The Price Of Love

By The_Blue_Things

564 89 37

I, Ella Rose, has been through hell and back. Though it only gets worst for me when I encounter this magnific... More

1-Hopeless Romance
2-Lilacs And Graveyards Don't Mix
3-Tips Break
5-A Panicking Date
6-Long Nights and Super Tights
7-A Promised Date
9-News Drool
10-Not A Dream
13-A Spring Plan
14-A Day To Forget
17-Addison's Advice
18-The Burnt House
19-Quest For Love


11 1 0
By The_Blue_Things

Price Of Love


You know the feeling? Of being abandoned, like stranded on an island. Well, that's exactly how I feel.

I found the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. It was quite easy really. I remember my dad teaching me how to connect the stars. Of course that was before my dad cheated on my mom and then joined the army out of guilt.

I check my phone a few times before finally believing I had been on top of the Eiffel Tower for three hours with no signs of Evan.

I try getting up, but it was no use. My limbs were useless. It was either that or I was too mesmerized my the stars in the clear sky or that I might of just broke all my bones as I blacked out.

I feel my chest feeling compressing at every breath I take. My palms begin to sweat. It gets harder to function as my vision blurs.



"Ella, stay with me okay?" I whisper to her as I adjust my arm under her head so that she might be more comfortable. I cross the street, careful not to drop her. I jog down the sidewalk, hoping to find a cab, or at least a sign telling me where the nearest hospital.

Suddenly, a body stops me. I look up and it's a towering young woman. She says, "Ça va?"

Unfortunately, I didn't read a French 1 textbook before I was invited to travel to this native country. "Umm....the hospital?"

The woman cocks her head to the side, "Le hôpital?"

Not knowing what she said, I nod. The woman smiles and points left. "Voila!"

"Merci," I say quickly and start jogging once again. I glance down at Ella, making sure she's alright. I see her stir, so I adjust her so her head leans on my chest.

"Mm..." I hear her mumble faintly.

"It's going to be okay..." I mutter to myself, "It must."

When I approach the hospital, two stubby ladies take her from me.

"She is going to be okay," says the one woman. I shake my head, not believing a single word. Deep down, I know that this might be first time she will never wake up again.

As I waited in the waiting room, I text in the group chat;

Evan: Ella is in the hospital! Just use IPhone Finder and get here fast!"

No response.

I sent out another text:

Evan: are you guys coming yet????!?!?

No response.

I slump in my seat, I expect way more from her friends.



I feel some sort of heat on my cheeks, so my eyes flutter open. I immediately squint due to the bright light blinding me. I hear a few whispers, but I can barely tell who they came from and what they were about.

I had a feeling I was in the hospital again. My prediction is confirmed when I hear the familiar steady beat of my blood pressure. I try to regain my vision, but everything is so blurry.

I made out a few machinery, the bed, a few filled waiting chairs, and that was all. I sit up in the bed, careful not to sit up too fast. "Ella?"

I turn towards the voice, feeling my breath hitch. Sure enough, it was the green-eyed blonde. "Why are you here?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Evan asks, looking a bit worried. I bite the inside of my cheek and stare at him for a few moments.

"You left me..." I trail off, the pieces of memory floating back to me. Each piece making the picture clearer and clearer. My eyes widen, he did leave me! That little....

I can't believe I was ready for us! I wanted us, and he just back stabs me like that? How did I even like this guy?! He has such a nerve...

"Ella, I swear I was there the whole time." Evan begins, "You must believe me I-"

I sigh, "go."

"What?" He asks, seeming to not hear me.

"Go, that means stay the hell out of my life. I needed you, you weren't there. I only asked for you to be there. Why would I want to be with you if you can't even do that?!" I explain to him, trying to stay calm. I couldn't help but add some bitterness. Evan stares blankly at me for what seemed like a while, before he looks cross and leaves. I watch him leave, wondering if he would ever look back.

When the door closes, I hear another guest stir. I try to make out the features, but the hot pink hair was driving my vision to the ground. Wait....HOT PINK!

"Allysa?" I question, she blinks a few times, before jumping at me and squeezing me to death. "" I say between gasps.

"Mmmm..." I hear Addison. Allysa lets me go and we watch as Addison wakes. Once we all had our little reunion, Allysa and Addison explain what had happened after the café.

Allysa begins, "I followed her all the way to the lake and-"

"She hugs me!" Giggles Addison before receiving a playful pout from Allysa.

"I hugged her back and-" Allysa cuts Addison off, "we kissed!"

We all look at one another before bursting out laughing. I never would of thought you could love your enemy. We all enter a group hug before spending the rest of the visitor hours, gossiping and preparing for our flight home the next morning.

Stay Pricey-K

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