The Cover Girls (A One Direct...

By MyOwnSelf

103K 2.8K 621

Figuring out who you are is never easy. It's a labyrinth, one that you constantly feel alone and lost in. It'... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Look Who's Knocking
Chapter 2 - Soapy Bubbles
Chapter 3 - No One Beats The Queen of Dance
Chapter 4 - Collarbones and Cups
Chapter 5 - Not So Sweet Goodbye
Chapter 6 - Here For You
Chapter 7 - It's ALWAYS A Good Time
Chapter 8 - The House Of April
Chapter 9 - Augustus Waters... 'Nuff Said
Chapter 10 - Russia: The Pancake Country
Chapter 11 - Video Diary Week 131
Chapter 12 - Bonding With Nialler
Chapter 13 - Tonight Tonight
Chapter 14 - Sleepyhead
Chapter 15 - Let's Take A Trip
Chapter 16 - Animal House
Chapter 17 - Twinsies
Chapter 18 - Love Is In the Air
Chapter 19 - The One I've Been Waiting For
Chapter 20 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)
Chapter 21 - You're Beautiful, It's True
Chapter 22 - Nerdy Nerds
Chapter 23 - This Feels Like Falling In Love
Chapter 24 - Shopping Buddies
Chapter 25 - Messy Twister
Chapter 27 - Dancing In the Rain
Chapter 28 - She Finally Sees
Chapter 29 - Don't Leave
Chapter 30 - It'll All Be Okay
Chapter 31 - Together
Chapter 32 - A New Beginning
Chapter 33 - The Screams All Sound The Same
Chapter 34 - Stressed, But Snuggled
Chapter 35 - Makin' Bacon
Chapter 36 - The Karaoke Apocalypse (pt. 1)
Chapter 37 - The Karaoke Apocalypse (pt. 2)
Chapter 38 - The Karaoke Apocalypse (pt. 3)
Chapter 39 - The Karaoke Apocalypse (pt. 4)
Chapter 40 - Homesick
Chapter 41 - My Nightingale
Chapter 42 - Correct Assumptions
Chapter 43 - I Seem To Be Struck By You
Chapter 44 - Mixin' It Up
Chapter 45 - V is for Victory
Chapter 46 - Longer Than Five Seconds
Chapter 47 - Sisterly Instinct
Chapter 48 - Ridiculous News
Author's Note 12/6/14

Chapter 26 - Harold's Birthday

1.8K 53 11
By MyOwnSelf

A/N: Guys okay I'm having a pre-camping anxiety attack I can't find my iPhone charger I CAN'T FIND IT

Oh, and I got a bikini for the first time EVER so that was a HUGE step self-esteem wise for me.


~Grace xx



“Kris… Krissy! Krissy-Moo-Moo! Wake up!” I whisper-yelled, hitting my sleeping best friend on the arm.

“Mph, what?” She murmured sleepily, her hair covering her face and muffling her voice.

“Come on, get up!” I tried to keep my voice low so that I wouldn’t wake up anyone else in the Lair, especially her sleeping boyfriend beside her. It looked like one of them had curled away from the other in their sleep, so luckily Kris wouldn’t have to pry herself from Harry’s arms like she usually would’ve had to.

“Why?” Kris moaned, throwing her arm over her eyes even though the room was only just light enough to see, the sun barely beginning to wake up as well as it was 8 am.

“It’s Harry’s birthday, and we have to get ready!” I muttered, poking her cheek playfully.

Kris’ eyes shot open, staring up at me, before a smile spread across her face. I swear, Karry was one of the absolute cutest ships I’d ever seen.

Filled with a sudden burst of energy, Kris slid her covers quietly off her legs, and stood up.

I nodded my head towards the door and we crept through the sleeping teenagers and up to the kitchen before Kris turned to me.

“Do you think the others remember?” She asked, her light brown, almost hazel eyes watching me with the glint they always had.

“Probably not, but it’s not like we’ve checked a calendar recently. I doubt Harry will care if they don’t.” I brushed it off, sensing that she might be worried about it, although there was nothing in her voice or expression that would hint as much. We’d been friends for so long that often I knew what she was thinking before she realized it.

“Good. Do you have the presents?”

I’d happened to place my mass online order only a day after the boys said they would be staying, so I had time to order his presents. I’d told Kris about it, expecting that she’d want to get him a present specifically from her (I’m psychic and I anticipated Karry becoming official quickly). I didn’t tell the girls, because I was sure if I did they would spill the surprise that I had up my sleeve.

“Yeah, I already wrapped them, and they’re hidden in Heather’s closet.” I said.

“Alright, great!” Kris chirped. “But why did you wake me up this early?”

“Because we’re making breakfast burritos as a special birthday treat!” I replied, my smile wide.

“April, that’s such a good idea, you’re a genius!” Kris exclaimed, and I laughed. I was definitely NOT a genius. “But isn’t that something we should have Erin do?”

“Psh, we can handle making breakfast burritos.” Kris gave me an unsure look. “I mean, how hard can it be?”

I shouldn’t have said that.


After about an hour went by of Kris and I struggling to do the seemingly simple task of making breakfast burritos, and we had a tray filled with various kinds of burritos (some with egg, cheese, and bacon, some with egg, potatoes, and sausage, others with random combinations of ingredients) we made our way downstairs armed with champagne poppers, sparkly party hats on our heads, and a crown that said “Birthday Boy” on it.

Kris stood by the light switch, and upon my signal, she turned on the bright lights.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!” We yelled at the top of our lungs, setting off the poppers and letting the confetti fall on Harold’s head.

Harry was sitting up in a flash, surprised from his sleep by our shouting, and brushing the colorful pieces of paper out of his hair.

“It’s my birthday?” He chuckled sleepily.

“Yes, silly, it is!” I said, placing the crown on his head as he looked up at us, beaming.

I glanced around at everyone else who had all woken up. They all had expressions that read something along the lines of “Oh shit, I forgot.” But I gave them each glances that said to not flip out.

“Happy 19th birthday, mate!” Louis jumped in, patting Harry on the back. Everyone started standing up drowsily, and saying the same to Harry, who had a huge grin on his face.

“C’mon, we have a surprise!” I shouted, grabbing the curly haired boy’s wrist, Kris grabbing the other as we dragged him upstairs, followed by our friends.

“We made you birthday breakfast!” Kris giggled, kissing her boyfriend’s cheek. His face glowed scarlet as he pecked her lips, making the girls and I “awww!”

Everyone took their seats, all looking like zombies as they’d only woken up moments before. Kris and I handed out plates for them to get their food, letting Harry go first.

“So, what are today’s plans?” Erin asked me from her seat across me next to Liam, munching on her burrito.

“Well, that’s a surprise,” I shot a wink at Harry, making him smile a lopsided grin.

We ate, throwing around banter about Harry’s birthday. Louis made a joke about how it seemed like only yesterday he was the cheeky lad who’s auditioned for X Factor, and Erin commented on how he only had one more teenage year left, to which he promptly replied saying he’d always be a kid at heart.

“You know what sucks, Harry?” I said near the end of breakfast.

“What?” He replied smirking.

“Now you’re two years too late to be the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen.” I said, with a completely serious face.

Harry burst out laughing in a way that would have sent food flying if he’d been chewing his food. I fist-pumped in celebration as he laughed hysterically, shouting, “Yes, he understands my Abba joke!”

After he calmed down from chuckling at my joke (which, may I note, no one else understood) he turned to us.

“Can I borrow one of your laptops to Skype my parents?” He inquired, looking around at the girls and I.

“You can use the TV in the Lair,” I said. “It has internet connection; we use it to Skype all the time.”

“Great!” Harry replied, and it was clear in his green eyes that he was looking forward to seeing his family, considering I doubted he got to see them a lot.

The birthday boy stood up and set his plate in the sink, turning to me, “Will you help me set it up, April?” It had been established that I was the most technology-advanced girl out of the group early on in the stages of getting to know each other.

“Sure!” I replied, putting my own dishes away and following him downstairs, leaving the others to finish eating.

After turning the TV on with Harry sitting patiently on the couch, I changed it from cable to internet and pulled up the Skype app, having him log into his account.

“Alrighty, just press this button to call them, and you should be ready to go.” I instructed, handing him the remote and pointing to a green button on it.

“Thanks April!” He said, and I shot him a smile before exiting the room, hearing the sound signaling he was calling his parents as I walked into the entry room and up the staircase.

When I got to the kitchen, Rikki and Zayn were doing the dishes and the others were sitting in the little family room connected to it, where Louis and I had danced on our first date, although now the furniture was back in its place.

“What should we do while he’s downstairs?” Liam asked.

“We could play the hand game,” Kris suggested.

“What’s that?” Niall asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Okay, everyone put their hands on the coffee table, so that your hand is crossed over the person to your right’s hand, and the person on the left side’s hand is over your left hand.” Kris explained, and we did as told. She, Erin, and I had played the hand game (for lack of a better name) a lot at the lunch tables when we went to our old school.

Everyone did so, and Kris continued, telling them that the object of the game was to go around in a circle, tapping once with your hand, and if someone taped twice, you would go around the circle the other direction, and so forth. But every time you tapped the wrong hand or went when it wasn’t your turn, you would take that hand out, until only two people hand hands together.

We went around, and the boys did surprisingly well, going around a few times before Niall tapped incorrectly, and took a hand out. It was actually quite awhile until it got down to just Kris and I, as we’d been playing it together for so long that we had become masters.

I was so focused on the game that when I heard Harry yell Kris’ name, I jumped in my seat and tapped on accident, making Kris the winner.

“Ugh, but Harry made me lose!” I whined jokingly.

“Kris, come meet my parents!” Harry yelled louder than before, and Kris froze in her spot, eyes as wide as saucers.

“Kris, what’s wrong?” I asked her gently.

“What if Harry’s parents hate me…” She whispered, looking at me with terrified eyes.

“Oh, that’s ridiculous!” I said, standing and grabbing her by the arm, lifting her up with me. “KRIS IS COMING, HARRY!” I shouted back to my best friend’s boyfriend, beginning to drag Kris against her will toward the stairs.

“No, I’m not ready, they won’t like me, they’ll think I’m weird! And I’m in my pajamas!” My friend fought my grip and I ended up holding onto an arm with one hand, and wrapping my other arm around her shoulders in an almost side hug so she couldn’t get away, walking her through the entryway and into the Lair. Kris would realize that Harry’s parents weren’t something to be afraid of, and that they’d love her. She just needed to realize that before running out of the house flailing her arms and yelling that she shouldn’t meet them.

I pulled Kris to the couch in the Lair, Harry looking back at us with a grin, his parent’s smiling faces on the TV screen.

“I’m not his girlfriend, I’m her best friend.” I said to them, sitting Kris down next to Harry, and she clasped his hand nervously. Pointing to Kris, I added, “She’s his girlfriend.”

“What’s your name, sweetie?” Anne asked me, and I realized that I was internally fangirling about Harry’s mom, which was quite weird.

“I’m April.” I said with a smile, standing awkwardly behind the couch Harry and Kris were sitting on.

“She’s Louis’ girlfriend.” Harry informed his parent’s, throwing his arm around Kris’ shoulder, seeming to relax her.

“That must be… interesting.” His dad chuckled.

“It certainly is.” I agreed, grinning. “Well, I’ll leave you to it.” I added, turning to walk out.

“It was nice to meet you, April!” They said, waving goodbye. I waved back, thinking about how sweet Harry’s parents were.

When I went upstairs, we started another round of the hand game, this time ending in a battle royale between Liam and I, although I won.

Soon Harry and Kris came up to join us, having finished their Skype call.

“See, it was fine, wasn’t it?” I asked Kris when she sat down next to me on the long couch with Harry.

“Yes, it was.” She grinned.

“Okay, I have plans for the day, but Harry,” I turned to him, “do you want to open your presents before or after the rest of my birthday schemes?”

“Before!” He said eagerly, making us laugh.

“Okey-dokey, then you guys go downstairs, and I’ll get the presents.” I said, standing up and flashing my panicked looking friends another calming glance.

Grabbing the three presents from their hiding place in Heather’s closet, I skipped downstairs to where everyone had gathered in a circle, and sat with the girls on the floor,

“I’ve been informed that the boys forgot their presents at home,” I spoke to Harry, “however the girls and I have presents for you.

“Open mine first!” Kris said, taking the wrapped box from the top and handing it to him.

Harry quickly tore off the shiny red wrapping paper and opening it to reveal the gray tank top that had the covers of Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Beatles, and Queen albums on the front. I’d found it while perusing a t-shirt website, and Kris agreed with me that it was right up Harry’s alley.

“Do you like it? I’m not the greatest at picking out gifts…” Kris trailed off.

“I absolutely love it, thank you!” Harry leaned over and gave Kris a hug and a kiss on the cheek, making her face light up.

“Mine and Erin’s next!” I said, picking up the next box, handing it to him, and then whispering to Erin beside me, “Pretend you know what it is.”

Harry unwrapped the gift as well, pulling open the box and laughing as he saw what was inside.

He picked up the black beanie that had “I

“There’s something else.” I added with a smirk as he set the beanie with the shirt.

Lifting a piece of white tissue paper out of the box, he pulled out a leather iPhone case designed to look like a wallet.

“You don’t have a case on your phone, and we thought you’d like that one.” Erin spoke up, and I was happily surprised.

“Thanks, girls.” He smiled, and we came forward to hug him at the same time.

Harry opened the present I’d gotten him from Rikki and Heather, a box set of all David Bowie’s 25 studio albums. I’d heard Harry say he was one of his music idols, and he loved the CDs, making me glad I guessed he would.

“Now, everybody get dressed,” I announced, standing up after Harry had thanked us all again for his presents and put his iPhone in the case I got him. “For we have a Happy Birthday Harry Adventure to go on!”



That means that this is probably the last chapter before I leave (unless I pull another chapter out of my ass by tomorrow morning)Sorry errbody, but I won't have wifi in the woods :/ BUT HEY, I'LL BE IN MY FAVORITE STATE AND WORKING ON A NEW STORY THAT'S WONDERFUL-TASTIC AND MY EDITOR TO THIS STORY (LovingALaugh) SEEMED TO LIKE IT TOO

Dedication to whatmakeshershine! :D I would also love to be Hazel Grace's friend, because I absolutely love that she can still have a sense of humor when she could easily just be falling apart... reminds me of someone...


While I'm gone, don't forget... you're beautiful and perfect in your own way, and you can do anything :)

Stay lovely my hedgehogs.

~Grace xx

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