
By rain0205

40.2K 1K 65

"Wolves mate for life. I love you Youko Kurama." "I love you Moriko Chie. I will come and find you, be sure o... More

Meeting in Mystery
Wolf Games
The Dark Mirror
New Beginnings
First Mission
Unwanted Invitation
First Fight
Disturbing Demons
Demon Speed
Blood and Roses are Red
Love is Strange
Death Tree
Suzuka's Gifts
From Silk to Thorns
Misleading Opponents
Needle in a Haystack
Final Fight Part 1
Final Fight Part 2
A Battle of Wits
Mission Briefing
Ghosts of the Past
The Sickness
Chapter Black
Shinobu Sensui
The Chase
Mind over Matter
Solitary Confinement
Blissful Ignorance
Impossible Choices
Mental Conflictions
Tortured Souls
Tree of Depravity, Reverse Man
Sacred Energy
Slim Chances
A Means to an End
Uneasy Peace
Moving On
Meeting Shiori
Unexpected Confrontation
Dizzying Intellect
Kurama vs San
Youko vs Moriko
The Demon World Tournament
Returning Home
The Beginning of the End
Now What
Endless Rain
The Next Step
Hiroki Revealed
Fate's Choice
Greatest Desires
The Final Battle

Saying Farewell

335 8 4
By rain0205

The sky was blue, and the sun was rising. It created the most perfect scenery. But none of them cared about that at the moment. They had just watched the most powerful struggle, and now were wondering what had happened to the two demons that fought high overhead of them. The power that came from them was like nothing any of them had ever seen before. It took a few moments to realize what had happened when it was all over, but all the wonder was finally gone.

Kurama stared at the spot in the sky he had watched his mate do battle with Hiroki. They both weren't there, but he had no idea where they could have gone. He was in such utter shock, he couldn't find his feet to go move. The reason he was like that, he couldn't feel his mate whatsoever. Not a single force of her life energy could be felt, and it made his heart heavy, his body full of chills. He had never noticed how much of her energy resided within him, until he couldn't feel it. He didn't want to believe it, but what choice did he have? It was the exact same feeling he had when Genkai had passed. He couldn't feel the force of his mate anywhere, and he didn't want to find out if his suspicions were correct.

"Did... did we finally win?" asked Kuwabara, looking around at the others.

"I... think so," said Yusuke unsure of himself.

"San gave everything she had. If Hiroki isn't here still it's safe to confirm that he really is beaten," said Koenma.

"Hn. I don't trust it," said Hiei.

Kurama ignored all of them, finally able to take a step. He walked, her scent fresh in his nostrils. He had to find her, had to make sure she was alright. But as he took each step closer, he knew he was only getting closer and closer to the truth he didn't want to confirm. He didn't know what happened to the others, but he had to find San, and had to do it now.

The forest floor was covered in rain, but the clearing was made from the force of such power. The radius was huge, farther than the eye could see. The sun was rising higher and higher, but still, there was no San in sight. She wasn't far, that much he knew. He could still smell her, and she didn't smell dead. So why was it that he couldn't feel her at all? He heard something in the distance. It was the sound of a long and sorrowful howl. He narrowed his green orbs in thought. It was strange for a wolf to be out this early, and that howl didn't come from the same direction of his mate. It had to have been the wild wolves in the forest near the temple, but why would they be up this early?

He pressed on, trying not to analyze what the wolves were trying to tell him. He knew that the train of thinking that would come from it all would just be what he suspected had happened. He was getting closer, he knew that. He could hear someone trailing behind him, but he didn't care. It didn't feel hostile, so he completely ignored it. He could see the shine of her sun touched hair in the distance. Only a little closer. He dropped to his knees, taking her head into his lap. She was cold, oh so cold, her skin pale.

"San..." his vision blurred with the tears that threatened to fall. He shook her a little, "Koi... wake up..." He knew it was useless. She remained completely unresponsive. He hugged her cold corpse tightly, the tears falling freely. She was dead, sacrificed herself to save the world. And yet, he didn't care about the rest of the world. If she was alive and they all died, the hell with it. So long as she was safe in his arms...

He felt a hand on his shoulder, and could smell Yusuke, "I'm sorry..." he trailed. This boy was close to his mate, that Kurama knew. He knew that Yusuke would feel sorrow for her as well.

"Is she...?" Kurama could hear Kuwabara, "No... not San..."

Kurama's eyes were kept shut, the tears falling onto her sun touched hair. He could only see her, the human and the demon, the smiling face and the warmth she offered. He could smell her, feel her soft skin. He was mating with her, holding her close and never letting go. But it all came to an end when he opened his eyes and the still form of her was in his arms. She was gone, for good this time. Those gorgeous tawny eyes were locked away with her, and he knew that he would never see them again.

"What will you do?" asked Hiei. The small fire demon was standing before him, his jagan closed and his red eyes focused on the sight before him.

"I..." Kurama hadn't thought that far ahead yet. His emotions were completely gone, and he couldn't think at all.

"This could have happened in battle, and you would be rendered useless. Think now, fox, lest her death be a complete waste."

"Hiei! You don't talk like that to someone who just lost their lover!" declared Kuwabara outraged.

"Yeah! San was important to you too, no matter how much you deny it," said Yusuke, "I gotta say though, the bastard does have a point..."

"Hey! Who's side are you on?"

Yusuke scratched the back of his head, "Well, since I'm half and half, I suppose I'm on both," and he laughed a little nervously.

"Getting to the point. Kurama, you need to do something with her body before the ravagers come for it. You know what they'll do," Koenma stepped in.

They were all right. He had to do something before they attracted all the attention of the wrong kind. But where would he put her? By technicality, she was the Queen of the Wolf Clan, and her body belonged with them. But he wasn't going to bring her back there. After she left, he knew that she never wanted to go back to them. Hearing another sorrowful howl, he rose with her body, his decision finally made.

"I will take her to the wolves in the forest. There is no better guard than them," said Kurama, turning to the others. Nobody really knew what to say, they just sat there with sorrowful looks on their faces. It was hard losing someone you cared about, but the rest of them had no idea what it was like to lose someone destined to spend eternity with you, and then have that all taken away. Letting out a small sigh, the tears finally stopping, he took off a demon speed, towards the dwelling of the wild wolves.


"I'm perfectly capable of doing this myself," Kurama told the fire demon that was lurking behind him in the trees. He had made it to the edge of the wild wolves' territory, and waited, just as his mate had showed him to do. The small fire apparition had stalked him the whole time, that Kurama knew. He couldn't help but wonder why, but chose not to question it.

"Hn. How will you speak to the wolves?" asked Hiei.

"Very well," said Kurama. He knew that Hiei was making up that excuse, that no words really needed to be said. But he wasn't about to stop anyone who wanted to see his mate was safe.

He sat and waited on the edge of the territory for the wolves to come and get him. He wasn't expecting them to be so quick, knowing that it was too early in the day for them to be out in the first place. But nevertheless, here was the pack leader and his mate, greeting him Kurama was sure, in the ways of the wolves. Kurama stood slowly and bowed respectfully.

"I wish to find a place for my mate to rest. I wish for her to be guarded well and safe from anything around that means her harm. I wish to place that care unto you, if you shall receive it," Kurama spoke softly, keeping his eyes with the pack leader. When his words were spoken, he looked down at his mate, and picked her up. She was so cold, it made his heart wretch.

"They wish for us to follow them," said Hiei. Kurama nodded, walking a safe distance behind the pack leader. The wolves could be easily taken down if necessary, but Kurama wasn't going to allow that. He would protect their territory in honour of his mate, who he wished was still alive to do it for him. The wolves didn't look back, but they had a keen sense, and knew that the two demons were still there.

It seemed like a long journey, but they finally arrived to the only birch tree Kurama had ever seen within the forest. He could smell her scent faintly, despite all the moisture around them. He sighed, looking into her face. He placed her down there, and used his demon speed to dig the hole. He picked her up gently once more, kissing her forehead.

"I love you, San. I'll be joining you soon..." he whispered to her. He placed her into the dirt, and then began to cover her up. Tears escaped his eyes, and the two wolves at his side howled one last time before leaving him alone. Hiei remained, however, and Kurama wasn't exactly sure why. There was no need for him to be here, and the fox rather doubted the fire apparition would return to the temple with him. Kurama stood tall, the sun getting closer to night already. Time had passed by so fast, and a lot of the forest had dried up. But it would take a while before that happened. Hiei had gone, so there was nothing else for the fox to do besides return to her home.


Kurama returned to the temple, and it had taken him the rest of the day to do it. The moon was out, the skies completely clear. He could feel it beckon to him, but he completely ignored it. That was something only she could make him do. The others had already informed Genkai of what had happened, that Kurama was sure of. The old woman didn't speak a word to him as he passed by, nor did any of them. He respected that, not wanting to be around anyone at the moment.

He walked directly into her room and closed the door behind him. He looked around, noting the bed was unmade and there were some clothes littering the floor. He cleaned up in there, knowing that it would do no good to leave it a mess. He opened the door to the garden, and pulled down the tarp. He fed whatever he could, but the darkness plants would die. Walking around the garden, he came to the Dragonite tree, the sacred bond created by both of them.

It would kill him in time, and he would gladly accept that invitation. Without her around to help him feed it, his fate was sealed. He knew that she would kick him back to life if he even thought about taking his own. He knew that shewould be terribly disappointed when they would finally meet again if he didn't do everything he could to maintain her surroundings. He shed a tear, looking up in the moon, finally giving into its call.

He could only see his beloved in it, knowing that this is what she would be doing if it were still possible. He wasn't even sure he could be out at all, the moon calling to him and the sun reminding him of her hair. But he had to, there was no other option. He closed his green orbs, calming the beast that laid within. He made one decision, his heart filled with regret and sorrow. He gave one last thought, before he would return home to his mother.

I will never be Youko again...


you all hate me.. right?

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