Half Dragon Dreams

By Choi_Jinah

12.6K 391 23

One night, Callie was left at home while her parents went out to a party, and right as she was going to bed... More

Dreams really do come true
Clouds of the Dragons
Meeting the King, and Life begins
Dragon Training
New Life
An old friend/..Crush..
Training with Travis
The Question. The Answer.
The Concert
BigBang Fun
Day With GD ;P
Dragon Powers
Night with TOP :P
Date Night with Travis?
Fun Night :P
Rough Day
Bad Start
GD's Confession
Last day with BigBang
Goodbye BigBang, Hello long distance
Back to before...
After months, happiness :D
Telling the members about "Us"
Family Bonding Day :P
TOP jealousy
My Birthday
Dying my hair :3
New Enemey?
Family stuffs :3
The Truth Hurts..
4 Years Later... ;P
Telling the Fandom about Us
The Attack
Jiyongs Home
Finally Together
Crystal Dragon and a Special Date
The Wedding
New Life
Authors Note

Finally telling them..

44 3 0
By Choi_Jinah

I rolled my sleeve up, hesitantly. I couldn't look at their faces.. I would just burst.. But Jiyong grabbed my arm and instantly asked me about it. Jiyong: Callie?! Why do you do this?! Callie: O-one reason is t-the bullies.. T-they get to me a-a lot.. Another r-reason I don't want t-to talk about.. DaeSung: Aish Callie!! Please don't do that!!! It's bad!" I looked up at Dae crying. Callie: I wish I could stop.. B-but I cant... SeungRi: Do you need a panda hug?? Jiyong: Aish SeungRi no she doesn't!!" Ji pulled me into his arms and held onto me not letting me go. I laughed a little at Jiyong getting protective. SeungRi: See Hyung! I made her laugh! She obviously likes me! ;P Callie: Aish SeungRi! I like you as a brother, nothing more!! SeungRi: Awwww.. Jiyong: Ha, BURN!! SeungRi: *pouting*" I looked up to see TOP staring at my arm. I looked away quickly not wanting to talk to him. DaeSung went back to cooking, and Jiyong challenged me to do another Dance. Callie: I'll just beat you again, really want to be humiliated?? Jiyong: I will not! And I was close to beating you last time! Callie: Uh-huh.. SOO close.. Only 2 stars away.. Jiyong: Was not!! Callie: Yea.. Okay.. What song? Jiyong: Hmm.. I can't choose, too many. Callie: Alright! I'll choose. You Make Me Feel, you better hope you have good hips ;P Also SeungRi don't be behind me, that'll just be akward :P SeungRi: Why? Do you twerk? ;P" Everyone laughed at that, I even saw TOP laugh. He was sitting on a stool in the kitchen sulking. Callie: *facepalm* SeungRi.. My gosh there's no use talking to you.. And no!" I beat Ji again, with the cost of SeungRi staring at me the entire time :P Callie: Aish I have a cramp now! Now I remember why Tia calls it the "Cramp Dance" SeungRi: I think you should do that more often ;P Jiyong: SEUNGRI STOP HITTING ON HER MY GOD!" I just died then. I couldn't stop laughing and I don't know why. SeungRi: YAY she's laughing at my jokes again! Callie: No Im laughing AT you! Jiyong: OOOOO BUUURN!!" Callie: Ji your gonna kill me!! Shtap making me laugh! Jiyong: Haha sorry! *hug* Callie: Aish your hopeless! I'm putting music on, I've been addicted to this one song and it needs to be on." I put on the song Please Don't Go ( by Joel Adams ). I sang along to it, me knowing the lyrics :P, and of course SeungRi just HAD to comment of the chorus. SeungRi: Awwww Callie doesn't want us to go! Callie: Aish SeungRi!! I was singing along to the song!! Jiyong: Yea SeungRi! Why'd you have to interrupt?? SeungRi: Stop agreeing with everything your Jagi says! I think your addicted to her! Jiyong: *slap* Callie: Ha! You deserved that! SeungRi: Owwww Hyuuuuuunnggg!!! *pouts* I did not deserve that.. DaeSung: Dinners ready~!!" All that night up until 11:00 we talked, laughed, and hit SeungRi ;P. Except, TOP. He seemed really gloomy the rest of the time. Jiyong was walking me down to my car when my Phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my mom. "Ohh great..." I thought. I picked it up and my Mom made me deaf again asking where I was. Callie: MOM CAN YOU CALM DOWN PLEASE?! My gosh! Im with Jiyong you don't have to be so worried! Mom: *gasp* OMG THATS SO CUUUTE!! Callie: AISH MOOOOM!!! That's like the tenth time could you seriously stop embarrassing me!!! Mom: I told you before! That's my job, I can't stop! Do you think I you could bring Ji over for me to meet him?? Callie: All of BigBangs over, plus I'm pretty sure he's busy tomorrow with Dance practise so.. Another time? Plus I wanted to talk to you about something. Mom: You can tell me now y'know? Callie: Mom I really have to go, I'm coming home right now I don't want to keep Jiyong just standing here. Jiyong: I can wait, it's fine. Callie: No I don't want to keep you for long! By the way, my mom wants to officially meet you, you happen to be free any time tomorrow?? Jiyong: Umm.. Yea I think I am. I get off Dance practice around 1:30 tomorrow so I can come over then if you want?? Callie: Okay, mom Ji says he can come over around 1:30 tomorrow. Does that work?? Mom: Umm.. Yea it does. I don't have work tomorrow. YAY I'm so excited!! Callie: Your starting to sound like a Fangirl :P Mom: I'm not one of those things! They scare me, I almost got my head ripped of last time I was near them!! Callie: Haha I agree with you that their scary! Okay see you in a few, Love you. Mom: Love you too! *click*" I turned around and Ji kissed me again. I can't help but blush whenever he does that.. :3 After a few minutes be broke it and let me go home. Callie: Bye Oppa! Don't kill SeungRi! ;P Jiyong: Cya Jagi, I'll try not to!" I went home and my mom hugged me the second I got in the house. I think she was a little TOO excited for tomorrow. I say her on the couch and we had a very long talk, with some crying, about me and.. Cutting again.. We both went to bed still excited for tomorrow, even after the talk we just had.

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