All For You

By jupiterscript

1.1M 56.6K 10.8K

Highest Ranking Received #1 in General Fiction "Only once in your life you find someone who can completely tu... More

All For You


55.2K 1.7K 1.2K
By jupiterscript


Most people thought money was the key to happiness. So of course when my parents showered me in gifts and took spontaneous trips to exotic places around the world, they thought I lived a perfect life but that wasn't the case.

What was money and expensive things when your parents barely showed you love? What was money when you spent countless birthdays and family holidays alone? What was money when you parents cared more about their jobs then their child?

Nothing if you ask me.

I placed my pencil down and closed my notebook. My notebook was the one thing that helped keep my sane. My notebook was where I could be completely unfiltered and unapologetically me. Of all my possession some would find it crazy that I would prefer a notebook over other expensive materialistic things.

Deciding to give myself a break from writing, I got out of my bed and left my bedroom. As I made my way down the stairs, I could hear my parents having a discussion in the living room. From the sound of my father's voice, I could tell an argument wasn't far behind. I decided to just go straight to the kitchen and out of sight in order to avoid getting in the middle of whatever ridiculous thing he decided to complain about tonight

"Ameenah" my dads voice boomed making me stop in my tracks.

So much for staying out of sight.

I slowly turned on my heels and walked towards the living room. There my dad was pacing with a piece of paper in his hands.

"Yes dad?" I answered wondering what it was that he wanted.

"Mind explaining this" he asked walking over to me and shoving the paper in my face. Looking over it I noticed it was my report card. I frowned wondering what he was so upset about. I've never gotten a grade lower than an A in my life but I managed to get two B's this semester; I wasn't mad about it. I just wanted to graduate on time and go far away for school.

"What my report card? What's wrong?" I asked confused, I wasn't failing any classes or in danger of failing.

"Whats wrong" he mocked with a dry laugh."Two B's Ameenah?" He shouted.

"Dad these are good grades, a 88 and a--" I was cut off by a smack to the face and fell to the ground. I looked to my mom for help but she simply turned her head and acted as if she didn't see anything.

"I'm not paying all that money for you to go to the top private school just for you to be getting by...and all the sneaking out do you think I'm stupid" he chuckled menacingly.

"I'm sorry" I whispered staying on the floor so he wouldn't knock me down again. My dad rarely hit me, only when he was really mad.

"I'm sending you too live with your grandmother, you'll go to the public school near her" he spoke making me frown.

What grandmother?

"What? I can't go to public school and what grandmother" I asked standing up quickly. My parents kept me away from most of my family because they were all "haters" according to my mother.

"My mother and you can and you are Ameenah, don't question your father" my mom said finally putting her unwanted two cents in.

"Dad I can get my grades up and I won't sneak out...please don't do this" I begged. I had been going to private schools all my life. I've never set foot in a public school. My parents were well off with money. My dad was a lawyer and worked with many famous people and my mother was a famous designer who designed for runways all over the world.

I only snuck out to hang out with my friends. I had to come straight home from school and go to my different lessons and classes for the day and get my homework done. I just wanted a release from all the hard work and pressure sometimes; I wanted a break from it all.

"I am not raising a delinquent. You should have kept them up, my decision is made, you leave tomorrow morning so pack your bags" he said before throwing the report card in my face again and walking off.

"Tomorrow morning, I didn't get to say goodbye to my friends. Where am I even going" I said not liking this at all.

"California and I suggest you get a job out there because we are cutting you off" my dad smiled walking off with my mom following behind him.

"You're moving? Like tomorrow?" my friend Mikayla asked as I spoke to her on the phone. After picking myself up of the ground, I made my way to my bedroom. Mikayla was one of the few people I could tolerate at school. Everyone else was stuck up and thought they were better than everybody else. She didn't care about things like that so we got along fine.

"Yeah, so goodbye New York and hello California" I rolled my eyes and sighed with fake enthusiasm.

"You'll be missed baby girl, I'll make sure no one takes your locker so its empty when you come back"

"Thanks" I laughed shaking my head. I couldn't believe my parents. It was the middle of January, I was halfway through my Junior year in highschool and they decide to pull me out now.

"You're going to miss Junior prom and everything, who am I going to throw shade with?" she groaned.

"You have other friends" I reminded her even though I knew it still wouldn't be the same. Our bond was like no other so no one could come and fill that spot.

"Yeah but you were the only one I really fucked with" she sighed.

"I'll save up and visit or you can come out there and see me" I said trying to make the best out of a bad situation.

"Of course bitch, let me know if Cali has cute boys out there"

"You've been to places like Italy and Tokyo but you haven't been to Cali" I laughed shaking my head. Mikayla's mom was a model and her dad was a doctor.

"Yeah crazy right but facetime me tomorrow before you leave because my mom is blowing my phone up"she sucked her teeth.

"Okay Kay I will"

"Alright thottie, love you"

"Love you too hoe" I laughed before hanging up and standing up from my bed. It was close to midnight and I was already finished packing since my parents told me seven hours ago, of course I couldn't bring everything so took what I needed and some things I wanted. I decided to go to sleep to prepare for my early morning flight tomorrow. I fixed a few things and put my bags near the door before getting into bed. I turned preparing to go to sleep when I heard my mother's voice.

"MeMe" I sat up as she said my name knocking as she opened my door.

"Yes mom" I asked trying to refrain from rolling my eyes.

"Baby I'm sorry, I tried but your father's mind was made up" she took a deep breath before taking a seat on the edge of my bed.


"Okay" I replied back not trying to start a conversation with her. My mother always did this. She would sit there as my father disciplined me and then say she tried. She made my dad walk all over her and never spoke up; all she did was kiss his ass.

"I also won't be taking you to any upcoming fashion shows" she added fuel to the fire. I was already irritated with the entire situation, it was silly and they were going overboard.

"Anything else, did you want my cell phone too?" I asked.

"We want you to learn to be responsible, you're slacking in school and you're dependent on our money" she said causing me to make a face. Parents always spoiled their kids they become mad when their kids acts spoiled. Not many parents were teaching their child important things to remember for adulthood; they had to go out and learn things themselves.

"By sending me to live with some family member I don't even know, what a smart decision" I rolled my eyes.


"Don't get cute. Your flight is at seven in the morning" she told me be getting up and leaving my room.

Maybe moving away from them would be for the better.



[Ameenah's character has been changed]

what do think about Ameenah so far? Her parents?

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