The Walking Remix

由 The_Walking_Remix

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What if the Walking Dead had happened differently? What if the group was just kids, instead of mainly adults... 更多

Major Editing Notice
Yet another notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
The second book is out!

Chapter 43

59 3 0
由 The_Walking_Remix

Another 4 days went by without anything new with Fawn. She just stayed in the same spot, looking like she was asleep. Sometimes, before they went to sleep, someone would talk to her. Kyle tended to do this a lot, even though Tyler kept telling him that she couldn't hear him. No one really wanted to admit it, but everyone in the group was starting to think that Fawn may never wake up, and where starting to lose hope. Kyle especially was really on edge, and was very upset over the course of those days.
"... I don't believe it." Kyle said one morning, the rest of the group around him.
"What?" Allena asked kindly, though concerned. Fawn was still in a coma on the couch.
"... I know this sounds stupid, but I guess I just thought that today would be the day. The day that when I woke up and came out here, she'd be waiting on the couch for me, smiling. I just can't believe it." He sighed, looking at Fawn.
"Don't lose hope yet, Kyle. Remember, we have to give her time." Allena said hopefully to Kyle. Although she wouldn't ever say it in front of Kyle, deep down she had the horrible thought that Fawn may not wake up.
"More time? We've given her a week! She should have woken up by now." Kyle said sadly. The rest of the group was up. Well, everyone except Scarlett. She was still asleep.
"Hey, should I go wake Scarlett up now? She's been asleep for a while now..." Caden asked kindly. Tyler grinned.
"Hey, maybe she's taking after her sister!" He joked. He didn't mean to offend anyone. Apparently Kyle didn't find the joke funny though, which explains why he gave him a glare.
"Tyler... Not funny." He growled.
"I seem to have a knack of saying jokes at the wrong time, don't I?" Tyler said smiling. He really was worried about Fawn as well, but he dealt with stress by making jokes.
"Oh, about Scar. I think you should really let her sleep. She's been dealing with a lot of stress with Fawn and she should get as much sleep as possible. It was a nice thought though." Allena answered Caden.
"Guys, we have a lot to do today, and we should probably get started now!" Venus reminded the group.
"Riiiiiight." Mika answered. The rest of the group nodded their heads, Kyle more reluctantly than others. The rest of the day was just work, work, and more work. Allena was attempting to lift a really big chunk of wood, when she almost fell of the weight.
"Yeah and- Woah!" Allena got caught off guard. In the nick of time, Caden caught her.
"Not today!!!" Caden said jokingly as he set Allena back on her feet. She looked at him, blushing a little.
"Thanks." She said smiling. Then she walked off to go do something else. Caden could almost swear that he could hear Kyle cursing under his breath a few metres away.
"... Oops." Caden muttered. He made a smart decision to try his best to avoid Kyle for the rest of the day. For the group, the rest of the day was basically just work, work, and more work. The work seemed to never end. Everyone was so busy. Well, everyone except Bear, and of course Gretzky. But let's be real, Gretzky never had anything to do anyways, he was just so lazy. Bear and Gretzky were alone in the cabin with Fawn, when something strange happened. Gretzky started to walk on Fawn's stomach, and Fawn shifted a little bit. Bear noticed this right away, and ran out of the cabin to tell the group. First he ran up to Kyle and barked.
"Bear, can't you see I'm busy?" Kyle muttered annoyed. Bear barked again.
"Look, I know you miss Fawn and all, and want someone to play with, but I seriously have to finish this. I'll play with you later." He said again. So, Bear moved on to the next person, who he was sure would understand. He barked at Allena.
"Hey Bear!" Allena exclaimed before giving him a faithful pat on the head. Bear barked again, his head gesturing towards the cabin, where Fawn was.
"Oh, sorry Bear. I can't come in now, I have to keep working. I promise I'll play with you later though!" Allena said, sad that she couldn't play with Bear.
"Oh no." Bear thought. "Who will understand?" Then something clicked in his head.
"Scarlett!" He thought. "She knows what I'm saying!" So Bear ran over to find Scarlett. When he did, she was playing tag with Mika. Bear barked.
"Hey Bear!" Scarlett exclaimed. "Do you wanna play with us?" She asked cheerfully. Bear shook his head and barked again, explaining what happened with Fawn.
"Oh my gosh!" Scarlett exclaimed. "I need to go tell the others!" She said before running off to go find the others.
"That's what I've been thinking!" Bear thought in his mind. Then he walked off into the cabin to lie down with Fawn, waiting for the group to come into the cabin.
"Hey, Kyle!" Scarlett exclaimed out of breath. "Bear... Bear told me that- that Fawn shifted over whenever Gretzky pounced on her! And-" She began to say.
"Stupid cat." Kyle muttered. "Sorry!" He added afterwards.
"It's okay. Anyways, he said that he thinks that Fawn is going to wake up soon! I just thought I'd let you know!" Scarlett chirped. Kyle's face lit up entirely.
"Oh- oh my gosh! She- she might wake up! She moved... Oh my gosh. I need to go see her! Can you go tell the others for me please?" He asked. Scarlett nodded.
"See you in the cabin!" She said before running off to tell the others. Soon enough, everyone started to enter the cabin. First Kyle, than Scarlett, then everyone else. Bear was sitting beside Fawn, glaring at Kyle. Kyle noticed this.
"Oh come on!" Kyle said sarcastically. "I didn't know what you where trying to say, that's all!" He finished. Bear barked as if he understood and went back to Fawn.
"So- you, you think she's going to wake up?" Kyle asked intently to Bear. Bear nodded his head.
"Oh my gosh... She might wake up... Oh my gosh..." Kyle muttered excitedly. Allena entered the room.
"I heard the news, you think she's going to wake up!' She said excitedly. Bear nodded his head.
"Yep!" Kyle replied.
"Has she?" Allena asked.
"Nope, not yet. She should soon though. I really hope that Bear is right..." Kyle answered. Bear looked at him, as if he was mad that Kyle had his doubts about what Bear was trying to tell them.
"What's going on?" Caden asked from behind Allena.
"She might wake up." Allena replied.
"Oh right....Has she?' Caden asked the same question that Allena did.
"Does it LOOK LIKE she has?!?!" Kyle snapped, still mad about a few hours before.
"I suppose not...." Caden answered, embarrassed. 
Suddenly, Fawn shifted again.
"Wait a second!!!" Kyle exclaimed anxiously. 
"What is it?" Allena asked.
"I think she just moved." Kyle replied. 
Then, all of the sudden, Fawn opened her eyes.
"What the...?" She asked confused.
"Oh my gosh... Fawn!!! You woke up!!!!" Scarlett exclaimed happily. 
"Yeah.  What happened, anyway?" Fawn asked. 
"Well, you got shot... This time in the neck..." Venus began.
"Tyler, Scarlett, Venus, Kyle and I went looking for you about five days after you left, and found you...I think a military man shot you..."Allena added.
"But then Mr.Williams came and helped us!" Scarlett finished.
"Wait-h-he did?! Where did you find him?!" Fawn asked surprised.
"He was working for the military, but instead of shooting Panda People, he was helping to save them." Scarlett answered.
"I thought you weren't going to wake up... You were out for like, nine days!!!" Kyle exclaimed. 
"WHAT?!" Fawn asked really shocked.
"Yeah... I'm glad you're okay though!" Caden replied. 
"Oh man... I'm sorry about that..... I must've freaked the HECK out of you guys!!! Especially Scarlett and Kyle..." Fawn apologized.
"It's okay.  It's not your fault!!!  You meant well going to help the AIH fight, we understand!" Allena answered kindly. 
"Okay, now my neck is REALLY starting to hurt!!!!" Fawn cried. 
Caden and Allena looked at each other for a few seconds.
"What is it?" Mika asked skeptically. 
"We've got to have some more of that Advil from the last time Fawn got shot... Right?" Caden asked, still looking at Allena.
"Yeah."  She answered.
"Where is it?" He asked.
"I don't know.... I'm gonna look for it though." Allena answered, walking out of the room. Fawn looked to Kyle.
"Wait... What happened exactly again? I just can't seem to remember..." She said confused.
"So, basically you went out to fight with the AIH, but somebody shot you, in the neck. Venus, Scarlett, Tyler, Allena and I went looking for you about 4 hours after you did. Apparently this guy that you and Scarlett knew a while back was working for the military, and offered to help you. So we got you stitched up, and you were in a coma... For nine days..." Kyle explained.
Just then Allena came back.
"Found it!" She exclaimed.
"So... That's what happened? I got shot?" Fawn asked.
"Yep." Caden replied.
"Say... Where did Marly go? Is she still here?" Mika asked.
"Marly?!" Fawn asked confused.
"I'm right here! Fawn, you're awake!!!!" Marly exclaimed.
"Yeah, I am! But how did you....?" Fawn began to ask.
"Well... You se, I figured out that Logan was Marly's older brother, and that he forced her to fight. She came looking fr you after we found you, and I couldn't stand to leave Marly back at the fight alone, since Logan obviously wasn't looking for her anytime soon. So I asked if she wanted to stay with us for a few days so she'd be safe. Also... If Logan did choose to go looking for her, it serves him right when he can't find Marly!!!" Allena explained.
"About that... When am I going back...?" Marly asked.
'I'll take you back tomorrow." Allena replied.
"By YOURSELF?! No, just... No! Fawn just woke up, and I'm not gonna let anything else happen for at LEAST a week!!! Especially not to you!!!" Kyle cried.
"Well, she has to get back at some point!!!" Allena replied. 
"He's actually got a point, Allena.  One of us should come with you.  There's zombies all over the freaking place!!!" Tyler added. 
"Well... I'm not opposed to somebody coming." Allena shrugged. 
"I could!" Caden volunteered.
"Ohhhhh no!!! If there is one person that I'm opposed to it's YOU!!! I don't want you two out there alone!!! Because God knows what you're gonna say!!!" Kyle near shouted.
Caden backed up a few steps.
"Okay, okay! calm the heck down!!! I was just being Nice! No need to blow a gasket at me!!!" He cried. 
"Okay... Well, If he isn't going, then who is?" Nani asked.
"I will. She's my little sister, anyway." Kyle replied. 
"Okay, so you and Allena are going to the AIH tomorrow?" Fawn asked Kyle.
"Yep.  You had a map on how to get there, right?" he asked.
"I think so, I can't remember..." Fawn answered.
"Can we borrow it?" Allena asked.
"Sure." Fawn replied.
"Well... It's getting kind of late, I might go to bed soon..." Venus stated.
"Same.  I don't know about you guys, but I'm going right now.  Good night." Tyler replied.


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