The Italians #Book 2

By StacyMakau

141K 5.4K 419

Ronna Lewis is kidnapped again by Emilio Guido for business purposes. Will they reconcile and heal their past... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Charter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 9

5.4K 225 30
By StacyMakau

Fiore again.

Hey hey.
I'm sorry all the Dario fans but I just had to do that.
You're going to hate him even more I think in this chapter.

Anyway vote comment and ask any questions.
Remember to tell your friends about this book.

Thank you bye:)


Emilio's POV.

I saw her leave the mansion with angry strides and tears in her eyes. I saw her get into a car as Fabio drove her away. I was curious to know what had happened to her and so I asked Annetta. She told me that She walked in on Dario and Selina having sex. I was infuriated. How dare he hurt her like that after claiming that he loves her. I put myself at risk for him to be with her and then he does this. That bastard.

I stormed up the stairs and into the room where I was told he was. I opened the door and saw the bloody bastard with that slutty shit.

"What the fuck Dario!"

"Emilio let me explain. I..."

I interrupted his by punching his face. I'm pretty sure I dislocated his jaw and he started bleeding.

"Don't you ever ever touch her again you bloody bastard."

With that I left. Fiore kept on calling me asking me where I was and I just told her to leave me alone for a while. I passed by a store and bought some ice cream and a box of tissues for her. I arrived and Fabio told me that she was in the room and after mustering enough courage I knocked on her door. She opened and told me to leave but I couldn't. I needed to be here for her.

After finally letting me in she led me to the balcony. I knew that she would be here because she loved the view so much. I handed her the box of tissues with the ice cream and a spoon and she thanked me. She was silent and I just enjoyed being there with her.

Her eyes were puffy, she must have cried again. I studied her. Her curly hair framing her beautiful face. Her beautiful long legs sticking out of her shorts. Her eyes that were studying the sea. She was beautiful. She was really beautiful.


Ronna's POV

I knew he wanted me to tell him why I was crying but I didn't want to. I just wanted to be alone in the blissful silence.

I finally broke the silence.

"Why do you want to know, why would you care?"

"Because.. because I... I just care."

"So you want to know huh?"

"Yes. If you don't want to I understand."he said smiling at me.

"He cheated on me and not once. He had done it before in Canada but I didn't know that until today. He blamed me because I refused to give myself to him."

"Oh'' he said looking down. "I'm sorry."

"Its okay. Don't be." I said taking another scoop of the vanilla flavored ice cream.

"And earlier?"


"When I found you in the bathroom."

I sighed. I didn't want to explain myself but I just had to.
"It was Tito. He, he tried to... You know."

"Tito?That son of a bitch. I'll ...."

I cut him short . " No Emilio. Don't do anything to him. He didn't hurt me okay. I'm fine."

"Then why did you cry?"

No no no. I don't want to remember this anymore.

A few tears escaped me eyes and he put his hand on my shoulder. His touch was so warm so caring. I had missed his warmth.

"Bellisimo if you're not ready to tell me you don't have to.I understand."

"No lemme just tell you so that we never have to talk about this again."
I took in a long deep breath as I prepared myself psychology.

" I lied when i told you I was a virgin. Val and I were fifteen when it happened. We had been invited for this party by the popular kids and we were so happy that we had gotten invited. It was around ten at night. The people at the party were drunk and all but Val and I weren't. I had a crush on this boy called Andrew and he was at the party. We had flirted several times before and he asked me to follow him upstairs to somewhere more private. Val followed us and we got into a room where there were seven other boys. Three of them took Val to another room by force while the four remained with me. I should have known what was going to happen to me but I was so stupid,so naive to think that they just wanted to talk. That it was normal for your crush to want to be alone with you. That he was just going to introduce me to his friends and ask them to leave. They pushed me onto the bed and two of them held my hands while the others to held my legs.. I tried to fight but I was overpowered........ I was rapped. The whole night the, five boys they rapped me taking turns and taking my innocence away. I couldn't do anything. They had tapped my mouth and I couldn't ask for help and all I did was cry. I closed my eyes and cried, praying that it would soon be over. I found myself in a hospital bed and my mother told me what had happened to me. That's why I don't trust men because all I can think about is how I was rapped by someone I liked. Someone I trusted. Someone who I had known for all my life. And they ruined me. Those five boys broke me and ruined me......Val wasn't rapped luckily she had somehow managed to escape .I transferred schools so I wouldn't have to deal with seeing their faces anymore and even though I reported my case, no one believed me. Nothing happened to them. They are perceived to be innocent. They are still out there, living their lives. When Tito touched me I couldn't help but think of when my innocence was taken. I got scared and I just broke down. That's why I cried in the bathroom."

He looked at me with his blue eyes and studied my tear streaked face.

"Bellisimo I'm so sorry. I never knew."

"No one knows apart from my mother and Val and now you. I trust you with this information so don't tell anyone."

"I would never. I promise you bellisimo."

I tried to smile at him but I failed. I looked at the sea as I ate my ice cream trying to hold back the tears.

"That's why you hate me huh?"

I was taken aback by his question. "What do you mean?"

"You hate me because I had my men rape Valeriya and your sister was rapped by that bastard."

"Hold on. I thought you rapped my sister. At least you implied that you might have. What so you mean that bastard? Who is the bastard?"

He looked into my eyes again before speaking. "I might as well tell you huh."

"Tell me what?"

He signed." Dario. It was all Dario. He killed your father, he rapped your sister. I know you must be confused but lemme just explain okay."

I nodded. He was right, I was confused.

"Dario fell for you way before I did and he asked me to take the fall for him. He asked me to lie to you for him so that you wouldn't hate. I said yes and decided to take the blame for everything but I never knew that I would fall for you. When I did I could do nothing but play along with who you thought I was. I never meant to hurt you. I'm really sorry."

Why me? Why me? Couldn't I have just had a normal life for once?

"So he lied to me.... Emilio you don't have to be sorry. Its not you that I hate, its Dario. I just can't believe that he would..."

I couldn't finish my sentence. Tears began clouding my eyesight and before I knew it, hot tears were rolling down my chubby cheeks. I felt his warm hands pull my head slowly to his chest. I embraced his warm body as I cried again.I cried and he just stroked my hair telling me that everything would be fine.

"I guess I'm not the strong black woman you thought I was huh." I said as I wiped my eyes.

"You are strong bellisimo and just because you cry doesn't mean that you are weak. It shows that you're human." He said giving me a reassuring smile.

"Thank you Emilio. For everything."

"Anything for you bellisimo. Anything."

Silence became present again. I had now finished the tub of ice cream and started at it sadly. It was so good.

"Don't worry I'll get you another." He said smiling at me. "Were leaving tomorrow morning so get ready." He said as he stood up.

"Tomorrow?" I asked in confusion. We were supposed to be here for a week days and its only been two days.

"Yes tomorrow. I know you wouldn't want to be in the same house as Dario and you would want to finish this mission as soon as possible so tomorrow. Goodnight Ronna." He said in such a serious voice.

He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. He changed so quickly it left me in shock. Is he bipolar?

I cleaned up and packed my things setting aside the clothes that I would wear tomorrow before saying a prayer and slipping into the sheets.

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