Chances are....

By CandidKeeks

231K 7.2K 991

In this story we'll be following the lives of Justine Halloway and Bradley Jameston. Justine, a suburban brow... More

1. Meet Justine
2. Meet Bradley
3. Saying Hello
4. Bad News
5. He's hot
6. As Always
7. Nothing new to me
8. Not so bad
9. Go hard or go home
10. What are the odds?
11. If you don't mind...
12. Pool party...??
13. I'm an idiot
14. Trust me will ya?
15. Firsts for everything
16. Bittersweet Farewell
17. Home Sweet Home
18. Emotional Meadows
19. But wait there's more
20. Well that was....eventful.
21. Can I kidnap your stuffed monkey?
22. Moving In
23. Mini Golfing?
24. What do YOU want?
25. Mind Games
26. Talk to him.
27. Fuck you
28. Too fancy
30. Something Changed
31. Monster

29. Resolved Issues?

1.3K 59 4
By CandidKeeks


I knew something like this would happen, now he'll in be a funk all day. I grabbed my textbook and headed towards the bedroom door. "I'll be in the car, don't beat yourself up over him Bradley, we both know he's a dick. You came here for your mom remember?"

"Justine, wait. "

I turned to see a very defeated Bradley, slouched as he sat on the edge of his bed. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry for what? For being a great guy with a dick for a dad? That's not your fault and you know it." I grabbed his hand and tugged, hoping he'd get the hint and come with me. "We're gonna get to the bottom of this." I smiled as I all but dragged him from his room.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs Bradley tightened his grip on my hand, forcing me to stop. "Are you crazy!?" his looked at me wide-eyed.

"Are you? Are you gonna just let him mold you into another version of himself?" I'm fed up with this racist ass fuckwad. He's gonna learn today. "Since the very moment I stepped into this house I've been under scrutiny Brad, I'm not dealing with it anymore."

He stared at me for what seemed like minutes before he spoke again. "Stay here."

I was baffled, "What the hell do you mean stay here? I'm going wi-"

Before I could finish my protest he interrupted me and spoke again, "Stay. Here." and then he walked away, straight to his dad's office. I almost followed him but decided against it when I heard a door slam. I whipped out my phone and texted the only person I could count on in a time like this, Kara.

J: "I think Brad is about to confront his dad."


J: "I can't, I'm at his house right now. I'll Call you and tell you everything when it's calm. Pray for a bitch."

K: "(insert emoji praying hands) LMAO"

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and sat down on the stairs and sighed.

"Oh hello dear, you surprised me." I looked up to see Bradley's mom coming into the house with her arms filled with grocery bags.

"Here, let me help you." I quickly stood and grabbed a few bags from her and headed toward the kitchen. "I didn't even know you left. I could've gone along with you." I smiled back at her as I placed the bags atop the counter.

"Oh don't you worry your pretty little head about me, I'm used to it. My boys never really enjoyed shopping with me." She laughed to herself and began to put things away. "Speaking of which," she turned and looked to me, "where are my boys?"

"They're in Mr. Jameston's office." She looked puzzled and then she looked knowingly at me. "I've stopped making excuses for my husband's way of thinking. It's not right. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Mrs. Jameston, it's just-"

"Well would you look at you two beauts chatting it up in the kitchen." Bradley.

"So, I see you spoke with your father. How'd it go?" Mrs. Jameton cut right to the chase.

"How do you think it went mom?" He kissed he cheek and took the seat beside me. "He doesn't think Justine is good for my- his image. He wants a smooth campaign and I'm making him look bad."

"He said that?" Mrs. Jameston looked so hurt. She looked at me apologetically and the exited the kitchen. I groaned and laid my head in my hands. Why do things have to be so difficult?

"Hey." I ignored him. "Hey."

"Can we go?" I asked.

"If that's what you want, we can go."

"I want to go home." I stood up from the table and went upstairs to grab my bags. I waited by the car for about 20 minutes before Bradley emerged from the house.

"Ready to go J?" He lifted my things into the car and in no time we were on the road to my house. I texted my mom that we'd be there in no more than 15 minutes. "You don't have to sulk J. Everything will be fine. We just have to make it through the the conference and then we'll be home free." He chuckled and pulled into my driveway.

"Pumkiiiiiin!!" My mom bolted from the house and wrapped me in the tightest and warmest of hugs and kisses my entire face. "I missed you I missed you I missed you!"

"I missed you too mommy!" Behind her I spotted my little rat of a brother, "oh look you've grown an entire 2 centimeters, go you!" I teased. "Mom, this is Bradley, Bradley this is my mom." I quickly introduced them and went to look for my dad.

"Baby girl is that you yelling through my house?" His voiced boomed from the second floor and I bolted for the stairs.

"Hey daddy!" I hugged him like my life depended on it.

"What's the matter baby girl? You're home unexpectedly."

"Not a thing, I'm just glad to be home." It felt so good being home. Nothing else mattered. "Come on there's someone I want you to meet!" I motioned for him to follow me.

"It better not be some boy." He huffed and headed down the stairs.

"H-Hello Mr. Halloway." Bradley quickly stood from his seated position on the couch and held his hand out to my dad.

"Justine. Who this boy?" He looked at me and I gave him a look that said please be nice. "What's your name kid?" My dad finally shook his hand.

"Bradley Jameston, sir."

"Well I'll be damned. I got the son of the devil himself in my living room" my dad chuckled and motioned for Brad to sit.

"I'll be in my room, call me when dinner's ready!" I bee lined for the stairs for a second time.

I opened my door and in ran my baby Tink, he leapt up onto my bad and nestled in between my pillows. "I missed you so much." I scratched his head and sprawled across the bed. "I missed home so much." I sighed. Before I knew it I was asleep.

"Wake. Up!" I felt a pillow hit me across my face.

"What the hell Benji!?" I jumped up and ran after him. I chased him all the way out to the backyard before I tackled him. I raised my fist and he screamed.


"Oh shut up, you started it!" I looked up when I heard someone bust out laughing. Bradley and my dad stood on the back porch in hysterics.

"You little brat." I smacked my brother on the back of his head as he wriggled free and ran toward the house.

"You two are going to cause me so much gray hair." My dad chuckled to himself and disappeared back into the house.

"So.... Remind me to never wake you up." Bradley walked over and held out his hand to help me up. "That was quite a sight, you're so small and yet... so violent"

"Oh shut up!" I grabbed his hand, hoisting myself up and dragging him along with me, "dinner's ready."

"If it's anything like dinner was at my place, I want no part of it." Unlike his parents, my parents are sane.

"You'll be fine, now c'mon!"

I sat across from Justine at the table, nervous wasn't even the word. My palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms were heavy. Those lyrics have never been more relatable.

"So you like my sister huh?"

"I uh... I guess you could say that I do, yes." I nervously replied. It's not even the kid that's making me nervous, it's her father.

Author's Note

Hello again my precious readers, I know, I'm the worst but you'll see why I've been M.I.A in my next update. I just feel a certain way toward these types of books now. I'm writing for the sake of the story not because I'm team "Interracial relationships". Let love be love and stop idolizing BWWM WWBM AMBW ect. Relationships.

Love always, Keeks.

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