Hook's Daughter

By litwithliz

265K 8K 615

What would Captain Hook from Once Upon A Time's daughter be like? What would her life be like on the Jolly Ro... More

Magic... its not the best
A land without magic but not fairytales
Trust the Creepy Stalker who is actually Pinnochio?
Granny's B&B
The curse
Fairytales are confusing
Mr Gold's Pawn shop
The curse is real
Emma Swan
Meeting Emma
You're Very Persuasive
The Search
Looking for Henry
Finding Henry
Clock Tower
Kicked out
John Doe
the Search
David Nolan
A Job
The Price of Gold
Mary Margaret's Dilemma
All cleared up
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Lost Hearts
Emma Unemployed
The Fire
Gold's Arrest
Missing Person
Miner's Day Fair
Ruby's Rage
Have a Heart
Hat Trick
A/N please read!!
A/N and Contest!
Moving In
Very Persuasive?
Emma Believes
The Quest
Apples, Fairytales, and Dragons
The Savior
Enchanted Forest
Contest Winners!!
Reunited not so Happily
Giant's Lair
Continuing On
Back to Storybrooke
Jolly Roger
Abandoned Again
Back to the Same Old
No, Not Again
Road trip
Authors Note
Catching Up
Authors Note
Truth and Lies
Get Rid of Magic
Not a Coincidence
Bloody Brilliant
Told You So
Its Good to be Back
Apple A Day
Keeps the Savior Away
Pan's Plan
Gaining Help
A/N & Happy New Year!!
Leaving Neverland
Home Sweet Home
Another Curse
Road Pirates
Oh Goodness
Magic Bad
Island Quest
Back to the Jolly Roger
Welcome to New York
Dream Catcher
Used to it
Time is Wasting
Quiet Minds
Alone in the World
Lost At Sea
Locked Away
New One
The Butcher
Alive but Frozen
Ice Cream Truck
Fake Mirror
Out of Control
Another Curse
Bloody Ridiculous
Heroes and Villains
Everyone Deserves a Happy Ending

{100th chapter!} Home

1.1K 40 4
By litwithliz

OMG ITS THE 100th CHAPTER OF MY BOOK! It's really long since it's the 100th. Thanks for reading :- ) love you all!!!

We got back to the Jolly Roger.
"Henry?" Emma said when we boarded the nice ship. "Where is he?"
"He's over here!" Neal replied, waving us over to him. Henry didn't look like he was breathing, and if it wasn't for Regina's preservation spell, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be.
"Hold on, Henry," Regina said as she took Henry's heart in both of her hands and slowly pushed it into his chest.
"Henry?" Emma whispered.
Nothing happened, and for a moment, everything went silent. All hope was gone from here.
"Henry?" Regina said desperately, "Honey!"
Henry woke up in a short gasp as his eyes opened and he smiled at his family. Henry hugged Regina and Emma and than tried to slow his quick breathing.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Take it easy, buddy," Neal smiled.
"I'm sorry," Henry said in a strained voice. "I wanted to save magic."
"It's okay," Emma sighed. "It's okay."
"I wanted to be a hero."
"There's plenty of time for that," David told Henry encouragingly.
"But now it's time to rest," Mary Margaret finished.
"Welcome back, young sir," Hook added. "Only the best for our guest of honor, don't you think? Captain's quarters."
"Come on," Regina said, smiling. "I'll tuck you in."

Outside, while Regina was taking care of Henry, Neal took Pandora's box from Emma.
"So, I just open this and he'll come out?" Neal asked to no one in particular.
"Apparently," Emma replied.
Neal breathed out and moved his hand over the top so that it opened. A pinkish fog formed a rectangular shape and than formed into the familiar Rumpelstiltskin. He looked shocked to see Neal standing in front of him.
"Bae," he sighed and hugged him. Neal hugged back. "Where's Henry?"
"He's safe," Neal assured him. "He's safe."
"I told you I wasn't gonna hurt the boy."
"I know, I'm sorry," Neal said. "Why didn't you tell me Pan was your father?"
"Because I didn't want you to know that I was as bad a father as he was," Rumplestiltskin said honestly. "Because we're both the same, me and him. Because we both abandoned our sons."
"No, you're not the same. You came back for me, Papa." Neal hugged him again.
"He's back," Emma sighed happily at her parents. "That means..."
"He can cure me," David finished for her.
"We can go home," Mary Margaret said happily. "A family."
Something unfamiliar went through the air.
Rumplestiltskin stiffened.
"What's wrong?" Neal asked him.
"He's here," he replied. "Pan."
"Let's go!" Emma practically yelled. "We have to go save Henry!"
"No," Gold said hurriedly as he went towards the room Henry was in. "Let me." He took Pandora's box and went into the room.
Shortly after, Rumplestiltskin came back out.
"He's fine," he assured everyone.
"And Pan?"
He help up Pandora's box. "Safe."
"Right," Regina said. "Than let's go home."
Regina was readying herself. Pan's shadow had been entrapped by Neal, Hook, and Emma in a special coconut. Neal set the coconut in front of a steel cannon and got ready to open it on Regina's signal.
Mary Margaret got all the Lost Boys on one side of the ship so they were away from the shadow.
Emma lit the cannon with a small lighter, Neal opened the coconut, and the shadow went flying through the air towards the main sail of the Jolly Roger. Without Regina, the shadow would have just flew away, or begun havoc, but Regina used magic to trap it. The shadow thrashed back and forth in Regina's hold. When it hit the sail, the shadow lost its form and the sail turned jet black. The shadow was inside the sail.
"You think it'll fly?" Emma asked.
"It has no choice," Regian told her.
"Then let's get the hell out of Neverland."
"As you wish, m'lady," Hook said cheekily and brought up the anchor. The Jolly Roger lifted up off the water and took off, flying through the clear night.

Regina went into the room with Henry, Mary Margaret handed out food to the Lost Boys, David and Emma recalled their adventures, Hook steered the ship, Neal and Gold talked to the side.
I stood by the starboard side of the ship, close to the front.
I didn't really pay much attention to everyone around on the ship, I was thinking about my problem. Magic. Even before this trip to Neverland, magic had been a plague to my life. It had ruined my relationship with my dad, it had brought Storybrooke danger, and it almost cost Henry his life. What good could come from myself having it.
"Are you alright?"
I hadn't noticed Devin walk up next to me, or that I was involuntarily staring at my hands. I quickly pressed my hands against the railing of the ship.
"Yeah, just glad to be off the island."
He smiled. "I'm glad to be off too." Devin folded his hand over mine.
I looked at his features. He didn't look exhausted anymore like he did on the island. There was a new life to him and he really looked glad to be off that jungle jail.
"You should rest," I told him. All the other lost boys were either sleeping or laughing and chatting. "The so-called parties on Neverland seem to be every night. I doubt there's much rest."
"There's not, but with every day you don't age, it doesn't seem like sleep is that important." He yawned at this point and I laughed.
"Well, welcome to the real world now where sleep is rather important. As you can probably tell by your constant yawning. Seriously, Devin, get some sleep. When you wake up, I can show you my town." I smiled which he returned and nodded before going off to sit next to a few of the other boys. I watched the sky roll by as the ship continues smoothly on. I didn't really want to think about my problem right now. It wasn't uncontrollable at this point. I needed to stay calm, unemotional. If I did, maybe I could keep this secret. I didn't need anyone to know, but why? That was the question I couldn't answer myself. Why didn't I tell them? What made me so nervous to tell?
I didn't know. But I did know I wasn't telling. Whatever instinct made me not want to tell was what I was listening to.
"Hey, Ashton!" A few of the lost boys called my name.
"Yeah?" I walked over.
"What's it like?" One of them, Harry, asked.
"What's what like? Storybrooke?"
"Yeah, Storybrooke. Is it like Neverland?"
"Not at all," I said. "There's tons of places for all of you to live. There's this one restaurant to eat at called Granny's and she has the best food. Much better than hog. Her restaurant is also a motel type thing so we'll make sure you all have places to stay until you can get jobs."
"Jobs?" Augur asked. Augur was one of the few Lost Boys who didn't go to Neverland by choice. He was Devin's best friend, and we used to not get along before I started dating Devin.
"Yeah, that way you can buy your own home. And food. But don't worry about it now, we'll all make sure you all have food and somewhere to sleep until you are able to get a job," I told them.
"What kind of jobs are there?" Augur asked.
"Well, there's a lot. You can get whatever job fits your skills. Like, me, when I first got a job outside of Storybrooke, I was a dockhand. Which wasn't a great job, but it made me money, and I was good at what I did. Almost all the people who live in Storybrooke all came from some land besides Storybrooke. I'm sure you can find some who have been to Neverland even. Probably not many though. So everyone's supportive. Whatever job you get, it'll be good. And I promise, whatever happens in Storybrooke will be better than Neverland."
Augur nodded and smiled,
"So when do we get there?" He sounded like a child on Christmas.
"Soon," I promised. "We'll be home soon."

I got up and went back towards my spot at the railing. I was farther towards the back of the ship now.
"Seems like you get along with about everyone," Hook commented.
"The Lost Boys? Yeah, well, I guess after living there for a while they because like family."
"So you spent a lot of time there? Even after..."
"Yeah," I interrupted so he didn't have to say it.
"You do know you can tell me what's bothering you, right?" Hook said.
"Bothering me? Why do you think something is bothering me?" I asked.
"Because, I know that look, Ash. You can pretend everything's fine, but something happened while you were on Neverland this time, didn't it?"
I didn't answer, which was pretty much a reply in itself. I bit my lip.
"You have the look in your eyes of a sailor during a storm. The uncertainty of whether or not you can trust your ship, and the feeling of death seeming inevitable."
"I think my problems a bit bigger than a storm."
"Than there is a problem?"
"Wow, that was clever. You tricked me. Okay, yes, there's a problem. But I've got it handled."
"Good, because I've got a bigger question of who is the boy who keeps staring at you and holding your hand?"
I shook my head at him and laughed.
"God, you're so bloody annoying," I told him.
"I pride myself in that."
We got back to Storybrooke, the Jolly Roger going back down to sea level when we neared the docks. Henry was the first to step off the ship. He paused for a moment as he stepped off, but than put his feet on the ground of Storybrooke. Behind him, Emma, Mary Margaret, David follow suit and get off the ship to be welcomed by Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Happy, Leroy, Mr. Clark, Walter, Mother Superior, Archie and Granny. Granny first hugged Henry, and than Emma. Mary Margaret gasps when she sees a tall girl with bright red hair.
"Ariel?" She asked excitedly.
"Hi, Snow," the girl, Ariel, replied before pulling hugging Mary Margaret tightly. She beams at the sight of the red head and her I assume boyfriend. Regina stood off to the side, a dejected look on her face.
"How does it feel to be home?" Emma asks Henry.
"Better than I ever imagined," he replied with a slight smile.
Wendy, Hook, myself, and all the Lost Boys got off the ship.
"Um, where do we go?" One of them asked nervously.
"I'll introduce you to Granny. Come on," I led the group over to her.
"Ashton," Granny smiled.
"Hi, these are the Lost Boys. They were on Neverland kind of under Pan's control. We need somewhere for them to stay until they can find good jobs around town and support themselves. Is the diner open for all of them?"
"Of course," she said. "I'll get Ruby to make sure all of the rooms are clean and you will all have places to stay tonight."
"Thanks," a few of the boys murmured.
Most of the group of welcomers had left the docks, but a few remains along with the people who had actually gone to Neverland.
"So what about the shadow?" David asked.
"Don't worry," Rumpelstiltskin said. "It's trapped. Just as it was in the candle. The only person that can free it is safely in here." He tapped Pandora's Box with his finger.
Henry's voice rang out through the silence for a moment. "Hey, mom, dad, what about Felix? He's still free," he said.
"Henry's right," Regina said as we walked closer to Henry. "We can't just let Felix walk away free."
"Don't worry," David assured Henry. "We got plenty of cell space for this guy," he led Felix away.
Mary Margaret, David, Emma, Henry, Mr. Gold, Belle, and Neal all went to Mr. Gold's shop to put Pan somewhere away safely where he couldn't hurt Henry again. I went back to my apartment. I really wanted to be alone right now. I had much more work and research I needed to do than I would like to. I needed to figure out a way to get rid of my magic. I couldnt live with it. I was always scared that I would hurt someone, hurt myself. There was no safety net when it comes to magic and I knew that more than most.
I took out my key and tried twisting it but it would not budge. Than I remembered I wasn't the only one that lived here. I opened the door and was hugged immediately.
"Oh my, God!" Charli exclaimed as she hugged me. "Ashton, you just left! I didn't know if you were hurt! I didn't know if you had died! Someone said a bunch of people went off on a flying boat and I couldn't figure out what had happened." She shook her head. "Oh, my God. Please, tell me next time you go off to Neverland, okay?"
I nodded and smiled. I missed Charli.
"I'm sorry, it was kind of a moment decision to jump through a portal and go with a couple of psychos to make sure Henry wasn't hurt."
"But you're alright now? I mean, what happened on Neverland?"
"I don't mean to be rude, but I just got off the bloody island. Can we put off the play by play until tomorrow?"
"Yeah, sorry," Charli said sincerely. "Get some sleep and we can go for lunch tomorrow and than go shopping."
"Sounds great," I replied and went off to get some sleep.

Okay, so what's happening is I have exams this week. I have to study everyday, every spare moment I have. But than I have a four day weekend. I promise I will update that weekend, but I can't promise an update before than. I will try to update though because you babes are SO sweet! Thanks for liking and commenting :- )
Liz xx

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