This One's For You (An Austin...

By LadyDesDes

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Blair "Blaize" Deveroux is a West Virginia born girl. When her parents die, to avoid being split apart from h... More

Chapter One: Promise Me
Chapter Two: So It's That Easy?
Chapter Four: Just Friends
Chapter Five: My Understandings
Chapter Six: The Storm
Chapter Seven: Hearts Racing, Anger Rising, Tears Falling
Chapter Eight: Can't Let You Get Hurt
Chapter Nine: Gone
Chapter Ten: Hello Again
Chapter Eleven: Westbound and Down
Chapter Twelve: No More
Chapter Thirteen: Uncovered
Chapter Fourteen: Be Not Afraid
Chapter Fifteen: Where Were You?
Chapter Sixteen: Look After Me
Chapter Seventeen: Please Tell Me You'll Stay
Chapter Eighteen: Are We Okay?
Chapter Nineteen: Home
Chapter Twenty: Love and Secrets
Chapter Twenty-One: Getting By

Chapter Three: Distant Minds

1K 19 3
By LadyDesDes

I woke up this morning to have the events of last night come rushing back to me. It was so tremendous that I actually became dizzy. I took deep breaths before climbing out of bed, that way I wouldn't fall. I stood there on my soft shag carpet for a moment or two, debating if I should skip class today or not. But, I decided that I was going to go since I was already out of bed.

We didn't get home till late last night, so I didn't bother taking a shower. When I walked through the door, all I could see every time I closed my eyes was my bed. I flopped down, breathing in the lavender smell of my sheets. Neil wasn't there, so he was either later than he said he would be, or this was the first sign of him breaking up with me. Either way, I didn't care.

I eventually convinced myself to go take a much needed shower. After stripping I pulled on my bath robe, going to the bathroom and turning on the water. Mallory was still sleeping, meaning she was tired from last night. I'm used to no sleep, or little sleep, it was nothing new.

I took a quick shower and went back to my room. My phone started buzzing on my night stand. I sighed and picked it up, seeing Austin's contact. My heart fluttered a bit, my stupid heart. But I didn't answer it, instead I let it go to voicemail, then texted him that I would call him back. I wanted to get dressed first, because I needed to get to class in about an hour, and I didn't know how long I would be on the phone.

I pulled on a pair of under wear, accompanied by my favourite shorts. I wrapped my arms behind my back, fiddling with the clasps of my bra. After a moment or two of fighting to hook them together, they finally clicked. I blew out a sigh of relief and wrestled my arms through my white tank top, pulling my Guns N' Roses tank top over it. I released my hair from the towel, ruffling it with my fingers, trying to get it as dry as I could before brushing it out. When it felt damp I grabbed my brush, tugging it through my ratted brown strands. Since my hair was usually easy to work with, I fixed up my bangs a bit, and then left it wavy. I glanced into the mirror, deciding to put some make-up on. I swiped my applicator across my eyelids, giving them a light white base, brought out by the gray flare out. I took out my pencil, making medium thick lines on both my waterline and eyelid. I threw my make-up back into the drawer, shoving my feet into my low top converse, with that I was ready to head out the door.

I unplugged my phone from its charger, forcing it into my pocket. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen, grabbing my keys from the counter and my backpack from its perch by the front door. I was greeted with a warm spring breeze, and I let out whip through my hair. I trotted down the stairs, my backpack bouncing off my hip. I got in my car and pulled out my phone, deciding to talk to Austin before I arrived on campus. It rang less than three times before he answered.

"Well that took longer than I thought it would." He laughed, making fun of my timing.

"I told you I had school today. You called in the middle of me getting ready." I smirked, starting the car, leaving one hand on the wheel, one on my stick. I was craning my neck, cradling my phone on my shoulder, pressing it against my ear. "I never told you when I would call you back, I just said I would."

"Fine, I'll give you that." He sighed, taking a pause to introduce a new topic. "So can I have your address so I can hang out with you guys?"

"I don't see why you didn't just ask Mallory. You have her number too." I stated with a hint of a sour attitude. Why did he call me? Mallory is the one who is actually going to be home.

"I did, she didn't answer." He replied, I could just see his smirk through the phone, and I couldn't help but let my face blush. His smirk, though irritating because it always meant he won, was just as alluring as he was. "So I figured you were a better bet since you have school."

"Good bet." I snickered, rolling my eyes just slightly. I was about five minutes away from campus, two of I sped. "I'll text you our address, but don't expect Mallory to be up till twelve, ten if you're lucky." I turned the corner, closer to campus, but I didn't want to hang up with him, even if it was unimportant things we were taking about.

"I'll ring the doorbell till she answers." He laughed, I heard ruffling, which could mean he was either leaning back in his seat, or he was getting ready to leave.

"Well, hang out with her, when I come home we can go on a rampage." I chuckled, turning into the parking lot, searching for a space.

"Fine." He whined childishly, making me grin from ear to ear. God, of course he had to be married. The one guy I'm attracted to that could change my life, is taken. "When do you get off?" He asked his voice distant, which could mean anything.

"Um, my last class ends at," I paused thinking. This was the first time I ever actually had to come up with a time my classes ended. All I knew was when they were over, I went home, or to work. "Uh, I don't know." I finally answered after deliberating. He laughed at me, and I rolled my eyes. "Look I gotta go just pulled into campus and my class starts soon. I'll call when I'm out." I sighed, pulling the car into an empty space, killing the engine.

"Okay." He grumbled. My heart fluttered, my brain making me think he could feel the same way? Then I ended the call, knowing I would stay on the line and be late to class.

I grabbed my backpack from the back seat, slinging it over my shoulder as I slammed my car door. My finger ran across the screen of my phone one last time, texting Austin the address of Mallory and my apartment before clicking it off, shoving it into my pocket as I made my way around students.

My first class was Modern Literature, followed by a speech class (which helped with face to face discussions), my Shakespearean Literature class, and then my Modern Writing and Publishing class. Because I was finishing my last year of college, I didn't need to take as many classes, giving more free time to just waste or to get extra hours in at work. The only bad part was Shannon was my Modern Writing Professor, meaning he was the last teacher I had for the day.

When I would come home late, Mallory would automatically assume we did some 'extracurricular activities'. It all started when she came to pick me up one day and walked in on me and Professor Shannon talking. It is not my fault that she thought he was cute, and that we were sitting rather close to one another. From that point on? I was his 'dirty little secret'. But Mallory, even being my best friend since before my brother died, knows not even half of my dirty little secrets. And these secrets? They've scarred me; it's hard to even talk about it. That's the only reason stopping me from telling Mallory.

I walked into my Modern Lit class and took a seat next to Shamus. We became friends a while back, and clicked from the beginning. He's from Ireland, and is a fake ginger, dying his hair red when his natural brown roots start to show. I make fun of his fake ginger status, because he wants red hair so bad. But whenever he needs it I'm there with the bottle of red hair dye, a chair, and a towel to re-dye his hair.

I don't what is with Mallory automatically assuming I was friendly with every guy I met, but she thought something was going on between us. Until she walked in on him making out with his boyfriend. Then her suspicions were cleared and she finally let it go. I think she jumps to these conclusions because she knows I'm still a virgin and that I have never done any sexual besides making out with my ex-boyfriends. She wants me to be happy, both mentally and sexually, but with my past, I'm afraid.

"Earth to Blair." Shamus waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shook my head, rubbing my eyes, trying to focus on the lesson plan in front of us.

"Sorry Shamus." I frowned, looking at him apologetically. "I'm just not all there today." He gave me a light smile and touched my arm comfortingly.

"Who is he?" He asked, knowing right away. I think it was his gaydar, spot on most of the time, sometimes it had its glitches.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I chuckled, rolling my eyes. He wouldn't, who would believe a girl, who just went to a concert last night, who is claiming to be friends with a guy who is famous? That would sound crazy, even to Shamus.

"I've heard some crazy things Blair." He raised his dark shaped eyebrows, his blue eyes igniting in interest. "I promise that I won't think you're crazy." He leaned in closer, scooting his chair over.

I held my breath and pursed my lips, debating on actually telling him. After looking into his eyes, they began to water, his lip quivering. I sighed in defeat and leaned forward, keeping my voice low so only Shamus could hear.

"So you know how Mallory dragged me to that concert last night?" I asked, he gave a slight nod. I bit my lip and continued. "After the show, we bumped into the band's screamer Austin Carlile. And we are kinda hanging out with him today, and he makes me feel safe and... in love." I finished, leaning back in my seat, looking at Shamus's shocked expression.

"No fucking way!" He shouted, ripping everyone's attention away from the teacher and towards us. Professor Thomas glared at us, and I felt my face grow hot as I slid down in my seat, covering my face with my hands.

"Mr. Flannigan, Miss. Deveroux, I would appreciate it if self-concerning information was announced, that it'd be taken outside." His eyebrows twitched with anger, making Shamus laugh. I smacked his leg, shutting him up. I casted him a glare before sitting up in my seat.

"My apologies Professor Thomas," I smiled, trying to turn the situation around. "I wouldn't have thought that Mr. Flannigan's reaction would hold that much of an impact to disrupt your teachings. The next time I feel the need to inform Mr. Flannigan on recent events and information, I will make sure to do so after class." Professor Thomas smiled, nodding his head with satisfaction before returning to his lesson.

Shamus began to chuckle again, so I smacked his arm, glaring at him. He bit his lip, stifling his laughter unsuccessfully. "Jesus Shamus, are you trying to get on Thomas's bad side?" I hissed, making sure my voice didn't rise above a whisper.

"No." He stuttered through giggles. "I just wasn't expecting Austin Carlile to be the guy you fell in love with." He smirked, still trying to keep his laughter under control.

"Just keep it quiet will ya?" I snapped, twirling my pencil between my fingers. I was irritated now, and the more I thought about Austin the more my heart broke. God, why did he have this impact on me? I've barely known the guy for a day! Oh my head was reeling from all the thoughts. I tried blocking them out, listening to Thomas ramble on about verbage, synonyms, and transitional phrases.

The day passed by slowly, and I didn't pay attention in my classes. Everything was a blur, nothing processed, and my mind was gone in left field. As much as I fight to keep Austin from my thoughts, I couldn't, and I surrendered. All I could wonder was if I had the same effect on him.


I couldn't keep my mind off her. The night of the concert she didn't look thrilled to be there, but she gained enthusiasm. Her smile, it captivated me. When I went out on stage and felt her skin against mine, there was electricity. I've met many girls over the course of my time with Attack! Attack!, but none of them held the impact she did.

Not even my wife; it seemed that over the time we've been together the fire died down. What was there before diminished, there was nothing left. But Blair had that spark, that ambition that I cherished and loved. That was another thing that had hold of me, I loved her. God, love at first sight was such a cheesy thing, but it was there.

It was by chance that I ran into her after the show. She was charmingly defensive, but learning she was teased and bullied made sense. It made her that more alluring to me. And she was up for arguments, making me laugh with her witty comebacks.

Her bangs continually fell into her green eyes, and I wanted so desperately to tuck them behind her ear. Her curve of her bottom lip as she talked made me want to kiss her just that much more. I don't know how many times I had to remind myself that I was married. Happily, but that seemed to be forced upon the term 'happily' married. But I still loved Geille, with all my heart. Blair was one of those tests to prove my love, she had to be.

She seemed happy that I called though, and her laugh made me smile. When she left to go to class, my heart fell a little. So as a surprise I was going to spend time with Mallory, then head over and see Blair. That would definitely be the highlight of my day. Just seeing Blair would make my two weeks off that much better.

My attention snapped back to reality as my phone vibrated on the table of the bus. I picked it up to see Gielle's contact. I sighed and picked it up.

"Hey babe."

"Hey, what's up?" She asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Nothing," I lied, not wanting her to think anything was going on. "I just miss you."

"Aw, I miss you too babe." She replied cheerfully into the phone. "When are you coming home?"

"Not for another couple weeks," I sighed, playing with a thread on my jeans.

"Okay." Her voice fell after that, and I knew something was on her mind. "When you get back, we need to talk. I feel like we haven't actually sat down and talked with each other on a long time."

"Okay, Geille, we will." I whispered my voice more hoarse. Saying we need to talk never lead to good things.

"Bye Austin, I love you." She paused before she said it, her words seemed hollow. A boldface lie to what she actually felt.

"Love you too Geille." I said quietly, removing the phone from my ear and hanging up. I sat there for a little while longer before glancing at the clock. It was eleven, so I was going to head over and see if Mallory was up. I just wanted this day to be better. Seeing Blair would make that come true.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

PIcture of Shamus in descrption -------->

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