Model in Disguise

By VVJohans

319K 11.2K 2.2K

“A pretty face can be the deadliest weapon.” A spy like her is a queen of disguises. This girl is someone who... More

A. Copyright
1. Invisibility
2. As Expected
3. The Project
4. On Carter Street
5. And the Truth Will Out
6. Cards on the Table
8. Meet the Partners
9. Amateur Agent
10. Roommates
11. Lose One Friend, Gain Another
12. Smile Academy Cherubim
13. For Better or Worse
14. Caught Red-Handed
15. Following Orders
16. Learning New Things
17. Backup
18. Into the Past
19. Reinforcements
20. Class Dismissed
21. To Each His Own
22. Backed Into a Corner
23. The Announcement
24. Trouble in Paradise
25. Jeffrey Lin
26. Insomnia
27. Reunited
28. Room 416
29. Rising Suspicions
30. Finding a Lead
31. Withholding Information
32. One and the Same
33. The Posture Class
34. Rachel Harris

7. Becoming Rachel Williams

9.4K 427 101
By VVJohans

       Dedicated to: Erm, no one.


                     *          *          *

       2 YEARS LATER

      August 31st
      Agent R. Harris receives her next mission.

     Ch. 7: Becoming Rachel Williams
     Date: August 31st

“Rachel!” calls a voice from behind me. I recognize the voice instantly. It belongs to a boy named Adrian Nichols, a primary agent of Special Operations that I’m known to spend a lot of time with.

       “What?” I ask.

       He doesn’t respond. Holding in a sigh, I turn around to face him. But instead of focusing on him I decide to scan the entire room for an extra set of ears.

       Where I stand inside Special Operations, I can see everything as clear as day. The training mats that haven’t been put away. The first aid supplies recently used after a match. The lights in the control room that stay on, shining from fourteen feet above ground.

       When I’m convinced it’s only the two of us, I turn back to Adrian. “Dude. Speak.”

       The brown-haired boy narrows his eyes a little. I raise an eyebrow. “Your mom wants to speak to you,” he says. His words suggest that he’s finished the sentence, but his tone suggests he has more to say.

       I tilt my head slightly to the right. “Anything else?” I ask. My eyes pierce into his brown ones, daring him to say something else. I want him to say something else; something that includes the words break, up, and let’s. But he doesn’t.


       I sigh. “Right.” I turn on my heel, moving towards the exit.

       Soon enough I find myself turning the doorknob to open my mother’s office door. I poke my head into the room and find my model-gorgeous mother leaning back on her desk casually, examining her nails just as she usually does.

      “Mom,” I say, shoving some of my hair behind my left ear. Stepping inside, I let my combat boots smack against the floor loudly and gesture to my outfit. “I just came from school. You said I could have today off.”

      “Rachel,” says Mom. Her voice is calm, cool and collected. She never looks up from her fingernails. “Do you remember two years ago when you promised that your first out-of-the-country mission would be entirely my choice?”

      Yes, I remember clearly the day I was told I couldn’t become an agent unless she was allowed to choose my first mission. It was something I marked on my calendar right after I was grounded for answering with a snarky comment.

      “Yeah . . .”

      “And do you remember the mission that I told you I chose?”

      I think back to the day, pondering her question. Let’s see, it was after dinner when I was on my way to my room, I was trying to get away from her as quickly as possible, and then I unknowingly agreed when she told me—


      Mom’s mouth lifts into a half grin. “You remember.”

      “No I don’t,” I lie.

      Mom examines my face for a moment. “Yeah, you do,” she muses. I roll my eyes.

      Note to self: Work harder on lying to Mom.

      “Look,” she continues, and at once I know she’s being serious again. “This is a serious mission. I wouldn’t be entrusting this with you if I didn’t know you were good enough to handle it.”

      I nod.

      Mom twists the upper half of her body around to face her desk and pulls out a manila envelope, turning back to hand it to me. I step forward to take it.

      “This is your new identity,” she explains, watching as I pull out the file. “Rachel Williams, seventeen, intelligent individual, lifelong dream is to become a Victoria’s Secret model.”

      I grimace. “Victoria’s Secret? That was the best you could do?”

      She only shrugs. “Thought it’d be fun for you.”

      My grimace deepens, but I drop the file back into the envelope and sigh in defeat. She calls the shots, not me. “Am I going to have to model in underwear?”

      “As far as I know, you’re going to have to model in whatever they give you,” she replies, a smile threatening to cover her face. “I look forward to seeing you on future magazine covers.”

      I give her a straight face and clutch the file in my hand as I turn to leave. But before I can go, Mom stops me.

      “Oh, but there is one more thing,” she informs. I turn back. Grinning, Mom pulls something out from underneath her desk and watches for my reaction. As I stare at the red four-inch heels being held out before me, I can’t even believe how quickly my mood plummets when Mom says, “You’ll be needing these.”

                     *          *          *

       Yeah, that's right. I no dedicate to anyone.
       Because I seriously get like no comments. Ever. LOL, on like any story. Isn't that sad?

      But I still thank you guys for reading anyway. I hope you all liked this chapter! Just please give me some feedback. I never know if you like it or if you hate it or if there's a mistake somewhere, or if I have lipstick on my teeth . . . okay, forget that last part. We all know I don't wear lipstick. But you get the point.

       Meet Kyle and Mom on the side! I know it looks so lazy compared to the other one. I got lazy.

       ' AwesomelyBlaze

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