No Regrets, Just LOVE||Cross...

By GuminaLumina

41.3K 826 351

From sweet and savory to misery and melancholy, a little compendium of short stories about being in love with... More

Cross Fight B-daman x Reader One Shots
Samuru||Shut Up||
Novu||Gentleman JUST Don't Kiss and Tell||
Simon||Boys Be Ambitious||
Kamon||A Day At a Restaurant||
Byakuga||Straight-Faced Boy||
Kaito||Under the Moonlight||
Author's Note
||New year's Changes||
Basara|| Darkness Can Be Your Light||
Mitsuru||MAJI LOVE 1000%||
Riki & Samuru||Mysterious Miracle||
Yuki||Summer Festival||
Author's Note #2
||(Special) Various|| Fiesta
Kamon||Here's your Order, Sir!
Ken||Reminiscing in The Merry-Go-Round||
Yuki||Moon Viewing Recital||AU
Riki||Yesterday Evening||AU
Reggie||R.P.G ~Rocking Playing Games||
||Hiatus Note||
||Guys, I'm still alive||
Kamon||Lost Time Memory||AU
Request||Samuru|| Confession Rehearsal|| AU
Request||Roma||Heart a la Mode
Riki||The Rock City Girl||
Byakuga||Female Structural||
Older!Riki||A Simple Case of 'JEALOUSY'||
Older!Byakuya||On the Wings of Love||
Request||Novu||Ghost Story||
Extra #1: When Author is Jealous!
Request||Simon||Get Over that Darn Fear, Already!!!||
Request||Roma||One Man's Wish||
Riki(Season Special)|| 'Tis The Season To Fall in Love||
This New Year...I Want Him To...
Novu||Duet? More Like Do-Not!||
The Big Comeback
||Can I Have This Dance?||AU
||Can I Have This Dance||AU||2
Asuka||One Day Boyfriend|||
Request||Samuru||Living The Bitter Life||
Request||Basara|| Irresistible||
Like I'm Gonna Lose You||AU||1
Samuru||Butterfly (pt.1)
Go Go Go|| Goodbye Everyone|||

Samuru(Season Special)||Remembering You||

1.1K 31 16
By GuminaLumina


It was pelting snow in the West Block. Everyone was bustling through the busy street. Colliding with other bodies was this boy's problem, but it gave him warmth with how crowded the narrow way was.  He continued walking, looking at the other side of the street often times. The 5-year old boy looked up and saw that the sky turned gray and white. What a unique mix of colors, he thought.

"Help! Someone help me!" A yell of a little girl reached his ears. The denim haired boy walked towards the yell and found the source of the noise. She was crying. In her hands a (e/c) colored scarf. The boy looked at her ,confused, and approached her quietly. "Hey, why are you crying?" He kneels down at her height, dragging his thumb across her tear stained cheeks.

The whimpering child looked at him and said, "My mommy! I-I can't see mommy." The male looked around trying to find a woman who looked like her, but he was too short to see. "Let's find her," he said and grabbed her thin wrist gently, tugging her towards some direction.

It took a few minutes for the boy to find her mother, surprisingly. The mother thanked him profusely and scolded her daughter gently. Before leaving, the little girl ran after him and gave him her scarf. "I give this to you," she muttered and looped it around his neck, then ran to her mother.

"Thank you!" She yelled back and disappeared from his line of sight, leaving him clutching the scarf around his neck.


Samuru shook his head and tightened his grip on Dravise. "Something up, Samuru?" The B-Daman asked, noticing the uncharacteristic hold on him. "Nothing," he replied and continued shooting targets. 

That memory always seem to get him. Just something about that girl, makes him, let's say: weird  in his vocabulary.

It's been 8 years since he last saw her, he still kept the scarf that matches her doe eyes. The male even remembered her face when she lost her mother. She was so pitiful, no wonder he helped her. 

It was so unlike him. 

Even now, it still haunts him. Why did I help her? or Is she doing alright?  were questions flooding his mind.

The winter season was starting to kick in, so he had to use the scarf. By the softness and texture of it makes him reminisce of that memorable incident. He believed that it was a sign. A sign of friendship? Love? He didn't know, but all he knew was to find her again, to answer his unsolvable question . 

"Is it about that girl you met when you were younger?" The dragon type guessed. He knew his answer was right, the Samuru flinched lightly at the B-Daman assumption. "sigh, It's obvious, Samuru. Every time winter time comes, all you think is that girl."

"Shut up. It's not all about her. You couldn't know. Maybe it's about the next competitions happening?" The denim haired boy countered quickly, trying to change the subject. Dravise finally stopped talking. "Emblem Shot: Speed of Sound Hurricane, Sonic Dravise!" Samuru chanted and released his Emblem Charge at one of the targets. The orange target fell down with a thump and disappeared. "Good practice, Samuru" Kamon's voice said behind him. The said male looked behind him and gave a curt nod.

"I've invited everyone to the restaurant. Since you're done, you should join us." The male  pointed outside with his thumb. Samuru accepted the offer and left with Kamon. 


"Well, I'm sure I'm gonna win. Believe it(I'm taking someone's line here, T_T)!" Sounds of Samuru's friends fell deaf on his ears and he continued eating. Winter themed competitions were readied, so everyone was excited; Except himself, it's just a normal competition for him. A ring from the door resonated and someone entered the restaurant. At first the denim haired male didn't care, but when he heard their voice, he immediately looked at the counter where they were.

"I'd like to order a yosenabe." The voice was feminine, but somehow has an accent woven into it. T'was familiar. The B-Daman player looked at the girl. She had healthy glowing hair, and what's surprising is that she has the same colored eyes. 

Same as his scarf, that scarf he kept for so long. He thought that it was finally her, that same girl.

But he kept his cool, even though his stomach was doing flips. It was that sensation. That feeling of being complete. "Hey Samuru, you there?" Kamon's voice sliced through his thoughts. "Yeah," he replied, still staring at her as she waited for her order to come. "But still, you keep looking at that girl. I believe (y/n) was her name. Europe's finest player" Mitsuru popped out and told the two boys in a shush tone, pointing at the said girl. "Wait, Europe?! The continent?!" the crimson haired boy exclaimed, almost startling Samuru beside him.

"Yep, Her family brought B-Daman to Europe from here. There, she was considered as the B-Master," the bee-fanatic boy explained, taking side glances at her, the other two doing the same. Samuru was beyond shocked by the sudden news. Maybe she can even equal his skill or even higher. 

"So...  why stare at her. I mean I'm diggin' the popularity and stuff. But she looks exactly normal! Look at her, she has the whole Japanese vibe and European accent. Just some foreign stuff in her blood"

"It's not about that. She... looks very familiar. Like something from my childhood," Samuru replied, open as possible. Mitsuru took a quick moment to think before pouncing on the male. "D...did you happen to receive a... thing from that familiar girl, a scarf in (e/c) color perhaps?".

 "Yes, I did. I still have it now" Samuru pushed the clingy boy off him and looked back at the girl leaving the restaurant. "Aha! So you were the boy!" The dirty-blonde male exclaimed catching the attention of the other people eating at the establishment. "Will you shut it?! You're attracting to much attention!" Kamon silenced the male by slapping his hand over his blabbering mouth. Mitsuru spat at his hand, making Kamon wipe the boy's saliva on his pants."What boy?" The denim haired B-Daman player asked, taking a fork and poked his food. 

"There was a wildfire rumor back at Europe that time. When her family came back from Japan, the parents asked where was that branded scarf that they gave her. She answered that she gave it to somebody special that helped her. Her mother remembered when she encountered the boy. His hand held her's, she was so thankful and told her daughter that he might be the one. But then, they searched for him, every corner of that place but he wasn't there." 

Mitsuru paused to take a breath and continued. "After a few years, they gave up, she was disappointed, anyone could volunteer to be her future fiance. You're lucky, Sam! She's still looking for you, you know," he finished, his voice laced with envy. Samuru tch'ed. "Don't call me that."

"Anyways, you can hear all about her, Samuru. But, we have to go back to practice. Bye." Kamon took a hold of Mitsuru's collar and dragged him out of the infrastructure, leaving Samuru to think for himself.


"Player Shigami advances forward to the next round." The announcer bellowed, as Samuru's face showed up on the large screen. The boy walked away, tucking Dravise in his pocket. "Wasn't it too easy, Samuru" the silver dragon asked his owner. "You could say that," he replied and took place in a dim area where he could still watch other players fight each other.

"Player (l/n) also advances forward," A slightly familiar face pops out of the large screen. Her fierce eyes sent a shiver down his spine. "Yo, Samuru you finished earlier that me," Kamon's voice said behind his back, with Mitsuru and Ken's mutters trailing behind him. When they got to see the large display of the girl they were talking about days ago, Mitsuru took a hold of Samuru's shoulders and shaked him back and fourth, violently. "S-she's here! The only (y/n) 'Kaiserin' (l/n)"

"Calm down." Ken placed a hand over Mitsuru's shoulder, causing him to stop shaking Samuru. "Ho... how can I?! It's her!" Mitsuru pouted and released the poor boy's shoulders. Samuru flicked the blonde's forehead. turning his head to look at her, raising her B-Daman and walking away. You could say, he was beyond fascinated by her. He just needed to learn everything about her. 


"For the final match to determine the winner: Player Shigami and Player (l/n)" the names called brought confusion to Samuru. Fight against her? Win or not, it'll be an opportunity. Samuru walked towards the battle arena and faced the girl his been finding. She looked at him, and smirked. "Let's have a nice game, Shigami" she said, extending a hand for a shake. He extended his own hand and held hers, giving it a firm shake.

"Players to their stations" they separated and readied themselves. "Ready? Set! FIREBLAST" The competition starts.

At this moment on, they were at neck to neck with each other. Both panting heavily and kept shooting. But, the denim haired male didn't want to lose easily. He wanted to win. "Emblem Charge-" "Not so fast, Shigami" she said, tapping her B-Daman at the side. As fast as light, her B-Daman's magazine changed, causing an advantage for her. "Get ready, (b/t)" she muttered and parted her legs, giving her a rebellious frame. "Emblem Charge: (s/s/s), (adjective) (b/n)" she charged at her last target, releasing a growl(woah gurl, calm down). It hit her target with a massive blow.

"Winner: Player (l/n)" her name was called out, following with cheers and wolf whistles. Samuru looked shocked as she approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Gutes Spiel, Shigami" she said, and flashed him a smile, causing him to flush lightly. "Congratulations, (l/n)" he muttered for her to hear and walked away.

The girl left behind stared at him and inwardly gasped. "Is that him?"


The coldness of the season finally got to him, so he started to use the scarf. He couldn't admit, but he wanted to know if that was her by the scarf. IF she reacts, its her. Samuru smirked inwardly and walked towards the next arena where the next tournament was being held.


"Hey Samuru. Heard about you losing to (y/n)" Kamon said, as he looked down at the players from the bench they were sitting at. "HOW WAS IT?! Not losing, but fighting against her?" Mitsuru asked, cackling in the end by Ken playfully choking him. "She was strong" was the only thing he said, as he tried to find her. "He's so in love with her" Kamon whispered to Mitsuru, as he nodded. "It's rare for him to show this much affection. I guess we'll have to deal with it then" Ken seconded, releasing Mitsuru from his grip.

"Oho, their on the same level! Her dreams are becoming true!" the blonde gushed, outwardly fan-boying. "You want them to be a thing?! Seriously, what's going on in your head, bro" Kamon sighed and flicked Mitsuru's forehead. "I can hear you, you know?" Samuru said, turning to face them. The two boy's face paled, except for Ken. "The next competitions are starting in just a few moments, please get ready" a voice echoed through the whole arena as players scattered around, trying to get ready.

"Guess that's are cue. Let's go" the red haired male said and started descending down the stairs. Ken and Mitsuru trailing behind. Samuru was still in thought. Was he really head over heels for her? He wasn't sure. He got up and went down the stairs. Thoughts lingering at the famous (y/n).


"Ugh, I came all this way to Japan to find him. But still can't find him" the (h/c) haired girl muttered sadly under her breathe, fixing her bonnet tucking away stray hairs. The (l/n) was hanged over by the thoughts of Shigami. He totally looks so familiar. Someone she met at France?(what's with me and France, no hate guys), someone at Denmark? She wasn't sure. But, she agreed that it was someone important.

She sighed, a white puff cloud coming out of her nose. "Maybe, it wasn't fate after all? And I'm just assuming?" she asked, halting her movement as she stared down the pavement she was walking on. Her glossy (e/c) eyes leaking out tears. "I-I just wanted to have someone to like or even love? Even if his not riding a white horse, it's fine" she looked up and saw a hazy pastel sunset, purple, orange, pink and blue. What a nice combination.

When she exhaled once more, she looked forward and saw (e/c)...scarf. She stopped moving once again and focused on the scarf on a boy's neck. It was definitely hers when she was young. Judging by that remarkable texture she always remembered. (y/n) opened her mouth, but then closed it, making her look like a fish out of water. When she woke up from that trance, she sprinted towards that silhouette with her scarf.

"Wait! You, with the (e/c) scarf HALT!" she yelled, not minding the stares she got by her actions. Finally finding him was worth it. Time stopped when he turned around, but his face wasn't that visible yet. She smiled lightly, but exhaled a silent scream when she tripped on her on feet. Causing her to close her eyes, preparing to face first to the ground.

But, her body colliding with something soft. Her eyes twitched as she opened them, to find familiar denim orbs. She gasped as she took a good look at his face. It was no other than Shigami himself. Her face erupted into a bright red and closed her eyes once again. It isn't him, she thought over and over.

"Hey, are you alright, (l/n)" his voice ripped her excessive chanting. She opened a hesitating eye and nodded shakily. He sighed and helped her stand up. "Danke" she muttered and held a still shaking hand over her heart. "So what's the deal? I'm halting" he asked, sounding not enthusiastically like normal, trying to hide his embarrassment. "D-did s-some" "Hey take a deep breathe. Calm down" she followed his command and took a deep breathe. Creating another white cloud. "Go".

"Did somebody give you that scarf?" she asked, finally stopped shaking. Samuru nodded, touching the tassels of the (e/c) colored scarf looped around neck. "Can I ask who was that somebody?" she questioned, as she put all the pieces together in her mind. "It was a little girl who was trying to find her mom. She gave me this as a reward for helping her. It matched her eyes" (y/n) took a sharp intake of air before continuing.

Samuru was an attractive boy, she could tell. But she couldn't believe that he was the one who helped her when she was young. He was that kind of guy that girls run after. It was unlikely that boys like him would help her. But he isn't aiming for a playboy phase she could dig it."Did you know who g-gave it to you?" she finally asked, the sun setting behind them as a dark denim blanket covered the sky. Patches of white on the dark canvas on the sky.

"Maybe..."Samuru answered, but then paused as he neared her. " was you?" he finished, as he locked eyes with her. "How are you sure?" she countered as she stared at his eyes with a light glare. "You have (e/c) right? Why can't be you?" he answered back with a question, as she softened her gaze. "Maybe you're right" she muttered and clenched her fists. They were a centimeter apart, Samuru looking down at her as she was trying to stop her body from doing something.

Out of nowhere, she wrapped her arms around Samuru. The boy was shocked by the sudden gesture, but then relaxed under her touch. He awkwardly patted her back as she tightened her grip on him. "Are you okay with this...I mean I'm I weirding you out....I-I'm sorry" she quickly pulled away, but Samuru pulled her back in. "It's fine" he muttered, his face entirely red. She paused for a moment and sighed happily.

"Finally found you, liebe"


MERRY Christmas Guys!!!

First of all, I am so sorry for the lack of updates. I know you guys have been waiting, for the other Christmas one-shots before Christmas. And I'm here writing this on Christmas. Ugh, I feel so disappointed on myself. Just so....ughasdfghjkl. It's all because of my laziness. But, I'll try to write as much before I get bombed with all my studies and projects. Next, I've been very sad about my miscommunication regarding with my friends. We haven't talked in forever. And I feel very down heart'ed about that. And I'm trying to put it all on my back, but it hurts so much. Don't worry I've gotten over it, also same goes to my crush.

I've been obsessing over Undetale lately so credits for the music there. <3 <3 for Undertale. So I'll be on vacation on 29th of December so maybe I can write and maybe publish? I hope so. Just don't forget: Merry Christmas !!! Be happy!

Song/s Used:

Undertale OST 22 - Snowdin Town

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