Colour Me Green (Camren)

By bemineziam

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The past will get to lauren and her best memories will make her take rash decisions but will the bad memories... More

Chaper One Destroyed
Chapter Two Love Hangover
Chapter Three Expectations
Chapter Four Falling
Chapter Five A Kiss and A Diss
Chapter Six Last Shot
Chapter Seven Not In That Way
Chapter Eight June 11
Chapter Nine Lethal Control
Chapter Ten Grey
Chapter Eleven Dont forget
Chapter Twelve Sparkle
Chapter Thirteen Open
Chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter 7teen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19teen
Chapter 20
CMG 21
Ch;23 silly little things
30 Tea Talk
32 Awakening
34 Revolve
35 What Goes Around
36 Plan
37 Regret?
Chapter 38 Closure.
Chapter 39 Colour Me Green
Epilogue Part 40
Part 2 of Epilogue

Chapter Fourteen Leaving

406 6 5
By bemineziam

The fresh air helped me regain the breath i had lost in the bar.We had walked for 10 minutes senseless.The streets began to become emptier as we entered smaller streets and darker alleys.

"Are you feeling better"

"Yeah"i said as we reached a semi lonely park,we sat on the bench both being tired

"Can I ask you something?"the blonde haired woman asked facing me

"Yeah..i guess"

"Did you ever notice?"

"Notice what?"

"That your "best friend" has been in love with you"she said looking at me intently

"It was just a drunken kiss,a mistake"i said still not having wrapped my head around what happened in the bar minutes ago

"Ive never talked to her but her eyes said it all Lauren,that kiss was more than just a friendly drunken one,she knew what she was doing"

"No you're wrong"i said myself not wanting to admit the blonde woman was right

"Lauren do you love her"

"I love her but not in that way"

"So im guessing shes not the one youre trying to forget"

"No"i said looking down at the wet floor

"You guys need to have a really sincere talk"

"You think?"i said a bit bitterly

"Im sorry i surpassed my boundries"

"No sorry,its just so much has happened in so little time"

"I understand"

"I trust you Cammie,I really do and im not one to open up so easily but i really just need to talk to someone"

"Its okay if you dont want to i dont want to pressure you into telling me your secrets"

"Secrets.....,right?the pains we have to hide in our heads to torture only ourseleves"

"We all have them Lauren you arent the only one"

"This whole time ive been trying to figure you out Miss.Scott yet you seem to have me figured out"

"I, uh i like to observe people,and its much easier and amusing when i get to observe and spend my days with a beautiful person"

"Oh thank you thats the nicest thing youve ever said"

"I wasnt talking about you Lauren but if you feel the shoe fits" the woman said smirking"So tell me who are you escaping from?"I looked her in the eyes and then down at my hands preparing myself for what i had tried to forget coming to this big city

"The person i loved uhm...they decided I wasnt the one after many promises and many years of lies"i said angry again

"Theres lies in all relationships"

"Why do you say that"

"Ive been in relationships myself Lauren"she said chukling

"Yeah but did you have to experience her marrying the person she so many times told you she didnt like?"

"Okay if we are going to have a competition for worst heart break experiences you absolutely win.But uhm ....well Id hate to get your hopes up but theres always divorce?" the blonde girl said actually putting a smile on my face

"Are you serious with that statement" i said laughing

"Well it does exist"

"You are a bigger dork than I thought Camdon"

"I guess i am,i rather be a dork than a sad lonely cat lady"

"Yeah because being a happy old catlady is any better?"i replied wittily

"Im hoping it is"

"Thank you"i said laughing

"No problem but thank you for trusting me i appreciate it"she said sincerely

"We should get going i have to prepare for tonight"

"You can stay in my apartment if you dont want to face Stevie tonight"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes im positive it would be an honour to have Miss.Jauregui stay in my apartment"

"Thank you, it means alot"

Camilas POV
I woke up with my stomach in a swirl.The dizzyness was unbearable as i ran to the restroom.

"Honey are you okay"Ryan asked as he heard me vomiting

"Do I sound okay?"

"Sorry I-"

"No im sorry its just,I think I need to go to the doctor"

"You probably should I mean you are a nurse you should know better than anyone else when your body isnt right"

"I know"

"Honey one last question"

"Yes?"i replied as i washed my mouth on the bathroom sink

"Have you talked to Lauren"

My mouth went blank but my mind went crazy remembering the green eyes and dark hair.The pink lips i would kill for.The silky skin i craved.


"Oh sorry I havent ive tried but i guess shes really bussy in New York"

"Yeah thats the thing Ive asked Stevie about Lauren"

"Why Stevie?"

"Apart from being Laurens best friend shes living with her"


"Yes Lauren wouldnt leave without her,But Stevie herself really hasnt seen much of Lauren either"

Shes trying to find herself in the big city,the way we had planned to do together,well i guess not on her own because now she has Stevie.

"Do you want to go to the doctor?"

"Maybe later I dont want you being late for work"

"You sure?"


"Call me when youre out"

"I will"

She took Stevie, maybe they had something all along and she finally decided to move on,But would she really leave me for her best friend?So many times i doubted them being just friends.Then again who am i to judge i married the love of my lifes brother.

I opened the door to the quite apartment.The settle before the storm.The pain at the pit of my stomach was too big.I looked around but didnt find the slim woman.
I walked into the hall way but there was no sign of my best friend or her belongings.

I walked into her room and found a note on her counter.

Dear Lauren,
I just want to apologize,but then again I dont feel like apologizing,kissing you was something i had been wanting since the first day I met you,but i guess we arent meant to be,all these years i hid my feelings hoping one day you might feel the way i do for you.That day will never come.I waited so many years, all these years it took me to realize you arent for me, i would give you all of me but i cant have all of you and i guess its alright.I just wouldn't be able to live this way.I need time and i sure as hell know you need time.Im not going back home because there is too much of you there for me to see and feel.I hope you find your happiness in yourself and learn to love again.Things dont always happen the eay we want them to and people dont always keep their promises.The feelings we hide are the worst feelings we have Lauren.I love you and i always will.Youll always be a piece of me.Just know i never wanted to hurt you,i hurt myself in the process and thats another thing i want to tell you.Dont hurt yourself trying to make others happy,be happy first and like i said love again you are too beautiful and too precious to let your love die over a person who doesnt deserve your gold.Lauren you are a gem emerald like your eyes.One day we will be able to speak again like before but that day isnt today lets just let things fall into place.
Love Evanna
I sat in the cold room waiting for my results.Maybe it was a flu or i ate something i wasnt supposed to whatever it was it really sucked.

There was a knock on the door and the older man appeared into the room.

"Hell Mrs.Jauregui"


"Cabello?your name ssay-"

"Shoot sorry yes Jauregui i recently got married and it just got to me sorry"

"Well Mrs.Jauregui you and Mr.Jauregui are doing the whole marriage thing right"

"Why is that?"

"Well Mrs.Jauregui you are pregnant"

Hey guys dirty if there are any typos.Comments are always appreciated.Would you guys like shorter chapters or any suggestions would be great.Thank you for reading.And have a lively day.

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