The Walking Remix

By The_Walking_Remix

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What if the Walking Dead had happened differently? What if the group was just kids, instead of mainly adults... More

Major Editing Notice
Yet another notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
The second book is out!

Chapter 40

108 2 0
By The_Walking_Remix

After an hour or two of walking, Tyler, Venus, Kyle, Allena and Scarlett made it to the military base. They decided to bring Bear with them. One reason being he wanted to come, and he would probably help to find Fawn. Once they got even close, they hid behind a few trees.
"Okay, so how should we do this?" Venus asked.
"Should all of us go?" Scarlett suggested.
"I don't know about that... We might make a little to much noise." Kyle replied.
"Yeah. We really should be quiet." Tyler added.
"Well, who should go?" Scarlett asked. They thought about it for a minute.
"Allena." Tyler answered.
"Me?!" She asked.
"Yep." Tyler said.
"WHAT?! You're wanting her to go? NO. Juuuust NO. It's bad enough that Fawn went to talk to me when I got stuck in that other group a few weeks ago, so you're NOT sending Allena out there!... I'll go." Kyle exclaimed.
"Uhhh dude?" Tyler asked.
"What is it?" Kyle asked slightly annoyed.
"There's actually a reason why I chose her over you... You see, if she got caught by someone on either the military or the Panda People's side, she'd have a better chance of getting them to let her go. We all know that her first reaction would be to reason with them. And... Well... She's a little bit nicer than you are..." Tyler explained.
"I almost hate to say it, but, Tyler's right!... For once in his life. And besides, if anything bad were to happen, we'll hear her. So... Do you want to go Allena?" Venus added.
"Uh.... Would I get hurt...?" She asked nervously.
"I doubt it. If you would, one of us would go with you." Venus replied. Allena thought about it.
"Okay... I guess." She answered reluctantly.
"What?! I didn't agree to this!" Kyle cried.
"I'll be fine Kyle. Don't worry." Allena told him. Kyle looked at her for a second.
"Don't get hurt. Okay? I could never afford to lose you. Especially not now." He said a little sternly.
"I won't." She replied smiling. Then she got up and left. After about ten seconds, Bear followed her. The two of them were walking for about five minutes, whenever Bear started barking.
"Bear! You have to be quiet! I'm going to get caught!" Allena said to him, even though she knew she couldn't talk to animals like Fawn and Scarlett. But Bear didn't listen, instead, he ran off at full speed.
"Bear!!" Allena exclaimed. Then she just ran after him. She was running for close to a minute, when she tripped over a tree root.
"WOAH!" She screamed before she fell. "Oh no..." She thought a moment later, afraid that someone had heard her, and she didn't want to know what the consequence would be.  But when she looked up, she saw two panda people. One who was just a little older than her, and an older one in his thirties pointing a gun at her.
"Um....." She said very nervously.
"Tell us kid. Are you from the military?" The older one asked coldly.
"N-No. I-I'm not I-" she stuttered. But got cut off by the teen.
"Oh wow. You really think an eleven year old would be in the military. Geez." He said sarcastically. He also had an accent, it was Logan.
"Um, I'm actually 13, if you really even care. Sure, I'm short but..." Allena corrected him quietly.
"Oh. Thirteen then." Logan repeated to the other man.
"That's still old enough. And in case you haven't noticed, the world has went into chaos. Anyone can do anything they want. We can't trust her." The man explained.
"Please... I'm not from the military, I swear. Don't kill me... I was just looking for one of my friends. She's a panda person, like you guys." Allena said shakily. She was still quite scared.
Then Logan helped her up.
"Logan..." The man began.
"Oh hush it Troy, she's innocent. Or so I think...." Logan retorted.
"Alright! But if you get killed, remember that you're in charge of a group here!" The man named Troy exclaimed annoyed. Then he left.
"Thanks..." Allena said shyly.
"Yeah whatever. Just make it quick. Who are you looking for?" Logan replied.
"W-wait, you're going to help me?" Allena asked shocked.
"Sure, why not?" He answered flatly.
"Well, it's a girl named Fawn... She's almost thirteen, so probably around your age, and she came here with a dog. Also, the boss of this place is her aunt I think..." Allena explained.
"Oh. HER." Logan groaned.
"What?" Allena asked confused. She didn't know it was Logan.
"I have to share a room with her, and she's SO ANNOYING!" Logan cried.
"Is your name Logan?" Allena asked.
"Yeah. Why do you care?" He said sarcastically.
"Oh, no reason!" Allena exclaimed.
"Here, I'll help you look." Logan said, then he started walking. But before Allena followed, Bear came back.
"There you are. Please don't run off like that!" She whispered as she pet him a little.
"Yo kid! Let's go!" Logan said annoyed.
"Sorry!" Allena replied. Then she followed him.
"So... Who came with you here?" Logan asked.
"Me, a girl named Venus, my brother Kyle, he's Fawn's boyfriend, A little-" Allena began.
"Woah woah woah- Holdup squirt, BOYFRIEND?" Logan asked amazed.
"Yep, and-"
"BOYFRIEND?! Fawn, FAWN, has a boyfriend?!" Logan asked, confused.
"For the last time, yes-"
"But- but who would want to date T-THAT?! That animal loving, annoying little-"
"Just letting you know," Allena cut off. "My brother can get a little, well... How do I put this... Overprotective when someone does something to Fawn or I, and he's not too far away from here, so-" Allena said, getting ticked off at how he was talking about Fawn.
"Jeez..." She thought. "Fawn was RIGHT about him."
"Okay, okay, I get it. Now what where you saying?" Logan asked.
"Oh yeah, I came with Kyle, Venus, Tyler, and Fawns little sister, Scarlett." Allena explained.
"Cool. I seriously have no idea where she is... HECK, I don't even know where my own sister is!!" Logan exclaimed.
"You have a sister?" Allena asked.
"Yep. She's 8. I told her she should fight, to get practice defending herself later on, being a panda person and all." Logan said.
"WHAT?! She's 8, and you made her fight, IN THIS?! Dude, I saw at least 5 dead panda people all over so far, you should really figure out where she is!" Allena fumed.
"Eh, I'll find her eventually. How much trouble can she be in?" Logan said flatly.
"You'll find her EVENTUALLY?! Geez dude! She could DIE. You know what, forget it." Allena said angrily. "It's not like I'm getting past your huge ego anyways." She muttered afterwards.
So the two of them kept walking for five more minutes in silence, when Bear started to get a little sketchy.
"What is it Bear?" Allena asked. Bear barked at her and then started to go faster to the right.
"Does that dog have mental problems?" Logan asked.
"Oh shut it. Just follow me, I think he's trying to tell us something." Allena replied annoyed.
"He's a dog, how can he-" Logan began to ask.
"Seriously, do you have to be a jerk about EVERYTHING?!" Allena cried. Then she began to follow Bear.
But when the three of them got there, they were absolutely shocked about what they saw. Fawn had gotten shot again.
"Dang..." Logan said with a low whistle.
"Fawn..." Allena said quietly. Logan looked at Allena, and saw she was going rather pale.
"Are you okay kid? You're really pale." He asked her, actually just a little concerned for once in his life.
"Oh... I-I'm okay I just... I-I don't handle blood very well." Allena lied, not wanting to tell him she had a tendency to faint.
"Okay then. So, what are you going to do?" Logan asked.
"I think we should go back and tell my friends." Allena replied.
"We? I didn't say anything about me coming!" Logan exclaimed.
"But, won't I get killed if I got caught by someone?" She asked afraid.
"Perhaps. And besides, I have other business to attend to." He answered, not seeming to care.
"Tell me one of them is finding your sister!" She cried.
"Uh, maybe." Logan said.
"You jerk..." Allena muttered, wanting to cry. Then Logan left, and Allena was left alone with Bear. Bear was right beside Fawn, as if he was trying to get her to wake up.
"Forget it Bear..." Allena said really sadly. "She's not gonna wake up for a while, or... M-maybe never..." She added. "Fawn, please still be alive." She thought afterwards. Then she left to go find the other four, and tell them what had happened. Bear stayed with Fawn, hoping that he could wake her up. Five minutes later, Allena found the group.
"Allena! There you are! I was starting to get worried!" Kyle exclaimed.
"What happened? Didn't you find Fawn?" Tyler asked. Allena was about to tell them, but then she realized, she didn't even know if Fawn was alive.
"Oh no... How can I tell them? Especially Scarlett..." She thought nervously. So she said nothing.
"Allena? Are you okay?" Scarlett asked.
"N-no... I just don't know how to tell you guys..." She said quietly.
"How would you not know how to-" Tyler began to ask, but cut himself off after Kyle shot him a look. Then Venus walked over to Allena.
"Would it help if you just told one of us?" She asked.
"Yeah... I think so." Allena replied.
"Here, you can tell me, I'm your brother." Kyle said as he walked off with Allena.
"So... What's up? Did you find Fawn?" He asked concerned.
"Well... Kind of... She... She..." Allena tried to say.
"She what?" Kyle asked again.
"She... She got... Shot." Allena finally said, almost crying.
"WHAT?!" Kyle yelled, worried. The rest of the group heard this and walked over to them.
"We heard you yell Kyle, what happened?" Tyler asked.
"Fawn got shot, this time in the stomach... And I... I don't think she survived this time. She didn't look like she was breathing." Allena said really sadly. The group gasped.
"Well where is she?!" Kyle demanded. "We NEED to find her, even if she's not... Not... You know. We can't just leave her!" Kyle said anxiously.
"I'll lead the way I guess!" Allena said as the group followed her.
"Just a question, where's Bear?" Venus asked.
"He stayed with Fawn, I don't think he understood that she, you know, wasn't... Um.." Allena tried to say.
"Breathing?" Tyler asked. Kyle shot him a death glare.
"...Don't... Say that... Ever." Kyle said angrily.
"I think that this is where she was... Oh Fawn..." Allena said. The group saw Fawn. Scarlett ran up to her.
"N-no... Fawn... She, she can be... D-dead..." She said crying. All of a sudden, Marly, the girl who Fawn saved, ran up to the group.
"H-hi. H-have you seen my brother, he, he said he'd look for me but I don't see him anywhere... Oh my gosh, FAWN!!!" She yelled and ran up to her.
"Wait... You know Fawn?" Scarlett asked.
"Yeah..." Marly said. "She saved me from a man that was trying to kill me... She saved my life. And now... She's... She's dead." Marly cried.
"Wait... Do you by any chance know a boy named Logan?" Allena asked.
"WHY DOES THAT MATTER RIGHT NOW?!" Kyle asked annoyed.
"Believe me... It does." Allena said.
"Yeah, he's my brother." Marly said.
"... Jerk..." Allena said under her breath.
"He's your brother? Man, I feel bad." Tyler said to Marly.
"Really, WHY does Logan matter right now?!" Kyle asked Allena.
"Well... Believe it or not he... He helped me find Fawn." She answered.
"HE helped you find Fawn?!" Venus asked.
"Where is he now?" Marly asked.
"Uh... I don't know. After we found Fawn he kinda just left me here..." Allena explained.
"He left you here?! Seriously, he IS a jerk! You could've gotten killed, and he just LEFT You here. Good grief." Kyle said angrily.
"Hey, Allena... Did you figure if Fawn was breathing or anything before you came to find us?" Venus asked her.
"No... I was... This is gonna stupid but... I was to scared to check. I didn't want to find out, I just wanted to have some hope that she was alive..." She answered shamefully. 
"That's okay, Don't feel bad. I was just thinking... We don't know if she's dead." Venus said.
"She got shot in the stomach Venus. I'm pretty sure she's dead. If she didn't die from that bullet, then she has definitely bled to death by now. She could've been here for a day!" Tyler said glumly.
"TYLER! Do you EVER. KNOW WHEN. TO SHUT UP!" Kyle yelled.
"Apparently not!" Tyler exclaimed.
"Poor Fawn... I can't believe that stupid Logan dude didn't even stick around and watch over her, I mean, she's 12! She's not 30! And now she might be... Dead..." Kyle said sadly. Everyone looked over to see that Scarlett was crying over by Fawn, and Bear was whimpering next to Scarlett. Allena walked over to her.
"Hey Scar... I'm really sorry about Fawn. But she'll be okay." Allena said kindly.
"How can she be okay? Isn't she dead?" Scarlett asked through tears.
"Well... Perhaps not. She survived last time! And... I-if not... She's in a better place... And like I said before, you'll always have the rest of the group. Especially me." She added comfortingly.
"Thanks Allena... Do you think she's still alive?" She asked.
"I hope. But I haven't checked... Sorry..." Allena answered.
"Oh..." Scarlett said really sadly.
"Speaking of that, I'm checking to see if Fawn's alive, I'm freaking out." Kyle added. Then he checked Fawn's pulse.
"Oh... My god... OH MY GOD." He exclaimed after about 10 seconds. Allena ran over to him.
"What happened?!" She asked anxiously.
"SHE'S ALIVE I SWEAR." He yelled.
"SERIOUSLY?!" Allena asked shocked.
"Yes!" He repeated.
"Dude are you SERIOUS?!" Tyler asked happily.
"I SWEAR TO GOD YES!" Kyle exclaimed looking happily at Fawn.
"F-Fawn!!" Scarlett said happily. Bear barked.
"Okay... Now that we know she IS alive... What do we do?" Venus asked concerned.
"Ohh.... Right... There's no hospital for miles, were literally in the middle of freaking no where!" Allena said worriedly.
"Oh no... What if she looses to much blood. If we try to bring her somewhere, it might take too long, she might not make it..." Kyle said sadly, thinking of an answer. All of a sudden the group heard a noise coming from in the bushes.
"Hello?" The voice called. The whole group was shocked to see that it was a man... In a military suit.
"Not now..." Kyle said worriedly, looking at the man.
"Look, were not here to cause any trouble. We're not panda people either." Tyler said as Scarlett quickly hid her ears behind her hair.
"Well than... What ARE you doing here? You do know that a huge attack just happened here. Loads of panda people dead. Just like that one." The man said pointing to Fawn. Kyle made what sounded like a low growl at this remark.
"... She's not-" Kyle began to say but quickly was shut up by Allena poking him hard in the side.
"Wait a second..." Scarlett said out loud, looking at the man. "Are- are you-" She began to say looking at the man.
"... Scarlett... Shhh..." Tyler said worriedly.
"Scarlett?" The man asked looking at Scarlett.
"Mr. Williams?" Scarlett asked putting her panda ears back up.
"Waiiiit... What's going on?" Venus asked confused.
"I know him!" Scarlett said pointing at the man. "He's from Forestville, where me and Fawn used to live!" She exclaimed.
"Long time no see..." Mr. Williams said. "The only reason I'm working here is because the village was attacked by zombies... Loads of people were bitten, all of my animals are gone... I had to get a new job, so I chose here! I'm not really killing panda people, more so secretly saving them!" He said.
"Oh no..." Scarlett said. "The village..."
"Just a question... Where's your sister?" Mr. William asked. "She'll be happy to know all my animals are free." He added afterwards. Scarlett said nothing. There was dead silence for about 10 seconds when Scarlett finally said something.
"She... She got shot." She said sadly. "That's her right there."
"That's her?! Wow, I would have never noticed. Wait, SHE WAS SHOT?!" He said startled. The group nodded.
"Yeah... Wait a minute... If you're trying to help panda people, do you know if there are any medical supplies around here...?" Allena asked shyly.
"Well, there has to be some around here somewhere kid. But sure I'll help you guys. But just saying, the stuff here might not be enough, you might want to get to a hospital." Mr.Williams answered.
"Well, let's go!" Tyler said as he started to walk away." As the group followed, Allena looked back at Marly, who was still standing there silently. She immediately felt bad, worrying that Marly might get hurt.
"Hey... Do you know when this attack is over?" She asked her.
"Yeah... In about a week." Marly answered. Allena thought about it for a moment.
"Well... Instead of staying here, do you want to come with us until it's over? I can get you back here later." Allena suggested kindly.
"I dunno... What about Logan?" Marly asked.
"Serves him right for leaving you here alone! And besides, I think it would be fun to scare him a little, you know, just teach him a lesson!" She answered.
"Well... Okay. But please can you bring me back after?" Marly agreed.
"I swear." Allena repeated.
"Okay. Thank you so much. I'm really scared about this fight." Marly replied.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happens to you." She assured Marly.
"Thanks..." Marly replied.
Then they left.

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