her here at dawn.” Ford nodded and the God of the Sea vanished before him.

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