Immortal love...can always be...

By xAngelFromAbovex

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Crystal stone is an average teenage girl, with understanding family and amazing friends. Her life seemed norm... More

Chapter 1-Deja vu (Edited)
Chapter 2- Hospital?? (Edited)
Chapter 3- The rogue vamps back in town? (Edited)
Chapter 4- The stranger in the dream...(Edited)
Chapter 5- Falling in love?? (Edited)
Chapter 6- Amy's run in with a stranger.... (Edited)
Chapter 7- Alec's little secret is revealed.(Edited)
Chapter 8- Vampires exist
Chapter 9- Introduced to the family....
Chapter 10- The Trance of Blood
Chapter 11- Charlotte's a Vampire Hunter???
Chapter 12- Through a new life...
Author's note
Chapter 13- A date; with an annoying disturbance.
Chapter 14- Vampires...
Chapter 15- A big decision...
Chapter 16- The intense pleasure and pressure of Blood
Chapter 17- Love...anger...danger
Chapter 18- Answers revealed...
Chapter 19- A new forming love? or just teasing?
Chapter 20-secrets...secrets...and more secrets
Chapter 21- A New Change
Chapter 22- Running...
Chapter 23- Training...
Chapter 24- Hunter's back...
Important...please read!!!
Another Re-cap!!
Chapter 25- Your weak spot...
Chapter 27- Change.

Chapter 26- You have a twin!

73 6 4
By xAngelFromAbovex

Chapter 26-

Amy’s POV

“James where are we going? I thought you wanted me to learn some defence?” I asked curiously as James led me past the swarms of vampires and kept walking till we reached the forest, he kept dragging me through the shallow of trees.

We suddenly stopped till we came to a clearing, he led me to a fallen down tree truck pulling me onto his lap. I smiled knowing there was a heated blush on my cheeks as he rubbed his fingers along my cheek making me shiver.

“What are we doing out here?” I asked raking my fingers through the back of his hair.

“Just wanted some alone time with you” I looked away as a blush crept over my cheeks making James chuckle. He grabbed my chin gently in his hand turning me back to his face, he pressed his lips gently to mine as I turned and straddled his lips but there was something wrong…I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

His lips kissed me back hungrily taking me off guard; his hands gripped my waist tightly making me wince as his grip tightened. I tried pulling away from him but he wouldn’t let me go, I bit his tongue making him pull away as his face screwed up.

“What the f*ck!” He growled grabbing my hands firmly in his grasp, I tried struggling away from him but he wouldn’t let me.

“What is wrong with you?” I hissed as he locked my hands in one of his own, his lips turned up into a devious smirk. This was not the James I knew.

“Who the hell are you?” I spat, as his smirk only seemed to grow, his eyes darkening this was not James, who the f*ck is this?

“I’m Jayden…James’s twin brother, I can’t believe you didn’t notice the difference…pity really” He commented standing up, still having a firm grip on my hands. I tried prying my hands from his but he was a stronger vampire than me, I even result in kicking but that got me nowhere. Suddenly a group of vampires were with us, around about five of them including Jayden- not many but they were intimidating. There were two girls, who looked to be running the show while the guys were just there pretty much as bodyguards.

“So this is Amy?” A woman with washed out blonde hair and silver/blue eyes asked, looking oddly familiar to another one of the vampires.

“Yup” Jayden said unamused, the lady looked me up and down- I don’t know what the hell she was doing but it was making me uncomfortable!

“Do you mind?” I spat my eyes narrowing at her; she looked up into my eyes chuckling humourlessly to herself before taking a menacing step towards me clutching my chin in her hand.

“What your mouth!” She hissed in my face, her eyes turning a pitch black. “Or you’ll look like your poor little boyfriend” She said in a mock voice before I looked past her to see James being chucked to the floor, his body lifeless as a wooden stake was stuck in his side.

“James!” I cried managing to get out of Jayden’s grip to fall beside James, cradling his head in my lap. Tears were flowing from my eyes as I bent my head beside James and I could faintly hear Jayden’s conversation.

“You promised me you wouldn’t kill him,” He hissed under his breath to the woman.

She chuckled in response before reply. “He’s not dead just…let’s say paralysed” 

I lifted my head from James, wiping away the tears that are trailing down his pale white cheeks. Out of anger I grabbed the stake and threw it at the bitch, it lodged into her side making me grin.

“Mum!” Her son- I assumed- screamed before he was pinning me to the floor, his fangs dangerously close to my neck. I saw out of the corner of my eyes the other girl helping her pull out the stake and help her up but what surprised me was when I saw Jayden look down at his brother, his eyes holding tears in them before he shook them away and his blank stare returned.

“Aren’t you a sneaky little b*tch!” The woman smirked pushing her son aside before grabbing me around the neck, pinning me up against the nearest tree. I scratched at her hand trying to get away but I gave up…if I was going to die at least I would die with James. Tears escaped my eyes as I gave up my fight as she had easily pinned me up against the tree.

“Amy!” My eyes shot over to where Kayla was standing, hand over mouth as she took in the situation. The lady looked at me, as did everyone else narrowing her eyes at me.

“You know her?” She growled at Kayla.


her eyes were pitch black as she threw me in Kayla’s direction, I landed with a thud against a tree easily splintering the tree. Kayla was at my side in a heartbeat helping me up, I looked up at her with astounded eyes…what is she doing with these…she’s a vampire! She is a bloody vampire!!

“Amy your…” Kayla started with the same expression as mine.

“Your…” I started but couldn’t finish my sentence either.

“Yeah, yeah your both vampires get over and let’s go” The lady’s son said in a blank tone, throwing James over his shoulder as he did so.

“Oliver don’t be so heartless, I haven’t seen my friend in weeks possible months…don’t be so pissy just because she caught you all off guard” Kayla shot back as Oliver turned to face her, he narrowed his eyes at her shooting her a glare saying ‘we are not done talking’ before he walked off following his mother.

“Come on, it looks like your staying with us now” Kayla sighed before I followed her, clinging to her arm the whole walk to where ever they were heading. I didn’t even remember where we had gone all I know is that we kept walking through the forest till there was a clearing. On the outside it look like a normal little wood shack but once you were inside, it was ten times bigger with all modern furniture. 

We first walked into the lounge room, lush black leather lounges, flat screen TV, blood red rug pretty much everything in the room was either black, white or red. 

Oliver carelessly chucked James onto one of the lounges, which I went straight to, caressing his head in my lap. I looked up at Kayla who was looking down at me with sad eyes, as tears threatened to escape my eyes.

“Oliver!” She yelled, I think I finally noticed that no one else was here and I was glad…I hated them! I don’t want to se any of them! It wasn’t soon till Oliver was in the room, looking at Kayla before glaring at me.

“What?” He asked looking towards Kayla; she crossed her arms over her chest glaring at Oliver.

“Help him! If not for Amy for me…please” She begged to him, he contemplated for a second before sighing while raking a hand through his hair.

“Move” He curtly said to me making me get us quickly, he picked James up before turning me around so he could see his wound clearly. He quickly examined, scratching over the surface of it and looking around the now healing wound.

“He’s fine he’s just lost some blood, just bit into your wrist and wait for him to latch onto your wrist then you’ll know he’s fine” Oliver stated boringly before getting up and walking away…I would of thanked him if he stayed around longer but I wanted to help James more.

“Thanks” I said to Kayla who nodded, a slight smile on her lips.

“I’m going to go talk to him, you should be okay here” I nodded to her before she disappeared, I didn’t even hesitate to bit into my own wrist my wound was quick to so I quickly pushed it to James mouth. I worriedly waited till his fangs suddenly latched onto my wrist; his eyes flew open as he did so savouring the taste of my blood.

Kayla’s POV

“What is up your butt?” I questioned as I leaned against the doorway of his- well our new room they made me share with Oliver. He was laying on our bed carelessly, his hands under his head as he turned to look at me a bored look on his face.

He just simply looked away, staring aimlessly at the ceiling. I sighed walking into the room shutting the door behind me as I did, I stood at the edge of the bed not sure on what to do when a brilliant idea came to mind.

“Drop bear!” I screamed landing with a thud on his chest, I giggled as he groaned pushing me off of him.

“What the hell?” He screamed back at me sitting up as he did so, I couldn’t speak I just kept giggling as Oliver watched me an amused little smirk playing on his lips.

When I had finally controlled my giggles I propped myself up on one shoulder looking up at Oliver, he rolled his eyes at me before lying down and staring at the ceiling.

“Okay…tell me what’s wrong?” I asked sitting up and looking over him, he rolled his eyes before he turned on his side. ‘Seriously, what have I done? What did I say?’

I leaned over his side, studying his face until he turned his head and looked at me. I gave him the puppy dog eyes while pouting my lip…he seemed to be giving in.

“Come on, we’ve been through too much for you to not tell me anything” I answered rolling off him as he turned back around to lay on his back.

He sighed before answering me. “I’m just pissed with you…okay I guess not you just how the way I treated that James guy. Also the fact your lovely friend hurt my mother and I didn’t do anything about it, she’s the only family I have left I cant loose her…I guess just the stupid stuff and then you go and boss me around, I’m the man I make the orders”

“That is why your angry…I get you don’t want to loose your mother, I get it but you have to remember your mother started this war and is going to mostly likely either be injured or killed by it…I don’t mean it in a bad way, I’m just being realistic” I smiled weakly at Oliver as he turned his head away from me.

“And I can boss you around all I like, you’re not my man…you have to earn and deserve my trust to be my man!” I added giggling to myself lightly as Oliver turned back to me, his eyes twinkling. He quickly rolled on top of me pinning me down with his hips, he grabbed my hands pinning them beside my head as he leaned his head down to my neck.

“I am the boss, never forget that” Oliver whispered in my ear before nibbling on my earlobe before trailing his fiery kisses down my neck, I moaned lightly arching my back to his chest. My god what am I doing? Why am I letting this happen?

Amy’s POV

Once James had enough of my blood he reluctantly pulled away licking over my wrist and it instantly healed. He rested in my lap as I took my hand back, raking it through his hair before leaning down and kissing his head.

“Thank god your okay,” I whispered raking my hands down to his shoulder and rubbing little circles with my thumb.

“What happened?” He croaked out, his voice barely audible. I wasn’t even sure on that question.

“Your twin brother Jayden tricked me and took me into the woods where I found out you were nearly dying, then I don’t know why they wanted me or you for that matter but found out that Kayla is with them and is a vampire” I rushed out…he looked up at me as if I was crazy but then frowned as if he was remembering something. I nearly jumped off the lounge when he suddenly sat up turning to face me, bring me close to his chest.

“I remember now. My brother Jayden he came to talk to me but suddenly these rogues came out of nowhere and staked me…the next thing I know is waking up to your face, but I think I know what they want. They need more rogues to take on Alec’s family, they are recruiting more vampires to take them on,” He stated and my mouth dropped, that she devil bloody conned me into joining her group of rogues! F*ck that! No way in hell am I joining her group of rogues…I would never do that!

“No way in hell!” I screamed but James quickly covered my mouth with his hand shushing me, he pulled me closer kissing my cheek before whispering in my ear.

“Don’t worry…well pretend to play along with their plan, but we can secretly give word to Alec and his family…we will get through this” He said kissing my lips briefly before pulling me into a tight hug. “Well get through this” He whispered again as I was cradled in his arms.


Hey guys sorry i haven't posted in a while, i've had no inspiration to write lately but i hope you guys like this chapter!!!

James has a twin :O Shocking!!



FAN? if you want?

<3 love you guys!!!

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