My Best Frienemy(Exo-Baekhyun...

By wehotweyangyang

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Supreme Student Council President and the Genius Stubborn girl.. The SCC president who's being strict and a... More

Author's note
♪Chapter 1♪- The Beginning
♪Chapter 2♪- Meeting Sehun and the star ranking
♪Chapter 3♪- The Life of No Star
♪Chapter 4♪- Jang Geurim's Revenge part 1
♪Chapter 5♪- Jang Geurim's Revenge Part 2
♪Chapter 6♪- Meeting Kai and the Miss Good-For-Nothing
♪Chapter 7♪- He stole my first Kiss!!
♪Chapter 8♪- Rules and Regulations?i don't think so.
♪Chapter 9♪- I'm Baekhyun's slave
♪Chapter 10♪- My Knight and Shining Shimmering Armor
♪Chapter 11♪- Sehun is InLove
♪Chapter 12♪- Double or trouble Date
♪Chapter 13♪- The Terror Sister
♪Chapter 14♪- What a day!
♪Chapter 15♪- Mystery Guy
♪Chapter 16♪- Kidnapping Baekhyun
♪Chapter 17♪- Give Baekhyun Back!!
♪Chapter 18♪- The Sleeping Snow white and the Prince
♪Chapter 19♪-The Section 1's Tea Club
♪Chapter 20♪- The two of us in the dark
♪Chapter 21♪- Home visit
♪Chapter 22♪- Save the last dance for me
♪Chapter 23♪- Fiancè?!
♪Chapter 24♪- Promised of Each other
♪Chapter 25♪- Avoiding Him.
♪Chapter 26♪- Baekhyun's revealation
♪Chapter 27♪ - Acceptance or Rejection?
♪Chapter 28♪- Her Realization
♪Chapter 29♪- Geurim's Decision
♪Chapter 30♪- The Past.
♪Chapter 31♪- First date
♪Chapter 32♪- Meeting his Father
♪Chapter 33♪- Betrayal
♪Chapter 34♪- His real Identity.
♪Chapter 35♪- Christmas preparation.
♪Chapter 36♪- Christmas day
♪Chapter 37♪- She's Back
♪Chapter 38♪- The Cursed of Jealousy.
♪Chapter 39♪- Lovers Quarrel
♪Chapter 40♪- Into the dark: I Put My Life in Your Hands
♪Chapter 41♪- Reawakening Memories
♪Chapter 42♪- A bid of farewell
♪Chapter 43♪- Missing Baekhyun
♪Chapter 44♪ - First heartbreak.
♪Chapter 45♪ - I found her at last.
♪Chapter 46♪- To Lose Is To Win
♪Chapter 47♪ - Common lies
♪Chapter 48♪- The Pain of Broken Heart
♪Chapter 49♪- His Reason
♪Chapter 50♪- Bittersweet
♪Chapter 51♪- Long Lost brother
♪Chapter 52♪- Irreturnable Relationship
♪Chapter 54 ♪- The night of the Fireworks [Part 1]
♪Chapter 55♪- The night of the fireworks [Part 2]
♪Chapter 56♪- Wish upon the Lantern
♪Chapter 57♪- Operation:Saving Geurim
♪Chapter 58♪- The real war begins
♪Chapter 59♪- Prefinal
♪Chapter 60♪- Final

♪Chapter 53 ♪- Her precious friend

961 37 5
By wehotweyangyang

53: Bestfriends

Yoona's   P.O.V

"Geurim changed a lot."

That's what I observed on her after that day Sehun told us the truth behind Baekhyun's mysterious actions.

Geurim is the type of person that will show her true feelings and true self infront of everyone. I met her as a hyper and energetic person and correct me if i'm wrong but she's also a rule breaker and a naughty girl .But that was before ,the Geurim that I know now is opposite to the way she was used to be. She's still manage to laugh and smile but it didn't reach her eyes.It's like , she laugh fakely and smile fakely.

I really want to punch Baekhyun for turning my Geurim into a different person and also Sese for keeping it on us for a long time.

I'm thinking twice if I should take her out today or not.Tomorrow is  The Star festivalaa  and we need to find Jeogori outfit for it. I know it's for couple but I have to take her there because I don't want her to be stuck in a one sided love forever.

"Yoona Goodmorning!"

My eyes sparks after I saw her. Since she's here  ,maybe it's the time to look for Jeogori.  "Goodmorning too Geurim. Let's go out and find Jeogori!" I said in a hyper voice and excitedly Grab her

"Wait Yoona, where are we going anyway?"  

"We're going to the mall to find a perfect Jeogori for tomorrow's star Festival." I step forward as I paused and start to pose again. "Tomorrow is the most special day for all of us. Star Festival ,oh star Festival. I can't wait for tomorrow ,seeing you wearing a Jeogori  while happily dating with a guy. When Fireworks shoots ,He will kiss you infront of everyone and you will live happily ever after."

Kyaaah Imagining that makes me jump like crazy. Geurim is really the only one that I can show my true self ,My stupid side which everyone doesn't know.

I look at her and I feel like want to laugh at her expression. She's confused in what i said "waaah!Let's go now Geurim!"  I grab her again and runaway out of the School.

Since The School is busy for preparation for the Star Festival tomorrow ,we can go out of School to go to the mall. I want to buy presents for Sehun to and I will going to need Geurim's help


"I like this !" I stand infront of the mirror while wearing the Jeogori that consist of a blouse shirt oand chima,a wrap-around skirt, which is usually worn. I choose red since it represent love and this is my favorite color too. "Geurim are you done ?"

my!She's already inside the dressing room for half hour , I wonder what is she doing inside.
"I'm done. How was it?Does it Suit me?"

"Waaaah!" I run towards her and hug her. "You look Gorgeous in that!"

The Blue Jeogori really fits her.I Can't wait to transform her. I will be the one to do her hair and make up tomorrow and I will really going  to make sure that she will be the most beautiful girl inside the venue. Good think I have tickets that I compiscated fron those three Idiots.

If Only Baekhun was here ,I'm sure she will enjoy the event.



"are you really sure I can go on Star festival tomorrow?"

"Of course. Sehun and I will going to find a date for you."

wait!But we haven't found  guy for her date tomorrow.  Kai is not available because he's busy practicing on dancing for competition with the girl in with a Hyoyeon name. I think that girl is one of the top 10 most popular at School .  "waaaaaaah!" 

"What's wrong?"

"Come on !let's pay for this !" We went to the dressing room to wear off the Jeogori then I grab her towards the counter to pay for it.  

waah I almost forgot my present for Sehun!Good thing I remember it.

"Where are we going now Yoona?"

"We're going to the Second floor. Help me search for a present."

"For whom?" 

Look at this girl, who am I suppose to give a present? Of course for Sese.

"secret." I said as I smile at her.She  pout like a duck . This girl is really good at hiding her feelings. If I didn't know that she is Broken ,I would have thought that she's really happy right now.

She's really have a strong heart that's why I love her.She's the only one I can treat as a bestfriend.

I never forget that day when she said that I'm her bestfriend.It was on the the last night of the School festival when I made the hair and make up on her  for the last dance.

She was still so hyper that time.

I'm crying now!I really missed the old Geurim. If only I can give Baekhyun to her , I'll do it for the sake of her happiness even though I already want to destroy that Coward guy's face.

"Yoona are you okay?" She ask  worriedly.

"Oh yeah I'm okay."  I wipe the tears that almost want to fall from my eyes. "Geurim may I ask you one thing?" 

"What is it?"  we stop infront of the shoes court of the mall

"What do you think will be a good present for a guy? I want to buy Sehun a present tomorrow. Can you help me?"

She smile at me and hold my hand first before she answer me .  it's just my opinion. But for what I know ,Guys are not choosy in  like that . As long as it was came from the very important person his life ,as long as it came from you.  They don't need expensive things as long as you gave effort to it.I know Sehun,he will going to like whatever you gave him."

"Waaah Thank you so much! you are really Jang Geurim ,My one and only bestfriend!" I hug her really really tight! what would you expect in a Genius stupid girl like her? waaah she's really the best. 

We went to the Jewelry shop of this mall and she suggest again that bracelet will be a best gift for him so I chose the the Silver bracelet ,it has a infinity design that she chose too ,it's just a simple brace but you can see how attractive it is and I really really like it.

I don't know if it was just me but , she became sad for a few seconds after she saw this infinity bracelet ,like she remembered something that makes her sad.

'who am I kidding? She remember Baekhyun again.'

I just took a deep sigh and brought her to the Chinese restaurant. I want her to forget him just for this day by eating all day. We will going to eat a bestfriend date lunch here and because i'm very hungry , I ordered each of the recipe here , I really like Chinese foods especially the black noodles.

OMO!I almost forgot that I have to help the School Council for tomorrow's event. Since Baekhyun is not around ,they assign me  to substitute him.

"Yoona Are you sure we can finish this? I guess you ordered a lot." 

"Don't  worry that . Just eat and eat because we are going back to School."  I smiled At her.

aish!I still want to  be with her but what can I do? It's the School's command so I have to follow them for the sake of my School rank.Oh life, I really don't want this in the first place. I'm only doing it for my Parents' sake because I don't want to dissapoint them .

"Yoona may I ask something?"

I nodded smiling at her.I wonder what will she going to ask. If that's about academic,it's impossiple for me to answer it .I'm just good at works bad i'm bad at academics that's why i'm in section B you know . hahaha.  "Since you and  Sehun already this close. Hmmp." She paused for a second. "Tell me, are you two official already?"

I blushed for a second and shake my head. "No, but we're already d-d-dating."

waaaah i'm stammering!

I blush more when she suddenly laugh .

Gosh why is she laughing ? 

"HAHAHAH! wait.....Pffffft.. hahahahahaha. One more time .Hahahahahaha . Last one .Hahahahahahah."

"Waaah Geurim why are you Laughing? Is there funny in what I said?"

"Pfffft.  Nothing. I'm just laughing at your reaction. You're blushing too much."

"Eeh Did I blushed ?"

waaah It's embarassing. Okay Earth eat me now!Hurry up!  Geurim is really an idiot. How could she laugh at me like that! but I smiled.

At least I saw her true Laugh again.

"Yoona why are you crying ?"

"Nothing.I'm just so happy to see you Laugh again."  I hold her hands and look at her seriously "Promise me ,you won't cut your hands again okay?" 

When I heard she slit her hands because of that bastard  ,My worlds and heart stops for A while and cried secretly. I don't know what will i'm going to do if she died that time.

I don't want to lose the most precious person in my life, that's why even I already want to punch that Baekhyun's face ,I can't do it because I know how much Geurim loves him.

"Promise. I won't do it again. I'm sorry." 

I shake my head. "Don't say sorry. I'm already okay when you promised.  Come one let's continue our lunch ,it's getting cold."

She sniff and wipe her tears so we both laugh again.

It is the day before the Star festival back then when I have my first bestfriend date with the most precious person in my life.


After our bestfriend date ,we already went back to School , I went to  her dorm first to check  it. While she was inside the comfort room , I sat on her bed to wait for her and while I was waiting , there was a small box on her study  table that catches my attention.

I walk towards it and my forehead turn into knots after I saw the name of the person who gave it to her.

I know it's hef private things but i'm so curious .

waaah Sorry Geurim.

I Open the letter that was place beside the box.  I read it from the beginning until the end and I cried on the last part that he wrote.

"I'm sorry if i'm always running away,I'm sorry if I hurt you for many times ,I only did it for you because I love you.I want to secure your safe and it's okay for me if I suffered a lot. Maybe this is not the right time for us.I have no other way to put it "

I am hurting. I'm hurting for the both of them. Why? Why can't they be together?  What do his father want  to prove that they really love each other? I know how cruel his father is , but is it too much?

He's sacrificing his son for his own interest.

I close the letter and put it back right away to the place where I took it  after I heard the sound of the door knob.

"Finally ,i'm done!"   

I wipe my tears before I face her.  "Geurim I got to go , Tao is already callinh for me to help them. " I lied.

"Eeeh? Okay. " 

"Let's just meet up infront of the School at 5 pm tomorrow."

"okay. ^_^"

"don't be late !"



It's already one step before completely step out the room but I stop and runaway back to hug her.  I hug her tight.Really really tight. This is the only thing I can for her her.

"W-What's wrong Yoona? "

I let go of her from my hug. "Nothing. I just want to hug you. "  I took one step backward  before I turn my back on her.

"I will do anything to make you real happy again. I promise." 

I said before I left the room completely.


Cielo's P.O.V

"waah i'm sure Blaze will propose and ask me to be his date for tomorrow."

"Are you using drugs Cassey?Do you think my Blaze will invite you?i'm sorry but he won't do it because he will going to invite me."

I hit the head of this two idiots. "Are you going to shut your mouth up or I'll tear up your tongue?"  They both nodded and Zipper their mouth.

Tss I don't know what did that Blaze gave them to make this two brats go crazy with him .Honestly ,i'm not really interested with him because I already marked my words that I will be a Baekhyun's fan forever. As the president of the Baekhyun fanclub , I will never break my will just for this Blaze guy. Gosh !He's so boastful you know.

He's still nothing compare to our prince Baekhyun,his sister is the only is the only hindrance that's why Baekhyun is ignoring us.

I don't hate Geurim,I just don't like her because she stole Prince to us but I don't mind it anymore.

I don't understand Prince either. He already have Geurim who change his life but he push her away for that Bitch girl.

After what she done before? She only ruined our prince's life before.

I already knew Yuan. tss I hope she will die already for the sake of everyone. Joke. But seriously  I really hate that girl. I feel like she's just pretending being Ill to get prince Baekhyun. Tss again. What a Loser


My eardrum almost explode after Dhalia Shouts in my ear so I slap his head slighty.  "What the hell Dhalia!Why did you shout at my ears?"  I ask irritately.

"Because you're not listening! what are you thinking anyway?"

"It's none of your bussiness." I rolled my eyes on her.

"KYAAAAAAH Prince Blaze is HERE!!!!!!!"  Cassey shouted and so Dhalia Squealed too after  We saw that Blaze is walking on the way here.  I just rolled my eyes on them while crossing my hand when Blaze talks with them

"Aish!!!"   I can't really believe it !They replaced Prince Baekhyun for that Stupid Blaze!He's not even handsome! Our Prince Baekhyun  is still more better.

"Hi Cielo."

"I don't care." I turn my back on him. Aish Can he just talk with that two idiots and just ignore me. 

He walk infront of me  "Hi."

"Shut up! " I turn my back on him again but he did the same thing again and jump infront of me.   "Get the hell out of my sight you weirdo!!"

Argh!This guy is annoying!

I was about to walkout but I frozed after what he said.

"Cielo,Be my date for tomorrow."

I look back in slow motion and I can feel the aura of the two girls and they are giving me a death glare.

I took a very deep sigh to calm myself down because anytime I will going to explode because of this Blaze guy.

"Sorry ,but no."  I said with emotionless. Waaaah i'm gonna be dead to Dhalia and Cassey later.  "Hey! what are you doing ?!!"

I ask nervously.  He's walking towards the road . We are here in the parking lot outside the School so there is surely cars will pass by here  and he will be hit.

"OH MY GEE!!Prince what are you doing?!"    Cassey shouted panicly

"Waaah  Cielo stop him!!!" -Dhalia

"Cielo!Be my date tomorrow or I'll  stand here and wait for the car to hit me."

Aargh what is this guy thinking ? I don't want to be his date for tomorrow's festival. What if He will kiss me in the middle of the fireworks? waaah I don't want him to be my forever. I'd rather die !I hate this guy!I really hate this guy!

"Cielo!" -Dhalia and Cassey

"what!!-----uh oh!"  Look at this two idiots. Why are they looking at me like that? are they telling me to be his date ?No way!

"I'm waiting for your answer."   he suddenly lye in the middle of the road. "I won't stand here if you won't agree to be my date tomorrow."

What should I do? Should I said no and just let him hit by the car or Say yes?   "AaaRGH!!Ok FINE!!!!"

"Wohoo Yes!!!"  he stand up and runaway towards me then suddenly hug me that made the two girls glared at me again.

Prince Baekhyun Forgive me huhu .

my Reputation being the president of the Baekhyun fanclub is already Ruined  and it's all  this Blaze guy's fault!

- - -

Geurim's P.O.V

I can't believe on the news that I heard. Blaze's date will be Cielo? Aa in Cielo of the Baekhyun fanclub?  and what  more surprises me is that. Blaze admitted that he has a crush on her.

I really want to slap my self to believe that it's just a dream? Like what the hen! My brother has a crush on one of the most idiot person in the Seoul University.

OMG! It's a nightmare.

I just took a deep sigh and lye in my bed. He called just now and that's the news I heard. Gosh what is happening to the world?

I stand up again and went to the refrigerator to get some water to drink.

"This is so stressful you know!"  I talk to myself infront of the refrigerator.

out of nowhere I look at the paper bag where the Jeogori that I will going to use for to use placed. I walk towards it and stare on it for a few minutes. "Do I really have to go?"I ask to myself.

I sat in the chair infront of the study table and rub my head because my head is aching thinking about this stressful thing.   "Huh?"

wait a minute, where is the box? I'M Sure I just place it in here.

I remove all the things in the table and check it one by one but The mini box is not here.The only thing left here is the Letter that Baekhyun gave me.  "Where are you box?" 

I ask with a crying tone while looking for it.

I can't lose it. I can't lose the last thing that I recieve from Him.


to be continued..

waah mianhe if this part is lame. I'll do better next time so please comment your reaction and don't forget to vote. That's all !Thank you :)

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