New Eyes

By Cowgirl_Dragon

184 64 31

This is the second book the Green series, I hope you like it. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30- final
Chapter 31

Chapter 21

4 2 1
By Cowgirl_Dragon

Melody's POV

We walked out the castle door and into the busy town. We decided to split up and cover more ground, I'm with Fern, Jesse is with my parents, and Daniel is with Aira- they honestly look like the cutest pair- and then we were off. "Fern, are you okay?" I asked knowing I haven't confirmed it with her yet. "I'm fine" she plainly answered. I sighed knowing she'd never admit to being hurt. "She's so stubborn" I thought to myself.

We shuffled through the crowd before Fern stopped in her tracks. "He's there" she whispered looking to my helper. I followed her gaze to see a guy with spiked brown hair, and brown eyes sitting against a wall looking to the sky (Pic above). We walked over to him and right as we were a yard away he spotted us. Well spotted Fern, I was hidden behind a tall man. I saw his eyes widen at the sight of her. He quickly jumped from the ground and shuved pasted the croud of people. "I've got 'em!" Fern said before jumping into the air and onto one of the roofs.

Fern's POV

I watched the guy closely, jumping from roof to roof. I looked ahead to see a clearing of the croud. I smiled, increasing my speed to get ahead of the kid. I reached the last roof a jumped off, landing right on the kids heals. "duratus!" I shouted making the kid freeze on the spot. I held him there for a minute to catch my breath and let Melody catch up to us. "Kid I think you just gave me my running for the day." I laughed. I looked behind me to see Melody walking up to us. "Fern, we need to get him back to the castle before we talk to him." Melody pointed out. "Dang she is smart considering how young she looks!" I yelled in my head. I nodded to her before looking back to the kid. "I guess we-" I was cut off by a loud scream. "FIRE!!" a loud woman screeched. I spun on my heal to see one of the shops lit up on fire. "Melody come!" I commanded running to the fire. I kept the spell on the kid as we both ran to the fire.
The fire flickered around, engulfing the whole shop. "Melody, focus and absorb the fire." I said kneeling down to her eye level. She nodded nervously, before running up to the fire. I watched as she closed her eyes and walked up inches away from the flames. She put her hands in the fire held her breath.
I watched as the fire slowly licked her hands and swam into the palms of her hands. I smiled at how fast she was learning and the stronger she is getting. Once the fire was all out Melody gasped for air and opened her eyes. I started walking to her, but stopped noticing her eyes glowing a bright red. People were thankfully away from the fire and had distanced themselves from Melody. "protegat" I said making a large clear shield surround her as she rose into the air. Fire circled her body in thin lines, before becoming bigger and surrounding her whole body. I gasped in awe once the fire cleared and Melody landed back on the ground. "Someond just leveled up" I smiled.

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