A Love Story Gone Wrong (Snam...

By NicoleChristine1

25.1K 1.4K 325

Serenity Saige Snape and her twin brother Ryder Axel Snape, children of Hermione and Severus, are finally at... More

Chapter 1!
Chapter 2!
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!
Chapter 8!
Chapter 9!
Chapter 10!
Chapter 11!
Chapter 12!
Chapter 13!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16!
Chapter 17!
Chapter 18!
Chapter 19!
Chapter 20!
Chapter 21!
Chapter 22!
Chapter 23!
Chapter 24!
Name Change
Chapter 25!
Chapter 26!
Chapter 27!
Chapter 28!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34!!
Chapter 35!
RIP Alan
Alan Rickman
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Final Author Note
Bonus Chapter
Extra Chapters?

Chapter 36!

312 25 5
By NicoleChristine1

Surprisingly, Katherine Rose slept through the night. Not crying nor waking up until about half past eight the following moment. Severus and I were able to talk quietly before we too fell asleep. I am anxious about hiding my dark mark from Ronald and Harry, even though we hardly see or speak to each other, they are still my best-friends and they should know. Severus does not agree with me, stating it would be like a secret weapon. The Brightest Witch of Her Age teamed up with The Dark Lord. The thought of me siding with our childhood enemy makes me sick. But what choice do I have? I have the Dark Mark on my arm and I must live with it. Severus did however give me permission to inform Ron and Harry that I am staying at the Malfoy Manor for a while and if they would like to send me owls, that it is the place to send them.

Dear Harry,
How are you? It has been so long since we last talked. How are Ginny and the Children? I miss you and Gin so much! I am sending this owl to inform you that Severus and I have moved into Malfoy Manor for the time being. We think it is easier to raise Katherine Rose here with all the extra people so she can be raised in the proper environment, among her own kind. So if you have any owls, please send them to Malfoy Manor.
Hermione Jean Snape.

I re-read the letter, ensuring it sounds okay. My Dark Mark begins to burn, but I try to ignore it. I grab another piece of parchment and begin writing my letter to Ronald.

Dear Ron,
How are you and Lavender? It has been a while since we saw each other or talked. I miss you. How is your family? Molly? George? I miss them all so much! I am sending you this letter to inform you that Severus and I have moved into Malfoy Manor for the time being. We believe it will be easier if we raise Katherine Rose here, with all the extra people and so she can be raised in the proper environment, with magic and her own kind. If you wish to contact me, please send the owls to Malfoy Manor.
Hermione Jean Snape.

I sigh. I quickly send the letters away before I rethink my decision. Severus left whilst I was writing to Harry to give me privacy and space. Telling my two childhood best-friends that I have moved in with our childhood enemy, is basically ending the friendship. Tears begin to roll down my face, as I feel cracks begin to form on my heart. Life used to be easier, we used to be loyal to each other, and it is my fault everything changed. If I hadn't have fallen in love with Severus Snape I would still have my best-friends.

But saying that, I do not regret falling in love with Severus. As if I hadn't have fallen in love, I would never have found my soul mate and I wouldn't have had three angels. Life is in fact full of disappointments and down moments, but it cannot rain forever. Life is like a rollercoaster I guess. Full of ups and downs, twists and turns. But we all end up at the same destination in the end. We all get buried in the same hole. We will all be grieved the same way.

But the one thing I have learnt in my adult years, is that life isn't measured by the amount of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

And in the years of my life, I have lived to my fullest. If I was to die today, I would die happy. If I would've died when I was supposed to die a few days ago, I would have been happy. I have lived a good life, but I want to make the future a perfect place for my children to grow and for my children to have their own families.

I am so glad for all the things I have done over the years. All the times I have smiled, laughed, cried, screamed and yelled, they have all been creating a story. My story. The story of Hermione Jean Granger Snape.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by Katherine's cries. I walk over to her crib and pull her into my arms. She immediately quietens and looks up at me with her red-brown eyes. "Hey baby girl," I smile down at the child I created with the love of my life. "Did you have a good sleep?" Katherine Rose gurgles a little bit but her eyes are still locked with the eyes of her mother. "Your mummy and daddy love you so much Katherine Rose. So does your sister and brother. We all love you so much.

"Mummy is going through a tough time at the moment. She has been forced to side with the enemy, and fight against her friends. All I want is for you to be given the best life possible, and for you and your older siblings to have a safe and happy life. But there is dangerous times coming up my sweet child. And I don't know what will happen, nor do I know the outcome, but I promise you that you will never have to suffer the way I have, and you will not have the same childhood as I did. I will not let any harm come to you or your siblings and if I die trying to give you all a better future, I do not mind. Just remember that your father and I love you all so much, and we always will." I don't notice the tears streaming down my face until they are wiped away by Severus. He looks sadly down at me before wrapping his arms around Katherine Rose and I. I sob softly into his shirt, pulling ourdaughter tight against my chest.

"I am so sorry Hermione," Severus whispers, his voice croaky from the tears that have began to fall. "I wish I could've given you the safety I once promised."

"You have kept me safe," I whisper. "You have kept me safe through everything. You always do manage to save me. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you. I love you." I look up at Severus and press my lips to his. Severus kisses me back softly. The kiss is as gentle as a caress and it doesn't last long but it is all we needed.

We will be okay for another day.


Wow. Sorry this chapter is so deep. I was blasting my depressive music whilst writing this, but I must say I am pleased with the result.

I am sorry to announce this, but the end of this story is near. There is still a little bit to go, but I would like to notify you that the story will end, and that end is coming up. In the next few chapters, we will have drama. We will go into Ron and Harry's mind after they receive the letter from Hermione. And of course, Lord Voldemort will reveal his master plan.

Buckle up readers,
As it is about to go down.


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