Between us, Joe Sugg fanficti...

By fanwriter08

22.9K 482 52

Jessica and Joe have a love, with many secrets. But also, they have fun, and love eachother, with a few ups a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38

Chapter 37

387 7 2
By fanwriter08

Then all of a sudden,


One long continuously beep. I look the the machine, I guess my one love couldn't hold on any longer.

Everyone gasps, Zoe comes up to me as I shot up standing up, she stands behind me, "No Jess, please no! No, no, you can't, we haven't even started our proper life, we are young, we aren't supposed to leave eachother now. Your all I have, no! Please Jess..." A tear slides down my eye, "I guess this is goodbye." I say quieter. The nurses rush in.

"I need air." I say leaving my friends in there and I rush out to the bench, outside the hospital.

She's gone.

Jessica is gone.

My gorgeous wife is gone.

My world is gone.

I slump down in the bench. Crying. Yes, me Joe sugg, 'the proper lad', is crying. Do you blame me? Fuck yes. This is all my fault. If I went with her, we would of atleast been together. Zoe and Alfie could of took care of Hershey and holly. Too late now.

"WHY DOES THIS, OUT OF ALL THE THINGS, HAPPEN!?" I shout, out of anger. "Oh, beautiful, if your up there already, party hard up there, I'll see you soon.." A tear runs down my cheek again, "Jessica I'll always love you, hence why I proposed, hence why I asked you out. Hence why im blaming this on me. When I know, you'd say it's not my fault. I still love you."

"I love you too." I hear Jess' voice speak.

I chuckle, but it hurts to laugh when I'm depressed. "Jess, don't do this."

"Do what?" Her voice says.

"Pretend your here, and we all know your not, the machine stopped. And we both know I don't believe in ghosts.." I say. Wiping a tear.

"But I'm not a ghost." I hear her giggle.

"Then what the fuck are you, I saw the machine stop. I saw you stop breathing. I saw you leave this world."

"I'm still on this world."

"How?" I chuckle, not believing what I'm saying,

"Turn around.."'

I hesitated to turn, but I did, I see Jess stood there, pale, dark hair still pushed back off her face. She's still beautiful, scars, bruises, but no broken limbs, she stands there in her hospital clothes.

"No! Don't mess with my mind, Jess. Your gone!" I say a bit loud.

"I'm not, Joe!" She walks towards me, and shakes me.

"I'm truly here, I'm alive.."

I smile, and hug her, "Oh my god, Jess, I love you, I love you, I love you. These weeks have been the toughest weeks ever. Please get a uber or a taxi when you go somewhere now. Beautiful, I missed you!" I say spinning her around and putting her down. Even with bruises she looked beautiful.

"I love you too." She giggles.

"Wait, you remember me, you don't have amnesia?" She shakes her head no, "whatever, I just don't want that to happen ever again!" I say again, kissing her cheek softly, then her lips multiple times.

"Joe, atleast we can live our life now, young, married, with holly and Hershey. We will be a family. We will make sure this Christmas will be the best so far!"

I chuckle, "sure, anything for you."

*Jess POV*

We go back into the room, and our friends seem a lot happier. I have to do a few things with the nurse before we head home. Only, Blaire, Caspar, Zoe and Alfie come back to our house, Joe goes upstairs to let holly rest. And he jogs back down, we sit on the couch watching Tv, all chatting, catching up and i tweet.

I'm back! In a lot of pain, scars and bruises on my body, but I'm alive! Sorry for the worry!

I read through replies and like them. And replying to a few.

Joe sees the tweet and hugs me. I see he also tweeted back,

It's not your fault, Beautiful! Pi❤️

I tweet back;


I read through replies to that, and answer and like some.

I play with Hershey, then feed and water her, I then let her out for a wee. Then I sit back down, we watch mean girls, and I run myself a lush bath. Then Zoe has one, I wrap my wet hair In a towel, and I out pjs on. Zoe meets me back downstairs, and we watch Elf. It's near Christmas, and I hope I won't look a mess by then.

I take a pain killer for all my aching body parts, stinging scars, sensitive bruises, banging headache.

I rest on the couch and fall asleep...

a/n-Sorry the last two chapters are short. And hope you enjoyed this!

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