A Case Of The Crazies (BBC Sh...

By Sherlockian_221B

67.4K 1.9K 282

When an FBI agent's life is in danger, she is forced to move across the world to the city of London. Agent Gw... More

Chapter 1: A New City and New Friends
Chapter 2: New Flat mates Equals Many Awkward Situations
Chapter 3: When Sherlock is bored bad things happen
Chapter 4: I think I've lost my mind
Chapter 5: An Unexpected Journey
Chapter 5: Decisions Decisions
Chapter 6:Bulletproof
Chapter 7: Love Is a Chemical Reaction
Chapter 8:Blood Brothers
Chapter 10: Return Of The Dead
Chapter 11: Therapy
Chapter 12: Nightmare on Baker Street
Chapter 13: A Romantic Carriage Ride
Chapter 14: Wedding planning.
Chapter 15: Meet The Parents
Chapter 16: The Big Day
Chaoter 17: Morning
Chapter 18
Chapter 19: Honeymooning part 2
Chapter 20: Surprise!Surprise!
Chapter 21: Growing Pains
Chapter 22 Babyshowers are for normal people
Chapter 23: Pain is weakness leaving the body
Chapter 24: Our first christmas
Chapter 25:Lonely is my middle name

Chapter 9: Greyscale

2.2K 84 7
By Sherlockian_221B

Chapter 9: Greyscale

(John p.o.v)

It had been three years since that day Sherlock and I had to read the heart wrenching notes from Gwen. We haven't seen, heard from, or even heard of anything about Gwen. Sherlock had taken it the worst, he acted like he did after Irene left, though he wouldn't admit it I could tell he was depressed. I suspected that she was dead but Sherlock insisted other wise, he was positive that she was alive. Everything seemed to move on except for Sherlock and I. Mycroft had hired a new secretary just like that . I was on my way to the store when I saw a woman that looked very familiar to me. My heart jumped in my chest in the hope that it was Gwen but as I approached her, my hopes fell . I walked into the store to buy some milk, sighing as the checkout thing started giving me problems again. I don't know why it always did that but for some reason it hated me. Today was the anniversary of that horrible day, the entire atmosphere seemed depressing. The skies were filled with dark grey clouds and a cold wind blew through the town of London. As I returned to go home I saw a girl with ginger hair walk by, she caught my eye but I kept walking, refusing to turn my head at her. I didn't want to be let down again by another person who just looked like Gwen. I missed her and wished that she would come back. During these three years Sherlock had faked his death and Moriarty had shot himself. I had met a lady named Mary, but things weren't getting that serious yet. When I returned home Sherlock was still playing his violin, he was playing the tune he had wrote for Gwen after she left. He played that song every day, it was getting quite annoying but I tolerated it. Gwen was the only one who had gotten that close to Sherlock, I believed that she was his first love.

"Sherlock, could you please stop playing that tune! She's not coming back" I snapped suddenly. Sherlock continued to play, The melancholy tune seeming to increase in sadness. I felt my eyes started to water, tears soon were falling down my face.

"Sherlock, please.." I begged . Sherlock set down his violin, he sighed softly.

" I know John. I miss her to, more then you will ever know" his baritone voice said as his icy eyes remained gazing outside the window .

I looked over at Sherlock, his features looked sad. I stood up and went towards the door, a bet a bit of fresh air would do us well.

"Sherlock, do you want to go outside for a walk?" I asked. He nodded and sauntered to the door.

(Sherlock p.o.v)

I stepped out of our flat at 221B, I looked around at the scenery around me. Dull, boring, greyscale were the three words that had popped into my brain. The people all around me were all ordinary and boring, I sighed and shoved my hands into my pockets . John and I walked through the rainy streets of London, we were silent most of the walk when suddenly I heard a laugh. I immediately jerked my head around to that sound.

"That was Gwen's laugh, I would know it anywhere." I thought frantically looking around. John looked at me curiously, confusion in his blue eyes.

""I heard Gwen laugh, John I would know her laugh anywhere." I said repeating my point.

"Sherlock I don't thi-" John suddenly said when he stopped talking. I looked in the direction and saw what he did. To my utter surprise it was her, it was my Gwen.

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